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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4425 on: April 12, 2018, 08:26:11 AM »
 So...Reboot: Guardian Code. It's just as terrible as I expected, though the new guy playing Megabyte does a damn good Tony Jay impression.

Unfortunately, despite being a sequel series, this show has next to nothing to do with the original show. And the human scenes are some of the Cringiest, early-Saban crap I've ever seen.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4426 on: April 12, 2018, 08:05:00 PM »
It takes 10 episodes for the new Reboot to finally go back to Mainframe (where Hexadecimal, with her original voice actress; Dot; Enzo; & Bob are). Episode 10 of a 10 episode 1st batch. -_-

It was cool to see Mainframe again & to FINALLY see a Game Cube in this series. Unfortunately, that's when the show decides to insult the fans of the original series by finally revealing the identity of The User in an incredibly insulting way.

If you're going to watch this series, just watch Episode 10 & be done with it.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4427 on: April 12, 2018, 08:31:58 PM »
Before I watch episode 1 and 10 I am going to guess the user is you. They are going to go Kindergarten show to prompt some physical moment from you so you can save mainframe or some ****.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4428 on: April 13, 2018, 07:28:12 AM »
Before I watch episode 1 and 10 I am going to guess the user is you. They are going to go Kindergarten show to prompt some physical moment from you so you can save mainframe or some ****.

Oh, I DEFINITELY think Mainframe thinks the show's original User is us. But cmon...think "more insulting" than Blues Clues.

Think balding, middle-aged man-child living in his parent's basement who is obsessed with the original Reboot show & hasn't been able to move on in life in 20 years.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 09:25:21 AM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4429 on: April 13, 2018, 11:33:37 AM »
The Expanse is back and it immediately did a quick flyby through the system recapping various points and then got right back to business. The tension this show operates in is almost constant now.

Things may not be getting better storywise for the characters, but it is just moving onward anyway.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4430 on: April 13, 2018, 01:11:59 PM »
Before I watch episode 1 and 10 I am going to guess the user is you. They are going to go Kindergarten show to prompt some physical moment from you so you can save mainframe or some ****.

Oh, I DEFINITELY think Mainframe thinks the show's original User is us. But cmon...think "more insulting" than Blues Clues.

Think balding, middle-aged man-child living in his parent's basement who is obsessed with the original Reboot show & hasn't been able to move on in life in 20 years.

Holy **** ****. What a **** you to the past fans after already wreaking the awesome mythology with the premise. One of the best idea it had was that the User was an inexplicable unseen God that rarely intervenes good or bad on a whim which was a pretty deep idea out of the gate.

Every single time humans are on screen I can't help but cringe. What is going on with mainframe and everyone in it? Bob did his thing verbatim which is a slap in the face. Vera got creepy fast, I don't know why they did what they did. In a weird way she was the only one that could act.

A hard recommendation to only watch episode 1 and 10 if you do. I don't know what is in-between this **** sandwich and I don't want to know the hard way.

I know OG reboot started as a kids show but the makers had other intentions which elevated it beyond Saturday morning cereal without alienating or pandering to anyone. It was a legit good clever show anybody could appreciate.

I don't know who whatever this is is made for. Even as a kid I would have been pretty insulted by this by treating kids as idiots not worthy of better entertainment. If you're going to make Power Rangers just make Power Rangers. Power Rangers knew what it was and if you watched it you were in on the joke.

What a sad state of affairs
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4431 on: April 13, 2018, 02:17:20 PM »
Before I watch episode 1 and 10 I am going to guess the user is you. They are going to go Kindergarten show to prompt some physical moment from you so you can save mainframe or some ****.

Oh, I DEFINITELY think Mainframe thinks the show's original User is us. But cmon...think "more insulting" than Blues Clues.

Think balding, middle-aged man-child living in his parent's basement who is obsessed with the original Reboot show & hasn't been able to move on in life in 20 years.

Holy **** ****. What a **** you to the past fans after already wreaking the awesome mythology with the premise. One of the best idea it had was that the User was an inexplicable unseen God that rarely intervenes good or bad on a whim which was a pretty deep idea out of the gate.

Every single time humans are on screen I can't help but cringe. What is going on with mainframe and everyone in it? Bob did his thing verbatim which is a slap in the face. Vera got creepy fast, I don't know why they did what they did. In a weird way she was the only one that could act.

A hard recommendation to only watch episode 1 and 10 if you do. I don't know what is in-between this **** sandwich and I don't want to know the hard way.

I know OG reboot started as a kids show but the makers had other intentions which elevated it beyond Saturday morning cereal without alienating or pandering to anyone. It was a legit good clever show anybody could appreciate.

I don't know who whatever this is is made for. Even as a kid I would have been pretty insulted by this by treating kids as idiots not worthy of better entertainment. If you're going to make Power Rangers just make Power Rangers. Power Rangers knew what it was and if you watched it you were in on the joke.

What a sad state of affairs

And on top of ALL THAT, there are also MASSIVE continuity problems that come into play since Ep. 10 established that this IS a sequel series. Errors such as...

1.) Why are Hexadecimal, Bob, Dot, Enzo, & Frisket the only sentient beings still in Mainframe? Where are Phong, Mouse, Matrix, AndrAIa, Mike the TV, Hack, Slash, Cecil, and the Binomes?
2.) Why does Bob look like Season 1 Bob instead of his Season 4 design?
3.) Why does Enzo's shirt list him as version 01 when he should be version 10?
4.) Why does Hexadecimal have her Seasons 1-3 design rather than her creepy human Season 4 design?
5.) WHY IS HEXADECIMAL ALIVE? That was KIND of a plot point in Season 4!
6.) When we last left Mainframe, Megabyte had taken over & was hunting down the rest of Mainframe. So...why does Mainframe look like Season 1 now (include Megabyte's Toure, which was destroyed at the end of Season 3 when the User rebooted the system)?
7.) In the original series, "The Web" was this hellish, crippling wasteland of black tentacle monsters. However, in THIS series the Web is shown to be this Apple Clean blue information superhighway where everything's fine. Are the makers seriously saying the Internet's gotten LESS dangerous since the 90s?

This should have been a sequel to Superhuman Samurai Sybersquad, not Reboot.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 02:30:23 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4432 on: April 13, 2018, 08:02:38 PM »
Roseanne reboot/season 10 anyone?

I just got through episode 4. I wasn't sure if I was going to get into this show. I was such a huge fan of the original series.

I think they are completely ignoring so many plot developments from the original series it's kind of sickening. There is just too much they are ignoring for throw away Trump jokes.
I can't stop watching and this week was the first episode it really felt like the old show, almost, but it still dropped the ball.

I have issues with it but I still keep watching. Not sure how long that will last though.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4433 on: April 18, 2018, 06:18:36 AM »
This should have been a sequel to Superhuman Samurai Sybersquad, not Reboot.
I had to look this up as the name was too ridiculous to be a thing. I was wrong.

I am watching Reboot again which was meant to be a palette cleanser but I might as well watch the whole thing. I am still spotting new references and anachronisms. Anachronisms isn't a bad thing in this case as they serve the story and universe. Without it it would be very hard to write a story and as long as they keep it internally consistent it's fine.

The big obvious example of this right from the start is the Gamecube time difference is impossible to reconcile unless the User run as fast as the computer. However it's internally consistent. It's like their version of special/relativity combined with how each computer should have a different clock speeds which should result in massive time and mental differences. But it's fine if you don't apply "Our" physics to theirs which is governed by entirely different universal constants and like our universe has counter intuitive rules.

It's impossible to reconcile everything so you are better off discarding things like clock speed being tied to intelligence as it is never brought up again and too troublesome to ever work. Would you go somewhere that makes you dumb? Or stepping into a slower system in for even a moment would cause everything or one you love die?

Far better clock speed is the RPM of a system when it comes to generating power to maintain environmental conditions which is a constant which means more power results in more spacetime or ability to power more buildings. Its an interesting thought exercise and a bridge to how to understand our own universe.

Anyway Supergirl is back and its good. It thankfully does a quick recap of the last half. What is the deal with so many half seasons these days? You usually make an entire season before going on break which is super useful to maintain viewer momentum. Entire seasons is now the exception, not the rule.

LOL DEO security always. Anybody can get into an armoury which is less secure than a janitor closest and walk out with a gun which has enough in that one room to take on the city police and win. It's a pistol but what the hell. Doesn't even have external sensors so every time someone kicks down their door they are always caught by surprise. Not helped that they are in a sky rise with a giant unshielded window just so villains to burst into the control centre which they never fail to do.

The other what has to be a running joke is it is easier to ask who doesn't know Kara is Supergirl.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 06:20:54 AM by oohhboy »
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4434 on: April 18, 2018, 10:41:33 PM »
The big obvious example of this right from the start is the Gamecube time difference is impossible to reconcile unless the User run as fast as the computer. However it's internally consistent. It's like their version of special/relativity combined with how each computer should have a different clock speeds which should result in massive time and mental differences. But it's fine if you don't apply "Our" physics to theirs which is governed by entirely different universal constants and like our universe has counter intuitive rules.

To Reboot's credit, the writers actually do address this in Season 3 when Enzo ages rapidly into his adult form from many cycles within the games. They actually state that the games compile faster than the normal systems.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4435 on: April 25, 2018, 01:08:02 AM »
To Reboot's credit, the writers actually do address this in Season 3 when Enzo ages rapidly into his adult form from many cycles within the games. They actually state that the games compile faster than the normal systems.
It's internally consistent but it should be the other way around where it's faster outside/slower inside if you take the logical path with "Us" in the equaltion. Narratively the choice they made is much better. Most of the representations of their world compared to ours is straight up wrong but doesn't matter as the computer setting is what is important and it's internal consistency.

Bad shows have poor to no internal consistency, constantly making **** up to get out of the corner cause by the last bit of BS they made up. Even comedy not matter how absurd has rules but part of it can be breaking them in a clever way like breaking our social norms. The big one off the top of my head is the Chapel show with the black white supremacist who has a racist friend that catered to his racism to extraordinary lengths. It breaks just about every racial norms and I just can't stop laughing.

Anyway AoS, still ehh for most of the episode but it ends in quite a shocker. Reminded me of Powers(Super hero show) where they had such a low budget they used stupid amounts of blood as that was really cheap compared to any other special effects they could do.

I think Coulson had pulled that play before with with someone else regarding Talbot but it was effective acted stage play. FFS secret intelligence organizations really need to learn that locks on doors exists and the best place to use them is your armoury just behind your front door and ahead of your computers. Gemma and Fritz have fallen off their high spot as they have lost the ability to make choices which is funny given to what they are subscribing to right now.

Altered Carbon. Damn good show I highly recommend to anybody into sci-fi. The only thing I don't like about it is his back story which they do need but is done so boringly and a bit head in ass.

WestWorld Season 2. More than equals the first season with some cute little things that are there both to satisfy the fans a little but also flips off them for readings between the lines to the point of BS and being toxic. Had a good dig at China which I personally appreciated.

Every cast member from season 1 has had a bump in acting ability which they will need to fill Ford's death as he easily stole every scene even if he was just standing around. Not to say everyone else wasn't good as they were a Tour De Force. It was such a high level of acting I never thought possible from anyone and the ease of how they did it.

OG Reboot: Still holds up nicely with no new epsiodes souring if they weren't good or had a point before. Prime example is Where No Sprite Has Gone Before. Icons and Number 7 make it redundant and not much more than a Star Trek spoof that would have made for a half baked real Trek episode.

Enzo the Smart is another bad episode while funny it was crazy Phong would endanger the system so much just to teach Enzo a lesson that doesn't really take. Thankfully Phong doesn't pull something that stupid ever again.

Those special moments still hit as hard as ever.
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4436 on: April 25, 2018, 04:33:03 AM »
Altered Carbon was quite enjoyable. I really liked it too. I had a few niggles with how they could have played with the premise a bit more (and how you could tell the producers pulled back from really "going there" with it), but in all i liked it.

Westworld - Some good shows experience an upgrade in acting quality as the actors and writers settle more into their roles. It also helps that in the credits there was several "new" crew members, all of which worked on Person of Interest. Having the same talent that made that show work so well on board WW only will help here.

I do need ohhboyy to start on The Expanse. It's a fantastic series, and definitely one of the ones i look forward to seeing return each year. It's slow world-building has paid off brilliantly.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4437 on: April 25, 2018, 08:10:09 AM »
I will give the Expanse another shot but I bounced off hard and quick late time, barely stopped just pass the prologue. It dumps you with weak world building by torture which isn't endearing, cool, badass or earned. It didn't even really setup the premise.

Going to watch the newest episode of Supergirl. If someone busts into DEO again I am going to take a long face palm especially if it is through the windows.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4438 on: April 25, 2018, 09:09:11 AM »
I will give the Expanse another shot but I bounced off hard and quick late time, barely stopped just pass the prologue. It dumps you with weak world building by torture which isn't endearing, cool, badass or earned. It didn't even really setup the premise.

It takes a whole season and a half for that world building to actually amount to something.  It takes a long and deliberate route to setup different factions across different areas before it starts playing with them. When that happens it all feels organic and not because "The Plot demands Barry be irritating again this week".

That and its battle scenes are the most tense things i've seen on TV since Late-DS9 and BSG.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4439 on: April 25, 2018, 09:36:33 PM »
I am not sure whether the DEO getting trashed again counts as it came from the inside. Half a face palm I guess but then a full one for such awful security again. Good episode otherwise with some funny self awareness in the opening.

*Everyone stares at Kara as she starts striping to fly off to an emergency, slowly undoing the buttons* "What? I like this shirt".
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4440 on: May 01, 2018, 07:39:43 PM »
The Avatar: The Last Airbender BluRay set came out today (early Best Buy exclusive), a BluRay that Nickelodeon originally said they were never going to do because "the assets didn't exist anymore." Well, now that I've seen the show in 1080p, I can firmly declare...that they were completely correct, because the show looks like fuzzy garbage. This is clearly an upscale of the original DVD files rather than a native 1080p render. Granted, it's still far better than the DVD looked due to less compression & updated video Codecs and you do adjust to it after a few minutes, but man it's a disappointment seeing one of my all-time favorite shows look this blurry & washed-out.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4441 on: May 02, 2018, 02:09:02 AM »
Why are the assets gone? Did they toss them or lose them in a fire? Not an Avatar fan, but always a shame when we lose media sources.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4442 on: May 09, 2018, 11:23:01 PM »
I’m slowly getting through The Handmaid’s Tale. I can’t binge this show because I’m so uncomfortable after each episode which I think is the point. I’m glad I’m horrified because it’s proof that I’m not a sociopath. The other day my girlfriend and I watched an episode then put on Shrek on Netflix immediately after just to cleanse our palettes before starting the next episode.

Aunt Lydia definitely reminds me of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The character is a nightmare, but I can’t help but laugh every time she shows up. I don’t want to get into politics so I’ll just say, “Thanks, Michelle Wolf.â€

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4443 on: May 11, 2018, 07:40:38 AM »
The Expanse has been cancelled, which is incredibly annoying because the show has steadily improved from season 1 into this amazing place of permanent political and military tension that is completely earned and justified. Depending on how the final episode of the season/series goes, it will end the current book at least.

Hopefully another network will pick up the show like it truly deserves.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4444 on: May 11, 2018, 05:57:16 PM »
The Expanse has been cancelled, which is incredibly annoying because the show has steadily improved from season 1 into this amazing place of permanent political and military tension that is completely earned and justified. Depending on how the final episode of the season/series goes, it will end the current book at least.

Hopefully another network will pick up the show like it truly deserves.

It will have only finished the second book, though, right? The series is up to seven books now, with an eighth coming later this year, so they never had any hope of the show catching up and finishing, especially given some of what happens in the later books.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4445 on: May 12, 2018, 11:22:09 PM »
I just got to Season 6 of Shameless (U.S.). I have become so desensitized with this show nothing shocks me anymore.

I did some re-watching of 90's Roseanne. I know times have changed since then but I think she or the writers are ignoring basically everything but superficial references because there's so much that contradicts they original show it's getting to the point of being painful to watch.

I am not sure what to make of Last Man on Earth getting cancelled. I was just trying to get back into that show.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4446 on: May 13, 2018, 03:51:21 AM »
Blasphemy! New set(recycled), going outdoors and destroying actual vehicles and property?. A show with actual money to put on screen? Such indulgence. Advancing the plot? The horror!.

Coulson and May finally sealed the deal. It was hot but not the best place to do it.
That emo make up on Talbot, his costume looks like ass. Maximum Deak.

Archer is back. Haven't watched it yet. The last season wasn't really working being really, really far from it's original premise. Here's hoping for a much better season.

Westworld: Where is the swearing chick? I am Jonesing here. Dolores, Dolores, Dolores, what are we going to do with you. Poor Ted. Oh god that is so serious and funny messing with the hosts.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4447 on: May 14, 2018, 12:52:02 AM »
Speaking of Back Story: The series. Stargate Origins.

Holy **** the fan response is toxic. For all the talk about breaking continuity SGO doesn't and when it does it is tiny inconsequential details done for obvious budget restrictions. It sanitises itself to fit the continuity nicely while adding a touch more motivation for Catherine. Adjusting the curve for expected low budget it looks pretty good.
It's cheesy scenery chewing NAZI punching fun. It is constructed as well as the TV show matching the tone if the original had nazi to punch. While I wouldn't call it lovingly made it does take good care of the material maintaining good internal constancy. The well casted actors give it the same care clearly took some time to look up the show while maintaining likeable characters and Catherine is kickass. There is a couple themes and messages embedded with smart natural subtlety. The ending is fittingly bitter sweet.
It's no high watermark or anything and it is aware of that playing to the few strengths available to it. I would definitely recommend with some mild adjustments in expectations. As long as it stays as a one shot mini series it is a welcome addition.

To add some perspective, compared to the continuity shattering hatefully made insulting **** pile that is STD, SGO might as well be Nolan Trilogy Oscar material.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4448 on: May 14, 2018, 04:32:03 PM »
The Expanse has been cancelled, which is incredibly annoying because the show has steadily improved from season 1 into this amazing place of permanent political and military tension that is completely earned and justified. Depending on how the final episode of the season/series goes, it will end the current book at least.

Hopefully another network will pick up the show like it truly deserves.

It will have only finished the second book, though, right? The series is up to seven books now, with an eighth coming later this year, so they never had any hope of the show catching up and finishing, especially given some of what happens in the later books.

I 100% agree. Especially given that no SyFy-produced show has made it past 5 seasons in many years.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4449 on: May 14, 2018, 04:38:01 PM »
The Expanse has been cancelled, which is incredibly annoying because the show has steadily improved from season 1 into this amazing place of permanent political and military tension that is completely earned and justified. Depending on how the final episode of the season/series goes, it will end the current book at least.

Hopefully another network will pick up the show like it truly deserves.

It will have only finished the second book, though, right? The series is up to seven books now, with an eighth coming later this year, so they never had any hope of the show catching up and finishing, especially given some of what happens in the later books.

I 100% agree. Especially given that no SyFy-produced show has made it past 5 seasons in many years.

It's now sounding like there's hope of it being picked up by somebody else. And it wasn't actually SyFy producing it, they just aired it. The author of the books said the ninth would be the final one, so maybe there's a very slim chance they could get there if they find a good partner.
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