Author Topic: Rate the last TV show you've seen  (Read 1215814 times)

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3350 on: April 05, 2015, 10:42:16 PM »
Flash got good.

I don't understand why Barry has figured out that he has the ability to time travel, but still seems confused about how his blood appeared at his mother's crime scene.

But it's good.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3351 on: April 06, 2015, 11:23:19 PM »
Flash got good.

I don't understand why Barry has figured out that he has the ability to time travel, but still seems confused about how his blood appeared at his mother's crime scene.

But it's good.

I think Barry understands he is going to get a chance...but Barry can't think 4th dimension-ally yet.  So, he believes that with this new knowledge that he HAS gone back in time that he can use it to change the outcome...but he probably already had that knowledge because he goes back in time after he finds out he can.  Or did he...

Perhaps that is entirely a different Barry than the current timeline Barry...because the Reverse Flash sped up the time table of the creation of the Particle accelerator...which means the Barry that traveled in time the FIRST time might, not have been the same Barry.  Confusing I know.

This is why time travel stories need to be very carefully handled.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3352 on: April 12, 2015, 09:10:05 PM »
Well, I've watched the leaked first 4 episodes of Game of Thrones' Season 5's going to be a long wait for the rest of the season. To those watching the series as it airs, enjoy.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3353 on: April 12, 2015, 09:19:22 PM »
Those are in my queue, but they have to wait till the Daredevil marathon is complete.

I'm about to start ep8 hopefully soon.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3354 on: April 12, 2015, 10:11:40 PM »
Well, I've watched the leaked first 4 episodes of Game of Thrones' Season 5's going to be a long wait for the rest of the season. To those watching the series as it airs, enjoy.

I soured on GoT last year but I'm trying to get back into it. Watched the premier of Season 5 and I really haven't changed my mind. I hope it gets good  (for me) again but there are other shows out there that have my attention now.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3355 on: April 14, 2015, 01:24:08 PM »
First two episodes down, and Daredevil is my favorite new television show. I'm glad they went the route that he simply begins whooping ass and developing his back story later. It allowed the show to start off at a quick pace.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3356 on: April 15, 2015, 06:51:07 AM »
The last episode of The Flash was mostly a filler.  Moved the plot forward, and was fun...but essentially a letdown.  I think they are spending a lot of time one the who is The Reverse Flash, and it is interesting, but ultimately they seem to be wasting valuable season 1 time. 

Also, I am really frustrated with what I call "The LOST flaw."  Characters keeping really stupid secrets from each other that seem pointless and dangerous to keep.  Seriously, you are going to give up your relationship with the person you love, to POSSIBLY, MAYBE protect her...this goes for everyone on that team.  I wish Felicity could have talked some sense into about that with the Black Canary.  Because I completely understand the betrayal felt from Captain Lance.  I would turn on the Arrow also.  I would potentially shoot him on spot. 

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3357 on: April 15, 2015, 11:31:22 AM »
[Agents of SHIELD] was another good ep.

Skye is already getting a grip on her powers, her family has been put back together (in more ways than one), now Raina is "The Clairvoyant", and May's "The Cavalry" backstory ties nicely into Skye's being, and shows us that they really did have a plan back in Season 1.

It's amazing the turn around this show has had. Not to mention that Coulson has been working on something HUGE in the background, and it's likely to be the spin-off to AoS. Popular guess right now is The Secret Warriors.


I really like this show, but I have not made only made it halfway into ep12. I will finish it tonite, but slow pacing mixed with late starts (11pm....ish) means I didn't end up finishing it sooner.
I'm pretty sure I will end up watching it again before Jessica Jones later this year, but this show has been so good so far. I still miss MCD as Kingpin, but D'onofrio <sp> has done a good job. ONly thing it that up to this point, he doesn't have that menacing confident "don't **** with me" look. He always looks a little worried, possibly constipated look. Maybe he comes into it in the final 2 episodes, but I wouldn't know because I've been forced to start the episode too late at night to properly enjoy and finish them uninterrupted.


[The Flash]

I'll have to get into this more later, but **** is about to hit the fan. Ray is cheesy as ****.
Iris's BF sounds like a pussy and he could have made up anything to get her off his back. Also why can't some people just be happy? Why do you feel the need to throw everything away just because he is not sharing EVERYTHING with you on your schedule? Why can't he tell you when he is ready to talk? Sometimes there are things people don't want to share, regardless of how much they love you. Sometimes there are things you DON'T need to know, and you should be ok with that as long as they can assure you it isn't something crazy or dangerous (like he is a mass murdering cannibal that prefer the taste of baby flesh on a full moon night, or something along those lines). The man says he can't talk to you about it, it could be sensitive case material that he is bound not to share, but women gotta women. but whatever, this is the start of him down a dark path, so do what you gotta do Flash writers.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3358 on: April 15, 2015, 11:47:04 AM »
I gave both Arrow and the Flash a shot, but I just don't like either show.

The Arrow writers really, really want to write for Batman instead. Change the costume, swap out the girl for a butler and you have a bad version of Batman. Grim Dark this and Grim Dark that compounded with crazy poor lighting.

The Flash on the other hand has seriously awful "Drama" and the technobable is just bad. Makes me think back to the JLA cartoons and how good they are. Mark Hamill was nice, but came off wasted and needed more screen time while let loose to chew scenery.

Thunderbirds are Go.

Blah. This show is just schizophrenic. One moment it looks like bad CGI, the next it almost looks like classic TB, then you get awful mixed scenes. Over used the hell out of the countdown and in the first episode they have ready started reusing shots. Pacing was non-existent, at the rate they are going they are going to run out of disasters. Oh for **** sakes, there is bloody "Drama". It has no tension as they never have anything play out like they did in the original. The original Marionettes emote better and a lot more distinct. Unless there is a dramatic improvement with the next episode, I am out.

Danger 5 Season 1

And of course, KILL Hitler.

This is just wonderful. The amount of attention and effort to makes it look and feel 60's is stunning. It is delightfully asinine and surreal. Robots, diamond girls, dinosaurs, old school Thunderbird special effects, Hitler, sexism going both directions in equal measure, all played for laughs done straight.

Go watch this or I will use the sit down gun.

AOS coming from the break was stupid rough. I was hating everyone as everyone were completely off character despite the team having seen worst things happen. Simmons was the worse as she effectively loses her **** with her character completely disintegrating only to suddenly snap back. The writers are simply destroying her. With the last episode though the show finally pulled itself out of the hole it exploded itself into.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3359 on: April 15, 2015, 12:10:20 PM »
I started watching Powers, and I'm up through episode 7. The show's incredibly...OK. Wolf is a cool antagonist and Royale has potential, but there's just something about the show that's lacking that's keeping it from reaching higher. I'm not quite sure what that is, but it's missing. I like Ensign Ro as Retro Girl from an acting perspective, but she just looks ridiculous in that costume.

Also, this show is the perfect example of why no one can have a cool superhero show if it's not set in the Marvel or DC universes. Everyone in this show has a dorky superhero name, and "Powers" as a proper noun for mutants just sounds dumb.  And if you thought the Sony product placement in Amazing Spider-Man 2 and House of Cards was ridiculous, welcome to Powers! Here, everyone has a Vaio laptop; plays Infamous Second Son on their PS4s; and watches TV on their Sony Televisions!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 12:13:14 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3360 on: April 15, 2015, 03:26:57 PM »
[Agents of SHIELD] was another good ep.
and it's likely to be the spin-off to AoS. Popular guess right now is The Secret Warriors.

I was thinking it might have been something like he has been liaising with a certain gentleman about building an artificial intelligence program that operates in a version of Iron Man armour.

Speaking of which.  ONE WEEK TO GO!!!  I'm damn excited.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3361 on: April 15, 2015, 09:47:24 PM »
BlackNMild:  I enjoy the cheesy Ray.  I like the idea of an extremely likable but socially awkward Billionaire that does whatever he can for people to like him, however he just comes across as foolish.  That is funny.  Now, the sex jokes will out of place and dumb.

Now, I get why Iris is mad, but once Barry explained things to her, she should have backed off or been more supportive.  But, she didn't even tell him what Barry said, or show any signs that if he was dealing with harsh reality of being a cop...she could support him.  Instead she was selfish.  That doesn't mean everyone else is right.  They should be telling Iris to protect her.  Right now her being in the dark is extremely dangerous.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3362 on: April 16, 2015, 12:55:05 AM »
Hot Diggity. It's been awhile but when Arrow is on its game, it is great fun. Easily my favorite episode of season 3. It's great to see most of the cast being utilized so well (aside from Merlyn doing nothing). The flashbacks are still weak but at least an endgame and focus was presented there.

Frankly, I've felt things have been improving on the show from about the end of the Brick episodes when Oliver got back to Starling City from Nanda Parbat and then finally told Thea who he was. The show began to put a lot of characters back on track and started righting some of its wrongs from earlier in the season. While it hasn't always gone smoothly, it's gotten better and better and tonight is the first time it felt like the show of last year and even last half of season 1.

And thank you Ray Palmer for asking how many abandoned warehouses Starling City has. Sure, the show doesn't answer it or other questions (like the S.T.A.R. labs holding cells) but I do like that it at least seems to be showing an awareness of its faults which means it should be on the minds of the writers too and hopefully they'll continue to improve things. Still, very entertaining. Now hurry up and take over the League of Assassin's Oliver. Just do it.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3363 on: April 16, 2015, 03:11:36 AM »
I finished Daredevil

I just want to say that I enjoyed all of it, except the final suit.
I was really digging the all black suit, and after 13 episodes, I would like to see it just get armored up some. The prototype/unfinished red/black suit was kinda ugly.

Also there better be a s2 next year along side that Luke Cage or Iron Fist show, whichever comes first.
and did the Asian lady use some sort of mystical hand slap on Daredevil? she knocked the **** out of him. Then took off to her homeland "far beyond China"... Kun Lun maybe?
It also looked like the back of the door to Nelson and Murdock said K Lun on the back.... was I just imagining that?

ok, that's enough for random rambling thoughts, it's late. time to go to bed now.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3364 on: April 16, 2015, 04:34:46 AM »
Person of Interest threw a huge character curveball at me. Some incredible acting in that episode, and 90% of it was in a car!

The uneven pacing since the (admittedly fantastic) mid-season finale trilogy seems to have been deliberate to allow for a lot of breathing room since the events of that trilogy Shaw's departure, Reese's acceptance he's going to die eventually and Finch will be on his own, Root going off the rails following Shaw's loss to really settle in,

While the show doesn't lack in character development, putting that as the sole focus of an episode and then putting it all on Reese the way they did was bold.

This show deserves way more attention than what its getting.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3365 on: April 16, 2015, 09:08:10 AM »
That episode of POI is brilliant. In any other show it would have been a filler bottle episode to save money for the finale, but not POI. Turn that around into a short movie. Those writers have some serious balls.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3366 on: April 16, 2015, 03:50:58 PM »
If this episode was put into Arrow as it was (replace Reese with Ollie and Carter with Tommy), it probably would be the best episode in the series. Given the limitations Arrow has - being the centre of the DC TV universe and has to be used to launchpad things for Flash, its unwillingness to develop secondary characters properly and the basic idea there is adventures going on that we miss Root in the wedding dress?! - an episode of this type would snap Arrow hard back into focus on the difficulties of the life Team Arrow leads and make it deeply personal.

But in POI its simply one fantastic episode in a long line of them.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 03:57:38 PM by Plugabugz »

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3367 on: April 16, 2015, 08:22:31 PM »
I hate spoilers please, if you want to skip my post and not read, here is your warning.  I am going to be writing about The Arrow.

If you read my posts you know I have been supportive of this season of The Arrow even when others haven't.  The last episode was great, and I really love the battle of the Police Vs. Team Arrow.  I believe it is a believable story and an interesting one. 

What I haven't quite figured out is why hasn't Oliver accepted the position of "The Demon's Head?"  Now, I do not think he SHOULD accept it.  However, the show has done very little to present to the audience why the league of assassins is evil, or why Oliver couldn't turn it around and make it a force for good.  In fact Ra's al Ghul even said they are loyal and follow his commands.  This could have all been explained, by giving more time as the League as a big evil in the early episodes of season 3.  Even making the League kill Sarah would have gone a long way to making a more complete narrative.  Or showing Lazarus Pit's healing ability comes with a cost of sanity or "makes you darker or evil".  Anything. 

As of now, the course of the season shows Oliver eventually accepting the offer, and if this happens, I will call foul.  Why?  Simply put, there has been no reason to not accept the offer, and Oliver has put his city, his team, and his family in danger and through hell for a moral choice that hasn't been rationalized on screen. 

Now, I will be fair, and say I haven not seen season 1 of the show, so if season 1 had the league as a presence and showed them to be evil, then this rant is null and void. 

What are your thoughts?

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3368 on: April 16, 2015, 09:18:30 PM »
The League barely had a presence in S2, I don't think they were in S1 at all.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3369 on: April 16, 2015, 10:35:59 PM »
Wasn't there an episode in 1 that alluded to the League or was that just early S2? I've fallen off the Arrow train hard. I am about to mount the Daredevil train though. Super stoked to start it (hopefully this weekend).

My wife is watching Scandal and it feels like a poor man's House of Cards from my tertiary point of view. I'm thinking she might enjoy HoC and I may start over with her on it since she likes these political scheme drama shows now.

Though we are going to start Game of Thrones S6 soon and that is a higher priority than HoC.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3370 on: April 17, 2015, 04:57:47 PM »
I'm about 3/5 of the way through the 1st season of Farscape on BluRay's OK. I feel like it's consistently good, but hasn't ever been exceptional so far. Plus, the guy who's supposed to be the main villain of this season isn't the least bit threatening because despite allegedly "chasing" the characters all season he's only shown up in TWO episodes so far (including the pilot) and the second time he wasn't even physically there. I do love the Muppet work, though, by the Jim Henson company and I just marvel at that makeup work. Some of those actors (like Zhaan and Chiana) must have been in makeup for half a day.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3371 on: April 22, 2015, 08:11:33 PM »
I finally got around to finishing it. I'll forgo a super long write up because no one reads those. Not marking spoilers.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The writing and performances generally are very strong. Every episode counted. My jaw dropped more than any other show in recent memory. I didn't expect several characters to be killed off. I liked that Wilson Fisk was given far more depth than I'm used to seeing with the character. He isn't the Kingpin yet, but he's getting there. Vincent D'Onofrio played the tortured, awkward sociopath well. Sometimes Charlie Cox came off as rigid though that may have been the point like he has trouble speaking to people because he's leading a double life and he also knows so much about the people around him before exchanging any words.

Anyway, Marci looks like young Jenna Maroney. The final suit needs work, but I think that's the point. I expect it to keep evolving as Potter has more time to improve the design. I can't tell if the look Karen gave Matt at the very end holds any significance. After Matt extends his hand, Karen glances up and there's a close up on her. Was she starting to piece together that Matt is Daredevil? Was she about to tell him what she did? Maybe she was starting to find a little peace?

EDIT: Rephrased something to sound vague since it was at the bottom and might be caught if someone glances trying to scroll past my post.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2015, 08:19:26 PM by Adrock »

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3372 on: April 22, 2015, 09:45:57 PM »
The last episode of the Flash was good.  They seem to be slowing down the story some.  The episodes feel more like the beginning of the season with element that helps push the season story forward, but mostly is about the "meta" of the week. 

You can tell they are gearing up for something special, but at the same time they are positioning themselves for season 2.  I really think season 1 will end with a crazy cliffhanger...and I got a pretty crazy twist in mind, that if it happens would truly be surprising.  I am going to keep it to myself for now, but as a clue it takes the Flash point idea and really turns it on its head.  It would be a good season 2 2 part opener. 

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3373 on: April 23, 2015, 02:40:58 AM »
Gotham: what an exposition heavy episode which should, really, have been about the ogre.

POI took an entire episode and made it majority on Reese (oohhboy knows which one) and held it there. Gotham tried to do the same at one point then came crashing down when it had that "oh **** the season is almost over!" feeling and crammed everything in. And Fox is on the way soon too!

This show has no hope of wanting to be actually good.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3374 on: April 26, 2015, 09:25:24 PM »
Oh, geeze.  I just watched the "GamerGate" episode of Law & Order: SVU from earlier this year.

Suddenly, I'm looking forward to the new Fantastic Four movie.
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