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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3275 on: February 24, 2015, 09:47:20 PM »
If you like Bob Odenkirk, I highly recommend Mr. Show, the HBO sketch comedy show he did with David Cross in the late '90s.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3276 on: February 24, 2015, 10:53:23 PM »
So, I'm going to try something new because I am this forum's greatest innovator.

It's the last episode of Parks and Recreation. I'm going to watch it now and rate it as it unfolds. Sure, some may call it live blogging but no one has done it the TV Thread yet, so it's new! It counts!

Basically, I'll just keep posting thoughts in this message and editing it. Unless I just get too wrapped up in the show. Guess we'll see how this experiment plays out.

I got some pizza and I'm ready to do this. Let's dig in.

EDIT: I'll use spoiler tags so as to be respectful. I think of everything!

First off, I was thrown be the open. It seemed like it was set in the past at first. I thought Craig had changed the Parks office but it had the traditional work. It seemed like it was Leslie leaving the Pawnee Parks department to go upstairs to the National Parks department but no, she had just gathered everyone for one last goodbye in the present. After the confusion subsided, one good Gary slam by Tom and the opening credits!

Ok. The show is playing with time again after all. This is unexpected and maybe interesting. Going person by person and seeing their future. It's odd. I laugh at the preposterous future development jokes like Space Haystack but they're also kind of too out there that it takes away from the suspension of disbelief the show usually has. And aside from Donna's comment about why the Seattle housing market is so good, I'm not seeing much humour. Part of it might be trying to keep up and get ones bearings with the time jump.

Same thing with the Craig jump. While it might not be laugh out funny, Craig's resigned agreement about Leslie's first reaction of him being the same as anyone else did make me smile. Why is Typhoon suddenly a big character in these last few episodes? The even farther time jump on the train triggered the thought of Snowpiercer for some reason. It also made things seem like this show is almost a shoestring budget. Craig's remark about a 1,000 regrets and trout was amateurish. I'm starting to worry about this episode....

Alright! Leave it to April and Andy to pick the show back up. Shotgun on an elevator. I love how Ethel chastises Leslie that they've gone digital and to get with the times and then calls her a Luddite simply because it reminded me of Ian Sane's recent comment about Nintendo being Luddites. I now see Ian Sane as Ethel. Good stuff: Neither April or Andy get Leslie's costume, Andy's amazement at Ben's conversation tactic, you look more beautiful now then ever and Andy's excitement then disappointment at presents. Keep it going, Parks. I do just want to quickly add that I never pegged April and Andy as parents in part because Andy is usually childlike enough I suppose. It's an interesting future development thought for the couple. You gotta wonder what that kid would turn out like. Chances are we may find out yet. Back to the show!

Jean-Ralphio! He delivers in his usual way. I got a terminal case of the front line at six flags theme parks! Insurance scam? A long, prosperous life. Insurance scam! Tajikistan casinos! Like many other Parks people, there just isn't anyone else like J.R. on other shows. (That I watch at least.)

And Tom. As expected, things slow down with Tom but in part because his future glimpse goes a bit dark at first. However, things zip back up a bit with another great Gary moment and his signed book mix-up. At this point, it's been a pretty good Parks episode. Kind of the usual fun I expect. Will it achieve some greatness or just stay at this level?

And now on to Gary. Tom laughing at the idea of being his best friend. Despite having always been ridiculed by others on the show, he ends with the perfect life but in a call back to his name problems, his tombstone is misspelled. Nice touch. His win by a landslide mail-in vote is most likely a reference to his ability to get paperwork and mailing tasks done but the reference seems a bit unconnected. And is that a secret nod to either Leslie or Ben being president as they seem to be surrounded by secret service men at the funeral?

Ron time. A bit slower pace but a couple good Ron gems. Telling his brother to quit getting overly emotional, I'll have that steak to go and there's nothing better than a cheesy Ron grin being happy to be out in nature.

The Leslie and Ben wrap-up begins. You know, Ben plays off so well with Leslie being able to handle her energy. A lot of shows will go downhill when the main character(s) marry but they're so good together it's never had a real negative effect. One more Joe Biden cameo. "You've said that before?" Ben's pride at his board game sequel. And an interesting last conundrum for Leslie and Ben. It's too bad they didn't do more with Ben and Leslie's kids. I think they could have had more humour with them. Although using a more cliché mealtime joke could mean I was wrong but I did enjoy the glimpse of these hardly seen kids.

Ha ha ha! Oh, the reaction of Leslie seeing Ann is great. Chris Treager!

Alright. Some great last character conversations. Donna / Tom. April and Ann. Oh, I missed Treager! Ron Lowe's delivery of just simple lines makes me laugh. Leslie, you are the MASTER.... of the metaphor. It sounds like nothing but his enthusiasm makes it work. Checking his health LITERALLY 50 times a day. Aren't you worried it will give you cancer? I am now. From soaring high to sudden low. General observation: I rather like April with glasses. But then I usually like woman with glasses than without.... I've said too much. Ben boring Ann with info on his board game. There's another great moment this show has been without too long. Ann never understanding Ben's nerdish pursuits.

Oh man. Ann Arbor is LITERALLY the best city ever! But Pawnee is better! One more literally joke for the road. Well done. A little sprinkling of comedy with Tom's personality quiz. Ah, Leslie's infatuation with Ben's body and one more Ben look of "huh" to the camera. Ben stepping aside for Leslie. One more sweet moment for the couple.

Another observation. By going looser with time, it's really helped this show keep Leslie's career path projection on the upwards slope. She's always had the ambition and been good at her job. Season 4 allowed her to finally expand and grow by getting to be a City Councillor and deal with more situations beyond the Park department scope. But keeping time steady would mean things would stagnate there or else become repetitive of her running for higher and higher office. And indeed, they did start to stagnate a bit. Season 5 was mostly a steady affair but Season 6 was a bit meandering and almost a regression with Leslie losing the Councillor job. But rather than go through another election, the writers found another way to progress her with the appointment of a job in the National government. Now, by playing with time in Season 7, they could skip a lot of campaign things and just show characters in their new developments or circumstances without having to build the whole backstory too it. Just the history of the characters at this point was enough to allow us to accept any new circumstances. Thus, the show can have Leslie make it all the way to a two-term governor. (and possible president though it's never stated, just implied, at the future Gary funeral.) It's great because we get to see those dreams fulfilled after all and the show didn't have to settle small.

And I was already laughing before seeing Leslie's reaction to having a library named after her. One more running joke for the road.

Well, standing together for a picture is an ok way to wrap up, I suppose. With the episode's structure, there's not a whole lot one can do to make any kind of really poignant moment since we know what their futures are and this isn't the end for that group. Well, it's alright. Everything will be ok. And a quick farewell to one of the writers of the show last week who died. That will make things bittersweet for all involved, I'm sure.

So, in the end, I wouldn't say it is my favorite episode. I'd have to do some thinking on that one. But it was definitely one of the top episodes. A few lows, some great highs all wrapped in the sweetness of friendship and love. It stayed true to the spirit and tone of Parks and Recreation. Most people and characters were referenced in one way or another. Even one more calzone mention for Ben. The only ones really missing would be Jamm, Tammy and Diane. But Jamm and Tammy pretty much had their goodbye moment. Still, it is surprising that we didn't see one more appearance by Diane, Ron's wife. Oh well. I think we'll be able to get by. So, long Parks and Recreation. You've set a high bar for any comedy series I watch in the future.

Episode: 9/10

Season 7: 9.5/10

Ranking the seasons from best to worst: 4, 7, 3, 5, 2, 6, 1.

Series as a whole: 9.5/10
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 12:42:54 AM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3277 on: February 25, 2015, 12:47:56 AM »
Gotham: Fish did WHAT?

I'm on the edge of dropping this show entirely. I like Jada but Fish has no reason to be in this show, and Barbara is just edging on creepy to extremes now.

The last episode was so insane that I couldn't help but be highly entertained. Fishing digging out her eye with a spoon and SQUISHING it under her foot was one of the most shocking things I've ever seen in a TV show

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3278 on: February 25, 2015, 03:59:53 PM »
That was damn hard to watch.

I cannot take stuff like that.  Much more of that and I will give Gotham away. 

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3279 on: February 26, 2015, 04:27:53 AM »
So yeah, Arrow.

Interesting episode.  The sooner they actually train Laurel to fight the better.  That "fight" against Malcolm was down right embarrassing.  I've never been in a fight in my life and I reckon I could have done better than that.  She just takes wild untrained swings with the night stick.  Terrible. 

That ending though.  I picked it halfway through the scene but still.  Very interesting to see how it will play out.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3280 on: February 26, 2015, 09:00:48 AM »
On the next episode of BatArrow....

Oliver Wayne finds out that Smoakstack has shacked up with the Iron Atom. Racial Ghoul just wants to retire, holding auditions in his hot tub time machine. Canary -2.0 is a bigger punching Bag to Merlyn the "magician" than Mildcat was to Brickhouse. Loose lips didn't actually sink ships, so Queenie decided to feed herself to the lion instead. Nyssa is still gorgeous. Oh, and the Black Sage of advice is not long for this world... as he sets himself up for an emotional exit.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3281 on: February 26, 2015, 01:55:44 PM »
You know, I like Arrow, but now they're just flat-out recycling Batman scripts & pasting "Green Arrow" on top of every mention of "Batman", pretty much only because they're not allowed to actually use Batman.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3282 on: February 26, 2015, 07:28:41 PM »
Arrow Season 3 has been a disappointment after season 2.  It meanders... then it rushes, then it forces the plot and the messes with the characters.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3283 on: February 26, 2015, 08:47:14 PM »
ATOM was cool even if he didn't shrink. The whole scene felt entirely Un Arrow which probably was the point. It's disappinting they're co-opting Batman story lines when Lemire did the outsiders last year was Ollie's own league.

But yeah Ollie is batman

Rich billionaire check (bet he gets money by end of the season)
Brodding check
Always has to right and have prep time check
An extended family of super heroes. (Roy, diggle, laurel, Thea)
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3284 on: February 26, 2015, 09:27:56 PM »
CW is exploring another Arrow/Flash spinoff. Brandon Routh and Capt. Cold were named specifically in it. I'll see if I can find it. was on my phone earlier when I saw it.

had something to do with regulars from the 2 shows showing up on this new show alot.
hopefully that means that the Suicide Squad will finally get some love (Poor M.J. White)

edit: found it.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 09:40:34 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3285 on: February 26, 2015, 09:45:56 PM »
Arrow Season 3 has been a disappointment after season 2.  It meanders... then it rushes, then it forces the plot and the messes with the characters.

Yeah, this season's been a mess. Thankfully, The Flash was more than happy to pick up the slack. Unfortunately, it's on its second month-long hiatus...because.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3286 on: February 26, 2015, 10:11:48 PM »
I think The Flash is on hiatus for the SFX which have been awesome considering the usual CW budget.
TV can do good effects, but they usually take time, and TV production has weeks to finish each ep, unlike a movie which has many many months to complete the entire 2hr movie.

I also don't think it's a coincidence that it comes back on the 17th, which is the same day that iZombie premieres, so they are using the popularity of The Flash and it's return from break and a launch pad for iZombie.

which is also a good thing, because it gives the night to Agents of SHIELD for a few weeks. Get that return rating boost.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3287 on: February 27, 2015, 02:52:53 AM »
So it's taken effectively four seasons (three from Arrow, one from Flash) to reach the same point which Stargate did in 17.

Fans from that now-on-hiatus franchise (never mind Star Trek!) should be screaming at how not to burn out interest by now.

If its a summer series (like what i suggested with Atom), or placed inside a gap like Agent Carter, then it may work. But you can't have too many on at once. Two is enough.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 02:55:07 AM by Plugabugz »

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3288 on: February 27, 2015, 03:12:31 AM »
Tonight's episode of Teen Titans Go!...

Holy ****, this episode was amazing and is everything great about this show.  Anyone who hates it should watch this episode.  You'll still hate the series, but, hopefully, you get a chuckle or two out of it.

Young Justice fans NEED to watch this episode.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3289 on: February 28, 2015, 01:51:07 AM »
I watched The Goldbergs Ferris Bueller episode On Demand today. I have only ever seen part of one other episode of this show so I am not that familiar with it but I actually kind of liked this one. I am not sure if I will go back and check out the rest of the show or not but this was a good episode.

I also really liked the new Big Bang Theory episode, its been a while since I liked an episode of that show and this was a good one. The show has been downhill for a while but it has its moments from time to time and this was one of the better ones.

I also re-watched New Girl Pilot and wow I had forgotten everything that happened and it hasn't been that long since I discovered this show. It wasn't as funny the second time around I am not sure if that was just the pilot or if the whole show will be ruined upon repeat viewing.

I started watching a show called Brain Games on Netflix. I have seen a few of these before flipping through the channels its interesting but it gets boring real quick.

I just watched the Agents of Shield with Bill Paxton's first appearance so I am probably half way through season 1 right now and its getting good, keeping me curious. This is a good thing because I just can't go back to Arrow.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3290 on: March 06, 2015, 09:43:05 AM »
House of Cards Season Three
I won't be marking spoilers.

It's easily the worst season of the show. I think the problem is the fact that Frank's ascent to power is complete at the send of Season Two. He can't hold a higher office. All of his manipulations were all for the presidency so where to go from there? They could have ended the show right there and the show would feel complete even though with a title like House of Cards, people expect him to fall. Still, a house of cards is merely fragile and has a greater chance of collapsing and that has been true for those first two seasons. Frank becomes president and there's no real evidence of his misdeeds. Rachel Posner, the most likely person who could pose a problem, was unaccounted for. Roy Kapeniak is similarly unaccounted for, but Rachel was the key.

So knowing the show would continue, I figured Rachel was being kept in the writers' back pocket and that Tom Hammershmidt would eventually find her. If Frank's arc is his rise then eventually fall from power, the writers would have to address Rachel. Well, they did, and I hated it. They try to throw the audience for a loop by apparently killing her off-screen, but I didn't believe that for a second. First, they got Rachel Brosnahan to film new footage. Second, implying a character's death without a proper set up doesn't seem like the show's style. Third, she seemed too important to the plot to just shrug and say, "BTW, she iz died lol." To justify continuing the show, I expected Rachel to play a big role in setting up an end game. Instead, Rachel is "killed" half-way through Season Three then for realsies killed in the finale. It felt like a waste. I would have rather the writers skip Gavin lying about Rachel's death and the season ending the way the finale began: Rachel waking in bed up alive and well. It wouldn't matter if she ended up dying later on in a twist where the show ended with Frank getting away with everything.

Where is the show headed then? It seems that Season Four will deal with Frank fighting to stay in power despite losing so many allies, potentially including Claire. However, the way the writers addressed Season Two's cliffhangers doesn't inspire much confidence (e.g. Frank is a lame president, Doug is alive/murders Rachel etc.). I don't know. I feel like their current trajectory sets up a plot with far less tension than Frank's crimes coming back to haunt him. Who is going to find Rachel Posner? Even if someone does, there's nothing linking her murder to Doug. Speaking of, I kept wanting to root for Doug even though he had his creepy moments. I thought he was turning a corner then no, still a weirdo... and now a murderer.

Maybe I'm being too hard on the show because it didn't play out like I expected. Then again, the first two seasons didn't either. I didn't expect Frank to ascend to POTUS so soon. A lot of the show's fun to me was Frank manipulating the political process. There's less of it in Season Three, and it tends to backfire more often than not. The stakes are also much lower because he's already president. In the first two seasons, he faced losing the president's favor, losing his place in office, incarceration, potential charges of murder, conspiracy etc. In Season Three, Frank faces losing the Democratic nomination and thus the presidency which is still a big deal however he has no where to go but down and all of his truly terrible crimes have been swept under the rug. It makes for a far less interesting story.

I suppose Frank has to lose sometimes in order for his wins to feel more credible and meaningful. However, his losses are more personal as the show weirdly transitioned into a character drama. The losses don't feel substantial or believable. Unless the writers find their balls again, the results seem obvious. Did anyone believe that Doug was really going to turn on Frank ever? The writers kept hinting at it, but I didn't buy it once. So when Jackie turns on Frank, I don't think that's the end of Jackie. I expect her back in Frank's corner somehow. When Claire says she's leaving Frank, I don't believe it. She'll probably end up back together with Frank by the middle or end of Season Four. Does anyone really think Frank is going to lose the election without the show given a hard end date?  And if he does, that alone would be anticlimactic. If Frank falls, he has to fall hard. Losing an election would just happen. Right now, with so many of Frank's enemies either dead, incarcerated, or rendered powerless (politically or otherwise), the only people who can realistically take him down are Doug and Claire, but that would probably require them to implicate themselves. Cut off your nose to spite your face?

And as a character drama, Season Three doesn't do an especially good job of being one. Frank's marriage disintegrating is a big part of the season, but I don't buy it because the set-up is so flimsy. Two seasons worth of Frank and Claire's marriage transcending all manner of conflict and now it suddenly doesn't. Frank used politics as a means to an end, and never really appeared to actually care about policy, but now he does? Is he just using America Works to try to stay in power? I don't know. There's also no realistic way Frank wins Iowa based on the writers' own explanation. Frank was losing in the polls and Jackie's endorsement was supposed to push him in the lead. Jackie, feeling used and betrayed by Frank, endorses Heather instead yet Frank still wins because reasons. Why?

If you read this far, I want to clarify that I didn't hate Season Three. It isn't outright terrible; it's just inexplicably weaker. The writers had all the pieces to make a better story. At the end of Season Two, I felt the show had two seasons left: Frank as President and then his eventual fall. Season Three felt like stalling. I don't know if there's enough left to say here to continue the show for much longer. That's a problem with many shows. They stay longer than they should. Only Breaking Bad strikes me as a show that told a complete story while also making the most of almost every episode. It was a five season show with five seasons worth of material. It could have gone longer, but I'm glad it didn't. Right now, House of Cards Season Three feels like extra though I suppose we'll see how it plays out. It wasn't bad enough for me to stop watching, but I feel less excited about Season Four.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3291 on: March 18, 2015, 03:18:53 AM »
The Flash and Agents of SHIELD were both good tonite.

I have yet to check out iZombie, but that's next on the list, and Community started tonite as well.

Re: The Flash
the reveals. the loss. the time travel!? How The Flash just keeps pushing is crazy for a first season show. and having already seen the season preview from Palyfest, I know it's only getting even crazier from here on out. I have no idea how they are gonna keep this up going into S2.... they didn't do it on purpose, but they have indirectly made Arrow almost boring in comparison. He has no place in his own verse now. His problems aren't really threatening anymore. and most of his talents are now useless in a world where The Flash exist.

Real SHIELD!!!!? wuuuuut!?
and poor Skye, but I guess this means that FitzSimmons gets to build her a suit to help control her powers.
The Inhuman setup is very intriguing, and knowing that we've only seen a few of them (no, none of the "powered" people in this ep besides Skye and Blindcrawler are Inhuman) just makes me wonder how they are gonna drag this out for another 4 more years until the Inhumans movie tie-in.

I love this show, but 6 seasons and a (Inhumans) movie!? I'm so down.

As far as the Arrowverse, it's gonna be amazing seeing Superwoman team up with The Flash, but I'm not really sure where that leaves Arrow and crew. Either way, Arrow looks to be heating up (finally) based on the season preview video from Paleyfest. And the next Arrow/Flash crossover will hopefully be even better than the last, for both shows.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3292 on: March 18, 2015, 05:05:18 AM »
No Person of Interest this week, and the last one was a bit of a filler again, but they've definitely hit the brakes on the main storyline episodes recently. Given how heavy things have been, especially with the Brotherhood, Samaritan and other things, the show needs to slow the pace down without burning out.

The inevitable battle between Dominic and Elias is going to be insane

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3293 on: March 18, 2015, 04:46:19 PM »
The Flash stepped it up a gear.  Then went back down 5.  I HATE TIME TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's such a cop out.  Show all this awesome stuff and then smack a troll face on the screen and send them back so nothing happened.

But it's the Flash so time travel is expected so I got no room to whinge haha.  Just so frustrating.  So much awesomeness.  When he ended up back in that street I quite literally yelled at my TV.  I should have seen it coming.  Normally I would have expected this but I was to enamored by the rest of the episode I wasn't thinking.   

I'm hoping that things next week end up the same except for Cisco being choppy choppied.  However if said choppy choppy leads to his powers coming out then choppy choppy away. 

Oh btw, I am going to be VERY disappointed if there are no Star Wars references dropped by Cisco when Mark Hamill turns up.  I'm expecting something along the lines of "That dude looks so much like Luke Skywalker".  Heads will roll if this doesn't happen.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3294 on: March 18, 2015, 05:43:19 PM »
The Flash has time travel elements at its core...however, I think they are going to tell a story about the dangers of time travel and then never do it again. 

So this next episode they will save the day using time travel...drop that storyline for a bit, as Barry learns more about it...and the Speed Force.

The the season finale will go towards stopping the Reverse Flash that rewrites time sends the Reverse Flash back but prevents Barry from becoming the Flash...and the world changes for the worse...big cliffhanger season ends.

Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3295 on: March 18, 2015, 11:03:29 PM »
I am almost caught up with season one of Agents of Shield. I just watched the one where Hydra is revealed and I think there is a flaw in the show right there. While connecting it to the greater Marvel universe works great for people who watch the films and series, its kind of odd if you only watch the show and miss what happens in the movie. It is like watching Torchwood without Doctor Who, some things are just going to be completely lost on the viewer.

It felt like they really rushed through it in the Tv series because they just expected you to have seen the events of the movie. Yeah I get that it is a tie in but that seems like it could be a hindrance to the shows creativity. I still like how it references the movies but that story arch seemed like it needed more than half just an episode to set the tone, if you watch it with The Winter Soldier it adds a lot too it but it feels empty on its own.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3296 on: March 20, 2015, 12:41:34 AM »
I watched the last episode of Arrow and I have to say, this show has weird pacing.  It's like they decided to finally take the show seriously and move toward an interesting direction.  However, the story arc they are working on feels disconnected from the general story at hand...which I think isn't very strong.

The Flash also has pacing issues with the show moving incredibly fast to tell micro-stories almost and get in and out, moving the plot along at a rapid pace.  It is interesting, but I feel it only works with the Flash, because he moves so fast things almost have to happening at the same time to prevent him from just instant winning the battle. 

So where Arrow seemed to be pulling 2 story narratives that feel disconnected but interesting.  The Flash's disconnected narratives actually worked for the better of the story.  Though honestly, at this rate The Flash can only have 2 good seasons, because these stories just seem too be too strong to continue.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3297 on: March 20, 2015, 01:10:34 AM »
That's fair, because Arrow only had 2 good seasons as well. Maybe The Flash can break that streak.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3298 on: March 20, 2015, 06:32:34 AM »
The Flash has a particular problem with being, effectively, season 4 of Arrow. It has all of the experience - thus all of the benefits - of the three previous years of Arrow under it's belt and can go in a different direction with it to make it work.

But the glaring Stargate comparisons are starting to appear after 15 episodes.

Arrow has strong connections to Stargate SG1 which was all about the group dynamics. Flash has comparisons to Atlantis which was about the cheese, bang and spectacle and increasing ridiculousness. This third show seems like it's heading towards SGU with a singular narrative and a group of people stuck together. (or at the very least with a similar skill set).

Also, unrelated note:

Oliver to Laurel: "Laurel you need training" *diggle remains silent*
Nyssa to Laurel: "Laurel you need training" *diggle not even in scene*

Diggle is the only character in the entire show with the most exposure to Oliver's training regime (and everyone else's), the only one with military experience and connections (which arguably makes him the most capable/useful member of the group) and the only actor with training outside of the show. So seeing the show deliberately avoid pairing Laurel (and maybe Roy?) with Diggle is annoying me badly the more they deliberately avoid it.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 06:35:07 AM by Plugabugz »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3299 on: March 21, 2015, 01:33:44 AM »
Also, unrelated note:

Oliver to Laurel: "Laurel you need training" *diggle remains silent*
Nyssa to Laurel: "Laurel you need training" *diggle not even in scene*

Diggle is the only character in the entire show with the most exposure to Oliver's training regime (and everyone else's), the only one with military experience and connections (which arguably makes him the most capable/useful member of the group) and the only actor with training outside of the show. So seeing the show deliberately avoid pairing Laurel (and maybe Roy?) with Diggle is annoying me badly the more they deliberately avoid it.

I never watched any Stargate, so I can't really comment on that, but the gross underuse of Diggle has not gone unnoticed.