Author Topic: Rate the last TV show you've seen  (Read 1213552 times)

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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2900 on: June 29, 2014, 03:26:34 PM »
Two more. That brings the total to eleven, and its only episode 12.

Every single one of these have appeared in Continuum, one of the Stargate series, Almost Human or Fringe.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2901 on: July 02, 2014, 05:02:16 PM »
Constantine S01E01

yep. it leaked. I watched it.
I can't say I hated it, but I don't really see this show finding it's intended audience. It just sorta throws you into the mix of things with little explanation as to what's going on. I'm guessing they are saving that for later episodes, which would be fine, had the 1st episode really made me want to tune in for more episodes. I would probably check out at least the first 3 or 4 eps just because I like to give shows I think should hold my interest a decent chance at keeping it, but.... based on the 1st ep alone, I don't see this show lasting.

Offline shingi_70

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2902 on: July 05, 2014, 02:09:02 PM »
Constantine S01E01

yep. it leaked. I watched it.
I can't say I hated it, but I don't really see this show finding it's intended audience. It just sorta throws you into the mix of things with little explanation as to what's going on. I'm guessing they are saving that for later episodes, which would be fine, had the 1st episode really made me want to tune in for more episodes. I would probably check out at least the first 3 or 4 eps just because I like to give shows I think should hold my interest a decent chance at keeping it, but.... based on the 1st ep alone, I don't see this show lasting.

To be fair the supernatural pilot did something similar and waited to tell the Winchester's backstory later in the series.

The thing with Constatine is you really don't need a defnite look at his origins and if the show is taking from Hellblazer and the current comic than they'll probably get to it by the middle of the season.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2903 on: July 05, 2014, 02:30:51 PM »
It just sorta throws you into the mix of things with little explanation as to what's going on.
Now I might be interested.
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2904 on: July 06, 2014, 03:52:09 PM »
I just binged my way through all of Season 1 of Arrow.

The finale was great - this show has been consistently good since the very beginning. It has a way to go before it achieves the Person of Interest level of jump in quality (and that went from good to amazing in one season) but its close. Still a good watch.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2905 on: July 11, 2014, 06:31:37 PM »
Just started watching Game of Thrones. Good show. Started yesterday, halfway through the first episode of Season 2 now.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2906 on: July 13, 2014, 02:11:43 AM »
Two seasons down, two to go. I almost feel left out for having never watched it before, but it's pretty awesome being able to watch 40 episodes in a handful of days instead of years.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2907 on: July 13, 2014, 03:44:31 AM »
The worst part is when you catch up and have to suffer the wait with the rest of us.

Offline Stogi

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2908 on: July 13, 2014, 02:02:51 PM »
And if you become so enthralled by the show that you want to read the books to see what happens, you'll still have to wait for him to finish the series.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2909 on: July 16, 2014, 10:03:29 PM »
Finale was kinda crazy. The scene in the cabin back room was all sorts of nutz.
Those eyes. That chick has never looked hotter... didn't really see her as hot until that scene to be honest. and you'll have to watch to know what scene I mean... or you could just click this link:

Naked and afraid
Mmm Mmmm Mmm. The chick on the latest episode was pretty fucking hot. even without makeup and all dirty. I don't know how the dude with her refused to cuddle even after she backed that beautiful ass up into his bare lap in the middle of the night.
I woulda told my wife (if I was him... I ain't married, but he was) that we had to do what we had to do to survive out there. and beg for the after hours scenes to be cut, because it wouldn't have been able to be seen on TV anyway. Really would have been Too Hot for TV.
She was an ex-marine and a part time model. Banging body. and very capable on her own.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2910 on: July 18, 2014, 12:41:37 AM »
So I finished it. Awesome show, can't wait for season 5. Only 9 months...
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2911 on: July 18, 2014, 01:12:14 AM »
So I finished it. Awesome show, can't wait for season 5. Only 9 months...
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2912 on: July 18, 2014, 02:23:51 PM »
Wheel of Time took the Author Dieing to come to a conclusion.  I do have to say that the books done after his death are written more like his first few books that I enjoyed more.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2913 on: August 04, 2014, 09:04:03 PM »
The Strain - has anyone seen this?
It's a new twist on the Vampire by Guillermo Del Toro and airing on FX

It's interesting, but oh boy do they have so many loose threads dangling that just seeming get ignored for no good reason.

*Spoilers* for all episodes up till #4
So a Plane lands and everyone on it is seemingly dead. The CDC intervenes and can't decide a cause of death. Other agencies want this to go away, so someone leaks an "official" document claiming it was CO2 poisoning or something, which effectively kicks the CDC off the case...
Before they evac all the bodies off the plane (like 2 hrs after it landed) 4 people "wake up" from being dead of "unknown causes". These 4 people are initially quarantined, but after the CDC is officially removed from the case, they are released into the wild against CDC's will.

NOw during this whole debacle, an old man who knows something about what is going on tried to warn the CDC members on site of what was going on and how to deal with it, but he was dismissed as crazy and ushered away (arrested for some reason I can't recall at this moment). Also the head of one of the investigative departments was attacked by a "vampire" in the halls of the airport loading bay, where he was alone, and then had his head smashed in... This is just kinda glossed over. No real investigation as to how, why or who.
They also locate a giant box full of dirt in the bay, which by the time they figure may be important, has already disappeared. It was caught on film... super speed lifter away in less than a second. Camera could only see a blur.

So this is where all the loose threads dangle for no reason.
All the dead bodies are at the morgue with the medical examiner, where he finds something odd about them, and is told to dig deeper and report back later. All of these bodies eventually "wake up" and eat him or something. and then they all just WALK OUT OF THE HOSPITAL UNSEEN.... some have been already examined, which means they have open incisions or have organs exposed... WTF?
they disappear into the night, never to be heard from again (yet). No one is looking for the medical examiner, they only found his glasses. No calls are made, no reports filed. NO ONE IS INFORMED THAT several dozen bodies have disappeared from the morgue and the medical examiner has not been heard from since... WTF!?

One of the concerned parents of a child that was considered "dead" on the plane called the CDC guy to thank him for sending his "dead" daughter home.
"you mean they released her body to you...?"
"NO, I mean she is here, alive, home again"...
Granted. he does go and check the house out, finds a bathtub full of some pink slop and no one home even though the door to the house was kinda open/unlocked... but he leaves because he has somewhere else to be. Tells no one to follow up on that house. It's just kinda forgotten about for now.

One of the survivors isn't feeling good and is convinced to come back to quarantine where he is being examined. Some weird things are happening to him, but CDC does not report this stuff and immediately re-quarantine the other 3 people. Nope. I think they mention it, but do nothing about it.

One of the other 3 "survivors" has his penis fall off.... that's after he lost some teeth and all his hair. No need to see a doctor though. Actually, he wasn't even trippin' to be honest. Just kinda accepted it for what it was...

Another "survivor" knew something was very wrong and even send his wife and children away... but no, leave the dog.... he ate the dog, and then locked himself in the shed so he couldn't eat anyone/thing else. His heavily religious wife shows back up to the house the next day to check on him, sees his hair all over the pillow, takes out some religious artifacts and says a prayer or something... then follows a blood trail that leads her to the dead disemboweled dog next to the shed... and then her vampiric husband chained in the shed. He tries to attack her, and then warns her to run and never come back, but just like any white lady in a scary situation, she freezes and just stands there terrified, but just barely out of reach. (I was waiting for her to trip, fall, and get eaten...)
She finally snaps out of it, closes and locks her hubby back in the shed and buries the dog next to the shed. This is moments before the neighbor comes over to complain about the "dog" making too much noise... so she shoves him in the shed with her husband and locks the door... WTF!?
quite the turn around from devout religious type, to sacrificing your neighbor by get this, offering him the opportunity to punish your "dog" in the shed making all that noise because you don't have the heart... Wow. Ok.

Back to the survivor that turned himself back in... he disappeared from his hospital bed, and they track him to the basement. Here he attacks them with his tentacle fangs (the vampirism in this show is like a parasite worm that feeds and infects with more parasitic worms). They end up killing him, and the female agent suggest that they listen to the old man (they previous deemed crazy) and cut off the heads and burn the bodies, but first male CDC says "we must dissect". They find that the body is no longer human and has been invaded by a giant parasitic host. see pics below

NSFL Pics: |

so NOW he remembers (2 days/episodes later?) that the concerned parent who's house was unlocked, empty and had a weird pink goo in the bathtub had called and said something about his dead daughter being alive. so they rush back to the house to find the little girl in the basement. she attacks them with the tentacle fang just before the old man burst in and lops the head off the kid and then saves them from the turned dad as well... now the CDC woman can't handle that they had to a little girl (who was so obviously not human anymore - as shown in the previous scene where she was all for lopping off heads and burning bodies) and states that she would rather contract the disease than kill the monsters.... really!? WTF?

and there is more going on, (like a hacker who in the span of just a few hours was able to shut down all social networking sites and bring all internet traffic to a crawl so that the evil corporation of the show could cover their tracks) but really... I really want to LOVE this show, but it's so nonsensical. It's more of a guilty pleasure for now, but they really need a proof reader to bring the red pen to the script and make some of this **** make better sense. Not nearly as bad as Netflix's Hemlock Grove, but I expected better.... and this is based off his own book. it's a damn shame really.
I'll continue to watch, but this should be so much better.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 09:23:13 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2914 on: August 04, 2014, 09:37:22 PM »
I recently completed a run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer from first episode to the end, took a detour into Angel for a few episodes then lost interest in that. Over all the show was not as good as I remembered it. I never watched it regularly but I would try to catch it from time to time at a friends house or whenever I could but I never really got too into the show.

I also decided to catch up on Family Guy, last episode I watched on TV was Stewie Kills Lois and I had been losing interest for a while by then so I figured good now I can move on. For some reason I always thought that was the end and why they spun off into Cleveland which I never even bother watching. I am watching them all on Netflix and I learned that not only did the show keep going its still going. I kind of wish I had left it alone I liked thinking that was the final episode it gave the show nice closure now its just dragging its feet, its going to be worse than the Simpsons if it keeps going too much longer. Do a Futurama and take a break to make some movies or something to keep it fresh.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline Sarail

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2915 on: August 09, 2014, 11:24:46 PM »
Just finished Arrow, season two.

Wow. That is all.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2916 on: August 09, 2014, 11:29:24 PM »
Is that a bad wow? I hated the finale.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2917 on: August 10, 2014, 12:34:56 AM »
Yeah, I don't think it's fair to have a one-worded review with just the word "wow".  It's pretty ambiguous as to which extreme you're wishing to express.  It's especially murky when consider how en vogue the concept of "extremely average/meh" is.  (It's fairly en vogue.)
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2918 on: August 10, 2014, 02:48:37 AM »
I also thought the s2 finale was very very weak.
A definite low point of the whole series.

The villain pretty much became a joke, motivations were either silly or stupid on either side (really Waller?... really) and it all ended in such disappointment. It should have been better, but hopefully next season will make up for it.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2919 on: August 10, 2014, 09:32:49 AM »
I also thought the s2 finale was very very weak.
A definite low point of the whole series.

The villain pretty much became a joke, motivations were either silly or stupid on either side (really Waller?... really) and it all ended in such disappointment. It should have been better, but hopefully next season will make up for it.

I think the series as a whole has been "good" but never "great". Meanwhile i use POI as a reference for how a show can make that jump - but i fear Arrow cannot do that because its requirement is to be very action heavy (which POI does in smaller stints).

Offline shingi_70

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2920 on: August 10, 2014, 09:42:13 AM »
its a soap opera superhero show, it was expected to be worst than the first season. The first season is looked upon as being so good becuase the finale was a bit suprising with the hero essentially losing and playing up the more Batman Begins story.  While the season 2 finale pulls up much of the CW/Tumblr audience and goes for the the hopeful hero who doesn't kill but should probably make an expection for this crazy **** slade who knows who you are and threatened your friend something you killed the count for.

It was a combination of that and the writers and shooting throwing nearly everything that the fans liked to that point into one episode. We got Nysaa and Canary coming back with an army, we got some more sucide squad and deadshot, we more feels ending with Slade being tied to the wall and Merlyn coming back for thea. It was made to be as gifable. I was half expecting The Flash to come in and help, until the pilot was pushed back to go straight to series.

I felt the past stuff was still pretty good.
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Offline Sarail

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2921 on: August 10, 2014, 10:19:07 AM »
Wow as in...I loved it. I feel like it's setting things up quite well for season three now. Laurel possibly taking up the mantle of Black Canary, Thea getting recruited by her real father into the League of Assassins (more than likely) to become...Cheshire? Roy turning good and becoming Arsenal. I'm psyched. I thought everything was brought together incredible well.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2922 on: August 12, 2014, 02:06:51 AM »
True Detective Season 1

Taking a break from anime, I decided to watch the first season of True Detective. Holy **** was this show good. I give it 11/10. I have no idea how they will top or even meet the standard that they started.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2923 on: August 12, 2014, 02:47:14 AM »
we got some more sucide squad and deadshot,

This bugged me - i get why Diggle and Deadshot have something going on, but the lack of Michael Jae White was really noticeable.

Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2924 on: August 18, 2014, 12:00:23 AM »
I caught about ten minutes of something called Manhattan on WGN. We were watching for the weather report as there were severe storms all around us so I only got a little bit of it. Looked interesting wondering if this is a new show I hadn't heard about or something that I just missed as is most often the case.
Trying to be a better person, honest.