Stratos, I like your typo a lot.
Emposering = enabling the skills of the poser
*pulls out skateboard, faux-hawks hair, tries to look tough*
LOL, since my computer died I have to use other peoples until I get a new one and other people in my family do not use FireFox. I didn't realize until now how much I rely on FireFox's spellcheck feature until I lost the ability to use it. My grammar and spelling are suffering because of it :/
While I'm no grammar/spelling nazi, I do prefer my own posts to be as correct and clear as possible so it drives me nuts I can't check it. If I really doubt my spelling I copy my text into Word and check it there now.
Emposering is now a new word. Let's define it: Empowering someone to be a Poser. Link's sword makes him a Poser?