Author Topic: Rate the last movie you've seen  (Read 1575759 times)

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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5075 on: November 16, 2015, 04:32:05 PM »
So i've never watched Star Wars. All six. I've always maintained that - just like F-Zero - it was made too early for the technology to support it's scale properly.

From The Matrix onwards the tech of the time caught up enough to make it possible, and then along came Mad Max this year which made me change my mind and go back to it.

I'm very nearly through episode 2. Both 1 and 2 have the same flaws - really awkward writing (the scene in episode 2 where Obi Wan asks Yoda about the missing planet from the archives; Yoda stops mid-conversation to ask the CHILDREN who tell him someone must have deleted it), some directing choices which kills the strengths of the actors, and infuriates on others (ALL the child actors) and the real overuse of CGI (which Mad Max in particular makes that choice look like a very bad one).

So far i'm not enjoying this.

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5076 on: November 16, 2015, 05:00:59 PM »
So i've never watched Star Wars. All six. I've always maintained that - just like F-Zero - it was made too early for the technology to support it's scale properly.

From The Matrix onwards the tech of the time caught up enough to make it possible, and then along came Mad Max this year which made me change my mind and go back to it.

I'm very nearly through episode 2. Both 1 and 2 have the same flaws - really awkward writing (the scene in episode 2 where Obi Wan asks Yoda about the missing planet from the archives; Yoda stops mid-conversation to ask the CHILDREN who tell him someone must have deleted it), some directing choices which kills the strengths of the actors, and infuriates on others (ALL the child actors) and the real overuse of CGI (which Mad Max in particular makes that choice look like a very bad one).

So far i'm not enjoying this.

Well you shouldn't start with Episodes 1-3 in the first place, rookie mistake man. You start with 4-6 then go back and watch 1-3 and then re-watch 4-6 to erase the stink of 1-3. 1 has some good action but weird story stuff, 2 is awkward but had some great visuals and more action, 3 had the best story of the prequels but it still suffered from bad writing but more than makes up for it with the best action.

1-3 are cartoons, 4-6 are proper movies, if that makes any sense.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5077 on: November 17, 2015, 01:08:36 AM »
No amount of technology could rescue the prequels from being garbage. Over reliance on computer technology is one of the problems the prequels had. That and they are fundamentally bad movies. I highly recommend you watch the Plinkett reviews/breakdowns in order to understand why they are what they are.

Comparing PT to F-Zero is a pretty nasty insult to F-Zero.

There is also this little gem
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5078 on: November 17, 2015, 01:39:31 AM »

There is also this little gem

I have never seen that before.  That was amazing.  Thank you Sir.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5079 on: November 17, 2015, 03:56:20 AM »
No amount of technology could rescue the prequels from being garbage. Over reliance on computer technology is one of the problems the prequels had. That and they are fundamentally bad movies. I highly recommend you watch the Plinkett reviews/breakdowns in order to understand why they are what they are.

Comparing PT to F-Zero is a pretty nasty insult to F-Zero.

There is also this little gem

I'm not comparing F-Zero to the PT. I am comparing their struggles with the hardware they had at the time - F-Zero X was the first that really started to scratch at the universe it had, while GX truly went nuts with the hardware it had. Imagine F-Zero UX (as insanolord named it) on the Wii U?

Star Wars (i can't speak about 3-6 yet) had the same issue just being a bit too early. But i agree with them being bad movies generally.

And i would have preferred THAT video as the actual battle instead. Thanks!

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5080 on: November 17, 2015, 10:11:26 AM »
No amount of technology could rescue the prequels from being garbage. Over reliance on computer technology is one of the problems the prequels had. That and they are fundamentally bad movies. I highly recommend you watch the Plinkett reviews/breakdowns in order to understand why they are what they are.

Comparing PT to F-Zero is a pretty nasty insult to F-Zero.

There is also this little gem

That guy is completely full of **** his review can't be taken any more seriously than AVGN or any of those losers. They are not bad films, they have plot, character, and all that its week plot and character but they are there. He is just sour that it wasn't the movie he daydreamed about in his mothers basement all those decades waiting for it to release.

Mostly what makes the prequels bad is the terrible dialog and the wooden acting, the CGI is a lame excuse it was actually very impressive stuff, for the time, and holds up well today.
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5081 on: November 17, 2015, 10:22:23 AM »
I really don't think the CGI holds up very well. It became obvious that these scenes were filmed in front of a green screen and lacked depth to them. There was one scene in Clones where Obi Wan goes to see some aliens in an all-white room.... it LOOKED like it was done in front of a green screen as everything was flat. Same thing when Anakin and Padme was wheeled out into the arena (and their clothes suddenly lit up with artificial lighting pointed down that made the green screen even worse).

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5082 on: November 17, 2015, 10:34:38 AM »
Wait. One moment you're trashing the Prequels and the next you're praising them for being a movie? They're **** through and through. If you want to talk about effects that hold up, look back to the OT. So much more done better with so much less.

One scene in episode two that stood out even back then was when Obiwan confronts Grevious, Obiwan has absolutely no reaction to what's happening while some 4m robot with lung cancer blends the air with lightsabers.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5083 on: November 17, 2015, 11:31:30 AM »
I didn't trash the prequels, I said you have to consider them as cartoons and the old movies as real films, but I never said they were garbage, bad movies, well maybe but not terrible, not good movies at least. Also um I was disagree with his reasons for disliking them, not defending them entirely.
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Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5084 on: November 17, 2015, 04:12:19 PM »
Martian - fantastic.

I will never stop raving at Hollywood's streak of great sci-fi movies every year.

Space, rockets, people surviving against all odss -- give me more of that.
Agree wholeheartedly

In the last couple o months I have seen;
Bridge of Spies and
The Martian.

I went to see each by myself. I like seeing movies by myself, actually. Nothing detracts from me getting really into it. Plus, I got some movie coupons for me birfday so I've been using them up.

I really enjoyed each of these films though they are all very different. Maybe their common denominator is that they are Oscar Bait but that doesn't make them bad at all.

I recommend each of them but if I had to rank, I would go with:
1. The Martian
2. Sicario
3. Bridge of Spies
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5085 on: November 23, 2015, 03:50:24 AM »
The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2: This is a series which peaked right at its start and steadily went downhill over the remainder. I get what the fourth film was trying to do, being about the manipulation and propaganda over the actual reality and the "stresses of war" - but it was incredibly talky and didnt actually do much and then in bursts of "lets do something" scenes proceeds to kill off as many characters as possible because it's the final film.

Also, for a film that has two antagonists both of them never actually do anything directly or personally to Katniss which further makes her struggle more about "things done to her" (become the showpiece of the resistance, being in two hunger games etc) rather than Snow or Coin directly. It became less about her own motivation for things.

DS9 ended 16 years ago. There are episodes of that series which tackled these individual topics far better (Pale Moonlight, Siege of AR558, Paradise Lost come to mind).

Also did i mention how talky this film is? It's 2 hours 20. You could probably cut out 20 minutes comfortably and nothing has changed.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5086 on: November 23, 2015, 05:04:03 AM »

A disappointment. It has some good action scenes. But the plot is bewildering at best. It calls back to the previous films but it does it in a way that even as someone who have watched all the the Craig films can't follow. You're constantly left wondering how did Bond know that or what's the connection? Despite this one can figure out the ending before you hit the quarter mark.

It's better than Quantum, has good jokes, but it is a big fall from SkyFall. Christopher Waltz was criminally wasted.

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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5087 on: November 23, 2015, 05:20:41 AM »

A disappointment. It has some good action scenes. But the plot is bewildering at best. It calls back to the previous films but it does it in a way that even as someone who have watched all the the Craig films can't follow. You're constantly left wondering how did Bond know that or what's the connection? Despite this one can figure out the ending before you hit the quarter mark.

It's better than Quantum, has good jokes, but it is a big fall from SkyFall. Christopher Waltz was criminally wasted.


To be fair after Skyfall the only way was back down. How was Silva connected to Spectre? And how was Le Chiffre? Or Quantum?

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5088 on: November 23, 2015, 06:23:52 AM »
It retcons all the pass movies villains and organizations as SPECTRE fronts. It's made extra dumb by the fact that Blofeld outright states that all of Bond's suffering and loss of the women in his life were designed by Blofeld as some sort of sick joke despite the fact Bond has been causing serious damage to his organization yet somehow remains a secret while being a world wide organization. They also retconned Bonds relationship with Blofeld as his sort of adopted older brother who was evil and a mastermind back when they should have been in high school. Basically retcons out the ass and stupid as hell.

The action scenes saved it from Quantum level of bad.
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Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5089 on: November 23, 2015, 03:13:51 PM »
Yup. SPECTRE was bad. I enjoyed the world-hopping scenery that Bond films are good for. The money they spend on locations is nicely up there on screen. The opening sequence was quite good, I thought. The supporting actors were good (i.e., Voldemort and L'il Q). And that's it. The rest was really very bad.
The script was just awful. Instead of characters having conversations, the dialogue consists of several exchanges of oh-so-clever one-liners and quips that are supposed to set up multiple pay-offs but which just come off as super-lame. It's like the dialogue was written by a 9 year old boy playing "Bond" by himself in his bedroom. It needed a massive dialogue re-write. Where's Bruce Vilanch or Carrie Fisher when you need them?
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5090 on: November 23, 2015, 03:22:32 PM »
It retcons all the pass movies villains and organizations as SPECTRE fronts. It's made extra dumb by the fact that Blofeld outright states that all of Bond's suffering and loss of the women in his life were designed by Blofeld as some sort of sick joke despite the fact Bond has been causing serious damage to his organization yet somehow remains a secret while being a world wide organization. They also retconned Bonds relationship with Blofeld as his sort of adopted older brother who was evil and a mastermind back when they should have been in high school. Basically retcons out the ass and stupid as hell.

The action scenes saved it from Quantum level of bad.

I know but HOW? It just said "this is the case" but not explaining how.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5091 on: November 23, 2015, 07:11:49 PM »
That's the thing I can't tell you how other than the fact he gets name dropped. There is no connection. It's BS.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5092 on: November 29, 2015, 08:32:44 AM »
Creed - 8.5/10

It's a really good movie. Maybe actually could have been a little longer because it covers a lot of things over a short amount of time, but if you're on the fence, I highly recommend it.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5093 on: December 19, 2015, 09:13:28 AM »
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 9/10

It gets everything right (I saw it twice yesterday, I'm confident in that statement). The new main characters - Finn (FN-2187), Rey, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren and BB-8 all fit in so well to the Star Wars galaxy. The only new character who is featured heavily in commercials but not featured heavily in the movie is Captain Phasma. There are a few similarities to the original Star Wars, but it is by no means a copy. It is more violent than any of the Star Wars movies, with a pretty decent amount of blood being shed. It's really hard to describe the story without some massive spoilers, and I'd rather not go through and spoiler tag everything, so I will make the somewhat vague comment (that could still be seen as giving the feeling of a spoiler maybe, without giving any detail) that Kylo Ren will do something that will make him the most hated villain in all of Star Wars. We've been waiting for a new Star Wars for a long time, and we're lucky that they actually waited this long. We got a great director, and amazing cast, and also we've finally gotten to the point where the line between CGI and real life has been completely erased. In my book, this is easily the second-best movie in the series. If it wasn't for the necessity of the struggle with what happens in The Empire Strikes Back for the entire Star Wars story, then I would possibly even put The Force Awakens in first place - but, if this is any indication of what's to come, at all, then the new trilogy will be the greatest of the series.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5094 on: December 19, 2015, 11:41:55 AM »
This is great to hear. I'll be seeing it when I get back home.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5095 on: December 19, 2015, 05:13:20 PM »
Very well said, Brandogg. I wholly agree.

I've also seen it twice.
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5096 on: December 19, 2015, 10:53:56 PM »
The Force Awakens:

Is a very good film and classic JJ Abrams. He has a very punchy directing style that lends very well to the type movies he does. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and can't wait to sneak out of work next week to see it again.


However, this movie felt too safe and formulamatic. Very by the numbers way of telling a Star Wars film. It also lacked a bit of George Lucas'..."something". I don't know if he had anything to do with this film other than getting Han, Luke and Leia on board for the story he created but it needed something more of his. Not that I wanted him to direct this film, no not at all but I think Star Wars still needs its Master in some way.

**** YOU KYLO REN one more time

« Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 06:19:54 PM by Nile Boogie Returns »

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5097 on: December 20, 2015, 10:34:22 AM »
I think that comment mentioned twice above should be spoiler tagged, because while it doesn't actually describe what happens in any way, if someone is reading that but hasn't seen the movie yet, then they're going to know what's going to happen when that scene starts...even though you probably feel it coming anyway.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5098 on: December 20, 2015, 02:49:38 PM »
I have a hunch what he does. I've suspected this would happen from the moment the films were announced. It was inevitable though. I'll talk more once I see it next week.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5099 on: December 20, 2015, 07:41:52 PM »
Going to see it for the third time, tonight. This time in IMAX 3D.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA