Author Topic: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!  (Read 30210 times)

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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« on: May 06, 2009, 02:52:44 AM »
Just yesterday Mike Tyson had defeated the feared Piston Honda, now he was standing in the ring ready to face one of the Little Mac Clones.

::the bell rang::

The two fighters faced each other (or should I say the Little Mac Clone had to face up at Tyson). Before he could even react the Little Mac Clone was hit square with a devastating uppercut, he could do nothing but fall. He was not getting up again.

Little Mac Clone, codename Gylldas was out for the 10 count.


“This can’t be” shouted Doc Louis in his locker as he watched the results of the last match on his personal TV. He only had two Little Mac Clones left.  The next match was about to begin as Doc Louis watched helplessly in his locker room as Little Mac Clone, codename oohhboy stood face to face with the dreaded Sandman.

“At least he is being welled to drop this match” Doc Louis thought to himself trying to alleviate some of the fear he had.

On the screen the Little Mac Clone took uppercuts from Sandman.

“What is that fool doing?!?!? He better not win this fight”

Little Mac Clone tried to retaliated but it was all for nothing, he was out.

“NOOOOOOO!” yelled Doc Louis.

“What is the problem” said Mr. Dream as he heard the window shattering scream.

“That fool Sandman didn’t throw the fight. He will pay. You know what to do right?” said Doc Louis

“Once again, with pleasure” said Mr. Dream as he disappeared into the locker room.

“I’ve had it with these pathetic clones” screeched Doc Louis as he went to his safe. After opening it he
pulled out a strange device.

“Worthless they all are” said Doc Louis as he pushed the button.


   While making his way back to his locker room, oohhboy felt a squeeze on his brain. Before he knew it, he well, knew nothing. Even at the hospital where some of the Little Macs were kept, there were reports of the life drifting away from them, then nothing. What had Doc Louis done?!?!


   Super Macho Man was celebrating in the ring after toppling Soda Popskinski to win the heavyweight title.

“All that is left is for the big man to reclaim what is his, the world title.” Said Super Macho Man, sometimes referred to as Pale, out loud.


This was it, the moment Tyson had been waiting for, his turn to fight for the championship of the world. On the opposite side of the corner was his arch rival Mr. Dream.

“It is time to give you a nightmare Tyson” snarled Mr. Dream.

“We’ll see punk” replied Tyson

They met in the center with stares that would drop the King of Koopas himself!


The fight was on.

An upper cut from Tyson missed which was reciprocated by a blow from Mr. Dream.

Tyson staggered back, but regained his footing.

He hit his left jab which connected with the gut of Mr. Dream.

“Oomph” said Mr. Dream who recovered fairly quickly with a left hook himself which connected right square in the head of Tyson.

Tyson fell down.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9…….he was up!

“This will teach you” said Mr. Dream as a knee connected in the family coins of Mike Tyson.
Tyson grimaced in pain, but did not complain.

“So that is how you want to fight?” said Tyson who with lightning fast reflexes that even the referee could not see chomped down hard on the right ear of Mr. Dream.

“Mmm, crunchy” said Tyson as Mr. Dream howled in pain. That was short lived though as Tyson hit a devastating uppercut that sent Mr. Dream 8 ft off the mat. He crashed down, lifeless.

1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Ding ding ding!

“Your winner and new World Champion…………….Mike Tyson” said the announcer.

Tyson held his belt up high. His dream had come true once again.

>>>>>>meanwhile outside of the arena>>>>>>>

Little Mac Senior was sitting outside of the entrance with other adoring fans when he seen Tyson emerge with the belt.

It ripped his heart apart knowing his son was still in the hospital and that Mike Tyson was once again champion, but in a way he was happy because he knew the tournament was saved from the clutches of the now diabolical Doc Louis.

As Tyson was making his way to the Limo about a block away he seen come out of the entrance, can it be? Doc Louis on his infamous bicycle with a crazed look in his heading straight for the new champion! He couldn’t do anything to stop him, since he was relegated to a wheel chair because of that same insane individual.

“Oh you are going to get it Tyson” said Doc Louis as he was racing towards the new champion on his bike.

“Noa you are not” said a voice.

“what th…..” before he could utter another word he felt something hit his head. His bike spilled over and he was face down on the concrete.

When he turned over, he saw over him. It can’t be. But no it could not be anyone else, that red hat and mustache gave him away. It was the owner of the Punch-Out!! Tournament…………..MARIO.

“I a been watching you. Me no alike statements made in locker room early in a tournament. Made me say a “Mama mia” and I runa away. I do a anything to stop your power playa. Even through a banana peel in front of sabotage man. It a ends here”

Doc Louis was lifted up by his shoulders by two toads.

“You have the right to remain silent Mr. Doc Louis. You are being charged with trying to sabotage the Punch-Out!! Tournament and unlawful elimination of persons under your control”

“That Mario was stalking me the whole time! I can’t believe the gall of him! I will be back” Doc Louis threatened.

“No you won’t” said a very unfamiliar voice behind him. The guards turned him around and he was facing, a woman? “What kind of joke is this?” laughed Doc Louis

“I am Big Bertha, and I was told by Mario himself that women will now be allowed in this tournament, and I do not need goomba scum like you ruining it for us” with that all he seen was pink as a glove came smashing into his face.  He was out like an emptied coin block.

They say that deep in the Mushroom Kingdom asylum you can hear Doc Louis say “A woman can’t topple me. Me am tough, I am Doc Louger, or is it Little Mac? ” repeating for days at a time.

The Punch-Out!! Tournament continued and to this day retains a pristine glow of integrity.


oohhboy: Little Mac Clone taken out by vote.
Gylldas: Little Mac Clone, taken out by Mike Tyson himself.

Remaining roles, mafia wins by having same number as townies

Mike Tyson: The Perm
Pale: Super Macho Man
nickmitch: townie
insanolord: Great Tiger
TheNorthSea: Doc Louis
vudu: Mr. Dream

Hope you guys had fun. In this thread you can discuss who should be MVP, PM your votes for MVP to me by Friday night at 10pm PST. Anyone that played can vote!

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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2009, 02:53:20 AM »
To begin I want to thank everyone that participated, we actually made it through without any major problems and had a great game of mafia too! It was down to the wire right to the end with comebacks from both side. It has been fun for me to actually write my first fiction story in almost TEN yes TEN years. Hopefully it wasn't too bad. Anyway let's get to it:

The Great, the proud, the MVP

I am going to throw in my two cents as to who the MVP should be and really it is between two players, Vudu and Pale. While it was clear to me that both teams lacked coordination these two players were doing their best to spin the game their way and were making headway. They both were prompt in sending in their actions and were involved with the game, especially towards the end helping their teams! So great job guys, you both were excellent

The good

Maxi and TheNorthSea, both did a good job, though in different ways. I was pleased as to how Maxi held himself emotionally in this game and he was always active. While NorthSea may not have the been the most active in the threads he was always on time in getting his protections in and because of his vudu was spared from a mafia hit!

Great job guys

The Bad

Really I was disappointed in both teams, ESPECIALLY the mafia from what I understand they had poor communication with players doing their own thing. What really was dissapointing was that one of their powers went unused when there was a chance it could have uncovered the doctor or the investigator. If not for Pale I think this team would have lost big time.


I was extremely disappointed in the few people who barely participated in the game. Not only does it hurt your team but it ruins the game as a whole. One of the biggest offenders was Stogi skipping the game altogether and even going out without using his power. If you don't plan on playing, don't join! I do blame myself though for giving Stogi the Little Mac Prime role, I thought it would get him into the game but sadly it didn't and it hurt his team.

Honorable mentions

First I want to thank Greg for taking time out of his busy podcast schedule for taking his first plunge in mafia. While he was new I think he fit right in and even got into the spirit of things! I see a potential mafia MVP contender down the line!

Attitudes were also great this game. Besides a few minor things everyone treated it like a game, and really I don't think that is much to ask!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 03:07:56 AM by GoldenPhoenix »
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Offline Dasmos

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2009, 03:06:52 AM »
Well done to Perm, Pale & Insanolord for winning and surviving to the end and also to BFS & Yoshidious. It sucks I was taken out too early to play any real part in this, but I'm glad you guys pulled it off.

The Bad

Really I was disappointed in both teams, ESPECIALLY the mafia from what I understand they had poor communication with players doing their own thing.

Yeah, this seemed pretty evident early on. Oh well.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 03:25:48 AM by Dasmos »
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2009, 03:21:31 AM »
I feel played once again.  I felt like something was going on, but I couldn't figure it out, but Pale got me this time like vudu had gotten me before.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2009, 03:28:14 AM »
since i can't nominate myself so i nominate Mop_it_up, i decided to knock you out and it wasn't because of how you were playing. You were just a random townie to eliminate. Sorry.

All the mafia was good, they all gave me great advice. Blackfootsteps gave me some good advice until he got eliminated, and it might have been my fault. Pale was like the Godfather trainer. We had 3 of our guys knocked out in a row, but we came back. Pale was hilarious the last day basically an argument was started between 2 townies to vote out, while another townie was on the back burner to be mafia hit.

Also, wow it is way different playing on the mafia side. This was the first time being mafia for me let alone the godfather.

also this is what competitors saw as i knocked them out

and I told great tiger to investigate 2 days ago, i told him he could wait a day if he wanted to. I had some troubles getting online so i had to rush over to best buy to use their computers. That sucked.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 03:38:38 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline Mop it up

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2009, 03:43:07 AM »
I knew Pale was Mafia. I just knew it. Too bad I was out before I realized it.

ThePerm and Insanolord I had no clue about. After Yoshidious, I had no idea who left was Mafia. They did a good job at the end there, there was really no real way to tell who of those remaining were Mafia.

This was a very interesting game, even watching it from the sidelines.

Also, kudos to GoldenPhoenix. Great setup, great story, great punctuality... Great job GoldenPhoenix! Can I vote you as MVP?

At this point I'm leaning towards Vudu as MVP. He tried really hard and had a lot of involvement in the game. I'd also say that ThePerm did a good job of hiding himself, and made some good decisions. Tough choice really. Maxi and Stratos fared pretty well also.

I know that Spak-Spang had inadvertently helped the townies by taking out the bomber and himself, but that wasn't intentional so that's not really MVP material.

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2009, 03:44:47 AM »
While I'm disappointed at the outcome, it was an exciting game to play. Congrats to the Mafia for the win. I'll post some more about what I tried to do in the game tomorrow.

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Offline blackfootsteps

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2009, 04:08:08 AM »
Yeah I think GP has summed it up well. Pale and vudu were the standouts as far as I'm concerned. Pale voting against me and leaving me to die when a tie vote was possible was a great move that I assume made the remaining townies trust him. To make it clear I'm throwing out a Vote Pale. But that's to be expected coming from a fellow mafioso. ;)

To echo the others (and my thoughts in the dead thread), GP you did a great job all around, especially with the times that days ended and began. Please future hosts continue this trend!

« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 04:12:02 AM by blackfootsteps »
“I waited all day. you waited all day.. but you left before sunset.. and I just wanted to tell you the moment was beautiful. Just wanted to dance to bad music drive bad cars.. watch bad TV.. should have stayed for the sunset...if not for me.”

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2009, 04:12:31 AM »
you did a good job yourself at keeping hidden North Sea. If you hadn't deflected our blow we would have lost a guy! I missed the rule where only Tyson could take out Mr. dream. Which is why today I took out Gylldas myself.

Theoretically Vudu could have been pretending to be the detective and actually had someone else get the results which is a good strategy, so i wasn't sure who to take out.

 I felt so screwed after bfs got taken out. Then immediately after Yoshidias got voted out, i was like dammit! I wish Dasmos had stayed in the game, that would have been very useful, but it was a double edges sword character.

 Great Tiger didn't come into play mainly because his power could only be used once. I wanted to use him later on in the game but i gave him the choice between 2 days ago and yesterday to use it.

Eliminating maxi was a must, he named too many names "Here is who I think is Mafia. Yoshidious, Nickmitch,Perm, ohhboy,BFS." 3/5 is just too good a guess, give him 2 days and he could have ruined our victory.

Vote pale Sorry mop it up, Pale was integral to the win.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 04:18:11 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2009, 04:16:44 AM »
gee gee

One thing this proves is that the townie leaders can still be easily played by mafia.

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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2009, 04:18:25 AM »
Just a reminder as to the prize that is at stake, the MVP gets a Wiware or VC game of their choosing totaling $20 (so yeah it is possible to get more then one game as long as it the total is under 20) and the runner up gets one VC game of their choosing.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2009, 04:28:29 AM »
Also I do want to add something else, both Stratos and Mop_it_up were showing great improvement not to mention they were part of the group that was involved with the game. I was especially impressed with Stratos being able to survive that long.

It really is interesting to see the game from the perspective of host. Since I wasn't privy to the PMs it is hard to judge, all I know is what people playing the game told me and what was in the thread. So my judgment of MVP may be different because I only have that to go off in addition to knowing who was prompt in sending me actions.

I tried to be flexible, vudu requested that  go off a list of names since he wasn't likely be around for a day or two for his investigations. While I rejected Pale in all his moderator scary glory wanted to change his frame during the weekend long after my 1 hr window Friday night. It is also good that the Super Macho Man role tweak I had to do, didn't really impact the game at all.
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2009, 05:16:01 AM »
Also I do want to add something else, both Stratos and Mop_it_up were showing great improvement not to mention they were part of the group that was involved with the game.
Improvement? Ha ha, I got a teammate voted out and I was killed on the second night. I'd say I fared better in the first game. Too bad I never got the chance to strut my stuff.

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2009, 05:44:21 AM »
Well I think I improved alot in my deductions as Perm pointed out.I was talking to stratos after todays vote about the end of the game. Since Vudu didn't turn out to be Mafia I guess I won't be vendettaing him. Why am I saying this? It is because It would of been a clever strategy if Vudu was Super Macho man and Pale was the godfather. Pale could of asked if Greg would of took the fall to make it seem that Vudu was the Investigator. It seems that isn't the case. On Day 4 I was killed.I sent the protection over to Vudu to try and get the roled players together so they can win it.I should of protected myself that night.

About the Rab PM. I probably should of talked to Rabicle first about it. I think that PM situation was my only mistake.I mentioned Gylldas to Stratos and I thought he might of been mafia as it turns out he wasn't. On my list of people that said they were townies I only have 2 people that were mafia. Pale and Insanolord. I think the Rab PM helped clear his name somewhat. On Day 4 I asked Vudu to investigate these people.Yoshidious,Nickmitch and Perm. Sadly after I died he investigated DAaaMan64. I had 2 Mafia members pegged.Greg and Perm.

Perm on my Day 4 mafia list I also had Pale but I had BFS first then Pale then back to BFS. So technically I had 4 pegged.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 06:14:00 AM by Maxi »
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2009, 06:23:26 AM »
Dasmos which 2 people did you get back from your action? I take it you told your mafia about my small alliance.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2009, 06:32:41 AM »
I would have dropped the Rabicle charge if he had messaged me with a response to his PMs but silence condemned him.

I just KNEW Pale was mafia. I also suspected Perm.

One very valuable lesson I learned this game was not to rely too much on voting records that was where the deductions for Nickmitch, Daaaman and Oohhboy came from but in reality they were just confused townies.

I was hesitant with the Daaaman vote, he was putting on a good defence and if I had logged on later that night I would have changed it to Oohhboy or Nickmitch.

Even though I was 'truced' with Pale in PMs I still held a suspicion against him. In fact I had hoped to go along with his Nickmitch vote and then planned to go after Pale if Nickmitch had turned out to be a townie like he was.

I'll post one of my PMs to Pale because I find some ironic humor in it. I vote Pale for MVP

Quote from: Stratos PM
I know I've voice suspicions towards you, but I notice you and Yoshidious are not getting along and he is also high on my suspicion list.

I am considering joining your bandwagon and possibly could bring a few others on board as well.

What say you? What do you know?

Quote from: Pale PM
I just know I have a really reliable Townie source that's all.  I voted for you because I was suspicious of you but didn't now for sure and then my source told me to vote for Yoshidious.. so I did.

Quote from: Stratos PM
Our source may be the same. I'm going to believe you are not the godfather and 'put aside' my suspicions of you. But I'm going to try and keep it up as a front to make the mafia think I still view you as a priority suspect.

LOL, if you are the GF -and if my source was truthful that is the only mafia role you could be- then you will have a good laugh over me in the end.

Who do you think is mafia?

I'm suspicious of Oohhboy, Daamaan for sure and Nickmitch (placed in order)

Insanolord and Perm are also suspects but lower. Insanolord has a history of low participation but still, that's a great front to use similar to how I saw your stevey lesson being a perfect front as well.

There are only 4 mafia left and if the first three I listed are mafia then there is only the GF to find (unless one of them is the GF).

I should also note that it had slipped my notice that the impostor role came back as townie as well until my last day alive. My fault for just glancing over the roles.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 06:36:43 AM by Stratos »
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2009, 07:14:44 AM »
Dasmos which 2 people did you get back from your action? I take it you told your mafia about my small alliance.

The people who came back were DAaaMan and RAB, both townies. A bit of a waste, but I was taken out the next night so it was worth it, I guess.

Also no I didn't tell my mafia buddies about your alliance, all I told ThePerm was that I'd recommend hitting Mop_it_up and Stratos. Both who turned out to have townie roles, I'm not sure if ThePerm actually listened to me or not though as I didn't get to explain why I thought they were roled townies before I died.
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2009, 07:31:25 AM »
I pretty much suspected Pale of being liar mafia by the time I was eliminated (far too early).  My intuition is always "the less they say, the better" and when I PMed vudu about being mafia or townie, he replied with three words and a smiley.  I figured he was probably townie, and I was right. 

Unfortunately, not enough people were doing their talking inside of the thread, and the ones that were became automatically suspect. 

Great job with hosting, GP.  As for MVP, I'd love to vote in Pale but he's dead to me so instead I'll vote in Pale. 

Fun game, ended a bit too soon for me.
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2009, 07:35:51 AM »
Well it was somewhat admireable that you didn't tell him about my alliance Dasmos. The hits was for Mop_it_up and Stratos came into play later in the game.So I guess we have to wait on Perm.

 I was looking at the day 1 thread and something caught my eye. Perm voted for Stratos. I wonder if we voted out Perm how the game could of changed. It is nice to look back on the past few days. On day 2 and 3 there were a few people that was mafia. I noticed that the Mafia would vote with the townies to kill the townie. On Day 2 Dasmos and Perm voted for Pap64. Day 3 Pale and Insanolord voted for Rab. Had Rab turned out the Bomber than the mafia could of lost 2 important roles. Then The godfather and 2 goons would be left.That could of changed the dynamic of the game.
Just some observations.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2009, 07:48:20 AM »
Well we knew RAB was just a townie so there was really no mystery about who they were voting for.

Also it was less of a case of me being admirable and more of a case of not knowing enough meaningful information to go back and tell the rest of the team.
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2009, 07:52:21 AM »
Well we knew RAB was just a townie so there was really no mystery about who they were voting for.

Also it was less of a case of me being admirable and more of a case of not knowing enough meaningful information to go back and tell the rest of the team.

That's because we purposely withheld information from you. We forged our alliance in more of a cell structure to avoid leaks like you could have been. That was one of the reasons I was groping around in the main thread for the investigator and doctor. I knew that Maxi had found them but he did not reveal who they were. There are pros and cons to doing things that way.
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2009, 07:58:40 AM »
Well we knew RAB was just a townie so there was really no mystery about who they were voting for.

Also it was less of a case of me being admirable and more of a case of not knowing enough meaningful information to go back and tell the rest of the team.

That's because we purposely withheld information from you. We forged our alliance in more of a cell structure to avoid leaks like you could have been. That was one of the reasons I was groping around in the main thread for the investigator and doctor. I knew that Maxi had found them but he did not reveal who they were. There are pros and cons to doing things that way.
As Stratos said I didn't say who the roles I found until later.  I kept the roles in my pocket till the right person came forward.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2009, 08:02:40 AM »
Same on my side. Just my contacts got killed sooner like Mop it up.
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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2009, 08:06:33 AM »
So basically we found all of the townie roles except 1 on Day 1.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Dasmos

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Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Final Round Wrap up!
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2009, 08:12:02 AM »
Well you had said that you had only found 2 roled townies on Day 2. I can assume you were lying then?

Well we knew RAB was just a townie so there was really no mystery about who they were voting for.

Also it was less of a case of me being admirable and more of a case of not knowing enough meaningful information to go back and tell the rest of the team.

That's because we purposely withheld information from you.

You, Maxi and Mop_it_up both revealed enough for me to realise you and Mop were probably both roled townies.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 08:19:04 AM by Dasmos »
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