Author Topic: In the dreamtime  (Read 108145 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #125 on: May 26, 2010, 01:16:22 PM »
i had like a fugitive dream, there was hiding, spiders, running, cute German chicks, Greg Kinear, horses jumping over my head, dogs, backyards, climbing up buildings, avoiding helicopters, blending in with the roof boards, hospitals, apartment complexes, school buses, cowboys, supermarkets, and hazmat suits, that wondering if im going to all my classes feeling, that wondering if im going to graduate feeling. I'll elaborate...hopefully i'll still recall it in a couple of hours.

Honestly, I'm not even sure if this dream was linear

So, I'm having this dream. I'm in school. High School. I'm finishing one of my finals. It seems like I have everything I need to graduate. Then I get this crazy feeling like I'm not going to a class I'm supposed to be going to that I need to graduate. I get out of class and walk down the school corridors and into the lunchroom. The school is selling boooks. I meet this cute blond hair blue eyed German chick. We start having a conversation in German about books and stuff. She seems really into me and that is kick ass because I would like to be into her. So we walk down the hallways and off towards the buses. Suddenly, its like the past, the 1950s and there is only 3 bus for 6000 people, then its the present again and all the other buses come. We walk towards the bus and we get on the bus.

The bus starts to move and we drive for a bit. The German girl gets off the bus I guess because she has escaped my mind as I watch the country side out the window. I change seats and I sit next to a young kid, and if i remember correctly its Atticus Shaffer from The Middle/unborn. I get off the bus and walk around the country side. This is part of a re-occurring dream that i must have had that I don't think I had memorized in my waking consciousness until now, but I go to examine theses dogs. ow in another dream I had been like running from something an I had been jumping over fences and stuff. So i get into a yard and out of nowhere a horse jumps over me, scares the **** out of me, but i continue through the yard to the dogs. These dogs were from that yard, but now I'm friends with them and a bitch just had puppies. so, im all petting puppies. I get done with this and I walk towards a farm.

 Its one of my relatives farms, anyways something creepy is going on, and then the school bus pulls up. I jump on the school bus and now my mom is driving it. I sit back down in the bus and apparently there are crazies all around. So she starts driving real fast down the road, and then starts running over people dressed in cowboy outfits. Its a crazy long road and shes going fast and these people who look like zombies are splatting all over. I think to myself the blood doesn't look convincing because it is overly real, maybe their filming a low budget movie.

My mom drives to her work and we get off the bus, she goes to work and I go into Albertsons(a supermarket) where my dad is. There are still crazies out, so when were in Albertson's we dawn hazmat suits and start spraying people, but we hit a regular person to and the turn orange. This is illegal, so we must run from the cops. So I start running, I run into this apartment complex and climb up on the roof, i may have hid a few other places but i dont remember those, but anyways I hide on the roof and a helicopter comes by so i try to hide inside the boards making myself inside a shadow zone. So, even if the light shines on my it just casts a shadow on my making me even less visible. I blend in with the roof boards real good, and the dont catch me, but they catch my dad.

 I get board though so I run off. This is when Greg Kinear who is a cop starts chasing me. I run into a hospital and I get chased down all sorts of Halways. I see a narrow crack in the wall that could fit me, and my dad is there too, and he gets caught again.  In this crack are spiders and I'm like oh **** I hope they dont bit me, but i wait there, I figure if i dont mvoe they wont bite. I look at the spider and it turns out its a wooly spider, and im like sweet wooly spiders are harmless and cool looking. Anyways I get this overhead vision of radars in my head, and a map of the hospital, the Green dots move into the hallway, and me the red dot remain still. They travel off in the opposite direction and this gives me a chance to find a better hiding spot.

So i run around real far and I hide under a bed. Greg Kinear comes in and looks for me, but fails to search under the bed. He leaves and heads the opposite direction again. This bed is cramped so I had out of this room. Now were in another apartment complex, and I run to my friend Gerber's place, and I hide under his bed. He has a sports themed room. I am hiding under his bed and I feel really relaxed now. Then out of nowhere hands grab me and start to pull me out of the bed, and I wake up.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 07:30:15 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Toruresu

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #126 on: May 26, 2010, 10:02:38 PM »
Wow 0.0
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #127 on: May 27, 2010, 11:47:57 PM »
i dunno whats with all the weird dreams lately.

I dont remember many of the details so here's a quicky from last night:

starts off I'm walking thru a parking garage, alone, when some thug approaches me and says some stupid ****. I ignore it and keep walking, when his FIVE YEAR OLD SON comes outta no where and pulls a gun out on me.

[scene missing]

next thing i know, i'm admitted to a looney bin, after trying to get help from cops.. i think they were crooked, heard something i said about someone and they had me committed. i share a room with an actual crazy guy, try to fight against bein administered any drugs... and thats it. thats all i can remember anyway.

fucked up.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #128 on: June 04, 2010, 05:17:37 AM »
i had a semi lucid dream I had a time machine and I traveld to 8th grade, and I inhabited my body quantum leap/peggy sue styled, i sat through a class of lecture from my 8th grade teachers, and then I told everyone what was up, told all the girls from the class that I was going to bang them, and then I gave a piece out to everyone and prompty decided to have some fun with my super powers. I headed towards a forrest and then realized I was actually dreaming, and then I escaped through a Zelda-esque grotto hole and then woke up. The school portion seemed very real though, like it really felt like I was in class and participating and stuff. Then it just drifted on into nonsense dream ****.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #129 on: June 12, 2010, 05:11:50 PM »
2 weird dreams

i'm ordering a chicken sandwich with fries at a fast food restaurant, my friend is arriving in town and im letting him borrow my car, he borrows it but drops me off across the street from the restaurant, so i cross the street, only to find out my order was given to someone else because I was gone, i snatch my chicken sandwich sans fries and run outside and eat it on a bench. I'm a detective and Aliens are attacking. Im in south Tucson and the alien ship hovers overhead, it looks fucking awesome. I don't know why, but spaceships look way cooler than sci-fi movies in my dream. Im going to have to draw this, my drawing will pale in comparison though. So then I walk for a while avoiding the attack in downtown Tucson where the skyscrapers are. I meat up with my brother, but he's like really fat, like so fat he can't fit through the door. Its extremely odd looking.

then i wake up and I fall back asleep

now im having like this really depraved dream that is a cross between Orphan, Puppet Masters, and Dead Silence, there is a moment where its just like American Beauty and I almost take the bate. Then there is a random baby.... all i can think of is I have to get out of here.
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Offline Shaymin

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #130 on: June 12, 2010, 05:53:33 PM »
Just woke up from one that scared the crap out of me.

I work in a call center and thankfully have not had a call where I'd have to calm down a suicidal customer. My dream started with that scenario, so I'm calling 911 and getting transferred to the location of the caller based on caller ID, while he (it sounded like a male voice) was saying he was going to kill himself.

I get the 911 operator online... and there's a loud *bang*, then I wake up.

... I need a new job.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #131 on: June 12, 2010, 06:14:33 PM »
wow! scary dream

here is kinda what the ufo looked like in my dream

as i said pales in comparison to how cool it looked, ill keep photoshopping it till i get real close
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 08:03:15 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #132 on: June 13, 2010, 12:43:17 AM »
I need some dream interpretation/

Several times now I have had a dream that is basically this: I'm in a dark room and I am trying to light it up. I flip on a flashlight but it starts getting darker light batteries are going dead. I turn on a lamp and when I turn around it has dimmed. I go back and forth trying to bring light into the room but the darkness keeps swallowing the light.

The darkness isn't scary, but it is frustrating.

What does it mean?

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #133 on: June 13, 2010, 02:01:11 AM »
it means the darkness is creeping into your life, and all your actions against it are futile. Things are getting bleak and up to this point its been hopeless. The darkness is reality, and you are out of touch with reality.  Hopefully you don't kill people in your spare time.

Emptying a waste paper basket in the dumpster out back. Sunny day today!

That tiger is cool. I took this picture a little late, but it's a shot of my Tulips .

I was skulking around the neighborhood earlier tonight.

im sorry, but you live in Washington. You and Goldenphoenix are both under suspicion! Less so Goldenphoenix.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 02:10:02 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #134 on: June 13, 2010, 02:51:08 AM »
That reminds me, I need to watch some Dexter tonight.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #135 on: June 13, 2010, 03:31:10 AM »
That reminds me, I need to watch some Dexter tonight for ideas.....

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #136 on: June 13, 2010, 04:48:59 AM »
I had two weird dreams last night. In the first one, I was with a girl I don't know, and Jonathan Metts and James Jones, and for some reason we were walking to Albany, New York.

In the second one, it was kind of like the TV show The Office, except there were zombies. They weren't really traditional zombies; they were like half zombie and half traditional bad guy. As people were running back inside the office to get away from them, I got locked out of the office, and I told them to not let me in because if they opened the door the zombies might get in. So then I'm walking around, beating up these guys with my bare hands, but people I know from college are just standing there shocked while watching, because they don't know that they are zombies and it looks like I'm just beating up random people. For some reason the zombies were wearing blue jeans, and once I killed them they disappeared, except for the jeans, which I then flung over my shoulder and moved on to the next zombie.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #137 on: June 13, 2010, 04:43:46 PM »
its hilarious when video game memes end up in dreams, even more hilarious when they are poked fun at.
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Offline UltimatePartyBear

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #138 on: June 17, 2010, 04:19:16 PM »
I need some dream interpretation/

Several times now I have had a dream that is basically this: I'm in a dark room and I am trying to light it up. I flip on a flashlight but it starts getting darker light batteries are going dead. I turn on a lamp and when I turn around it has dimmed. I go back and forth trying to bring light into the room but the darkness keeps swallowing the light.

The darkness isn't scary, but it is frustrating.

What does it mean?

I used to have dreams a lot like that!  I'd turn on the light, and it would be really dim.  I could see the light itself, but it didn't illuminate the room at all.  I don't think it means anything, except maybe that interior rooms without any external light sources are really annoying when the lights go out.  In my dreams, it was always the interior bathroom at my parents' house, where I'd been when power outages happened a few times.

I had an actual nightmare for the first time in a while a few nights ago.  In the dream, I was lying in bed exactly the same way that I was in reality.  The difference was that in my dream, I was aware of people robbing my house, but I didn't care because I was safe behind a locked door, so I just kept trying to sleep.  Then a man walked over to the side of my bed from the direction opposite the door as if he'd been there all along and said "Hello."  I woke up immediately and nearly panicked for a moment since I woke up in exactly the same position I'd been in in the dream and it was too dark to see whether or not the guy was there.  The massive adrenaline rush woke me up completely, so I was able to tell it had been a dream pretty quickly.  It was hard to go back to sleep with my body pumped up to run for my life, though.

Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #139 on: June 22, 2010, 03:31:15 PM »
Would it have been more scary, or less scary, should the man beside your bed sounded like Elmo (or some other non-intimidating character)?
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline Stogi

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #140 on: June 22, 2010, 06:28:55 PM »
hahaha elmo would freak me the **** out!
black fairy tales are better at sports

Offline UltimatePartyBear

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #141 on: June 22, 2010, 07:16:56 PM »
Would it have been more scary, or less scary, should the man beside your bed sounded like Elmo (or some other non-intimidating character)?

Hard to say.  The dude had a kind of evil sounding voice, but I think it's mostly him being there that was scary.  Now, if he'd actually looked like Elmo, but had the non-Elmo voice, I think that would have been a lot scarier.

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #142 on: June 22, 2010, 08:09:49 PM »
it means the darkness is creeping into your life, and all your actions against it are futile. Things are getting bleak and up to this point its been hopeless. The darkness is reality, and you are out of touch with reality.  Hopefully you don't kill people in your spare time.

I was skulking around the neighborhood earlier tonight.

im sorry, but you live in Washington. You and Goldenphoenix are both under suspicion! Less so Goldenphoenix.

Ha! I'm immune to suspicion!
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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #143 on: June 23, 2010, 02:14:53 AM »
I had a strange dream last night. Everything was a cartoon.  I was this misshaped blob of caucasian color and I needed to get into Carl's house (of ATHF fame), who was wearing a blue jump suit at the time.  He told me my pokemon weren't leveled high enough to enter.  I leave and just kind of hang out in his front lawn in the grass. 

That's all I remember. 
Who wants heroine brownies?

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #144 on: July 01, 2010, 12:39:19 PM »
I had another awesome dream last night. It was like a movie, and cool to because it was totally coherent.

I'm sitting in a university computer lab searching on the internet when I get a tap on my shoulder.

Its my friend Jimmy. Jimmy is my friend who is most known as a raver, but he has a degree in business. Actually he immigrate here from China when he was 4 and speaks fluent Mandarin. Anyways he told me he was leading of an experiment, and that I should come be a part of it. He wouldn't tell me what it was until we got there.

It was going to take place at a parking garage next to the schools student union. I get there and there are a bunch of friends already there. Friends I didn't even know knew each other. I go and stand next to them. My friend Nick is there. I ask him what the experiment is and he tells me "teleportation machine",

Then I'm like oh ****, because I think about the physics involved in teleportation, in that we might get really sick from radiation poisoning or just disintegrate all together. I look over at Jimmy and he flips the switch. I looks around and I see electricity everywhere, and not just your shitty scifi effect, a really cool one.

Then we are on a train. I vomit. I looks around and everyone is there safely. Jimmy did not intend us to be on a train. The train is moving really really fast. People start jumping including Jimmy and Nick. I look outside and I think it is too fast to jump out safely. I think about bear grills and on one episode he talked about how to do it safely. You tuck your legs together as you fall or something. Anyways i take my time waiting for the train to slow down. I must be miles from Nick and Jimmy. The train slows down a bit, and i make my jump.

Now, i think we are in some part of Mexico. I walk past the tracks into a small roadside stop that is on the border of a town. The first thing I do is grab something to eat. I just grab some tacos, and their fine. They make me feel much better. Then i start to walk towards the town. Two guys are following me. Two thuggish dudes. I walk for a while and they keep following me. They are going to mug me I think, and sure enough they try. I tell them look I don't have any money in my wallet. They look at my wallet, nothing in there. Then they just hand it back and walk off.

I head towards the town and there are impoverish people all around. I see bunches of people there, they look sickly. Apparently since we did the experiments this is where people end up, and they have been doing them for a while There is some sort of time travel aspect to the teleportation device. A whole slew of people are here from an alternate timeline where Jimmy never returned. I walk through a tunnel and I see some nurses tents. I walk in and there is Nick. I give Nick a big hug. The nurse is treating people injured by bad teleportations.

He informs me that we can only eat hay, then i inform him that i ate a taco just fine. He's like ahh crap. Jimmy must have been joking with with him. Then we have a joking conversation about how horses were teleported here by aliens and the reason they eat hay is a side effect for some people.

He takes me to a tent with Jimmy, and we just sort of bask in the fact his experiment works. Jimmy tells me our next mission is getting back to Tucson and figuring out how to get the experiment right. I then revel in how we just saved mankind from self extinction.

Then we have a conversation, i bring up that real estate value on Mars just shot up and we could make a fortune. Then nick was talking about how wouldn't that be illegal on mars. I'm like there are no people on mars and if we go there we would be the people to make the laws. He's like what about international space treaties. I explain they mean bullshit now. Then we start talking about wars and then Starfox. Then i tell them that we'll genetically engineer frog guards to fly Arwings around the planet. Then that's when i woke up.

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Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #145 on: July 03, 2010, 01:48:16 PM »
Holy Crap, i just keep having these vividly weird dreams. This dream was awesome.

So, its fourth of July and the sun is setting. I'm with my mom and we just got done shopping at the store. We look up at the sky and we can see that the fireworks had already begin. We see the tracers
 go up in the air and then the usual explosion of the fireworks. The crackle of fireworks fills the air. It begins to become dark, and we wander around the neighboorhood looking for a btter view. Then I
notice something weird. Among the fireworks are astroids. It gets dark enough and the moon is glowing. Then i notice something that scares the **** out of me. The moon is still there, but it looms in the sky and
it is huge. Pieces of the moon have dissattached off of it like pieces of a jigsaw.

We walk around the neighboorhood and everyone starts staring at the moon. Everyone is noticing. I start to panic and a few other people do too. So I get into looters mode and I run into a store and start grabbing survival stuff. I go into the store and grab painters suits for 25 cents each, because i can turn them into radiation suits by melting shopping bags onto them. We go back outside and the jigsaws are just falling to earth. Big Austrailia sized jigsaws, but most of them are breaking down into small astroids as they decend. The earths atmostsphere is taking care of us for now, and i start to think of other parts of the world, and wonder how bad they are getting it. I could turn on a tv i think, but im getting quite a show just watching the mooon disintigrate right in front of me. Then finally when all the continents of the moon have fallen the scarriest thing is left. The moon has shrunken to an extent that it can't hold its own gravity. The core is left and its a huge iron chunk itself. It starts to decend towards earth. It passes over us and heads south of us. We turn around and look at the neighboorhood. The moon then begins to dip down in the horizon as it falls at a rapid speed towards earth. It falls below the horizon becoming obscured by the houses in the neighboorhood in front of us. I think about how the impact of the astroid that killed the dinosaurs was like worse than 30 horishimas. The guy in front of me watching the neighboor hood just liquifies into a puddle of blood right in front of me. Then i jump and as im yelling jump I hear some of the people behind me jump also liquifying and houses rumbling and shaking. I look behind me to see if my mom is still ok. She jumped good. Then i look back over where the moon had hit the earth and there is a blue mushroom cloud. I order everyone to run in the opposite direction.

We run into our house and grab some military fatigues to put on and then we head north. Then its a couple years in the future. Everything is different after the incident. I walk around the town and everyone dresses like a punk. It's become some Mad Max escape from New York world.  I walk into a car garage and am greeted by a hero. A hot girl is there, and i walk up to her lift her up onto a tool bin and make out with her. I start to head south until i get to the center line. The division point between the two sides of the city. In the north is the prosperous people who took care of themselves, and in the south are the no good people who got sent over there. Apparently, at first people who didn't understand radiation sent people over there. Then the lazy got sent over there. I stare at the people on the other side and they are just begging. Terry crews walks by and he's a holographic guard. He basically shoots anyone who tries to come from that side back over. I walk to the west and then i end up at some dudes house. Then its like im at a party and im explaining the whole dream to this redheaded dude as if i wasn't already in the universe of it. Then i wake up.

update: HOLY ****!! I turn on my tv and the Syfy channel is on, and the next movie up is a Stephen Baldwin movie with similar subject matter. I'm going to go solo on an MFT!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 02:45:53 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Caterkiller

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #146 on: July 04, 2010, 12:19:35 AM »
Nintendo players and One Piece readers, just better people.


Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #147 on: July 04, 2010, 12:39:04 AM »
Gamers have the most interesting dreams...
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #148 on: July 16, 2010, 04:44:20 PM »
so i have this dream my cat had kittens, and one of them has a pumpkin head.

Then im wandering around a hallway, and some guy is setting up security in his room which is next to mine. Then thats not working out so i go downstairs only to find out that the orb on somebody's sceptor has been stolen. Tiny lister is pissed. So i go looking for the orb and find it, but then i realise that by holding it im lord zed and its awsome. Im now in some super market and i get into a fight with the power rangers, only they are super buff. I climb up to the top of an aisle and run from them on top. My mind starts commenting on the downfall of the power rangers show, and superimposes the idea of commercialism with 3d text saying things like happy fathers day. So i run from the power rangers, but then i start to run away i fight ninja turtles and jump on a fence and start running accross fences for a while, but then im back in the super market and im a werewolf so i run around there for a while running at people and such and then I jump on the top of a bus. I agree to take people out because i owe money to some oranization, and im paralized otherwise.

weird dream
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 04:54:39 PM by ThePerm »
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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #149 on: August 08, 2010, 05:04:16 PM »
So i had this dream, and i deacided to dress up as wolfman, but the joke of the wolf man costume was that is was supposed to be a very lazy wolfman costume. Basically I wore just pants, and my cheetah robe, and because my chest is hairy and i currently have a beard, i look wolfman enough to pass as a wolfman by very low werewolf standards.

So, im at school wearing my wolfman costume for some sort of costume party, most people are digging my costume, some people think im a pimp though because of my cheetah robe. Anyways i go to the bathroom, and then im suddenly in a maze of bathrooms i always go through in my dreams. I see it in my dream, its just this big locker-room bathroom area, and its a re-occurance in several dreams. Not sure if it was a real place I was at, or just some weird dream zone. Anyways, i get out of the bathroomy place, and I head down a gym hallway where i encounter Donkey Lips, yes Donkey Lips. He wants to fight me, but i convince him that we are friends and shouldn't fight. So, he lets me go and i go outside and start heading over to the 7-11, except the 7 -11 is closed down.

I walk behind it and see a hooker, and she's like "hey big daddy" and im like "hey", but then an actual pimp walks out and he is furious. He thinks im another pimp in his territory. I explain to him im just from a halloween party, and im wearing a Kraven/wolfman costume, but he doesnt believe me. We go to blows, but i escape the conflict. He pulls a gun out on me and starts shooting at me. I cross the street, not looking both ways, so i start to dodge between both cars and his gun shots. I decide i have to evade him somehow.

I figure one of the best ways is to become hard to see in between bushes. So i run towards bushes. e is getting further behind. I run down several bushy hills, and then jump down into a big tree. The tree I believe is really blocking my visibility. I hang in the tree for a bit, but he manages to catch up.
I run past a museum, and then i run into a forrested area. I think to myself maybe I should put up traps in the area, and then sneak up on him like rambo, but i decide not to and just keep running forward.

I arrive at a rocky area, on a sea shore.I traverse the cliffface for quite a ways until i get into a cave.

The cave is an entrance to a holo-deck game arena, of which i am a member. The pimp follows me into the arena but is obliterated because he is not a member. I think thank goodness.

Then i finish watching this episode on a computer, there are other episodes to watch, but i am bored. I walk around my house to see that my dads old friend Mr. John is there. Haven't seen him in years, but he is supposed to be able to fix my car. So we both jump on a motor cycle and travel through this orchard to go find the part. We go to a junkyard for a brief time but find no parts. So, we go to a pub and meet up with my dad, and then i get really drunk on Guiness and start telling him about this awesome dream i had, then i realize im still in the same dream and wake up.
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