Author Topic: In the dreamtime  (Read 107996 times)

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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2009, 01:56:09 PM »
I remember having this dream that I had a little office chair that, for some reason, could fly. I remember flying all over some city (it wasn't my city) on that thing, even if it was kind of scary because of how precarious it was (like most office chairs, it didn't have a seatbelt).

Flying's fun. :)

once dreamt i had a flying cadilac that my friends and i used to fly over vegas. My buddy joe ended up losing it in the basement garage of some hotel and we asked these skate punks nearby if they saw anyone fly off with our car and they looked at us like we were stupid.

Later in the dream we're at a bar having a few drinks, and laughing at the whole situation. I tell my buddies "whyd we park in a basemet garage anyway, it woulda been safer on the roof"
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2009, 11:54:58 PM »
so i had these dreams some years ago and i dont remember them at all. I wrote them down, and put them on a cd. Well i found this cd today. Its filled with a host of gramatical errors..sorry. I could edit them, but i havent re-read them yet myself

Exorcist Dream
Well this dream starts out im in a maket with a friend who has an australian accent. We look around find some fruits
and stuff and then it starts to get dark. The set is just like gila vista except its at nightime and the houses* have
lights on....anyways we head towards my house which is where mr mahans room is in gila vista...but of coarsew when we
go in it becomes a victorian city house. Anyways i goto talk to my wife* and of coarse she obviously possessed by the
devil. Im like how are you las and she's like you will die for i am the devil...she yelled at me. So i yelled back..
well lady in this hosue if you are the devil then i am God in this house..lets have armegeddon baby. Anyways my friend
will be eating dinner here. She's like ok. I made him pie. So he goes into the house and as soon as he comes in she takes
 a pie knife and cuts a square through his head...theirs no blood really but its dsgusting. Promptly realizing she is
serious i leave the house. I feel pretty much homelss and wander around the 19th century streets of gilavista*and then i
come across this nice house i open the door and say that my wife is possesded by the devil. They insult me because they
are a wealthy irish family and im a now homeless english guy. Anyways i say i bet you 5000 pound that you cant last one
night in the same house as my wife. And the irish guy agrees and i wake up

Book Demon Dream
me and my friends drive to this mountain where we find a bunch of fantasy books hiddewn in a rock and in the dirt.
We decide to take these fantasy books. So im Sitting there collecting them in a big pile and theve all dissapeared
 downhill. So  I go to go get them by walkign downhuill. Anyways we see cops so what we do is get in the car
and get some of the books from the rock. The mountain hill thingie is i guess in kofa high so we decide to run into
the building after we collect the books.So then we run thoguh the building then through a subway(sandwhiches), then
a starbucks, and then through a constant chain of small rental building until we get into a wal-mart,. We get out and
start walking around. The big guy goes after a chick and appears to go rape her. Anyways me and brian suddenly get into
a fight and brian turns into a demon. I figure if he can do it the i do it too and anyways we fight demon style for a bit
and start walking around we come back and theres this line for the big guy and then a girl is like "That man knows how
to treat a women right" I was like ok...i guess i was wrong about before.

Crazy diseased lady
well at the beggining of this dream it seems im a doctor with my own practice in jerome idaho. This lady comes in
with her daughter and i say shes got an incurrable disease. So she kills her kid. And shes this weird holistic nurse
in some crazy fundemetalist cult. So being weird she  starts chasing me throught the city.  So i jump from roof to roof
truying to escape her. She keeps on coming out of nowhere even though i put great distances on her and try to confuse her.
Amazingly neither of us gets tired. So i stop and start talkign to people and she catches up so I start beaytinng her with
a hammer. A dog objects though...she now appears to be a cat and i quit hammering.


I first start the dream, i start the dream in mr. phelans room,
my old electronics teacher. I guess im visiting. Im talking to
all the freinds i had in the class. Danny, Jerry, Jared.
Were hadned out this form and were supposed to fill it out.
We head to the jim and meet the old gym teacher. He gives us stickers
and we I guess get on the bus. I fill out the form on the bus
and i guess we go to my brothers house. There is this huge ass party
at my brothers house. Apperently ytheir holdign hte party because
theres mushrooms growing by a fence. Anyways my brother is in line with
me and were supposed to show some dude out numbers that we were given
and were supposed to get that number at soem sort of dart board roulette
table. Jeremy tries he doesnt win. I try and i win a trip to hawaii.
Im sitting there like cool im going to hawaii and i meet this girl...
she seems nice at first but then eddie pulls up to my brothers house
in soem nice convertable. She starts fussing me out and I just run
and jump into his convertable. Im like sup dawg, where you been?
LEts ditch this place! So we leave. Apparently i come back hours later
in my car. I park near the water pump away from my brothers house.
I walk from there and i start to head towards my brother's front door.
Thats when i see these two guys that look like british thugs...or rednecks
standing in front of the door. There ar etwo chains attached to the door
and heading towards some truck. OIt seems their oging to pull the door off
I ask them what their doing? In a british accent their like "well, were gonna
brake in. Steal the computers, tvs, stearios and what not" Fearign they may take
me out cus i caught them i start to leave. Im like "ill have to be going now".
"right then, cherio" the one who talks says. So, i run in and go into the back
door. I head into jeremy's room and wake him up. It takes about a minute and he
finaly opens his eyes. Thier liek yellow for some reaosn. I tell him thta these
two guys are going to break in. So were in the house with me, my brother, eddie
and Richard lewis(dont ask me why hes there, maybe comic releif...noen the less
hes playing his role..hes being neurotic and hes afraid) Anywyas my brother goes
out and beats the crap out of one of them. So four of them are coming in with guns.
Throgh soem door that doesnt really exist at my brothers house but is now there
thanks to dreaming. The door is in the hallway heading to the spare room. Instead
of a spare room the hall is slightly longer and leads outside. Anyways a catholic
preist and a little boy rush htrough the front door. We beat the crap out of the
priest and we appologize to him when we realise he's a preist. No he was not a
child molesting preist. Its just a coincidence. Then again i have someitimes a double
subconcious mind. Anways ythey run towards the side door and are blown away by shotgun
fire. I get my wooden toy gun(as a clubbing weopon not a gun), and my brother gets
his staff. Eddie has a stick, like a deku stick(but it isnt a reference to zelda, when
i lived in georgia we always had sticks). Richard lewis picks up a glass snow globe
and gets ready to throw it. Anyways i head towards jeremy's room and find a baseball bat
sure beats the wooden toy gun i had...i give the wooden toy gun to eddie and take the
bat...ah bats...brigns back memories of gta3 and conkers bad fur day. Anyways the dream

Eventualyl reflecitng upon hte dream we wouldhave taken a paintball gun and used it as a stun
weopon. I would have put the couch up sideways and used it to avoid enemy fire. Before the dream
ended i was metal gear style strafing next to the wall with the baseball bat. It woudl havre
been great.

dream a little dream

I had a dream i was going to the movies and i me t up with patrick
steweart. He was in ther lobby. I didnt have a ticket but  I he
thought i was cool so he let me in anyways. I guess i was gonna see
that new startrek movie. I sit down and i meet up with my freind nick
while were sitting there we meet this really muscular guy behind us.
He talks about how he used to be fat, but now hes so flexable that
he can look at his butt and then he says he can do some
things others beleive they cant veing flexible and all. I said
thats weird. Thge mental image pops in. I repeat what he says
and then the movie ends. The lights comes on and were in k-mart
or wal-mart and were in all these chairs arranged like a movie
theater. In front of us there are little kids and all they say
are cusswords and nicks family. Nick took me to the theater I guess
with his family even though I went there by myself. So we start
heading to the left side of the building and then it turns into kmart
because walmarts seafood section was dufferent. Somehow i end up in
the bathrooms. Im walking down the retroom halway and i open the door
two chicks...wrong bathroom. Then i open the other dorr. Boy those
people must be using the wrong bathroom i thought. It had a male symbol.
So i go and look at the baythroom has both symbols and says
personal restroom. So i go back into the one with hte chicks in it.
When i open hte door theres a chick standign therre and she walks into
a big stall and kleaves the door open for me. I guess we were going to
have some public restroom sex. So i go in there and she spreads her legs
and all of a sudden i look up and theres an asian dude hanging on the
side of the stall dead. I open the door and im beign transported in
a truck. Somehow a restroom stall got into a truck and was moving on
the higway. At this point i realise i was dreaming. I am god i realised.
I have to figure a way to contoll the dream without waking up. If i go
too far of coarse i will wake up. So i called forth a carriage. It
took a while. I figured if i closed my eyes in the dream that when i blink
and envision at least an idea of what i want i will get something similar.
I knew i wouldnt get exactly what i wanted. So i close my eyes and envision
a horse carrying dragging the bed of a truck. Well that doesnt happen.
I jump out of the truck and decide to test my power. There are all these cars
headign towards me. I yell stop and all of a suddent the cars disapear and
the people in them stop. I wanted them to stop and go boom and i said crash
so all the people fly back. At this point a horse comes by with a hotdog cart
for me to ride on. Well i cant ride that so ill just play some more. I
yell blow up and this hot naked skinny blond chick comes by with he mouth open. I basically
then said fair enough and when she cane down on me it felt like she was
biting. I then woke up and realised i kneed myself in the nuts.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 02:11:32 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2009, 10:25:37 AM »
perm: all that time spent writing about your dreams, or whatever that last post is (stopped reading cuz it was a wall i couldnt bare to scale), couldve been spent writing your lil movie scripts that you're always mentioning.

I had a very very odd dream last night, two actually. The first was pretty X rated to be honest, so no details there. The second though.. geez...

My girlfriend and I were out in the woods, lost i suppose, when we stumbled upon some weird zombie creatures and attacked. We managed to escape unscathed only to end up in some odd house that was having a party.. for these zombie things. We were trapped and had to fight our way out.

Why we didn't go thru the front door is beyond me, so like your typical movie/game instead of escaping we tried to make our way thru the house.

Oh before i forget, when i said it was a party, it was a freakin costume party. So it wasn't just rotting corpses hanging out drinkin booze, it was **** like.. doppleganger spiderman... some gross yet hilarious stuff lol. With that said, there were some very odd appearances and it got to the point where i couldn't tell if i was fighting of creatures dressed up like other fictional characters, or the characters themselves. Oh pyramid head was there and i almost pissed my pants, but we took him down.

anyway, we fight our way thru and make it up to the top floor where its daylight. We get to these steps leading to the attic and Freddy freaking Krueger is at the top, egging us on to fight him up there. He's not even wearing his usual garb, he was styling in some clothes straight out of H&M lol. We follow him up hoping to put an end to all this, only to find ourself in some trap he set up. The attic floor was some sort of sporting goods shop, and on one side of the room was Krueger, the other side had a trio of older gay men (normal looking, not zombies or anything) and they all had harpoon guns.

We managed to sneak around and take Freddy out, and had a nice lil place to hide from the other sides harpoons, and somehow took them out as well. We walked out of the house holding hands, and thats it.

What. The. ****.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2009, 03:04:14 PM »
i've written 3/5ths of a movie script, its really difficult. Animal house had 3 writers. My friends aren't helping as much as they could. Its nothing but funny ****. Anyhow i had more weird dreams.

2 days ago
I had this dream i took my ex's little sister to one of her ballet performances, and then i hung out with her backstage before I watched it in the crowd. Then I took her to the mall and we hung out with her friends(some made up people) and then i took her home and we talked on aim. My Ex's little sister has grown up to be a real hottie. She was like 13 when i met her. Now she's 19.

i just had
The first dream I had last night was I was sitting at Denny's by myself and waiting to order. But then this dude gives me some food and says its for me. He's in the next booth. He seems a little fruity, but it was basically what i was going to order anyway. So I eat it. When I'm done he seems to want a little more out of me then gratefullness. I say thanks but no thanks and I start walking really fast, and he's sort of following me. I'm like damn leave me alone. I speed walk through some neighboorhoods until I find this lake, and then i have some conversation with somebody about zelda and i wake up.

The next dream I had I was in some high school auditorium and there was this hot ass bitch on stage, she was a little older, probably a cougar, and they're passing out some sort of standardized test thats ultimately unimportant to graduation. someone calsl out from the audience and asks the lady her age and she won't reveal it. I ask her what year was she born and she says 1969. So that makes her 40 nice. Anyway's im sitting next to some cute redhead which is apparently a genius and my girlfriend. she's doing well in school and i'm not(i really dont know who this girl is..its like watching a movie), but we are too cool for school and leave the auditorium. The principal finds us and berates me for not doing the test. I'm like whatever. He tells me i'm a c student. I'm like that's still passing.

I had this dream my grandparents are over at our house and were just sitting on the couch eating watermelons. I get this phonecall and its from our family friend Diana(who i haven't seen or heard from since we left Georgia when I was age 25 now) anyhow apparently in this dream she has moved in with us and is telling us not to worry about the hounds. Weird.

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2009, 11:09:38 AM »
I just had the weirdest dream I think I ever had. I woke up several times, but it was the last one where it got really weird.

It starts off with me hanging out at my old job, waiting to talk to the managers about something, but I end up hanging out and playing games with the employees as the managers apparently pretend I'm not even there. but I get hungry, so I leave.

I meet an ex girlfriend for lunch, we get burger king(it just appears in my hand) and walk over to some beach. We hook a right and down the beach while we eat(there are lots of girls there that I pretend not to notice), so I walk her somewhere back near where she works and ditch her in the crowd.

-wake interlude #1-

Now I'm back at the old job(Why am I at my old job hanging out?) and playing dominoes at a front desk and making lots of noise with a crowd of people waiting for interviews or something. I recognize one of them (they were at the party I went to on saturday night *see alcohol thread in funhouse*) & asked about an old friend. Got disturbing news *he went home to his makers* :(

-wake up interlude #2-

now this is where it get weird. Now I'm back at the office (seriously, whats with the old job? why am I here). someone is playing videogames on his computer. i watch for a few minutes then leave. I start heading towards that beach I saw at lunch. When I get there I make a left instead. There are some gorgeous topless women some dancing, some with body paint (kinda like a hippie beach party, but more Mardi Gras style), Some dark haired beauty starts dancing next to me, giving me good looks at everything she was showing, and then she caresses my face with her hand and dances away.
Now I start to see some weird people. Naked people with crazy piercings, and things I can't describe on the forums due so sexually explicit yet not stimulating situations, like some guy having what he considers a tasty snack, only from the back, but its surrounded by cottage cheese and thats not a taco, its a donut hole or a chick with a double stack on the front and two more on the back along with super junk in the trunk, but why does she have four tiny little legs and is riding a horse? what the hell is going on?

Things start to look really funny and the ground dissapears and and the tree comes to life and a giant bass is swimming up from underneath and i'm trying to get the hell out of there without freaking out. Did I just get slipped a dose in my dream, how does that happen. There is so much going on at this point, that I couldn't possibly describe it all, like a giant cyclops with a nose ring(I'm guessing now that it was really the guy with the crazy piercing ;)) and the sky was purple with dark gray clouds. I have to vacate the area as soon as possible without showing that I was freaking the **** out.

I get to a hallway near some bathrooms and I trying to pull my hair back into a ponytail (I don't have anywhere near that much hair) so I'm obviously still trippin a little, and these two pretty asian girls are walking behind me. The first one goes in the bathroom and says something about putting on her matching panties, and the second said that was a good idea but she couldnt find her panties. So the second on asked me if she can have my balloon (I don't know where the balloon came from), I goto give it to her and she says she wants to thank me. I can't really go into to many details, but lets just say peekaboo i see you! I ask for more than a peek and then she does PEEKABOO I see everything! then she asked me to sit down and hold a tiny (chinese restaurant) tea cup in my mouth as she walked closer. Thats when I woke up for the final time. I was afraid of what was about to happen with the tea cup.

I can't believe I got drugged in my own dream.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 11:12:16 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2009, 11:26:14 AM »
You're gonna need nose plugs if you hold a teacup in your mouth in front of an asian chick.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2009, 11:42:25 AM »
There was so much more I wanted to describe but it was just too graphic in nature and it would have turned into a post that was too long to read. But just before i woke up I threatened the asian girl about doing anything unfavorable with that cup. i had no choice but to wake up.

I tried to go back to sleep after that, but the dream started back at my old job again, so I woke myself up immediately.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2009, 03:36:12 AM »
lol describe it to me via pm lol
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2009, 09:27:24 AM »
i meant to post here about a dream i had last weekend, while it was fresh in my head, but now i can only give a few details. And by details, i mean scraps of information:

It was about me and a friend who i had just seen that weekend.

We were at some sort of shopping plaza (cant remember if it was day or night!)

He had a camera and at one point looks up to catch footage of a ufo.

Next theres bright lights in the sky and people start panicing. Among the panic i see this (hawt) girl from work walking calmly amidst the chaos. I said hi to her and she smiled/waved. Weird

Later we're in a loft apartment trying to review the footage, somehow Seth Rogan is on the tape..?

This last part seems completely unrelated to everything that came before it. I had this vision of some little league baseball game going on in the desert. Some kid knocked a ball onto a high cliff and was bullied into retrieving it. Once up there he starts screaming violently while everyone else below tries to see what the problem is. Most think he's just afraid of heights and just can't find the courage to climb his way down.
Turns out some black clouds were hovering over said cliff, a bolt of lightnight strikes and causes a huge flaming pentagram appears. Then outta nowhere some giant beasts appears as well, looked like a Minotaur, and starts speaking some nonsense i couldn't understand.

Dream over.

Fucked up huh?
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #34 on: May 08, 2009, 03:42:53 PM »
i just had the weirdest dream

i was doing all these chores for my dad, i watering the lawn, then i was watering orange carpet in the living room(why the **** would i do that), and he was just pissed at me calling me lazy because i didn't want to do that. Anyways we get in his truck and for some reason i ride in the back and then were going down a freeway, for some reason were driving past ground zero and i can see some construction.

WEll like as if were in f-zero we do a loop de loop and i fall out of the truck and fall onto this slip in slide, and i do this crazy slide past the statue of liberty and past some huge george washington statue and then i fall into disneyland. I find this old guy and tell him what happens and he offers to help me out. Then i start thinking about home alone 2 and then i wake up.

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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2009, 04:19:15 PM »
i just had the weirdest dream

i was doing all these chores for my dad, i watering the lawn, then i was watering orange carpet in the living room(why the **** would i do that), and he was just pissed at me calling me lazy because i didn't want to do that. Anyways we get in his truck and for some reason i ride in the back and then were going down a freeway, for some reason were driving past ground zero and i can see some construction.

WEll like as if were in f-zero we do a loop de loop and i fall out of the truck and fall onto this slip in slide, and i do this crazy slide past the statue of liberty and past some huge george washington statue and then i fall into disneyland. I find this old guy and tell him what happens and he offers to help me out. Then i start thinking about home alone 2 and then i wake up.

Mine is weirder, yours is just more organized.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2009, 04:01:58 AM »
I had a dream last night I was in Japan on vacation. I have never been there in real life, but i knew there was something that wasn't right about it. In my walk through the town I realized I was in a very americanized version of japan, and that to get to the other side and also to get to the airport(and disney land...disney land is always connected to an airport in my dreams)that I had to cross a bridge. I see this very great wall of china, asian style bridge with a guard in front. He says i can cross and raises up a ramp to get on the full bridge. I start to cross the bridge and on my way i see mickey, minny, donald duck and goofy. I wave to them. as i cross the bridge the vanishing point in the distance begins to melt into a sea of paint. I panic as i have to get off the bridge before it smudges away into the ocean. I ask mickey for help. He has balloons. He tells me we can fly away if i press up. I can't find an Up button anywhere.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2009, 04:21:18 AM »
I ask mickey for help. He has balloons. He tells me we can fly away if i press up. I can't find an Up button anywhere.

I don't know why, but I am laughing near uncontrolably at that part.

You can fly away if you press up!  :D

these are some riveting dreams. I wish I had dreams like these.
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2009, 09:56:49 AM »
I ask mickey for help. He has balloons. He tells me we can fly away if i press up. I can't find an Up button anywhere.

I don't know why, but I am laughing near uncontrolably at that part.

You can fly away if you press up!  :D

these are some riveting dreams. I wish I had dreams like these.

Thats how you enter doors too, duh!

I think Perm has issues.. but thats just me.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline Stratos

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2009, 04:23:10 PM »
I think Perm has issues.. but thats just me.

Who doesn't that posts here?
My Game Collection
NNID: Chronocast
Switch: SW-6786-5514-9978
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2009, 09:24:03 AM »
Here in this thread, or here in the forums in general?

Guess you're right either way..
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline Stratos

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2009, 02:38:27 AM »
Here in this thread, or here in the forums in general?

Guess you're right either way..

Yup  ;D
My Game Collection
NNID: Chronocast
Switch: SW-6786-5514-9978
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5723-6467
XBL Gamertag: Chronocast

Offline Stratos

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2009, 06:13:41 PM »
OK, I just woke up from a crazy-go-nuts dream. To set up, though, I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to play Conduit. I ended up playing through the last half of the campaign and beat it then played online and mostly dominated the maps for hours. I finally go to bed around 6AM and videogame dream.

I was agent Ford. Except I had a name that started with 's'. I can't remember what it was, so I'll just roll with Stratos since that was likeley what it was. I was on a mission to same Solid Snake. I was sneaking around and taking out guards in the plains/forest place. It was like I was playing Metal Gear completely from the first person except the guards were the SWAT troopers from Conduit and the guns were from it as well. I could even 'pause' the game and a big Wiimote covered my view like how in Goldeneye you looked at your watch and it filled up the screen to be your menu. I could reset that part of the level by pressing minus if I messed up.

So I rescued Snake and asked him to help me on this critical mission to get...something. It was always vague what I had to get. But somebody had it and was abusing it. I had been working for this big spy company buisness person, but I knew he was bad news. I went along with his plans anyway even though Snake and I had planned to defect from him and find my old boss who we knew we could trust with the artifact once we found him. Strangely both of the bosses were at a fancy dinner party down the street and we could go talk to them at it when we needed help and advise.

So after saving Snake, the next mission had us going to this huge mansion in a part of town that was snowing. Apparently the guy was holed up there. So we some squads of troops on our side, but the don't do anything. They just follow us around saying military terms like 'clear' and 'move move move!'. They blew the mission several times and we had to reset. Snakes getting PO'd at them by this point so we create a big distracting fight in a huge hall of the mansion and leave the squad there fighting the other guards.

Snake and I split up. I go up some stairs and there is a crazy party going on upstairs. Like college frat party.. There are drunk people everywhere. Actually, most of them were underage so it was probably a high school party. I watched as this girl was getting thrown and kicked around. I assumed she was drunk at first and they were having a laugh, but it got more violent and she was obviously in pain. I took her from them and picked her up to discover her hip was broken. She told me that she had some odd issue but everyone said that if she threw herself into the wishing well out back she'd be cured. That was how her hip got broken. (???) There was this weird cut scene/flash back in badly pixelated DS 3D graphics that showed her falling into the well. Strange.

I decide her health is more important than the mission so I run out of the mansion and there is a police officer/security guard there. I go up to them and ask if they can get some medical professionals there (did I really have to word it like that?) They lady points to a person in a crowd of protesters outside the manision protesting...something and says "Jesus would be glad to help, his church is next door". And this guy walks up dressed like Jesus but obviously a drunk crazy hobo says, "Sure, let's mozey on over to my place and see who's up and willing to help this lady". As we walk aroung the building the other side has all of this weird black stuff all over it and it looks like some 7-year olds tried to make a haunted house all in black on the side of the church. There's all this red writing and creepy satanic stuff on it. As we walk in the Jesus Hobo yells out, "Oh, they've redecorated, neat!" There's a line of these people (most of them midget height) who had black snuggies on that covered their faces.

I was getting worried and turned to see the Jesus Hobo had wandered back out the door mummbling to himself. The girl has lost consiousness at this point. I see all these bloody tools on the walls and decide I'm leaving. Suddenly there are guards everywhere as I realize it was a trap (never listen to Hobo Jesus) . I make a run for it gunning these guys while I carry this girl (she is very light thankfully). I run into a supermarket when I discover from my old, good boss that the girl is a link to the guy we are chasing. He wants her for some reason. Snake tells me I'm on my own because he's preoccupied. I swear I hear the party I left in the background of his transmission (thanks, Snake...).

We race through the supermarket, and I'm trying to not hit civilians, but no one seems to notice us. Everyone just keeps going about their business.  I think I got all of the pursuing guards and make a break through the parking lot. Suddenly a van pulls up and a woman that looks like Sarah Palin and a boy jump out of the car. Apparently it is her mother and her boyfriend. All of a sudden the girl regains conciousness and is healed (and sober now too, nice trick). But out of the supermarket comes this crazy guy that I know instantly is the target we were after. He wants the girl back and says he will stare down anyone who gets in his way. Apparently he has this power from the artifact we were supposed to get that makes people lose their souls attachment to your body if you stare into his eyes. Thus you die. He also has a gun and all mine apparently dissapeared in the store. The mom and him start gatting into this fight that looks like one of those parental domestic disputes while the evil dude points the gun at the girl. The boy tries to be all heroic and stands in front of the girl but I throw him out of the way and say, "are you mad? I have body armor, you don't, get the car warmed up".

The evil guy starts talking to me and monologuing about his super power and how no mortal man has the willpower to overcome it's pull to sever your soul from your body. I say try me. We stare into eachothers eyes and I hear this weird whispering and blackness *AHH* I wake up, but this weird muddy wake up and I saw my room and everything, but I was all floaty inside like there was no gravity, I lay my head down and it was like I warped back to myself and regained conciousness (was I really awake or was that one of those 'dream' wakeups?) I hear the girl screaming. I see I'm on my knees, but I look up and I have my hand around they evil guys neck. He's shocked to see me regain conciousness like that and I squeeze. His eyes bulge and I hear a crack in his neck. Suddenly I hear the communication chime but it sounds like my phone. It rings again and I wake up to my phone's 2PM.

Wow. This is what staying up all night playing videogames does to me.
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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2009, 06:33:10 PM »
I was up playing games all night, pulled an all nighter with my girlfriend playing COD4. Well almost an all nighter. She fell asleep for a few hours so I played Sands of Time since I just bought it. Then she woke back up around 4am and we played until 9am. But then I had to help my grandparents move from 10am-4pm. I am still not that tired because I slept most of yesterday. No dreams for me though... I don't dream that often... But when I do I wish I wouln't wake up. I always seem to have very nice dreams when I do have them.
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Offline Stogi

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2009, 06:43:03 PM »
Stratos, that dream was hilarious!

I especially like Hobo Jesus! ahahahhahaaaahahah
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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2009, 07:13:12 PM »
I dreamed recently that I got to try out Super Mario Galaxy 2. I recall that the level I played in, which was the first level in the game, was set on a sort of mountainside in a grassy theme similar to the Gusty Garden Galaxy, and it was pretty hard because there were a lot of platforms that were rotating. I also recall that the hub in the game (I couldn't tell if it was Rosalina's new observatory or something) had a very oriental/Indian feel to it, like I was walking around Taj Mahal with an open roof, showing all the stars in the sky.

Offline EasyCure

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2009, 10:15:31 AM »
Stratos, that dream was hilarious!

I especially like Hobo Jesus! ahahahhahaaaahahah

I really want to read it, cuz i don't like neglecting peoples posts around here (whats the point of being an active member of this community if you won't give everyone the time of day?), but this ones just WAY too long for me, right now. I'm slacking off enough from work, if i read that i'll have to catch up on this giant stack of papers i got and i don't want that. I'm glad Stogi gave me a heads up on Hobo Jesus.. lets me know theres something good to expect!

I'm also glad this thread was bumped cuz i had an annoying dream last night. In it, i walk into work today and its a mad house. A line of customers extending out the doorway and i was thrown into it al by myself (cuz once i showed up my boss who was sitting at my desk just took off). Eventually i got help from 3 other people i work with but the line didn't seem to stop and every customer was angrier and angrier than the last one.. UGH.

I need a vacation.. and i can't even take one. Time to look for a new job i suppose.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2009, 10:23:25 PM »
So i had the craziest dream last night..

It was like some action movie staring the one and only Timothy Daltong... as BATMAN. Except he wasn't wearing the usual, and by comparison, lame batman outfit. His was more badass, and he didn't even hide his face behind a mask. The mustache was enough to strike fear into the eyes of his enemies!

I don't remember many of the details, but i do remember was there was a sick car chase "scene' where he's driving his batmobile with the top down and throwing mother fuckers off his ride with his bare hands and laughing as they hit the pavement and roll under his tires. SICK!

All that leads up to a big werehouse fight, where even more crazy **** happened. This wasn't your usual batman either, this one was killing people. No, seriously. At one point one bad guy was electricuted with high voltage wires, then Dalton/batman throws some random old women out a window. All the while he's making quips and awesome one liners in his english accent and laughing at everyones demise.

February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2009, 10:30:42 PM »
LOL, sounds like "Batman Visits Madworld - Starring Timothy Dalton". That sounds like pure awesome.

I had another crazy videogame themed dream a few nights ago. But I was baffled and confused by it I didn't bother to write that one down. I don't even remember the theme or context. I just remember some Animal Crossing character was in it (I think it was Nook).

I now wish I had written it down. Lesson learned. Next one I will write down.

So did you ever go back and read my previous dream, EasyCure? I'm curious to hear what you think of it. I even broke it up into manageable paragraphs as opposed to the typical wall of text for easy reading and comprehension.

On a Dalton/Batman related note...
How cool would Dalton be as a Batman villain?
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Re: In the dreamtime
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2009, 02:02:50 AM »
The other night I had a weird dream that I was really sick in bed and I was listening to RFN. They were talking about a remake of Star Fox 64 with Wii controls and were really bashing it. Also, everyone kept shouting "Bowling!" like it was some sort of joke or catchphrase.
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