Author Topic: Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?  (Read 3777 times)

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Offline ActorJ

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« on: April 10, 2003, 11:16:41 PM »
I'm gonna say it. I despise the very idea of Pokemon. I hate the the stupid made-up word, Pokemon. I hate overhyped, over-merchandised anything. I also see Pokemon as the game that grubby little kids play on thier grubby scratched up gameboy colours.

That's said, since I love my new GBA SP, and am looking for a new game, and I keep hearing how the games, despite being the most annoying creation ever, are really quite good. Do you think it is worth me buying anyway? I'm 19, BTW.

Offline PIAC

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2003, 04:26:19 AM »
whats age got todo with the price of eggs..
anyway, despite the rather large preconceived notion that pokemon is for kids, it doesn't have to be, its a game anyone can enjoy. its basically a very open ended RPG. you start off with 1 of 3 pokemon, and then using it you catch others untill you decide you have what you think is a well ballenced team, all the while raising your level's and beating the 8 gyms along the way, there is a story in all 3 games, but its definatly not what drives the game, once you "finnish" the game, there is still a massive amount todo, ie catching/raising every pokemon you can find, atleast give the game a try (someone you would know would have atleast one version of the game)

its very addictive

Offline kennyb27

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2003, 12:24:33 PM »
You should definitely try it out.  I don't think its half as bad as you think.  It's definitely a great RPG and game.  But I'm with you about the over-hyping of it.  I think its ridiculous.  But then again, its money, that's what they all want.

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Offline RahXephon

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2003, 05:48:43 PM »
poke-mon means Pocket Monsters in japanese.  They obsessive over cute characters over there, pocket monsters is a game of all cute character, therefore the merchandising is infinitely profitable.  

Any Pokemon r/s is really really really good.  It is quite challenging, nice looking, very creative, cool characters, and just alot of fun.  I am 20 and i think it is great.  Age has nothing to do with games man.  If you like rpg's, then you'll like this game.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline Jedi Master Yoda

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2003, 07:56:14 PM »
Yeah, you should definitely pick this one up, especially if you've never played a Pokemon game before.
However, this isn't challenging at all. The most challenging part in any Pokemon game was back in the Red/Blue days, where as soon as you picked your Pokemon you had to fight your rival. That was tough, and totally up to chance. If your rival happened to do all attacking moves that time, you lost, but if he decided to do some stat-changing moves, you had a pretty good chance of winning. I remember turning my GB on and off so that I could beat him and get that free level. Now you can level up before fighting your rival for the first time. In Ruby, by the time I fought my rival, my Torchic was already at level 10. Sure, they upped the ante on the Elite Five (making the Pokemon higher levels), but a few runs through Victory Road just leveling up and they're no problem.
To sum it all up, if you're looking for a challenging game, this is definitely not it. However, Pokemon is addicting, fun, and has the biggest replay value of any game I've ever played (once you've done everything, you can work on making the "perfect" team, catching every Pokemon avaliable, and leveling up your "perfect" team to level 100).
Check out the games I own!

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Offline RahXephon

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2003, 08:32:09 PM »
you thought it was easy, i think the gym bosses are impossible, maybe cause i started with grass.  I beat Blue so easily i never died once, i always thought that was the easiest in the installment.  My frined also started with Treeco and he thinks it is harder too.  Maybe i just need to lvl up more.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline Chris150

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2003, 08:49:22 PM »
I beat the game pretty easily with my Treecko. The only time I got stuck was at Brawly.
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Offline ShockingAlberto

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2003, 09:20:32 AM »
I'm still stuck at the fourth member of the Elite Four.  He rips me a new one, and I even have Groudon in my party. >_<

I thought the game was quite challenging.  If you're not prepared for a certain trainer or so, then you can easily be wiped out.  Your two rivals in this game (one of them invariably takes Ralts as his starting Pokemon) are very predictable, though.  The gym leaders do not cause too much pain, although the Psychic gym is a bitch.  In any case, in the past few games, you could feasibly win without playing elemental "strategery".  If you had a high enough level (even by three or four), you could kick major ass against many Pokemon in the older ones (even Crystal).  However, if you don't mix and match attacks and elements, then you've got no chance in this game.

Also, my Pokemon are seemingly too retarded to ever fight through confusion and only have Paralysis effects when the battle ABSOLUTELY HINGES ON IT!

-- ShockingAlberto
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Offline Syl

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Pokemon for someone who hates Pokemon?
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2003, 06:05:01 AM »
I'm a pokemon fan.

Have been since the first game.  I've owned every incarnation of the series.

all of them great games.

Ruby/Sapphire are amazing games, slightly harder than the previous ones in my mind.  I've acquired a little over 150 hours on my ruby version as of this very moment, I'm going through the elite 4 for my 75th time.  I also have alot of friends that play it, which might be surprising, considering were in highschool, but hte game is addicting, and the more people you konw the better.

Play the game, ignore the hype, your missing out on a good thing.