Author Topic: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.  (Read 5083 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:21:33 PM »
Players List


Dasmos = James Bond
Easycure = Q
Nickmitch = Townie


Pap64 = townie
Vudu = Red Grant
Golden Phoenix = Francisco Scaramanga
Spak-Spang = townie
Stevey = townie
Wandering = townie
Shyguy = townie
Kashogistogi = Jaws
RABicle = townie
Plugabugz = townie
DAaaMan64 = Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo
Athrun Zala = Xenia Onatopp
Insanolord = Ernst Stavro Blofeld



James Bond

And there are 1 townies left.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 11:49:07 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 10:22:47 PM »

Outside a labratory in Hong Kong, a scientist steps out into the cold night air. Walking to his vehicle, he realizes someone is following him. Hurrying to his vehicle, he finds a man waiting for him there with a gun.

"Put your hands up," ordered the man.

The scientist begins to do so and then jumps behind another vehicle. He then uses the other vehicles in the lot for cover and starts screaming for help. Two security guards hear his cries and run into the lot. A cat and mouse game ensues. One of the guards is attacked from behind with a wire and strangled. The wire retracts back into a watch.

The other guard is scanning through the lot with his flashlight when he hears a noise a behind him. He turns around with his gun ready to fire only to see a giant of a man standing behind him. The man smiles flashing his metal teeth. The gun slips from the guard's hand as he is paralyzed in terror. Jaws lifts the man up and tosses him into the side of a parked car leaving the guard knocked out.

The scientist, meanwhile, has broken into a car and is trying to start it when a woman walks up to it.

"What are you doing in my car?" she asks.

"It's not what it looks like," the man stammers, "There's someone with a gun out there after me."

"Get out of the car," the woman orders, "Or I'll scream for help."

"Alright. Keep it down. He might hear," the scientist said, climbing out of the car. Suddenly, the woman jumped on the man and started squeezing him with her legs.

"What are you...? Stop. I can't breathe. You're crushing me..." the scientist wheezed and began to pass out.

"That's enough. We're here to capture him not kill him, " said the man with the gun.

The woman looked at the man with anger but stopped squeezing him and got off him. The man with the gun checks his watch. It's the same watch that contained the wire used to strangle the guard.

"Jaws, get over here," the man barked, "Grab him and let's go."

Jaws came over and grabbed the unconscious scientist and carried him over to a waiting a vehicle. He threw the scientist onto the backseat and climbed into the vehicle along with the rest of the villians. The man with the gun drives the vehicle towards the exit. A security guard stands at the exit and fires his gun at the oncoming vehicle but to no effect. He dives out the way. As he watches, the vehicle speed off, he catches a glimpse of the driver. The camera reveals it is James Bond.

The vehicle arrives at a harbor. There the villains get out of the car and walk down a pier. At the end of the pier, a submarine is waiting. Jaws hands off the scientist to some off the sub crew and then climbs in, followed by Xenia. James Bond reaches for his own neck and tears off his face. It is a mask being worn by Red Grant. Red throws the mask into the water and then climbs into the sub, closing the hatch behind him.

The scene cuts to Siberia. James Bond is holding onto the back of a snowmobile as the driver fights to make him let go. The driver reaches in his pocket and pulls out a knife. He stabs at Bond's hands but Bond lets go before he can hit it.

Flipping in the snow, Bond finally comes to a stop. He quickly gets up and watches as the snowmobile races off. Looking around, Bond sees a highway a little ways in the distance. Jumbing on his stomach, he slides down the hill towards. Reaching the highway, he flags down a passing motorist. Bond pulls the man out of the vehicle and takes off in it. Zooming down the highway, Bond catches up to the man on the snowmobile. Veering offroad, Bond pusures the snowmobiler. The man, realizing he is being chased by Bond, begins to veer around to shake him off.

Bond struggles to keep the car steady but manages to keep up with the snowmobiler. In an effort to escape, the snowmobiler turns onto a ski hill and races by people skiing down the hill. Bond follows, honking his horn for people to get out of the way. Reaching out the window, Bond grabs a ski pole from one of the people going down the hill. With the car barreling down the hill, Bond begins to pass the man on the snowmobile. As he does so, Bond throws the ski pole into the front tread of the snowmobile causing it to sieze up. The sudden stop in momentum causes the snowmobile to flip throwing the driving into the air and flipping down the hill.

Bond attempts to slow the car down but the icy surface of the hill prevents that from happening. The car begins to fishtail. Bailing out, Bond slides down the hill watching as the car spins down to the bottom of the hill. At the bottom of the hill, the snowmobile drives hits a bump, flies into the air and lands with a thus on his back. Groaning in pain, he looks up the hill to see Bond's former vehicle spinning down the hill towards him. Horrified, the man tries to get out of the way but can't get a grip on the icy surface to move. The car hits the same bump at the bottom of the hill, flips up and lands on top of the snowmobile driver, crushing him.

Arriving at the bottom of the hill, Bond gets up, takes a quick look at his handiwork and runs off towards the ski lodge. At the ski lodge, a horn honks in the parking lot. Bond gets into the waiting vehicle where a voluptious woman is waiting for him.

"Drive," Bond orders.

The woman peels out of the lot onto the road. "Did you get him?" she asks.

"Yes. I think he was crushed," Bond replies. "Turn here."

The woman veered off onto a sideroad pulling into a barn. "What are we stopping here for?" she asked.

Opening up the glove compartment, Bond pulls out a bottle of champagne and pops it open.

"James, there's something you should know. I don't mix work with pleasure."

"Me too. I find it makes the pleasure much more enjoyable." Then he kissed the woman. At first, she resists but soon relents. Cue the opening credits.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 02:00:58 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 02:26:48 AM »

Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 02:28:41 AM »
Roles have been sent out and with that, we are off and running.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 03:03:38 AM »

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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 09:11:23 AM »
BRAVO for taking extra time to make this game special. 

And there are many credits with women, but I am the only credit with a pussy.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2008, 12:53:36 PM »
Just thought I'd let everyone know how the Q role is going to work. I have a list of 1 - 15 randomly made up with the 5 gadgets. The number of each is as follows:

4 - contacts
4 - safecrackers
3 - wristwatches
2 - lotus espirts
2 - licences to kill

Q can choose any number between 1 - 15. He can only choose a number once. That's how the randomness will work.

In addition, to make the Xenia role a little more interesting, Bond can not destroy her vote with his wristwatch. That means Xenia's vote is always safe and cannot be tampered by the Contessa or by Bond's wristwatch.

That should take care of all the information on the roles.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 02:10:19 PM »


James Bond

Agent 007. Nobody does it better. But that's to be put to the test. Charged with foiling S.P.E.C.T.R.E's latest plot, Bond faces his toughest mission yet. Of course, Bond is armed with more that just his wits. Thanks to the Q lab, Bond is given a great number of weapons and gadgets to help keep steps ahead of his adversaries. It's up to Bond to decide when best to use his weapons. If he wants to use them right away, he can. If he wants to save them and use them all at once, that's his choice. He can use his gadgets any time he wants provided he's still alive to use them.

As for the gadgets Bond gets, that's determined by this man:


The man who never jokes about his work, Q is responsible for instructing and equiping all field agents with the latest in technological marvels to aid them in their work. Of course, technology takes time to make and circumstances decide which device might be more suited to a certain mission. Therefore, every day, Q makes a choice as to which gadget to equip Bond with. They are as follows:

Contact (high percentage) - Bond is given the name of a townie to contact with. The townie's are chosen randomly. However, there is also a danger that Bond may be given the contact of Red Grant posing as an innocent on Bond's side. It is up to Bond to decide what he does with the information.

Licence to kill (low percentage) - Bond is able to use his licence to kill anyone he wants.

Safe Cracker (high percentage) - Bond can use this to crack the code to any safe and thereby investigate any secret documents a person has. Doing so allows him to learn the role of anyone he chooses to investigate except for Blofeld, the tricky devil.

Lotus Esprit S1 (low percentage) - the famous Bond car from The Spy Who Loved Me. With this amazing vehicle, Bond or anyone else he chooses, can escape the night actions by submerging safely underwater.

Remote detonating wrist watch (medium percentage) - Bond's wristwatch has come in handy in many occasions. One of the more popular features has been the ability to detonate explosives with it. In this case, setting off an explosive destroys a player's vote or nullifies it. The only person protected against this is Xenia Onatopp.

The Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo

Ahh, the Contessa. Perhaps the greatest of all Bond girls. It helps when the girl is Diana Rigg. Despite what Bond and her may think, they do not have all the time in the world. S.P.E.C.T.R.E. must be stopped now or neither of them may be able to survive. To help Bond, the Contessa is able to use her charms to change one player's vote to whatever she chooses. She may do this at any time before the voting deadline. The only one not to fall prey to her charms is the deadly Xenia Onatopp.

S.P.E.C.T.R.E. (Mafia)

Ernest Stavro Blofeld

#1. The leader of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and perhaps Bond's greatest nemesis. Once again planning to try to gain control over the world, Blofeld has assembled a deadly array of villians to help him in his quest. Although pictured above, one is never certain of who Blofeld is due to his use of plastic surgery. Thus, if investigated, he will appear as just an innocent townie. As the leader of S.P.E.C.T.R.E., Blofeld is responsible for handing in the hit order every night.

Red Grant

One of S.P.E.C.T.R.E.'s finest assassin's. A homicidal-paranoiac maniac who's been trained by S.P.E.C.T.R.E. for years. His trademark weapon is his 'strangler's wristwatch'. Red Grant has been assigned the huge of task of killing Bond. In order to do so, Grant hopes to pose as one of Bond's contacts and gain his trust in order to get close enough to kill him.


The immortal Jaws. If you can get his services, why not hire him to join your criminal organization. Jaws has proven his mettle by continually being able to live despite his many encounters against Bond. Due to this stunning display of survival, Jaws cannot be killed by Bond's licence to kill nor by Scaramanga's golden bullets. He can only be killed by the vote.

Xenia Onatopp

Of course, S.P.E.C.T.R.E. is a place of equal opportunity employment. Thus, the deadly Xenia Onatopp has been recruited to help in the deadly scheme. A villain who seems to get some sexual pleasure out of killing people, Xenia is one of the most twisted killers Bond has ever faced and will have to work hard to keep Xenia from putting the squeeze on him. Due to her nature, Xenia is unaffected by the Contessa's attempt to sway her vote. She is also unaffected by Bond's wristwatch and cannot have her vote nullified.


Francisco Scaramanga

The man with the golden gun. One million dollar shot means another poor victim has come to a glittering end by means of a gold bullet. He is Bond if Bond were the villain. Scaramanga has no loyalties to either the townies or to the mafia. He is out to look after himself and is willing to kill to get what he wants. Scaramanga is the killer role. He is able to assassinate anyone he chooses every night except for Jaws. Will Scaramanga be able to make it to the end or will he meet his match?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 02:14:43 PM by Spak-Spang »

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2008, 03:39:26 PM »
Thanks for giving me the best frame.

Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2008, 04:03:17 PM »
Personally, I'm a fan of Athrun.   :rolleyes:  ;D  :-*
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2008, 07:58:36 PM »
While you are busy killing the new guy, here is the rule on ties if it comes to that.


If there is a tie at the deadline, there is a simple procedure for solving it. Anyone who has not voted that day has 15 minutes after the deadline to vote for one of the people tied up. If after 15 minutes, there is still a tie, anyone who didn't vote that day will be killed instead. So if there were 4 people who didn't vote, I'd randomly select one to die instead. But what if everyone voted and there was still a tie? Then, the 15 minute extra time will be used to change one's vote for someone else. If, after the 15 minutes, there is still a tie, then those who are tied will be exempt and I will randomly select someone else to die. Should have saved yourself.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 11:17:49 PM »
Wait Khush that isn't proper.  IF the vote says somebody should die, and not everyone played, you should not push the townies or mafia for lack of votes.  I say a randomly voted off person should die, AND somebody that didn't vote.  It is the only fair way of doing that.

But, oh well, we do have 15 minutes to change our vote, so it will be an unused rule anyway.

Offline Athrun Zala

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2008, 11:22:52 PM »
While you are busy killing the new guy, here is the rule on ties if it comes to that.


If there is a tie at the deadline, there is a simple procedure for solving it. Anyone who has not voted that day has 15 minutes after the deadline to vote for one of the people tied up. If after 15 minutes, there is still a tie, anyone who didn't vote that day will be killed instead. So if there were 4 people who didn't vote, I'd randomly select one to die instead. But what if everyone voted and there was still a tie? Then, the 15 minute extra time will be used to change one's vote for someone else. If, after the 15 minutes, there is still a tie, then those who are tied will be exempt and I will randomly select someone else to die. Should have saved yourself.

so, what's the point of "Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo" role then?
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2008, 11:32:57 PM »
The point of the Contessa role is to prevent a tie but even with the Contessa, ties can still occur. Look at today's thread.

Second, my rule does punish the non-voters. However, in the case that everyone playing voted and there still is a tie, then one of those people will be randomly selected.

Did I make it to complicated sounding?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXVI: The player list and role guide. With Prologue.
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2008, 01:07:25 AM »
Thinking about the actions, I realize there is a situation I failed to predict and felt I best talk about it now before it occurs so that those involved are clear in my thinking on the matter.

Now, before I begin, I just want to stress and clarify that this situation has not happened yet, it has not been asked about by any player nor is it an indication of what a player may be doing with their action. In fact, it may never occur. But as I was thinking about ties, I suddenly a situation that might occur.

Can a player who has not voted have their vote changed by the Contessa? The answer is no. Only votes actually cast can be changed. That is part of the reason why I handled ties the way I did this game. It meant people were locked into their votes and why a non-voter had to participate instead of waiting for one of the actual voters to change their vote.

Let's say Bond uses his wristwatch to cancel a vote. Could the Contessa still change that vote? Or undo Bond's action? The answer again is no. The way I view it is that if Bond blows up a person's vote, it is as if they never voted. At the same time, because they did try to vote, they would be exempt from any punishment against non-voters in the case of a tie. They voted it was just blocked. However, since it is as if they never voted, the rule of the Contessa would apply. She can only affect actual votes. So, when Bond takes away that power to vote, it is gone for the day and the Contessa cannot affect that and change it to something new.

So, the hierarchy:

Xenia - Vote is untouchable
Bond - Can destroy any other vote for the day
Contessa - Can change any vote cast unless it has been affected by Bond or is Xenia.

And I think that's all the situation's that might arise.

Now for a little secret. Every night, before I post the next day thread and I have waited the full half hour, I come to this thread first and change the who is alive and dead listing as well as reveal what role the player had. Thus if you can't wait for the next day to begin to find out the results, they'll be posted here first.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.