Author Topic: 2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?  (Read 8146 times)

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Offline theaveng

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2003, 06:40:48 AM »

Originally posted by: bonestormerYou're missing the point. No one says Nintendo can't plan for the future. In fact Sony, MS, and Nintendo have all planned for the next-gen the second this one came out. Just why not tout what GC has going for it rather then just say 'we will try again with a new system in 2005'. And that IS what the statement implies.
 I think you're reading too much into the statement.  After all, Sony and Microsoft are ALSO hyping their PS3 and Xbox2 consoles.  Do you think they too have abandoned the PS2 and Xbox respetively?

As for developing next-gen console several years ahead, I look at it this way: When the hardware team was finished developing GameCube, did they just take a looooong multi-year vacation?  Get laid off?  Early retirement?  Of course not.  They immediately started work on the GameCube 2.  

Troy (Sidles off)  

Offline The Omen

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2003, 11:30:38 AM »
  I'm excited for the next Nintendo system.  I think of the Gamecube as a pre-cursor to their return to greatness.  They are getting back alot of support that they lost with the N64, and I think this alone will allow them to start on an even keel with the other systems, which didn't happen this generation.  As for a 2005 release date, I don't mind really, because I figured on 1 coming out in 2006, so a year early won't kill me.  Plus I see it's necessary for them to compete legit with Sony.
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Offline rpglover

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2003, 01:17:02 PM »
personally i cant wait to see what nintendo has up its sleeve for the gamecube
the new system will no doubt be good and all but i really want some extended life out of the cube
the new nintendo will be good but it is way too soon to show the new system
i think that nintendo will wait about 2-3 more years with the gc and see where the other companies are going to be
i bet this time nintendo will launch before or with the new systems to not only get a jump but see if they can retake first place in the console race
i have my hopes that nintendo will do the right thing and stick with the gc for a while before a new system is made
i call the big one bitey.

Offline couchmonkey

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2003, 05:27:02 PM »
Don't read too much into this.  It takes a long time to make a new piece of hardware, so it doesn't mean the company is "giving up" on its old hardware: we were hearing about the GameCube for what - two or three years before it actually came out?  I remember waiting impatiently for the "Ultra 64"...I was talking to a friend about it way back in grade 9 when he asked me if he should buy a Super NES, well, I feel pretty stupid for telling him to "wait", because the machine wasn't available for two and a half more years.
The "GC2" is coming out a bit earlier than the GameCube, but that's because Nintendo has traditionally been about a year behind the competition, and this time it is aiming to release at about the same time.  I think it's nice to see the company taking such an agressive stance, although I won't be surprised if the next console comes out several months after the competition anyway.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline The Doc

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2003, 10:45:35 AM »
The GameCube 2 console coined by some as "GameSphere" is suppose to be scheduled to debut in Q4 2005 or Q1 2006, however what about Q4 2004? I agree with many of with of you that if Nintendo lanches their next console as late as they lanched the GameCube then Nintendo will be in serious trouble. I highly doubt that the GameCube will have a premature shelf life and I would be not be suprised if Nintendo kicks it into high gear with their GameCube software library in the coming years. Furthermore, do not forget that Nintendo's line up of games in Q4 2003 is going to be a very strong one at that. Make no mistake, Nintendo will do all in it's power to bring their console back to greatness and expect their GC2 (If it should be coined this name) to be the console that helps Nintendo achieve that #1 status. I would love to see Nintendo lanch their new console in Q4 2004, while it continues to support the GCN hardware.

~The Doc~  

Offline Hemmorrhoid

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2003, 11:01:00 AM »
People stop seeing the world in black and white. Ok, admittedly Nintendo isnt doing quite as good as it could, but that doesnt mean the end. The best is still to come, theres still another Zelda, Too Human, Mario 128, Mario Kart......Killer 7, RE4, Virtua Fighter RPG.......True Crime, Starcraft Ghost etc

To say its over now would be wrong.
LZ 2005