Author Topic: 2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?  (Read 8152 times)

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Offline bonestormer

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« on: March 31, 2003, 06:53:36 PM »
I posted a similar topic before, and even though I said it was a legitamate question, I was branded as a 'flamer' and kicked out. But yet again today I see a quote that bothered me:


We just think that right now it's (online gaming) still an experiment. Look for the console wars to heat up again in 2005. That's when Nintendo is looking to release its new system. -Kaplan

Doesn't that sound as if Nintendo is practically giving up on GC already? In responce to Nintendo's odd anti-online stance, he doesn't say things like 'we have a killer lineup of games that I don't think anyone else can match. Have you seen 2003's game of the year, TWW?' No, instead he says, "Look for the console wars to HEAT UP AGAIN in 2005." So what in the meantime? Just sit and wallow in 3rd place behind Xbox?

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but this is about the third quote now out of Nintendo's camp that had vary similar wording. I'm just afraid that after maybe the next 12 months, Nintendo will turn its focus to GC2 trying to regain more market share with that instead of trying to do it now with GC.

Offline John Squire

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2003, 07:23:38 PM »
Certainly sounds that way, though I believe Perrin Kaplan's a 'she'.  I recall hearing someone from Nintendo say that they will continue to develop for the GC even after the next system is released.  But, I think we all have to take that with a grain of a salt.

Offline Gibdo Master

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2003, 07:42:06 PM »
Originally Nintendo was hoping the GC would have a 7 to 8 year life span but with the way this generation console war has gone their plans have apparently changed. Both Sony and Microsoft are dead set on releasing their next consoles around 2005 and Nintendo knows that if they let them get a head start this time then they are screwed. On the other hand I don't see why this would be the last year Nintendo focuses on the GameCube. 2005 is another good 2 years away and while Nintendo may have pretty much sent the N64 to an early grave to focus on the GC I don't think that will be the case this time. I feel that way mainly because even though the GC is struggling it's not nearly in as bad a place as the N64 was. I have to say it does suck that they are planning on releasing their next console so soon especially since early reports were that the GC would have a long life span. Hopefully it's true that they will continue to support the GC after they release their next console and hopefully they will make the next one backwards compatible with the GC.  
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Offline Michael8983

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2003, 08:02:40 PM »
I'm sure it will be like the transition from the N64 to the GCN. A lot of Nintendo's resources will go into the next console but some will stay behind and continue work on the GCN. Some of the N64's very best games were released over its last two years including Majora's Mask which was actually released around the time the PS2 was.

Actually, I think the GCN will follow in the SNES's foot-steps and get a major boost near the end. The DKC games helped the SNES to a decisive victory over the Genesis near the end of the 16 bit days and I bet Nintendo (or one of its second-parties) is working on something now that will make sure the GCN will end this generation several million units ahead of the XBox.

It really is a shame Nintendo can't allow the GCN to have its seven to eight years but the competition just wouldn't allow it. The last time Nintendo took a stand and did something that was right for gaming - sticking with cartridges to avoid the horrible PSX style load times which would have made most N64 games about half as fun - it had major consequences. Unfortunately, Nintendo has to do what's right for it in the business and not what's right for gaming. There, sadly, is no place for nobility in the gaming industry at the moment.

Offline Grey Ninja

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2003, 08:05:25 PM »
I really don't approve of this shortened life span.  It's not healthy.  However, I DO see the need for it, and I will support Nintendo's decision on this.  Right or wrong, it's what must be done.  I just hope things turn out ok.
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Offline Michael8983

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2003, 08:28:09 PM »
As much as it sucks that Nintendo has to release its new console so soon, I do think it will work out for the best. Nintendo will no doubt have some great first/second party titles for the launch but, more importantly, it will have some great third-party support as well.
Nintendo began this generation with basically no third-party support at all but it's been gaining it back recently and gaining strong alliances with key third-party developers. I'm sure that Capcom, Namco, Sega and the other Nintendo-friendly developers will have some great things for the Gamecube's launch as well as games for the months after launch so a N64/GCN style post-launch drought will be avoided.
The GCN started this generation late, limping and with one hand tied behind its back.
Nintendo's next console will obviously start off in a much healthier state and I'm confident Nintendo will gain a lot of ground with it.

Offline Mario

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2003, 10:17:02 PM »

Doesn't that sound as if Nintendo is practically giving up on GC already?


Offline theaveng

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2003, 05:27:33 AM »

Offline theaveng

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2003, 05:27:34 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
I really don't approve of this shortened life span.  It's not healthy.
2001-2005.  4 years.  Wasn't the Super Nintendo the same lifespan?

Offline theaveng

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2003, 05:27:35 AM »

Originally posted by: bonestormer
Doesn't that sound as if Nintendo is practically giving up on GC already?
No.  The gaming companies HAVE to plan ahead.  Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo... they can't just focus on the present console, but also the future consoles.  Planning ahead for the console war of 2005 does *not* mean that Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo are giving up on their current systems.

BTW, the car industry is even worse.  Right now companies like Honda, Ford, Daimler-Chrysler are probably designing their 2010 car models!  They have to plan ahead in order to survive in the market.  Gaming companies are the same.

Offline bonestormer

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2003, 07:28:00 AM »
You're missing the point. No one says Nintendo can't plan for the future. In fact Sony, MS, and Nintendo have all planned for the next-gen the second this one came out. Just why not tout what GC has going for it rather then just say 'we will try again with a new system in 2005'. And that IS what the statement implies. The only argument against it is that this is just one person's statements and maybe they mispoke. But in of itself, it hints that even with all of Nintendo's cries that GC wouldn't be a N64 part 2, nothing really changed. Only now are things starting to change and it's too late for GC. There is moving support to your nest system, and then there is this N64 move where all focus is moved two years before the next comes out ignoring all current owners. But then I'm glad GC2 will come out so soon, because it does suggest a change really might be happening. Just in the meantime GC will have to live off the 2 blockbusters a year just like N64 did.


Unfortunately, Nintendo has to do what's right for it in the business and not what's right for gaming. There, sadly, is no place for nobility in the gaming industry at the moment.

Umm, videogames ARE a business. Always has been, always will be. Don't give me some BS that Nintendo is above that. If you really believe that explain their stance on online games? Online gaming greatly expands the possibility for games. But Nintendo won't jump aboard because it's 'not cost effective'. But what's this? Sony and MS are online. So if anything, they are the 'noble' ones and Nintendo is the greedy corporation. (Not that I believe this, just shows how stupid that statement is.)

(And don't compare GC to N64. N64 isn't GC's competition. Xbox and PS2 are. And SNES lasted 91-96. And that quote was from a 'she', my bad. I had 'Peter' Kaplan in my head for some reason.)

Offline PIAC

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2003, 08:02:45 AM »
well if your so set on this idea why ask the question in the first place? why would nintendo just all of a sudden drop support for their console while they are developing their new one... this would stress owf alot of gamecube owners (only say... 100% of them). i think your reading too much into it "look for the console wars to heat up again in 2005" meaning they are hot now, and will hot up again in 2005 when 3 new consoles are unleashed

Offline Ian Sane

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2003, 08:22:34 AM »
"2001-2005. 4 years. Wasn't the Super Nintendo the same lifespan?"

No the SNES was strongly supported in North America from 1991-1996 until the N64 came out.  Major titles like Super Mario RPG and DKC3 came out in 1996.  A few titles came out in 1997 but they were largely unnoticed (including the first Harvest Moon game).

Five years is generally the normal lifespan of a console.  Anything that lasts longer is often an exceptional console and anything that last less is widely regarded as a flop (Saturn, Dreamcast, 3DO, etc).

Personally I think it kind of sucks the Cube will have it's life cut short by a year but it's not too terrible.  The Xbox is in the same boat and we still have most of 2003 and all of 2004 to look forward to.  Hell even though the Playstation was around since 1995 most people probably only had one for 4 years (1997-2000 inclusively) and they didn't complain.  I think things will be alright.  It's not like the N64 where we had like 8 months between the last N64 games and the Gamecube's release.  Odds are the last big first party Cube release will come out the same Christmas that the "Gamecube 2" launches.

My only real concern is that this 4 year lifespan may become the standard instead of a one time exception to allow MS and Nintendo to match with Sony's release schedule.

Oh and anyone who seriously thought the Cube would last for 7 years is living in a fantasy world.

Offline MH-001

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2003, 09:28:18 AM »

2001-2005. 4 years.

No, no, no. For the west, it will be 2006, that's 5 years. for Japan, it'll be 2005, but GC also came out 2000 in Japan I think. that's also 5 years.

the GC will be good with 5 years. the PS2 will also be good with 6 years. The Xbox Next will come out in 2005 in the west first though, making 3-4 years, making Xbox owners very pissed off.
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Offline Ian Sane

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2003, 10:16:22 AM »
"For the west, it will be 2006, that's 5 years. for Japan, it'll be 2005, but GC also came out 2000 in Japan I think. that's also 5 years."

Nope.  The GC came out in Japan in 2001.

Offline MetalHead666

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2003, 10:23:48 AM »
Over on IGN in a few of their previous Q&A pieces they said that word from the development communities is that we shouldnt expect the next systems till at least 2006.

Offline OsonCubed320

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2003, 10:32:13 AM »
Sorry to break it to all of you but Nintendo already has alot of focus on GCN2. This focus started at the launch of GCN. Even when the N64 was released Nintendo already had project Dolphin underway. It has also been like this for just about every console ever created.

Offline Rich

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2003, 11:29:19 AM »
Yeah if they dont plan ahead from the first minute they can then Nintendo would get left behind in the dust, and I remember reading that the GBA SP was in development before that first GBA was, so i guess sometimes they plan the next-gen systems before there latest system is even out yet.

Offline misterd

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2003, 11:41:03 AM »
It seems like 2004 will have RE4, Metroid Prime 2, and Mario 128 at the very least. Don't be suprised to see a second Zelda towards the end of the year either. So if the GCN2 IS coming in 2005, it doens't look to me like it will have a N64 type ending, with a year of next to no quality titles.  

Offline ThePerm

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2003, 11:42:50 AM »
one thing that will be cool about the next generation are the reusable software libraries....from the leap from n64 to gamecube alot of things had to be trown away...they were too low poly to low resolution and they were just redone...not a problem here. Old stuff can be reused.
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Offline Hostile Creation

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2003, 02:13:28 PM »
It's been planned for a while.  Nintendo wanted to release their console with the others so that they wouldn't fall behind again.  2005 has been the set date for about a year, methinks.
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Offline kennyb27

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2003, 03:21:11 PM »
The good thing about this is Nintendo EAD has over 150 employees

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Just Finished: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC), Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door (GC) Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA)
Need money for: Advance Wars: Dual St

Offline Tael

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2003, 11:59:27 PM »
I think you're reading to much into it. I'd say they were talking specifically about online gaming, not general gaming. So basically, we probably won't see anything online from Nintendo until Nintendo's next console, which will be out late 2005/early 2006.

Offline Termin8Anakin

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2003, 02:31:23 AM »

Originally posted by: MH-001

2001-2005. 4 years.

No, no, no. For the west, it will be 2006, that's 5 years. for Japan, it'll be 2005, but GC also came out 2000 in Japan I think. that's also 5 years.

the GC will be good with 5 years. the PS2 will also be good with 6 years. The Xbox Next will come out in 2005 in the west first though, making 3-4 years, making Xbox owners very pissed off.

But then most of the XBox users are PC gamers anyways, so 3-4 years for a console to upgrade is toooooo long to wait. All those PC nuts would upgrade like every few weeks/months if they were so inclined. I mean, even MS has had to upgrade the HDD of the Xbox. And whoever said XBox WASN'T a PC should be ridiculed.
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Offline egman

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2003, last year before Nintendo switches focus to GC2?
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2003, 03:57:19 AM »
I think Nintendo is saying that they are really going to bring it on with the next console. That doesn't mean that they are going to drop support for the GC soon--as a matter of fact, if they are going to try to get their system out at the same time or before the other consoles, making sure that the GameCube ends with a bang is paramount.

The problem I see with all the hardware developers in their strategies for the next generation is this idea that if they get to the end of the rainbow first, then they will automatically get the pot of gold. If Sega's situation has taught anything, it's that getting a system out earlier than everyone else will not guarentee you success. The launch itself has to be perfected with good games out of the gate, hardware that isn't falling apart all over the place, and the perception that your system has excellent support. The other component is hype. Sony could sell a piece of crap console and still garner the majority of marketshare because Microsoft and Nintendo have not convinced PS2 owners that they should jump ship. One key to making that happen is hyping the ability of your system, even if you're using theoretical numbers (I  still see people defend their system of choice with those theoretical figures).

The other key to making that happen is having a good showing in THIS generation. Cutting their losses and putting all their resources into the next Nintendo system may save them money in the short term, but if they are serious about dishing out some tough competition, it would only be smart to continue with strong support the console now and starting to convince people with other consoles that Nintendo is the one they need (with some top tier developers warming back up to Nintendo while Nintendo's own departments work on some high profile sequels and secret projects, I think we are beginning to see Nintendo work towards that goal). The last three or four years have shown with brutal clarity that a reputation and name recognition can and will be more important than timing. People will wait for a console if excited enough (unfortunately for Sega,the brief period when the Dreamcast and PS2 competed demonstrated this all too well).