Author Topic: What features should gamecube2 have?  (Read 20609 times)

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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #75 on: March 06, 2004, 08:02:49 PM »
capncrunk: I'd say you forgot the majority of titles where dev costs are an issue are cross platform, anyway.

Draygaia: Well, not even the MMOs make money. Only the top few (4 or 5 across five markets!) make any money, the rest are losing.

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #76 on: March 07, 2004, 11:20:36 AM »
Oh man......  I'll just accept the way Nintendo feels towards online.  I'm ok with it.  It's just that I don't really have friends to play games with.  Don't just eat meat.  Eat chicken.

Offline bsushort

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #77 on: March 11, 2004, 10:54:20 AM »
I think Nintendo is going to really utilize the wireless communication they built into the DS.  It could allow wireless LAN play with N5, intstant connectivity with the DS with no extra cords or adapters, and many other options.  I think they are going to take their concept of "focus on the games" and take the money that their competitors are spending on DVD/CD playback and other multipurpose features, and use that money to add in a lot of options which will enhance gameplay or open up new game design concepts.

P.S.  Yes, I knew in my earlier post that WaveBird does not have rumble because it cannot receive signals, only transmit them.  However, I would expect the next generation of WaveBird to do both.  That is what I was talking about.  The main reason WaveBird doesn't is because doing so requires the reciever to be on at all times, where as only sending signals allows you to save battery life by only using power when actually sending a signal.  Rechargable WaveBirds would alleviate that concern.

Offline Rich

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #78 on: March 11, 2004, 05:24:49 PM »
Yeah but if they make it rechargable i don't want to have to recharge it every day, and I want to be able to change the battery myself. I had an old M505 Palm pilot and it only lasted about 18-24 months because after a while the battery wouldn't charge more than an hours worth, thats why i want to be able to change the battery myself.

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2004, 10:36:58 AM »
Or how about this. If the N5 is as compact as the Gamecube, having built-in wireless networking would be great. Imagine briging your N5 to a friend's house and being able to instantly play games over LAN.

There'd be the problem of carrying a bluky TV around with you, though. Unless they figure out a way to display the games on the DS or GBA2. That way, you can have 8 people playing at a time with 1 TV, 2 N5s and 4 DSes/GBA2s.

Offline Draygaia

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2004, 02:54:13 PM »
I still like the idea of having more than 4 controller slots on a machine along with a multitap.  That way I or my friends can just bring a controller, GBA, and/or DS.  There just has to be a way to hook up multiple TVs to one machine.  But the option to connect two N5s should still be there.  Don't just eat meat.  Eat chicken.

Offline MagicToenail

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #81 on: March 20, 2004, 05:44:59 PM »

Originally posted by: Rich
Umm about the Rumble thing, I'm pretty sure that the reason Nintendo didn't include was because the reciever can't transmit the signal from the game. what im trying to say is that the wavebird would have no idea when to rumble because the Gamecube cannot send anything to it.
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Offline Edisim

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #82 on: May 28, 2004, 12:13:29 PM »
I would like all of that, plus a side of fries.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2004, 01:21:30 PM »
**complete B\_/LL $#!T**
How about Xbox and GC backwards compatability?

acccording to the new OXM (official Xbox magazine), the official rumor is that Nintendo has dropped out of the console race and is co-developing the nextbox.

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #84 on: June 03, 2004, 01:57:31 PM »
**completely unrelated??**  

Xbox2 'Xenon' dev-kit pic

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Offline Lamech

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2004, 04:33:38 AM »
Microsoft and its precious Xbox is full of all sorts of weird rumors, very few of them are truem and even less than that have any base of any kind. Making the systems compatible just makes sure the Xbox survives, and Nintendo is NOT out of the race - even in the slightest. (Though I also am a Die-Hard Nintendo fan - VERY Die-Hard- though i don't think I'm alone - this being a Gamecube related site - a system whos majority consumers consisted of die-hard fans.... :ut of Breath: On that note, back to the norm ^_^

I dont want wireless stuff, not unless they can get rid of the need for Batteries, and also, if they do allow the multi system thing (which they should) then they are gonna need to find more channels or a new from of connection so people can actually use their controllers without being messed with by the other player's controller. Radio was much better that the original infrared kind of thing, but it limits quantity.

Oh, and the DS, which to be honest looked like a stupid idea, is starting to look a lot better. Iwata is hinting to all sorts of fun that can be had with the DS and its possibly extreme compatibility with the N5.

-just a thought, don't shoot me-

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Offline xts3

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2004, 01:51:46 PM »
What would be nice in the next Nintendo console:

-Built in ethernet / Wifi (or both if it doesn't drive the costs to produce/sell the console way up)

-Using Wifi/ethernet port to save games over the network to your PC and use PC storage to transfer files to memory card... Also, strike deal with microsoft to include native driver for said device so no software is required!  Include software/drivers for those without the latest Ed. of windows which includes driver.  Painting logos in F-Zero GX's paint is a headbanging experience.... save us the trouble and allow us to upload data to the memory card and we'll dl a PC version of "F-Zero paint" that saves the file in F-Zero savegame file format.

-Memory card slot and MEMORY CARDS with USB plug attachment (think the cables you use with portable Mp3 players) so that you can plug the memory card into your PC so you can dump your savegames. No more hitting us up for $$ with your limited space memory cards Nintendo and third party memory card makers!!!  This is what I love about the 3rd party device PGC reviewed not to long ago that allows you to do just that!

-Backwards compatability is a must, PS2 did it and if Xbox2 and the "N5" or "revolution" doesn't do it they are going to
get OWNED by sony's PS3, it's a no brainer to pick the system that can play the entire existing libary of older games especially when you can get those older games for less then 30 bucks.  Lots of people do not keep up with the "latest" and greatest and buy much later in the console cycle because they are cheap and frugle with their money.

-The next console must keep up with latest in optical storage tech in the other competitors consoles,  I don't want Nintendo to give game companies a reason not to develop certain games like RPG's / FMV heavy games or port their games to revolution due to having inferior storage compared to their competitors.

-SOME BUILT IN FLASH MEMORY (or some other better memory) in the console so people do *NOT* have to buy a memory card unless they want to transport games to their friends or save a lot of games so they can dump them to their PC.  This is something microsoft got right with including a place to store savegames WITH the console BUILT IN.  Forcing people to shell out for accessories that should be included with purchase is just scamming everyone since most if not all games require memory to save games.  But most console makers are guilty of this "take them for all they're worth" approach.

-Composite out Cable INCLUDED with the console, One single cable having ALL OUTPUTS, RCA / S-VHS, Composite out when purchased!  If madcats can do the cable for $9-10 so can you Nintendo!! No extra $30 dollars for the stupid cable.  No one is going to do that people want everything INCLUDED they do not want to have to beat around the bush and call Nintendo to get a friggin cable, wake up nintendo that's why only %1 of people use it because only 1% could be bothered to fork the out extra cash and on top of that call you and order it.

-SNES ABXY button layout over the current awkward ABXY GC controller button layout, Fighting games are the worst on the GC controller... if you play a lot of fighting games on your PS2 you know what I mean when you wince when you start using your GC controller!

-More Console - to- PC connectivity (highly doubtful because it would be exploited/modded and used for piracy but I can dream), for custom content... putting your own logos, painting your own machines, cars, etc for games definitely adds to the gaming experience.  I'm sure my "logos" example this is just the tip of the iceberg using such connectivity.  International scoreboards, replays, etc for many games using the included network connection Ethernet / Wifi (think Ikaruga, or games that have good replays like sports games or driving games) automatically connecting to sites and saving your legit highest scores, best replays, etc.

Things to improve over the GC:

-More LAN enabled games, I was extremely disappointed when I found out there was no LAN in F-Zero and what was available in mario kart limited peoples options (can't pick your racer?).  Sorry but you guys have a lot to learn from PC games in terms of options and peoples expectations when playing multiplayer.

-No more stupid GBA-->GC connectivity, FF: Chronicles and Four swords could have easily been played with regular GC controllers I feel like I wasted $100 on controllers when multiplayer games are released that can't use them and they "attempt" to try to force me to buy GBA's as expensive controllers (LAME!).  Wake up, most gamers aren't rich and most aren't stupid!

-A "REAL" SQUARESOFT exclusive / RPG for the next console is definitely needed.  Squaresoft games are system selling games, without this I feel Nintendo is losing half the market with no RPG's to speak of on the current console.  If this happens with the next one Nintendo will be in big trouble.  Mario, Zelda and Starfox can only hold onto so much marketshare and mindshare after being sequeled and re-tread 10 to 20 years since 1985.

-A "NO CRAPPY PORT" policy, no crappy ports for your system, you must inspect ports before you let developers release them.  Case in point : Many of the best versions of certain games are for the PS2 while the Xbox and GC get second rate "crap" ones.  Nintendo may have been despotic in the NES and SNES era but you can't say the quaity of the games suffered because of the Nintendo seal of quality program!  Almost all the ports for the Cube were among the worst versions this must change or game sales will suffer for that console when gamers own multiple consoles and get the BEST version of the game instead of the crappier ports for other systems.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #87 on: July 26, 2004, 10:26:39 PM »
(funny thing is that I play more fighting games with a 3+1 layout than with a 2+2 or 3+3 layout...)

No crappy ports will likely mean no ports forthem at all. If Nintendo is picky there third parties will decide it's not worth the hassle. Sony can enforce rules because they have something the third parties want, Nintendo doesn't have this advantage right now.

Offline xts3

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #88 on: July 26, 2004, 11:27:59 PM »
No crappy ports will likely mean no ports forthem at all. If Nintendo is picky there third parties will decide it's not worth the hassle. Sony can enforce rules because they have something the third parties want, Nintendo doesn't have this advantage right now.

The point being though no one wants to buy the port of the crappiest version of the game, so how would this really effect Nintendo anyway, especially with 3rd parties starting to pull support away from the GC anyway?

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #89 on: July 27, 2004, 05:58:32 AM »
Well, it looks bad on paper if you lack those ports, no matter how they would have turned out if you had them. Yes, something needs to be done, but the suits really hate it when you demand obscure things like quality.

Offline Rich

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #90 on: July 31, 2004, 11:02:46 PM »
Maybe Nintendo can make the Seal of Approval a a little harder to get and not just slap it on to any crappy game. Yeah Nintendo would still liscence the game out it wouldn't have the Nintendo seal of approval letting the developers know that the game is pretty bad and needs work. If the 3rd party refuses to try and get the seal of approval then they can still sell there game but gamers would know whether or not its good.

Now to be honest I don't really see this being used unless they did a small version of it as an experiment and proved that the titles with the seal sold better then those without to. I think I would like it. I would protect the large amount of gamers who buy things based on hype, like enter the matrix.

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #91 on: July 31, 2004, 11:21:18 PM »
if that happened the devloper would jsut not port it.....they would try to get all power hungry and just make nintendo look bad for not giving them the seal...or soemthing.
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Offline Dasmos

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #92 on: August 01, 2004, 12:49:13 AM »

Originally posted by: Rich
Umm about the Rumble thing, I'm pretty sure that the reason Nintendo didn't include was because the reciever can't transmit the signal from the game. what im trying to say is that the wavebird would have no idea when to rumble because the Gamecube cannot send anything to it.

Doesn't the wavebird have no rumble feature to conserve battery life? It says that on the box!!


More Console - to- PC connectivity (highly doubtful because it would be exploited/modded and used for piracy but I can dream), for custom content... putting your own logos, painting your own machines, cars, etc for games definitely adds to the gaming experience. I'm sure my "logos" example this is just the tip of the iceberg using such connectivity. International scoreboards, replays, etc for many games using the included network connection Ethernet / Wifi (think Ikaruga, or games that have good replays like sports games or driving games) automatically connecting to sites and saving your legit highest scores, best replays, etc

I don't want to connect my PC and my future N5!! If we are just going to use our PC's to have our save games and creating logos and the such, what is the use of the home console? Why not have games that use the things mention on your PC. You don't need two systems then do you? For the scores you can merely just post them with passwords like on somes games there is no need to connect to N5 to your PC!!! Overall I think PC's and Nintendo should stay seperate!
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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #93 on: August 05, 2004, 07:29:46 PM »
Hey I have a question for everyone here, Who is scared of the revolution and why? Personally I'm very scared, I feel that Nintendo's idea might not seem all that great to the mainstream consumer audience and that the Revoltution might be a total flop. I just wanted to know what you guys thought.

Offline Juno

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #94 on: August 07, 2004, 10:34:06 AM »
wireless online

Offline PugGTI

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RE:What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #95 on: August 07, 2004, 10:37:15 PM »
I agree with you Rich, there is too much in the balance for Nintendo to screw anything up... While it might seem a noble quest, if the Revolution flops, that means it will be desperately hard to find games at stores (becuase of sales and games development), there may not be enough user base for a next round of consoles, and a multitude of things could happen. OR, it goes the complete opposite way...
With any luck, even if it does have a dumb "revolutionary" feature that no-one wants it will still perform well as a a usual console (as a kind of safety net) and still sell.

Remember the "revolutionary" gamecube contoller feature? uterly useless...
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Offline Rich

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2004, 06:29:02 AM »
well I really Hope that Nintendo has the brains to make the revolution at least as powerful as Microsofts Xbox Next, that way if Nintendo's 'revolution' does end up being a completely dumb idea then they still have then normal features that they can fall back. The thing is though, the rumors that we have been seeing all point to X2 being a more powerful system and unless Nintendo plans to make up the gap by great design, X2 will be more powerful. So lets see what Nintendo does.

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: What features should gamecube2 have?
« Reply #97 on: August 08, 2004, 07:38:22 AM »
"Remember the "revolutionary" gamecube contoller feature? uterly useless..."

I never, EVER, heard of the GC controller being deemed revolutionary...
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