Author Topic: Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?  (Read 12508 times)

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Offline bamf226

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« on: March 25, 2003, 10:38:18 AM »
I've been playing Eternal Darkness for a couple weeks now.  I'm in Chapter 4 or 5 (whichever one is Karim) and up to this point, I have to say I'm a little bored with the game.  There seems to be very little exploration or combat.  The story seems very hackneyed. I've encountered a similar story with Undying for PC.  I find the chapters too short and the pace very slow.  So far, the puzzles have been rather simple as well.

What I do like is the rune system as well as the opportunity to control so many characters.  The Sanity meter is a nice touch but I've rarely had anything worthwhile happen to me for having a low Sanity meter.  Even if something happens, it's quite easy to correct by going to another room.

Am I missing something or is this type of game just not my cup of tea?
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Offline Bloodworth

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2003, 11:08:12 AM »
If you're only at Karim, then you're just now getting into the good stuff.  Keep going.
Daniel Bloodworth
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Offline bigsam_14

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2003, 11:11:22 AM »
Let me start with the storyline. It's the best storyline in a game that i've seen in a while. It's great how the story follows through with the different characters and times. The insanity effects are awesome. I don't see how this game can be boring to you.

Offline ThePerm

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2003, 11:12:53 AM »
you have to play the game mroe then an hour every two days...if your only on Karim after a few weeks then well....that would explain it. As Denis Dyack said you cant play this game for ten minutes and really love it you have to play it for a couple of hours to get into it.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2003, 11:21:56 AM »
Personally I found the gameplay of Eternal Darkness to be nothing special.  It was really the content for me that kept me interested.  The the attention to detail in the characters and the storyline was just so high and it was just so much more sophisticated and mature than anything I had ever played on a console.  The game gets really good once the storyline starts becoming more clear.  Once you've played Max Roivas' chapter you won't be able to stop.

On thing that's important is to not constantly replenish your sanity using magic.  The game is no fun if you never let yourself become insane.

Offline Termin8Anakin

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2003, 11:35:19 AM »
The Cathedral Levels (Luthor's and Jacob's), and the ones with the Mansion (Alex, Max and Edward) are the longest and more engrossing levels. Get to them, and you won't be able to stop.
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Offline Cap

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2003, 12:30:05 PM »
personaly i found the game extremely linear, very easy, and quite boring.  the only reason i made it through the game once was due to the excellent story, but the gameplay only seemed to serve as means to get to the next cutscene. if i wanted to watch a movie, i'd put in a dvd. thats just my opinion though. many people think otherwise.

Offline MrShag

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2003, 02:42:10 PM »

Originally posted by: bamf226
I've been playing Eternal Darkness for a couple weeks now.  I'm in Chapter 4 or 5 (whichever one is Karim) and up to this point, I have to say I'm a little bored with the game.  There seems to be very little exploration or combat.  The story seems very hackneyed. I've encountered a similar story with Undying for PC.  I find the chapters too short and the pace very slow.  So far, the puzzles have been rather simple as well.

What I do like is the rune system as well as the opportunity to control so many characters.  The Sanity meter is a nice touch but I've rarely had anything worthwhile happen to me for having a low Sanity meter.  Even if something happens, it's quite easy to correct by going to another room.

Am I missing something or is this type of game just not my cup of tea?

I've not been impressed myself too. I find the game to be very gripping the first time around but the more you do, the more boring it gets (you'll understand later). I don't think it was worth all the praise it got but I'm not saying I didn't enjoyed it as a whole.

I think the experience didn't feel as complete as it should have.
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Offline Doppelganger

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2003, 03:54:45 PM »
Because it's creative; it's something new.  Although the game might not be everyone's cup of tea I believe it's so highly praised because it is a game that's unique at a time when most games are just rehashes of old stories.  Although everyone loves Zelda and Mario it's nice to play something new.  Most FPS are basically the FPS that came prior to it with better graphics, different weapons, and different levels... so it's not often that a game comes along that's so creative.  I also believe that's why so many of us look fondly back on when we were playing the original Nintendo... all the games were fresh and creative, so each game was a completely new experience.  

Offline Caster13

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2003, 05:57:44 PM »
The game is fun and great the first time through. But has low replay value and gets old quickly. After you experience the game once it's the kind that you'd rather keep on the shelve so that you can revel at its quality (in regards to plot and gameplay mechanics).

I greatly enjoyed the game, ran through the entire thing three times with the three different alignments, but after that, it's just gonna sit near the bottom of my game pile because there's not much randomness in it that changes how the game is played. Sort of like the exact opposite of say... Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2003, 06:19:16 PM »

Originally posted by: bamf226
I've been playing Eternal Darkness for a couple weeks now.  I'm in Chapter 4 or 5

It took you a couple weeks to get that far? ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE

This game is far far too easy, I reckon. Everything else is cool though.

Offline nonjagged

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2003, 06:27:35 PM »
You must be a casual gamer if your spending weeks on it and your only that far into it.
You need to replay/finish it 3 times to understand the longevity in it. (Make sure to save-over your previous data when you start a new game-file).
You are missing something else all together. The game offers many subtle gameplay mechanics that are taken for granted eg. walk slowly pass any secrets and it vibrates to let you know but the fact that you couldnt identify that if you walk out of a room to reset eg. the booby-traps, was implemented as an option for both casual gamers or newboes could get into it without being frustrated or for more seasoned hardcore gamers they would elect to challenge themselves by taking on the risks.

If the game was too hard many gamers would not have finished it at all and would never have appreciated its marvels.

Eternal Darkness is by no means perfect but it is easily one of the best next-gen system games out there because it allows all types of gamers to play it through in the manner they prefer without using a pre-set difficulty setting. I have yet to play a survival horror adventure that has so many subtle gameplay mechanics implemented.

Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2003, 06:31:56 PM »
Why do I like ED? Becuase it's something completely different. Normally, when you add zombies+blood+gore+good game you usually get Resident Evil. Put Zelda-gameplay+blashpemy+zombie+blood+gore+totally-intriguing-story and you get ED. No, unlike RE, ED isn't the typical blast-the-rotting-brains-out-of-ugly-dead-guys-for-the-sake-of-blasting-the-rotting-brains-out-of-ugly-dead-guys. The only other reasonw hy I like ED so much is becuase of, well, the characters. Who knew you could go from playing as a Roman Centurion in ancient PErsia in 23 BC to a common U-of Washington student in 2000 AD, and have the two so connected?

Sure, the graphics aren't nearly as delicious as RE, but the story more than makes up for that. ED is one of my favroite games, and anyone who appreciates Nintendo's will to be different will like this game too.

Oh yeah, and because we gets lots of bloody violence and people going insane. Those are always good.

Offline Grey Ninja

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2003, 07:26:18 PM »
weeks to get to Karim's stage?  I got there in my first DAY!  I finished the game in my second.  (I had to work both days).

If you only play the game for a few minutes a day, then that's your main problem.  It's like watching Star Wars 5 minutes at a time, then wondering why it sucks so bad.    Give the game the respect it deserves, and at least finish the game before complaining.
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Offline GoldShadow1

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2003, 08:35:09 PM »
I think Eternal Darkness is a bit overrated.  I can't really comment on the plot, but the basic gameplay seems boring to me.  Too many zombie fights - and the zombies aren't even that interesting.  It's amazing that despite the depth of the story and the areas, the monsters are so uninteresting.  The combat is pure hack-and-slash.  The puzzles are also generally very easy and uninspired.  I can spot an insanity effect a mile away, so that it becomes more of a gimmick than anything else.  What I *did* like about the game, however, was its brilliant magick system - I would love for more games to have Runes in the style of ED.  Its atmosphere is also great, and very creepy (the second cathedral level... *shudders*) and the graphics are amazing.  But so many times in the game I was just starting to become engrossed and the atmosphere was just beginning to be very creepy, and then... there are some random zombies to fight, suddenly giving me the distinct impression that I am, in fact, playing a video game.  Despite some brilliant aspects, most of the gameplay boils down to wandering around and solving boring puzzles.  If the game had the same story, characters, settings and magick system, but with Zelda-calibur puzzles and enemies that were slightly scary, it would've been excellent.

Offline Tycoon__

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2003, 02:45:32 AM »
karims chapter really blows.. i got so frustrated and almost quit on the game.... i called the controls crappy.... lol, but then i thought they were very very good after i actually formed a strategy.
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Offline theaveng

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2003, 05:25:44 AM »
I found Eternal Darkness enjoyable.  Just like Resident Evil but with a much more elaborate storyline.

Offline MetalHead666

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2003, 05:56:52 AM »
Eternal Darkness Rules, I have had it since the day it came out almost a year ago, and I am still only on Karim, but I thourougly enjoyed everything I played up until that point, I think I am going to finsih ED when I get done with Zelda.

Offline SmellySocks

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2003, 06:57:30 AM »
I just picked Eternal Darkness and Rogue Squadron II up from GameStop for $20 each, NEW.  I won't be playing either of them until I'm done with Wind Waker, but I'm sure both titles are worth twenty dollars.  They better be, after all the 9.0+ reviews I read before making my purchases.  
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Offline Segnit BGS

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2003, 07:57:56 AM »
Ok, before I embark on an epic quest, I just want to say the following. I love Eternal Darkness to bits. It’s one of the very few game’s in recent years that has totally “enthralled me to the point where I can think of nothing else”. Although I really don’t like the thought of someone coming up with such brutal and evil storyline ideas, I think that the amount of attention given to it is totally “mind boggling”, which in itself is reason enough for many to play. But to put it bluntly, this game can be put on the same platform and ranked at the same level as classic movies such as Traffic and Scarface. Not so much on its content, but rather in tone and approach to its audience. Speaking of which, the (Metroid) prime reason why a teenager would ever watch those movies would be for either the erotic scenes or just to be delusionaly cool. Admittedly though, most people who have watched those movies and love their unmistakable genius are definitely not teenagers. Again, those movies are critically acclaimed not for their flash or instant appeal which most youngsters nowadays crave so badly for, but because of all things quality that are associated with them; all of which factor together and combine to create a complete unforgettable experience. Those movies can be watched again and again and again and every time you watch it, something new gets unraveled. Those movies are true adult movies in much the same way as Eternal Darkness (without the sex, foul language and to some extend gore).

In that case, who’s complaining?  My friend for one simply doesn’t like Eternal Darkness. He is 20 and loves Mario, Banjo Kazzoie, Warcraft 3 and GoldenEye. He only likes fun and cheerful games. But aside from him who else? Let the truth be said, some adults simply don’t like ED. There are various reasons, namely the content, which at times could for some individuals be considered as very offensive. The slow pace of the game could also be a deterrent. But more often the not it’s the younger people who complain. I am confident of the fact that many of you have bought and played Eternal Darkness illegally due to the fact that you are under aged. I’m even more positive that if everyone were to state their age and their opinion on ED, some surprisingly striking patterns (very surprising ) would start forming. What patterns you ask? Most people who absolutely love this game would in fact turn out to be older gamers. I can’t stress this enough… this game is not for children; it’s not for teenagers; it’s not for the weak of heart; and it’s not for some people period. This game has the evilest story, bar none. It is absolutely adult material that establishes little to no reference (as mentioned above) to sex, gore or foul language (There is some gore, but it’s not particularly emphasized other then two scenes). It’s just a one sickening alternate reality. Another difficult obstacle for younger gamer’s to overcome are the cut-scenes. The cinematics in the game do little to mouth-feed the player with the story. So if your vocabulary is limited and you generally dislike Shakespearian language then forget about the story. So, um… yeah! This is not for younger people.

In the end however, I just need to say that I love this game. Not enough to squeeze it in my signature but I love it nonetheless. True, the gameplay is story driven; meaning without the story the game is no fun, but the integration of plot and gameplay is so well done that any short comings on the play mechanics is easily forgiven. Needless to say that Denis Dyack is probably addressing these very issues on Too Human and perhaps even on Eternal Darkness 2: Sanity’s Redemption.

Of coarse there are exceptions to the rule… If you happen to be the exception, then by all means share your thoughts.

Now that I have covered my views on Eternal Darkness I’d just like to get off topic slightly. It’s about these boards. So if you don’t care fine.

Okay the first thing I’d like to say is:
It’s good to hear fellow gamer’s opinions, but everyone has to remember that this thread is very opinion oriented and occasionally for the wrong reasons. What I am saying is, for all we know the person who started the topic may simply dislike sadistic adventure games such as ED. He might have tried the game only out of curiosity or maybe to see what all the fuss about it was. Or he might have genuinely disliked the game. So there is no reason to bash or praise his opinion. However, giving comments to motivate him to play (…or not) should be made clear, coherent and constructive for the sake of everyone who wishes to participate in the thread. It’s only common sense to assume these boards will be more enjoyable if people behave more intelligently. Similarly people who say something like “that game was overrated” state then and there that the majority of professional game reviewers (who make a living on writing reviews) are undeniably wrong in their synopsis and that what you say is more correct then what “they” say. You could look at the preceding point form whatever angle you wish but ultimately you’re saying “I am right and everyone else is wrong”. I would like to point out that I have no problems with people who express their own opinions on games. In fact, you can write down any mindless irrelevant comment about a game, no matter how biased. But in doing so you’re 1- not going to get your message across to anyone. A direct upshot for that would be the wasted time for both the author and the reader. And 2- You’re not going to get any respect from you fellow gamers. In that regard everyone should reach to the same conclusion that ignorance won’t win over any supporters (in most cases anyway… ).

To all things said, I’d like to add something else. Generally speaking, this type of thread seemingly invites exaggerated comments. Why I say seemingly is because not everyone has time to write a gazzilion word essay consisting of a well rounded impression on a game (that’s why we have reviews). So if someone argues about gameplay only, it may seem like their comments are a little far fetched and in the minority. You can easily overcome this natural annoyance (which nobody is to blame for) by following up on the info you read on this message board… usually done by reading impressions and reviews of a game from great sites such as PGC and Co. rather then post discreetly dull  reply’s which cover no new ground. So if you want to say “for me, this game has some flaws and I don’t like it” or anything along those lines, then make sure you have time to back up your claims by providing reasons for your thoughts. In doing that you would have really contributed to the discussion and in the process helped undecided gamers to reach a conclusion, not to mention earn yourself respect.

I guess the reason why I am saying this is because I love Planet Gamecube. I think that the staff is great. They have made a great name for themselves. Any self respecting gamer would show some gratitude by at least abiding by the rules. These guys work really hard and what’s more is we don’t pay a dime. In the end I believe that Planet Gamecube forums have the best staff, really good readers and a very inspiring moderation. All of us on these boards should do our part to contribute. Let’s not waste Rick’s and everyone elses efforts on the boards. So please everyone, let’s help make this place even better.

By the way I never officially wished Planet Gamecube a Happy Birth Day. Great job guy’s you’re the best.

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Offline bamf226

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2003, 09:03:29 AM »

Originally posted by: bigsam_14
Let me start with the storyline. It's the best storyline in a game that i've seen in a while. It's great how the story follows through with the different characters and times. The insanity effects are awesome. I don't see how this game can be boring to you.

Let me paraphrase from my original post:

unoriginal story
very linear gameplay
very slow moving game

So far I have seen very little in the way of sanity effects.  I do like being able to use different characters in different times, but that's not enough to grab me in.

I have to admit that the first time the game turned down the sound and brought up the volume control, I was thinking what the...???  I just haven't seen enough of those moments.
"I'm not crazy,
I'm just a little unwell"
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Offline bamf226

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2003, 09:05:40 AM »

Originally posted by: ThePerm
you have to play the game mroe then an hour every two days...if your only on Karim after a few weeks then well....that would explain it. As Denis Dyack said you cant play this game for ten minutes and really love it you have to play it for a couple of hours to get into it.

Unfortunately, I work 60 hours a week and have a family.  If this game isn't something I can play an hour at a time when I get a free moment, it probably isn't the game for me.
"I'm not crazy,
I'm just a little unwell"
-- Matchbox Twenty, Unwell

Offline bamf226

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2003, 09:10:23 AM »

Originally posted by: Doppelganger
Because it's creative; it's something new.  Although the game might not be everyone's cup of tea I believe it's so highly praised because it is a game that's unique at a time when most games are just rehashes of old stories.  Although everyone loves Zelda and Mario it's nice to play something new.  Most FPS are basically the FPS that came prior to it with better graphics, different weapons, and different levels... so it's not often that a game comes along that's so creative.  I also believe that's why so many of us look fondly back on when we were playing the original Nintendo... all the games were fresh and creative, so each game was a completely new experience.

This story seems to be rehashed as well.  I saw nothing new in the "family struggles with a continual plague" storyline. The best example I can think of is Undying for PC as I stated in the original post.  I really haven't played a lot of console games, so perhaps it's new to consoles.
"I'm not crazy,
I'm just a little unwell"
-- Matchbox Twenty, Unwell

Offline bamf226

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2003, 09:24:09 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
weeks to get to Karim's stage?  I got there in my first DAY!  I finished the game in my second.  (I had to work both days).

If you only play the game for a few minutes a day, then that's your main problem.  It's like watching Star Wars 5 minutes at a time, then wondering why it sucks so bad.    Give the game the respect it deserves, and at least finish the game before complaining.

Congrats to you.  I applaud your excellent gaming skills.  However, I've only had 4 hours to play the game.  In 2 weeks time a grand total of 4 hours to sit in front of my TV and spin the disk up.  I'm a little more than a casual gamer when I have the time, but working 60 hours a week and taking care of a family barely give me any free time.  This thread certainly wasn't intended to bash Eternal Darkness.  I was just trying to figure out what the hype was.  After playing through 30% of the game, nothing has caught my attention and made me want to continue.  I suppose it helps to like the horror adventure sort of genre.  I was never too fond of Resident Evil either.  As I said before, maybe this game just isn't for me.
"I'm not crazy,
I'm just a little unwell"
-- Matchbox Twenty, Unwell

Offline bamf226

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Why Is Eternal Darkness Regarded So Highly?
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2003, 09:37:28 AM »

Originally posted by: Segnit BGS

Okay the first thing I?d like to say is:
It?s good to hear fellow gamer?s opinions, but everyone has to remember that this thread is very opinion oriented and occasionally for the wrong reasons. What I am saying is, for all we know the person who started the topic may simply dislike sadistic adventure games such as ED. He might have tried the game only out of curiosity or maybe to see what all the fuss about it was. Or he might have genuinely disliked the game. So there is no reason to bash or praise his opinion. However, giving comments to motivate him to play (?or not) should be made clear, coherent and constructive for the sake of everyone who wishes to participate in the thread. It?s only common sense to assume these boards will be more enjoyable if people behave more intelligently.

Glad to see something so well thought out.  I must say (and perhaps I should have when I created the thread) that I played the game out of hype from message boards.  A co-worker had the game and loved it and allowed me to borrow it.  I played for what I thought was a considerable amount of time and am at the point now of debating whether to give it back and focus on Metroid Prime, Zelda OoT & Master Quest, and Zelda WW.  I felt that in ED I was just pushing buttons to get from cutscene to cutscene, unlike Metroid Prime where I was totally immersed.  I began this thread hoping that perhaps I had just missed something.  I posted my dislikes as well as my likes so that it wouldn't be construed that I was just bashing the game.  In fact I was just trying to get other people's opinions and see if I was completely in the minority.  So far, most people seem to agree with some of my points.  I appreciate all of the intelligent feedback I have read since posting.  
"I'm not crazy,
I'm just a little unwell"
-- Matchbox Twenty, Unwell