Author Topic: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)  (Read 10824 times)

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Offline Bill Aurion

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Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« on: December 16, 2006, 03:04:47 PM »
First of all, I don't really know if I've put enough into the game to write up a review, but I've played quite a bit of the PC version so it shouldn't be a problem...Now onto the review!

Super Swing Golf (Why did they take out the PANGYA!? Grrrr...) is Tecmo's first foray on a Nintendo console since...the Super Nintendo!  Quite a long time!  It also marks the first console game Ntreev Soft has been involved in; this game being a "port" of their popular golf sim, Pangya (also known as Albatross 18)...

The first thing I noticed when I got the game was that it's rated E10+..."Why?," I wonder...I flip the game around to the back to see "SUGGESTIVE THEMES"...Oh, I see...HMMMMMM!  Anyways!

Popping in the game, you are greeted with a variety of the expected options in the menu screen: Single Player Mode, Versus Mode, Shop, My Room, Tutorial, Options, and Return to Title...I'm actually not sure what the point of returning to the title screen, unless you are one of those weirdos who likes the Super Swing Golf logo for some reason...The Options menu gives you a tiny selection including your Control Mode (Lefty, Righty, or Button...More on this in a second...), Sound Settings (Mono, Stereo, Dolby Pro Logic II), and Volume controls...Back in the Main Menu, Single Player Mode is made up of PangYa Festa (Story Mode), Stroke Play (Tourney Play), and Match Play (Battle against a single CPU character in a Tourney-style match)...You can unlock characters and caddies by beating PangYa Festa with different characters, and you can unlock goodies by getting trophies in the other two modes...Oh yes, you control your little pointer on-screen to select your choices, and Ntreev has tweaked it really well...I've had no glitching what-so-ever...

One thing to note: the loading...It's not as bad as XBox 360 games, but it's still noticable...Maybe I'm just spoiled by the almost non-existent loading in my other Wii games...It's a shame too, because if Ntreev had been given more time, the loading times would most likely have been fixed...Either way, it's not a huge problem...

Now the most important part, the controls!  So does this match up with Wii Sports Golf?  After some extensive play, I can say that this game's controls are far superior to those in Wii Sports...But first, let's go over the basic map controls...Before you take your shot, you can obviously check out where you are actually hitting by hitting the (1) button to get an overhead shot (When you are in overhead shot mode, you can hold B and zoom in and out by putting your wiimote closer or farther from the sensor, and move in any direction to move the map)...Hit (1) again to get a close camera shot of where the the shot will go, and again to return back to your character...Of course, it's not quite that easy considering you have to factor in wind, the distance you hit the ball, and whether you hook or slice the ball!  Oh right, you also go through your clubs by pressing Up and Down on the D-pad...The line of where your ball will go will obviously increase and decrease depending on which club you use...

Okay, you've spent enough time deciding where to hit the ball, TIME TO ATTACK!  Soooo, what do I do now?  Once you've selected your club, you can now use your cursor to select SHOT to enter swing mode...Then you enter into swinging position and pull the Wiimote back...As you do, you'll see the distance meter for your club go up.  Once you have selected the distance you desire, you can either hold B or hold A...Holding B will produce a practice swing (recommended ) and holding A will produce the real shot...After holding down either button, just follow-through!  Now depending on how much you've twisted your wrist on the follow-through, your ball may hook, slice, or may be perfect! (PANGYA!)  This can be difficult to pin down, because if you **** up, you will most likely **** up HARD...So take as many practice swings as you want so your shot will be a success! ^_^

Once you finally make it onto the green, you'll be pulling out your putter (Well, you don't HAVE to use the putter, but I recommend it...)  On the green, all you do is use the dots in overhead map mode to determine the lay of the green, then just adjust your aim accordingly...You don't have to worry about follow-through all that much when putting, just be sure to watch your distance meter!  (If the lay is up-hill, you need to aim OVER the distance to the pin, and if the lay is down-hill, aim less!)  That pretty much covers the controls...Simple, right? =D

If you get tired of swinging your Wiimote, you can also select Button control...In button control, instead of swinging you just press B to start up the distance meter...HOWEVER, you have no direct control over it, and must press B again at the distance you want it to go!  After you have selected the distance, the meter will come back down to the left...Here there is a pink box with a tiny white box in the middle...You must have good timing to press B again when the cursor is in the white box...If it lies in the pink, it will hook or slice in that direction...

I haven't had much time to get together a Pangya buddy, so I haven't played Versus...I'm sure it's fun though!

Now for what makes Pangya so unique:  SHOPPING!  Over the course of the game, as you win matches and tourneys, you'll earn the currency of the game: Pang.  You obviously spend Pang in the shop!  In the shop, you can buy a huge variety of clothes for your characters, buy caddies (which improve your stats in different ways), clubs (which also improve your stats in different ways), items (which can improve stats or can have some specific one-time-use effect in Match Play or Stroke Play modes), and new clothes for your cute characters...There is also a lottery in the shop where you can spend Dolphi tickets (that you can buy or win in Match Play or Stroke Play) to unlock artwork and items...Once you have selected a cute outfit or bought some items, you can go to "My Room" to equip or dress whatever you bought...For example, I'm using Hana, and I bought her the swimsuit set (I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! )

I went into the "Locker Room" (area where the loading is pretty noticable) and changed her...Oh God, SUGGESTIVE THEMES!  Cameltoe...Seriously, I couldn't believe it either!  I played a few matches with her in the swimsuit, and then I just started feeling really dirty inside...Then I bought her some more conservative clothes, so much cuter...  

In "My Room" you can also access all of the artwork you've unlocked and also access a jukebox!  (Not enough games have this!)


Presentation - Easy-to-utilize menus, a helpful tutorial, a working no-hassle cursor, and more, I really can't complain...The excessive loading times, though, dock this a bit...There is also some framerate woes during story cutscenes, which is really quite odd considering the framerate is rock solid in gameplay...Score: 8

Visuals - Simple, and really not looking all that much better than the PC game, but the game is still very colorful and easy on the eyes...The cutesy anime art style will either make you melt into a pile of steaming goo or make you vomit profusely!  Score: 8

Gameplay - One of the hardest golf games I have ever played, but it still manages to impress me with it's amazingly realistic controls...Be prepared to find yourself cursing at a loli! Score: 9

Audio - Sound effects are solid and the music fits the courses well (and is fun to listen to, to boot!)  BUT IT'S NOT ORCHESTRATED SO IT FAILS RIGHT?  No...Score: 10

Lastability - In the end, it all barrels down to how much you like golf games...Or maybe not because I hate most golf games, yet I'm still playing Pangya after having played the PC version for months...There are more unlockables than you can shake a stick at, and the characters are varied enough that attempting to win all the trophies with each character will take a loooooong time...Score: 10

Loli Factor - Ahahaha, didn't expect this category, did you?    Wait, you did?  Shiiiiiii...Score: 11   (What do you mean I can't go higher than 10?)

Overall - Even if you don't like golf games, I highly recommend you give this game a rental...It's incredibly fun, posts quite a challenge, has a crapload of lastability, and is the closest you can come to playing golf (so far) without actually having to put on ugly plaid shorts and golf cleats!

FINAL SCORE: 9.0 / 10    
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 04:02:05 PM »
Is there any word on future downloabable content?

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 04:17:17 PM »
Months ago Ntreev said they were thinking about the idea, but that's as much as I know...
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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2006, 04:19:26 PM »
cameltoe olololololol
kka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wa

Offline capamerica

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 05:40:13 PM »
I full heartily agree with the 9/10
I absolutely love the game and if it had Online mode and fixed the load time issue it would have been a perfect 10/10 for me.

I hope they do add additional downloabable content for the game, I find of missed not having the holiday theme going on.

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RE:Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2006, 07:04:38 PM »
There is a severe lack of Kooh in this review. This review gets a 7.9
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2006, 09:41:21 PM »
Is the movement detection better than Wii Sports's? That one's horrible, it usually fails to detect the swing at all only to detect a full power swing when I return the remote to its resting position.

Offline capamerica

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2006, 05:14:10 AM »
the movement detection is 100x better. Its really like you are playing golf
"Alright, you know what? I'm just giving in and looking at the breasts."
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Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 05:40:54 AM »
I might get this, just for the have fun factor.

[edit] I just ordered it via they had it for 45.99, but the bad part is that they won't have it until after Dec 25, which is actually okay as I just got Elebits today, and as I haven't finished Zelda yet I won't cry.  I also have Metal Slug to play more of (I finished MS 1) and Rayman Raving Rabbids.
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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 08:14:40 AM »
How many courses are there?  I'm getting dreadfully weary of Wii Sports' 9 holes.
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Offline Ceric

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2006, 04:03:56 AM »
lol... If it wasn't for Wii Golf I probably would have never wanted this game... Oh the irony.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2006, 08:56:46 AM »
There are 9 courses from Albatross 18 (Season 2) with two other new courses that I know of...This makes at least a whopping 198 holes...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2006, 07:04:13 AM »
So it has more holes than a harem anime?

Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2006, 01:31:09 PM »
So, like I got this today and like I don't have the room to use the wii-control setup so I changed it to button set up, which really doesn't make it any easier.  But for the first time I have ever played a golf game, I think I am doing pretty good.  

I won my first two match games, and won my first Stroke Play (I won with both score and Pang, score was +10, I started off great, first four courses I either birdied or pared, but then after that I didn't do so great, but on the 18th hole I came back and won )  
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Offline Ceric

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RE: Super Swing Golf (PANGYA!)
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2006, 03:48:45 AM »
198 holes... Dang... I should get this.
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