Author Topic: Heroes  (Read 50136 times)

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Offline MaryJane

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« Reply #125 on: February 09, 2007, 02:51:18 PM »

Originally posted by: JonLeung

Originally posted by: Ceric
Also on the Peter thing, Nikki could still be part of the family if Peter's father got around like there brother they would have never known.(Either of them.)
We've already seen Nikki's father but I get your point.

Though I wouldn't want it to be one big family.  You'd think it'd be easier or too easy for Sylar/Mohinder/Chandra/Mr. Bennet to track everyone down if this was the case.

The original previews for the show suggested that they all shared a connection, if I remember correctly. I also hope it's not a big family type of deal but if it is and it's done right, I wouldn't mind too much, it would be better than all the adults were bitten by different types of radioactive bugs.
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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« Reply #126 on: February 11, 2007, 05:37:02 AM »
I'm not usre If I had mentioned this here before, but I always knew I had seen Peter Petrelli somewhere or in something before but could never remember where. Well I am watching Cursed on Encore right now, and Peter Petrelli is Bo the gey Highschool Wrestler. Just thought I would share that.

Offline ShyGuy

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« Reply #127 on: February 11, 2007, 07:39:27 AM »
He was also Jess on the Gilmore girls. I am still manly!  

Offline Ceric

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« Reply #128 on: February 11, 2007, 09:10:20 AM »

Originally posted by: MaryJane

Originally posted by: JonLeung

Originally posted by: Ceric
Also on the Peter thing, Nikki could still be part of the family if Peter's father got around like there brother they would have never known.(Either of them.)
We've already seen Nikki's father but I get your point.

Though I wouldn't want it to be one big family.  You'd think it'd be easier or too easy for Sylar/Mohinder/Chandra/Mr. Bennet to track everyone down if this was the case.

The original previews for the show suggested that they all shared a connection, if I remember correctly. I also hope it's not a big family type of deal but if it is and it's done right, I wouldn't mind too much, it would be better than all the adults were bitten by different types of radioactive bugs.

I don't know.  Radioactive bugs would be interesting.  In fact bugs from space that tattoo that pattern on its victim.  Then they'll ruin it by saying it was sent from an alien species who knows the future of the human race and is trying to save it.  Come to find out there are trying to clear us out and take the world for themselves.
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« Reply #129 on: February 12, 2007, 04:33:52 AM »

Originally posted by: MaryJane
The original previews for the show suggested that they all shared a connection, if I remember correctly. I also hope it's not a big family type of deal but if it is and it's done right, I wouldn't mind too much, it would be better than all the adults were bitten by different types of radioactive bugs.
A connection, sure.  Some shared destiny, some fate, you know, some major problem that they would all be involved in preventing.

Connection =/= relation.  "Connection" doesn't even have to equal similar origins...though here we know that it's supposedly something genetic and trackable.  Genetics may make one think that this means something that runs in families, but they've already thrown genetics out the window so they could easily avoid a familial thing.  I can understand split personalities and strength (Nikki/Jessica) and I can suspend my belief a little for regeneration (Claire) but I don't see how genetics can explain seeing the future, control of and teleportation through time and/or space, flying without wings, phasing through solid material, etc. We've already discussed the mangling of science.  I just think a total "family" thing is dumb.  It makes them out to be a group of predetermined special people, not individuals trying to cope with having these powers and finding each other and their purpose.  The "everyman" aspect is what makes this appealing...the whole empathy of the characters and such.  It's advertised with "Are You On The List?", not "These People Are Born Special And That's Why They Have Cool Powers That You Don't."

On a side note, though it's clearly debating the screwed up science...if D.L. can phase with his clothes on, and Hiro can teleport with his clothes on, how come when Claire's clothes rip, they don't regenerate?  >_>  If genes extend to clothes then Nikki/Jessica could wear different things too.  o_0

Offline Ceric

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« Reply #130 on: February 12, 2007, 05:45:06 AM »
Because D.L., Hiro, and Invisible guy powers can be interpretted, for lack of a better word, as Field powers.  They extend a certian radius.  In fact I wouldn't be surprised of DL power really just sorts of parts the atom and condenses them in which he passes through the now empty spaces.

While Claires on the other hand is a very localized power.  She can't heal with a touch and it doesn't make sense.  She just heals.  It shows that she has to set things in the right place so it's probably considered a form of cell regeneration.  In fact if her power is heightened she probably die of Cancer.

I go on through more people but I can rant.
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Offline JonLeung

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« Reply #131 on: February 12, 2007, 05:49:31 AM »
Forget that I brought it up, which I knew I shouldn't've anyway.  Heroes is supposed to be more of a drama than a realistic sci-fi anyway.

Offline MaryJane

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« Reply #132 on: February 12, 2007, 10:23:00 AM »

Originally posted by: JonLeung
Forget that I brought it up, which I knew I shouldn't've anyway.  Heroes is supposed to be more of a drama than a realistic sci-fi anyway.

Damn I was about to get all technical on how flying without wings is genetically possible if you can simulaneously alter all the cells in your body to become lighter than air, of course then flying would be restricted to wind gust so it would be gliding, but if there was a way to manipulate you body further to create sails of sorts, or another propulsion method which of course wouldn't be difficult if you could change your cells.

Ceric said what I was going to say about why Claire's clothe's don't regenerate, and I'm glad they don't.

I'm unfortunately going to miss tonight's episode.  But I'm going to download the torrent tomorrow morning and then watch it after work, so until then...
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline matt oz

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RE: Heroes
« Reply #133 on: February 12, 2007, 04:22:05 PM »
meh, this one wasn't so great.  Last week's was awesome, and the one before that was so-so as well.  It's been kind of hit-or-miss since they started new episodes again.

For a minute, I thought Sylar would empathize with the new hero, being that he told Sylar he finally felt important and purposeful and whatnot, just like we learned about Sylar in the '6 months ago' episode.  But instead of an interesting plot development, they just continued the completely flat characterization of Sylar as the cold-blooded killer who wants to hoard all the powers.

I'm just glad whiny little Peter wasn't in this episode.  People need to throw him off the sides of buildings more often.  That was awesome last week.
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Offline JonLeung

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« Reply #134 on: February 13, 2007, 01:29:20 AM »
I actually thought Sylar did pretty well.  Sure, he was continuing to be a killer, but he convinced Mohinder that he was this guy Zane.  Okay, forget that, I can't believe he just "hid" the body in the back, he didn't even cover it up, WTF.

I could see why the episode was called "Run!"  I realy felt like things were getting worse for everyone.  Though Matt's encounter with Jessica was kind of neat, I was disappointed at what he did at the end.  I was disappointed in Nathan.  I was sad for Claire, whose all four parents are flawed in some way.  It's kind of tragic about her adopted mom.  Mohinder will clearly soon be in danger now that Sylar is hanging out with him.  Ando is an idiot, Hiro is in trouble, Nikki is useless, and heck, everybody else was useless in this episode.  At least Peter is trying to do something right but he didn't show up in this episode.

Maybe, like I said, as a drama, we're bound to get caught up in their lives, and with all the negative stuff that happened or is happening, that's probably why I didn't like this one.

It wasn't all bad, because of the Jessica and Matt encounter (Jessica actually looks hot!) but I would hope that next week's episode will be better, or at least feel better, and it wouldn't be too hard.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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« Reply #135 on: February 13, 2007, 05:19:09 AM »
Don't you think Matt should've hear dJessica sneaking up behind him? She had to be thinking something as she crept up. Also if Jessica can play Nikki, then let Nikki stay in the mirror, cause she is pretty useless unless she can gain control over herself.

As far as Sylar and Mohinder, I bet Mohinder is gonna eventually have contact with HRG really soon and Sylar's charade<sp?> will be over really quick. Luckily for them the hatian will also be very close by.

And Matt, I'm not at all surprised at what he did at the end, only he should have put the suitcase back up in the ceiling. When he heard the cop say that Matt wouldnever wear a badge again, he decided to take this investigatioon into his own hands. It might look like he was stealing the diamonds to keep for himself, but instead I think he is going to find out who Linderman is and attempt to find out what is going on. Use the diamonds as a bargaining chip, but once again, he will get himself in over his head yet again.

Offline JonLeung

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« Reply #136 on: February 13, 2007, 05:26:50 AM »
That might be a possibility for Matt, now that you mention it.  Taking the investigation into his own hands sounds better than taking the diamonds for himself, so now I hope that does happen.  Poor Matt never gets a break when it comes to his work, I hope he does eventually get something worth shoving those snotty cops' and FBI's noses into.

Offline Ceric

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RE: Heroes
« Reply #137 on: February 13, 2007, 10:09:51 AM »
I think Peter did the Best thing by not being in the episode.
Claire's Mom is a piece of work.  Her adopted parents really are the better set by far.
Think if Sylar got Peters abilities.  The ironic part is that when Peter gets close to him he should get all of Sylar abilities as well to Augment his own.  Peter will become, if he keeps things up, what Sylar wants to be without killing.  Which means they'll face off in the end.

Also MaryJane, you could arrange you molecules in such a way to make yourself have magnetic poles you could nullify the effects of gravity by pushing off of the earths magnetic field.  Something else to think about.

For the record, every decision Matt makes is wrong most of the time.
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Offline JonLeung

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« Reply #138 on: February 14, 2007, 01:50:00 AM »

Originally posted by: Ceric
Also MaryJane, you could arrange you molecules in such a way to make yourself have magnetic poles you could nullify the effects of gravity by pushing off of the earths magnetic field.  Something else to think about.
You're forcing my hand here.

You can come up with reasons HOW a being could fly like Nathan does.  (In fact, in some cases it's not even flying...there was that one time Peter copied his abilities and was standing in the air.)  Instant launching, propulsion, gravity negation, yadda yadda.  But if you really want to explain the technical stuff behind it, it's still not realistic.  You could have all these flying-friendly features in every cell, but could there be so much there that wouldn't've been noticed by a doctor at some point in Nathan's life?  And that he'd have perfect control of his powers, since he obviously doesn't make a practice of flying?  Even birds need to learn how to fly.

I don't think I believe in evolution (or I'm not supposed to) but from what I understand, the evolution of eyeballs in animals is like this:
1. over several generations, some skin cells on the "face" of an animal develop sensitivity to light.
2. over several more generations, the skins cells fold in, concave/dimple-like, so that the cavity of light-sensitive cells can determine the direction of the light.
3. over several more generations, the cavity becomes deeper, so they can more easily tell where the light is coming from, and then eventually the cavity of the light-sensitive cells become a spherical opening.
4. over several more generations, the surface of the light-sensitive cells develop a sort of mucus that focuses the light, so they can see the light more sharply.
5. and then after several more generations, the mucus layer develops into a vitreous layer, with a ball that gives muscular control over the visual focus, rods and cones to see definition and colour, an eyelid to cover it, eyelashes to keep the dust out, etc.

It's not like some slug-thing gave birth to a slug-thing with developed eyeballs all of the sudden.

Evolution is mutation over MANY generations.  Whether specialized or accidental, it has to do with survival of those that have an advantage to survive long enough to breed and pass on their differences.  That's how I understand this theory.

As I said, you might explain how someone flies.  But genetically, how did they get such a sudden difference in cells that no one noticed?  The only way Nathan would be able to fly is if several generations of people before him were likely to be killed if they didn't take to the air.  Someone would jump higher than their father, or negate gravity enough for some longer "air time", until finally someone like Nathan is born who can suspend themselves in the air and rocket away.

Ignoring the time component involved (he could've had his cells altered if you don't buy Dr. Suresh's "cusp of evolution" idea), I think it's still ridiculous that he'd have the control.  And you'd think after flying away from Mr. Bennet that he'd be exhausted, as I'm sure the energy he requires wouldn't exactly be minor.  And yet, he's chipper at that moment, from the exhileration of flying that should've tired him out.  There are so many flaws in realism, is it worth trying to explain?

Realistic "powers" by evolution would be minor enhancements of things we can already do, so minor it's unlikely to be noticed as being inhuman.  Higher jumping, better vision (perhaps night vision), better hearing, faster (but not extremely quick) healing, quicker thinking, stronger and/or faster muscles, more stamina, etc.

I'd really like to hear someone's explanation for the more ludicrous powers like Hiro's time altering and teleportation ability.  It's a wonder that when he goes back six months that he doesn't miss the planet entirely, as the galaxy is constantly in motion, and the galaxy itself moves.  You're telling me that genetically, you can distort the space/time continuum, AND also have enough control that your cells don't scatter or tear apart and that you don't end up out in space or physically in something that was there before?  All of the sudden how he takes his clothes with him but not a chunk of his surroundings such as the floor are the least of our concerns.

You see my point now?  HOW the powers might be possible is not the focus of this show.  

Offline BiLdItUp1

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RE: Heroes
« Reply #139 on: February 14, 2007, 02:02:08 AM »
I just started watching this show a couple days ago. It is insane; I've already caught up to this weeks ep. I love how we're basically watching a comic book in motion, and it's amazing that the show is actually popular nonetheless. Of course, almost all the powers are stolen from the Xmen/earlier shows. Still, there's a different emphasis here that makes the show appealing, I can't figure out what it is.

Anyone else psyched for Linderman next week?
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Offline BiLdItUp1

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RE: Heroes
« Reply #140 on: February 14, 2007, 02:05:24 AM »
Also...Peter Petrelli can be seen as Rocky's son in Rocky Balboa
All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. (George Orwell, more relevant than ever, in "Politics and the English Language")
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Offline Ceric

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« Reply #141 on: February 14, 2007, 03:09:06 AM »
Part of the fun for me is figuring out the "How" with powers over the "Why"

Personally, I'm down with initial Creationism with Evolution afterwards.
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« Reply #142 on: February 14, 2007, 05:36:57 AM »

Originally posted by: JonLeungI actually thought Sylar did pretty well.  Sure, he was continuing to be a killer, but he convinced Mohinder that he was this guy Zane.  Okay, forget that, I can't believe he just "hid" the body in the back, he didn't even cover it up, WTF.

Cause everyone knows blood is odorless... (I'm agreeing with you)

The show's "never ending" nature prevents me from being interested.  However, is it still in doubt that they are all tied to an experiment?  I think the fact that the bio company was telling the successor of the "list" to STOP was a big hint that they were behind it, never mind that there is this men in black feel to the cheerleader's father.  The rampaging killer would be the classic experiment gone wrong.  Hence why they would trap it to study it instead of kill it.  All this is from early in the shows life.  They may have thrown other things out there to lead off this path, but it's likely a ploy to get you to forget so they can just pop back to this path later.

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RE: Heroes
« Reply #143 on: February 14, 2007, 05:46:44 AM »

Originally posted by: Caliban
Actually the Enterprise, where Sulu was part of and also the one shown in the original TV series, did not have a letter. If you check the ship pics from the second link that I put, you will see that the license plate is really the first Enterprise.

"Following the destruction of the NCC-1701, Kirk and his officers were instrumental in saving Earth from a mysterious probe (as chronicled in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home). As a reward, Kirk (who was demoted to captain as punishment for disobeying orders and taking the NCC-1701 to the Genesis Planet) was given command of a new U.S.S. Enterprise, a virtually identical (from the outside) vessel with the registry number NCC-1701-A. This began a long tradition of continuing the NCC-1701 registry number through successive generations of Enterprise which in some timelines continues until at least the 26th century (see Starship Enterprise)." - Wikipedia

You are correct. The original enterprise had no bloody A, B, C or D.

Though I'm surprised the Enterprise used in the first three films had the same serial number as the one used in the series. I had forgotten that. In The Motion Picture, they make a big deal of the fact that they're using a new ship.  
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Offline JonLeung

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« Reply #144 on: February 14, 2007, 06:15:15 AM »

Originally posted by: Shecky
The show's "never ending" nature prevents me from being interested.
Yeah, I got into this thinking it'd be a one-or-two season thing and be done with.  I still hope so, despite the creator saying that he has ideas for five or six seasons.

Within the show, there are only a couple weeks until New York supposedly goes boom.  So if they did stretch it out to more than a couple seasons most likely they'd have other issues (and maybe a new set of "heroes", since part of the charm of the series are their attempts to cope with the powers and the consequences).  But how can you top a catastrophe like New York blowing up?

Offline MaryJane

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« Reply #145 on: February 14, 2007, 11:06:31 AM »
1. Part of the theory of time travel involves traveling faster than light, so in theory Hiro's cells are moving faster than light. As to him staying on the planet well it's part of his destiny.

2. what bio company telling what successor of the list? HRG works for the only "company" I can think of, and they want to find the list, or at least the people on it, which is why he didn't kill Mohindar. He's also going to learn of Sylar's partnering with him, because they are sure to be following Mohindar, why would they just let him go?

3. The show can continue with "normal" problems like Sylar trying to kill everyone on earth by stealing the powers of some super(as in stronger than the rest) "hero". A school perhaps? The show is somewhat like X-Men, you may recall when  (I forget the guys name) came back in time to infect wolverine with that virus because his body naturally produced anti-bodies. Also Peter still hasn't gotten the scar that future Hiro refered to. I do hope however the blowing up New York plotline ends this season.

4. I was kind of bored with this episode, perhaps I just went in with my expectations too high.  
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline Ceric

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RE: Heroes
« Reply #146 on: February 15, 2007, 04:29:11 AM »
I think it was Forge... Though I may be wrong.
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Offline JonLeung

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« Reply #147 on: February 15, 2007, 06:46:10 AM »

Originally posted by: MaryJane
Also Peter still hasn't gotten the scar that future Hiro refered to.
Hmmm, I wasn't sure if he said "scar" or "scarf"...if Peter is well on his way to mastering the abilities of people he's encountered, including Claire's healing, I wonder why he'd get a scar, which sounds like it'd be a significantly noticeable one on his face.  Most be one heck of a facial injury that he'll get soon, then.

Offline Ceric

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« Reply #148 on: February 15, 2007, 08:20:18 AM »

Originally posted by: JonLeung

Originally posted by: MaryJane
Also Peter still hasn't gotten the scar that future Hiro refered to.
Hmmm, I wasn't sure if he said "scar" or "scarf"...if Peter is well on his way to mastering the abilities of people he's encountered, including Claire's healing, I wonder why he'd get a scar, which sounds like it'd be a significantly noticeable one on his face.  Most be one heck of a facial injury that he'll get soon, then.

Could be linked to a power or traumatic event.  Some heroes that shapechange subconsciously keep a some identifying mark.  It makes for a good plot point.  
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« Reply #149 on: February 19, 2007, 06:01:59 PM »
Yay, another character dead! Less plot threads = better.

I don't know if I buy Ted the cop holding a gun on Mrs. Bennet and her son. Not very heroic.