Author Topic: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III  (Read 33735 times)

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #75 on: October 25, 2006, 07:24:59 AM »

Originally posted by: annoying
Read reviews on gamespot, read reviews on eyesonff, read reviews on ING, always the Final Scores are based on the other scores.

Gamespot does, but they have a special 'tilt' score they use just for manipulating the final score. IGN (I assume you mean IGN) does not.


And did I say godo graphics make up for bad gameplay?

No, you just said you wanted the review to achieve a higer score by averging the scores of all the categories. Since the only reason this would make the score higher is that the graphics got such a good score, you are, essentially, saying that good graphics should make up for bad gameplay. (This is bad gameplay, of course, from the perspective of the reviewer. I understand you think the reviewer doesn't know what he's talking about and that the gameplay score is unfair. I hope you understand a system where the reviewer is forced to give a game a high score even when he personally doesn't feel the game is good would make no sense.)


But you [deleted] blindly start believing what this reviewer says. Unless you've played the game, of course, in which case I take my words back and say each to his own opinion.

I never blindly believe what a reviewer says. I assume he isn't lying when he says the game was frustrating for him to play. I assume I, someone less experienced in rpgs than he, will also find the game frustrating, for the reasons he lists. I don't think either of these assumptions are blind or stupid.

Oh, and also, I'm still planning on buying the game.


Only blind VII-fann00bs can be fooled that way.

Your logic is irrefutable.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #76 on: October 25, 2006, 07:49:09 AM »

Originally posted by: wandering

Originally posted by: annoying
Read reviews on gamespot, read reviews on eyesonff, read reviews on ING, always the Final Scores are based on the other scores.

Gamespot does, but they have a special 'tilt' score they use just for manipulating the final score. IGN (I assume you mean IGN) does not.


And did I say godo graphics make up for bad gameplay?

No, you just said you wanted the review to achieve a higer score by averging the scores of all the categories. Since the only reason this would make the score higher is that the graphics got such a good score, you are, essentially, saying that good graphics should make up for bad gameplay. (This is bad gameplay, of course, from the perspective of the reviewer. I understand you think the reviewer doesn't know what he's talking about and that the gameplay score is unfair. I hope you understand a system where the reviewer is forced to give a game a high score even when he personally doesn't feel the game is good would make no sense.)


But you [deleted] blindly start believing what this reviewer says. Unless you've played the game, of course, in which case I take my words back and say each to his own opinion.

I never blindly believe what a reviewer says. I assume he isn't lying when he says the game was frustrating for him to play. I assume I, someone less experienced in rpgs than he, will also find the game frustrating, for the reasons he lists. I don't think either of these assumptions are blind or stupid.

Oh, and also, I'm still planning on buying the game.


Only blind VII-fann00bs can be fooled that way.

Your logic is irrefutable.

I see what you mean, but the way the reviewer talks is like he wants to discourage us all to buy the game.
He never in his review said the words "I think" "For me" he said "Is frustrating" and such stuff. Like he mend his opinion to be pure facts. Of course a review is an opinion, but he concluded that it is a bad game that will only please die-hard fans of the series. How does he know that? How can he know what goes on in the minds of RPG-lovers? It's the way he put his words that worked on my nerves. Did I expect the game to get only good points? No, for every game gets some hate flung towards it. Every game.

And you seem to mistaek a VII fann00b for a VII fanboy/girl. The two are completely different.
VII fann00b= Sephiroth is the best ever, VII is the best ever and everybody who says otherwise sucks. (Or something like that, you've seen it before, I'm sure. If not, you're lucky.)
VII fanboy/fangirl: Boy/girl with FF VII as his favorite game. What's wrong with that?
And those fann00bs can be ridiculous, maybe yo uwon't believe me, maybe you've seen some VII-fann00b topics before somewhere. I've seen them. It tires you immensly. But, well, every game has its fann00bs. VII's were so far the worst for me, however...
Or maybe not. I don't know if you ever had topics asking if this FF was the one with Kefka over and over again? If you see one of those topics almost every weak, months and months after each other, you really are going to question human inteligence. Especially when there's a nice FAQ explaining it all on the first page of the board.

Even if this guy had purely negative thoughts on the game, he could have said them better so people would still try the game before they go rip-it-to-shreds! Like I said, reading more reviews broadens the view on the game. So far, I've read 3. 2 with good last scores (based on the other scores, good and bad points listed on the end) and 1 bad one. Fill in with my experiences from the original. I tend to believe this game is not half as bad as this reviews tries to make us believe it is.  

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #77 on: October 25, 2006, 08:13:23 AM »

Originally posted by: Arbok

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
The Japanese clearly like things in games that American gamers likely just won't care for. Ergo, Famitsu scores are 100% meaningless to the American gamer.

Way to stereotype...

Stereotypes have nothing to do with it.

It's a goddamn FACT that the US and Japan have very different cultures and IMMENSELY varied tastes in games. Nintendogs probably scored so well in Japan because space is at a premium to 90% of the Japanese population who live in population-dense areas where owning a dog is not an option because of the sheer amount of space it requires.

In the US, it ain't so much of an issue, and in the US, sports games and FPSs sell insanely well while Japan doesn't much care for them.


...for being flawless, which it is?

Aside from the fact that the voice recognition sucked ass and that, after you powerlevel one dog in all the tournaments, the game is basically over unless you enjoy grinding for these meaningless "trainer points", then yeah, impeccable.

The game could have done several things to increase it's longevity, like had "superdog" come out of retirement to face your dogs in tournaments to at least give you something to shoot for rather than steamrolling the competition.

A perfect score should be reserved for a perfect game, and any game which considers grinding for points to unlock other dogs as the sole reason to play it past 6-7 hours is NOT perfect in any sense of the word.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #78 on: October 25, 2006, 08:25:53 AM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
In the US, it ain't so much of an issue, and in the US, sports games and FPSs sell insanely well while Japan doesn't much care for them.

Right, because joe average "Madden and FPS' for me!" would even know what Famitsu is...

Making the assumption that "Famitsu scores are 100% meaningless to the American gamer" on that stance is pretty poor. Cultures are different everywhere, but using that basis to completely rule out another reviewing source is pretty fool hearted. I guess Ocarina of Time wasn't that great of a game either, if Famitsu was so into it to give it a perfect score... or at least it would be good for those Japanese, but not us red blooded Americans.

Honestly, you are also talking about Nintendogs like it's unworthy of praise, when this site gave it high mark as well of 9/10 in Bloodworth's review:
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #79 on: October 25, 2006, 08:46:59 AM »
How do YOU know the game is a wolf in sheep's clothing? You've played it yourself? Understood everything and the whole yada yada? If so, well, seems to be your opinion. But, I think, I can be wrong, you have NOT played it, so again, you all base your rip-it-to-shreds-god-damn-it! replies on this review.

I thought that was the common point of agreement between all parties that FF3 is a very faithful remake gameplay-wise which the "wolf in sheep's fur" comment was about (an old game that looks like a modern one at first glance)? FF3's remake approach should not be confused with Metroid Zero Mission's (which remade a pretty awful game into a great one with an annoying stealth sequence).

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #80 on: October 25, 2006, 09:10:33 AM »

Originally posted by: Arbok Right, because joe average "Madden and FPS' for me!" would even know what Famitsu is...

Making the assumption that "Famitsu scores are 100% meaningless to the American gamer" on that stance is pretty poor. Cultures are different everywhere, but using that basis to completely rule out another reviewing source is pretty fool hearted. I guess Ocarina of Time wasn't that great of a game either, if Famitsu was so into it to give it a perfect score... or at least it would be good for those Japanese, but not us red blooded Americans.

Truth be told, I shouldn't be blaming culture differences. I should be blaming FAMITSU themselves because they're the ones who give perfect scores to games with obvious flaws, FF12 being the latest example in that the interface is god-awful and there exists no option to map buttons to commands, meaning you have to open a menu to select and attack an enemy right in front of you.

That kind of interface flaw is the sort of thing which sensible reviewers take points off for. What kind of sh*tty reviewer says, "Well, it had such a good story that I can ignore the lousy interface."?

It IS wrong to say that Famitsu represents Japanese gamers because that's unfair to the Japanese gamers who disagree with Famitsu's scores.

But yes, Famitsu has shown time and again that they are a piss-poor source for accurate reviews. That's not to say that their opinion and mine don't coincide occasionally, but that doesn't mean I have any reason to trust their opinion for the remainder of the time.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline Refia

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #81 on: October 25, 2006, 09:14:56 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
How do YOU know the game is a wolf in sheep's clothing? You've played it yourself? Understood everything and the whole yada yada? If so, well, seems to be your opinion. But, I think, I can be wrong, you have NOT played it, so again, you all base your rip-it-to-shreds-god-damn-it! replies on this review.

I thought that was the common point of agreement between all parties that FF3 is a very faithful remake gameplay-wise which the "wolf in sheep's fur" comment was about (an old game that looks like a modern one at first glance)? FF3's remake approach should not be confused with Metroid Zero Mission's (which remade a pretty awful game into a great one with an annoying stealth sequence).

Your point? Everybody knows it is faithfull to the original and improved a lot on it. (Balancing the jobs, difficulty, ect.) When you talk about it being a wolf in sheep's fur, you're making it sound like "It looks nice and all, but in fact, it's something very bad." But FF III DS is not bad. And you can't tell if I'm wrong, I've asked a few times already, yet you still haven't answered if you've played the game or not, or the original for that matter. You did play it? Well, each to his own opinion I guess. You didn't? Will you stop ripping a game to shreds you haven't played yet? Or further, will you stop basing your rip-it-to-shreds! replies on this one review? There are more reviews than just this one. Everybody who wants to get a better view on a game knows he shouldn't base his opinion on one review.

But if you've played it, guess it's your opinion then and nothing to do about it.

I find it funny. People on eyesonff read this review too and almost every reaction was like "Lolz, that guys sucks if he thinks FF III is hard", or something among those lines. But don't worry rip-FF-III-DS-to-shreds'ers, there were some people who didn't care, and some people who could agree on some points. So you shouldn't worry, you won't get the entire FF III-fan army after you.

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #82 on: October 25, 2006, 09:24:29 AM »
On that note, why the f*ck doesn't Blockbuster rent DS games?

It would solve so many problems with knowing which reviews to trust and whatnot...
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #83 on: October 25, 2006, 06:12:48 PM »

No, you just said you wanted the review to achieve a higer score by averging the scores of all the categories. Since the only reason this would make the score higher is that the graphics got such a good score, you are, essentially, saying that good graphics should make up for bad gameplay. (This is bad gameplay, of course, from the perspective of the reviewer. I understand you think the reviewer doesn't know what he's talking about and that the gameplay score is unfair. I hope you understand a system where the reviewer is forced to give a game a high score even when he personally doesn't feel the game is good would make no sense.)

no but as a matter of fact it's pointless to grade it like that overall unless you grade gameplay as a whole.

Offline Ceric

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #84 on: October 26, 2006, 05:43:17 AM »
Get Gamefly.  In fact I'll recommend you if you want.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #85 on: October 26, 2006, 05:46:53 AM »
A friend of mine just suggested Gamefly to me yesterday.

Sure, how do you recommend me?
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #86 on: November 17, 2006, 08:13:31 AM »
I beat the first boss in 2 turns

How the hell can this guy not beat it?

If i had a camera i'll show you all how bloated and idiotic this review is

All i did was use the Item Anarctic Wind and it did around 384 damage to the first boss along with blizzard which did 98 damage...

the guy who reviewed this knows nothing about how to play FFIII...

Geeze Died in the first boss...
while me a Regular Gamer was able to beat the first boss in 2 turns...

technically all you needed to do in the game was to use anaractic wind twice. If you found these items before fighting the boss since it only has around 600HP

not to mention finding items in FF3 are quite easy, you just need to explore the towns
i just got the game today and i just right now beat the first boss

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #87 on: November 17, 2006, 03:13:59 PM »
again i must say i'm just fought the second or third boss of the game and it's too easy!
I had a 3 black Mages and 1 White Mage they were about lvl11 and i whooped on the boss.

i was in the cave with the dragon

and honestly this guy who wrote this review can't play for crap.
I've been playing RPG's for a while now and FFIII is one of the EASIEST games i have played so far.

The difficulty is heavily exagerated and the person who played it obviously didn't know what to do in the battle to defeat the boss

Offline Myxtika1 Azn

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #88 on: November 17, 2006, 05:03:16 PM »
Ah geez, not this crap again!

You got this game TODAY, you say?  Is this the US one, or the Japanese one?  Unless you've played the Japanese one, please shut the hell up. Do you even know if there have been any changes made to the localized game? Perhaps it was made "easier" due to complaints?  I don't know, and I'm going say that you don't either.  

Don't go and say that the reviewer can't "play for crap" unless you've had first hand experience with the JPN copy.  The only thing that's crap here, is your blind fanboyish attitude.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #89 on: November 17, 2006, 09:03:49 PM »
Perhaps it was made "easier" due to complaints?

Certainly wouldn't be unprecedented, the Japanese do seem to consider the US less hardcore.

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #90 on: November 17, 2006, 09:46:37 PM »

Originally posted by: Myxtika1 Azn
Ah geez, not this crap again!

You got this game TODAY, you say?  Is this the US one, or the Japanese one?  Unless you've played the Japanese one, please shut the hell up. Do you even know if there have been any changes made to the localized game? Perhaps it was made "easier" due to complaints?  I don't know, and I'm going say that you don't either.  

Don't go and say that the reviewer can't "play for crap" unless you've had first hand experience with the JPN copy.  The only thing that's crap here, is your blind fanboyish attitude.

No the only thing that is crap is how biased his review is, the game is the exact same from the japanese one. No Different. I do have friends that played the japanese one IT's THE EXACT SAME FRIGGIN GAME!

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #91 on: November 17, 2006, 09:50:44 PM »
any remakes and anything After FFVII has not been changed for america, FFX is still easy in the japanese version, FFX-2 IS STILL EASY

FFVII is NO DIFFERENT except for 1-2 slightly harder parts in the puzzles.
FFVIII no different
FFIX no different
FFX FFX-2 no different
FFXII same exact game

and for a fact i know that FFIII is THE SAME AS THE JAPANESE VERSION!

Offline wandering

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #92 on: November 17, 2006, 09:58:01 PM »

Originally posted by: Refia
I find it funny. People on eyesonff read this review too and almost every reaction was like "Lolz, that guys sucks if he thinks FF III is hard", or something among those lines. But don't worry rip-FF-III-DS-to-shreds'ers, there were some people who didn't care, and some people who could agree on some points. So you shouldn't worry, you won't get the entire FF III-fan army after you.

Here's the thread, if anyone's curious. I am amused by the undying hatred "real" FF fans seem to have of FFVII fans.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #93 on: November 19, 2006, 06:48:46 AM »
i'm about Half Way into the game, i'm amazed anybody can say this game is hard.
The guy who played this game obviously doesn't play any RPG's at all or is just amazingly bad at FFIII
i found ALL the BOSS battles AMAZINGLY easy.

i found it too easy if anything.

Everything in Dragon Quest VIII was alot harder then anything i have encountered in FFIII

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #94 on: November 19, 2006, 06:51:32 AM »

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #95 on: November 19, 2006, 06:55:20 AM »

Originally posted by: wandering

Originally posted by: Refia
I find it funny. People on eyesonff read this review too and almost every reaction was like "Lolz, that guys sucks if he thinks FF III is hard", or something among those lines. But don't worry rip-FF-III-DS-to-shreds'ers, there were some people who didn't care, and some people who could agree on some points. So you shouldn't worry, you won't get the entire FF III-fan army after you.

Here's the thread, if anyone's curious. I am amused by the undying hatred "real" FF fans seem to have of FFVII fans.

thats only one website, you should see the others lol.

anyways, i don't care what Final Fantasy game you like, i love FFVII to death i don't give a crap those people.

but the fact is, the person who reviewed this game obviously didn't know how to easily beat the boss in 1-2 Turns...

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #96 on: November 19, 2006, 07:40:30 AM »
Good, then write your review and put it in reader reviews.

Offline fireyhope

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #97 on: November 23, 2006, 07:22:08 AM »
is that the only thing you can say?
obviously you got nothing better to say then to bash.

Offline Myxtika1 Azn

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RE:REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #98 on: November 23, 2006, 07:46:12 AM »

Originally posted by: fireyhope

And...?  FF IV US is the same game as FF IV EU.  However, the bugs have been fixed in the latter version.  Like I've said before, perhaps the JPN version was buggy.

500 years ago, I shook the Pillars of Heaven.  Why should I fear a runt like you?

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: REVIEWS: Final Fantasy III
« Reply #99 on: November 24, 2006, 06:12:46 AM »
Yeah, okay, up the rating to 7.0 then.