Author Topic: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?  (Read 4524 times)

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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« on: September 16, 2006, 10:25:12 AM »
It seems that during the dark years of the Gamecube era it was fashionable to be a Nintendo hater, and everyone and their grandmother loved to bash the console or the company. I still see some Nintendo bashing going on, but it seems to have dwindled since this year's E3. Of course, I don't visit Sony or MS fanboy sites, so maybe I'm just not seeing it.

So, has Nintendo become cool again? Or is it still fashionable to be a Nintendo hater?
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Offline WuTangTurtle

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 10:38:47 AM »
I'm gonna go the route of cool again.  At my college, noteably we are aspiring game artists and designers, there has been a huge shift of Sony fans converting to Nintendo fans due to Sony's E3 disaster.  Our Student Game Developers Association's meeting a couple month's back even talked about Wii dev kits and how much Nintendo development process was geared towards developers than Sony or Microsofts.

In my eyes I've always felt if you didn't have a Gamecube or Dreamcast you aren't hardcore, therefore u aren't cool, lol.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2006, 10:42:48 AM »

Originally posted by: Chozo Ghost
It seems that during the dark years of the Gamecube era it was fashionable to be a Nintendo hater, and everyone and their grandmother loved to bash the console or the company. I still see some Nintendo bashing going on, but it seems to have dwindled since this year's E3. Of course, I don't visit Sony or MS fanboy sites, so maybe I'm just not seeing it.

So, has Nintendo become cool again? Or is it still fashionable to be a Nintendo hater?

Only time will tell, but with all the hype going around there is a chance that Nintendo could be cool again. I am willing to bet that the Wii becomes a hot item on college campuses since you can link systems together.
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Offline nickmitch

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2006, 10:55:40 AM »
No, not yet. The Wii still has to prove itself. The hype is good, but it has to maintain the system's momentum throughout its lifespan.
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Offline AnyoneEB

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2006, 11:11:41 AM »
ShaolinKilla: The game dev people at my school are playing with accelerometers (no gyros or camera, so not a full Wiimote). It should be interesting to see what they come up with before the Wii comes out.

But, on topic now. Cool? Eh, maybe, but not yet. As I mentioned in another topic, a lot of people (that I have met at least) who are potiential PSWii/Wii60 owners, are doubtful of the usefulness of the controller. I suspect that a lot of them will change their mind if they try the Wii, but right now it is just a stupid controller that looks like a TV remote to them.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2006, 11:14:08 AM »

Originally posted by: AnyoneEB
ShaolinKilla: The game dev people at my school are playing with accelerometers (no gyros or camera, so not a full Wiimote). It should be interesting to see what they come up with before the Wii comes out.

But, on topic now. Cool? Eh, maybe, but not yet. As I mentioned in another topic, a lot of people (that I have met at least) who are potiential PSWii/Wii60 owners, are doubtful of the usefulness of the controller. I suspect that a lot of them will change their mind if they try the Wii, but right now it is just a stupid controller that looks like a TV remote to them.

Sadly you are right about many of them still viewing the Wii controller as being stupid. Nothing upsets me more than people who don't use their brains a bit and at least try to think of potential uses for something like the Wii controller, the same thing happened with the Nintendo DS as well.
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Offline 31 Flavas

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2006, 11:20:43 AM »

Originally posted by: Chozo Ghost
Or is it still fashionable to be a Nintendo hater?
Oh Nintendo is doomed. There's no question about it. If "Wii" clobbers Sony and Microsoft you'll have all those fans vying for Nintendo's demise because Nintendo has replaced their traditional "gaming" with this retarded waving your arms about 1 button controller crap. (not to mention dissed their HD television/projector setup)

If Nintendo remains popular, but still in 3rd place well, they're just the retards they've "always" been. I mean comon 480p and 1 button controllers, what were they thinking!


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Offline jasonditz

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2006, 11:33:08 AM »
Its always fashionable to hate on whichever console... this gen the PS2 was teh w34k, Gamecube was teh k1dd13, and the Xbox... well, it's made by Micro$oft, who is teh ev1L.

Maybe the Wii will shake the Gamecube's label, but people want something to hate on, and they're going to find something, whether it's the name or the controller (I don't want to move my hands, thats teh ghey), just like people can't knock the PS3 for being underpowered anymore, so it's knocked for costing as much as a used car. Microsoft's probably still got the evil thing going for them though, so that's the same at least.  

Offline BigJim

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2006, 12:29:21 PM »
They're not cool yet. But as long as they become relevant in the console space, they'll do fine. Gaming is a subset of pop culture. Adapt and you'll grow. SET A NEW TREND and you'll grow even more.

The DS is doing well, but it's unknown if lightening will strike twice.  

Offline Adrock

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2006, 01:10:15 PM »
Nintendo was never cool. Even when Nintendo was dominating the industry, it was still geeky to play videogames period. Sony, ironically, was responsible for expanding the market by making games a more socially acceptable pastime. That said, I think Nintendo can be considered "cool" with Wii. They're attempting a complete image makeover while MS and Sony are trying to convince everyone that this the same ol' Nintendo. It's really up to Nintendo though and so far, I think they've done a pretty good job. Could be better, but at least they're trying much harder.

At the same time, it all depends on what your definition of "cool" is.

Offline MaryJane

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2006, 01:49:40 PM »
People's opinion of the name Wii has changed.

No longer do they feel its stupid because it sounds like a male appendage, but rather they feel that it shows enjoyment. Child-like enjoyment, Nintendo remains a tiku tiku tiku!  system in the eyes of the masses.

We must save them by showing this dead world that hey you know what? It's F**KING O.K to have fun, not everything has to be so G*DDA*N serious. Or only about killing people.

Although killing people on the Wii is going to be more fun than ever before possible!
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Offline Hostile Creation

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2006, 03:32:23 PM »
MaryJane pretty much pinned it.
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Offline 31 Flavas

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2006, 04:33:29 PM »

Originally posted by: Adrock

Nintendo was never cool.
As a fan as a consumer, I think you hit the nail on the head. And perhaps that's why i've always liked them over the competition. They'd do their own thing and I like it compaired to the competition. Pherhaps not because it was "anti-cool" but because it wasn't what is 'supposed' to be cool. There are always going to be companies that will out cool Nintendo, because Nintendo is going to do its own thing come hell or high water. Nintendo's "own thing" is going to be what they want, not what pop culture says you want/need.

I think the biggest thing to take away from this 7th generation of consoles is the concept of "respect". The latest thing for videophiles is an HDTV paired with a 5.1 or 7.1 or 10.2 or 50.25 speaker surround sound system. For Nintendo to step in and essentially say "HD and Surround sound are NOT cool" by releasing the Wii, which does neither, was a big sign of "DIS-respect" to these people. It doesn't matter that Nintendo has shown its respect to gamers by keeping their systems cheap, releasing fun highly polished no load time games, giving away free pre-order items (t-shirts, link cables, 2 zelda collectors edition games), or by holding free pokemon conventions in the US and the rest of the world every year...

It's that Nintendo hasn't paid lip service to the silicon god, by doing DVD movie playback, 1080p, and 15.15 surround sound audio (the "True" defintion of surround sound).


Sony, ironically, was responsible for expanding the market by making games a more socially acceptable pastime.
Nah... They just showed "respect" to "gamers". It doesn't matter the systems overheated, gave DRE, or just flat out died prematurely. Or that Sony told their customers purposefully ficticious information about the systems specs. They massaged gamer's egos the most through "FMV" and Dobly Digital and 'Toy Story' grade graphics with their 'Emotion Engine'. The PS3 is that "respect" take to its logical conclusion. It is a system that includes EVERYTHING "cool" with no consideration to price.


That said, I think Nintendo can be considered "cool" with Wii.
And this is said as a rock solid Nintendo fan... At the very least, I think Nintendo has shown that you can rally non-customer support (i.e. Sony/Microsoft fans and 'non-gamers') without being "traditionally" cool.


They're attempting a complete image makeover while MS and Sony are trying to convince everyone that this the same ol' Nintendo. It's really up to Nintendo though and so far, I think they've done a pretty good job. Could be better, but at least they're trying much harder.
I really think it is up to the gamers instead. I'm sure a lot of gamers would like to be able to purchase 1 "Cool" system and buy said systems "fun" games, but also as well purchase Nintendo's idea of "fun" games. Since, I think, most gamers do consider Nintendo's level of polish on games to be a cut above even some of the most well respected 3rd parties.

But that's at odds with Nintendo who has said they'd would rather go out of bussiness then produce games as a 3rd party publisher. Support for Nintendo's console systems and games has certainly waned in compairison to competition. I do not think Nintendo will waver from its position. If consumers really want their console systems to be multimedia entertainment systems that play music, movies, non-game entertainment (i.e. Hollywood movie trailers, etc..), and HD video games, then Nintendo probably will step aside and become a part of console gaming history. Or at the very least no longer produce a high-visiblity console system "compatible" with "gamers". i.e. Producing something much more small scale and more radically taylored to 'non-gamers' then "Wii".

And, Wii, might just be this question to "gamers". It's very uniquely "cool" without steping outside of what Nintendo wants in a TV based video game system. ("Steping outside", i'm guessing, would be just tossing more Ghz and Ram and High-Def at the problem of 'What to do for a new video game system')

That perhaps greedy of Nintendo, to take away all of their game franchises from TV video gamers. But it's no more greedy then Sony and Microsoft video game customers wanting Nintendo's games on their terms. Nintendo, i'm sure, wants to know if their presence is wanted, on Nintendo's terms, by "gamers". If you just want a games and a system that has more Ghz, Ram, High-def, and multimedia, you've got plenty of choices.


At the same time, it all depends on what your definition of "cool" is.
Yea, most likely I am just be talking out of my ass again. But, hey, I dunno, maybe someone can show me the error of my way. I just know I definatly do not like what Sony and Microsoft's defintion of "cool" is.  
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Offline ThePerm

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2006, 05:33:08 PM »
eh, if all goes well then Wii will outsell ps3 in the christmas season. they'll have the lead(over ps3, but not 360) and keep it. My bet is Sony doesnbt have enough consoles in launch and they try to pull "shortage" out their ass again so they can try to get free advertising. Then what will happen is Nintendo and Microsoft will have plenty of shipments and it will backfire at Sony.
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Offline WuTangTurtle

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2006, 06:27:48 PM »
The way i think Nintendo feels about being cool is a game design philosphy "what do u do?", while Microsoft and Sony think cool is "how many polys?" or just to be an ass "what game are we cloning today?"

In the end consumers will decide what system is cool by what games it has.

Offline jasonditz

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2006, 08:26:33 PM »
I think a fair question to ask is, are we better off with Nintendo being cool? I know I'm not alone in taking a certain pleasure in being unorthodox, and for people like that being "cool" in the MTV and drinking Mountain Dew while riding your bike out of an airplane sense can actually be an undesirable thing. I like enjoying something good that "normal people" can't figure out...

I'm still annoyed that somewhere along the line anime became "cool", though I do take some solace in the fact that most of the really good stuff gets marginalized in favor of mindless action robot shows.

Though by the same taken, I guess so long as dating sims and card-based RPGs don't sweep the nation, I can probably live with Nintendo being "cool".

Offline wandering

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2006, 09:39:11 PM »
'm happy with things I like becoming popular, so long as they don't change to something I don't like in the process.  
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Offline couchmonkey

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RE:Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 05:34:06 AM »

Originally posted by: ShaolinKilla
The way i think Nintendo feels about being cool is a game design philosphy "what do u do?", while Microsoft and Sony think cool is "how many polys?" or just to be an ass "what game are we cloning today?"

Don't forget, "How many hours of cutscenes do we have?" and, "How badass is our hero?"

Actually, DS made Nintendo cool again.  Especially DS Lite and New Super Mario Bros.  Whether Wii will be cool or not, I'm not sure, but it has the potential.  
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2006, 08:13:03 AM »
"Actually, DS made Nintendo cool again."

How?  Being the market leader for portables before never made them cool, so why the sudden change?

Nintendo ain't cool until young males who play nothing but Madden and first person shooters are buying their consoles.  Converting people on the internet doesn't mean that much really.  It's the masses that don't care enough to bother to do any research for their purchasing decisions that matter.  To declare Nintendo as being "cool" now is premature.  Plus while Sony is totally fumbling the ball Nintendo is really only guarenteed to pick up that ball in Japan.  In North America, Xbox is the default choice if Sony screws up.  To be cool Nintendo has to beat Microsoft in the market that decides what "cool" is.  Being number one in Japan will really help but it won't completely remove the negative image they have over here by itself.

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2006, 12:50:27 PM »
Internet doesn't matter, online games do? WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT

Gotta grab that gigantic non-internet using online-gamer base!

Oh and No, Being handheld market leader didn't make them cool before, it made them the undisputed standard.  BEATING SONY AT IT, however, might be different. more like WWF WORLD CHAMPION

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Offline Infernal Monkey

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2006, 01:34:17 PM »
Hey, iPod and Xbox 360 are cool! Wanna know why? $__$ RAPE DOLLARS. An official coth cover for iPod's like $50, a Wi-Fi adaptor for 360 is $100. Nintendo's overcharging the hell out of its controllers, so AUTOMATICALLY COOL.

Plus I heard a rumour Wii's boring (cool) white instead of Barney the Dinosaur purple like GameCube (MORE LIKE HOMOSEXUALCUBE LOL).

Offline WuTangTurtle

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RE: Has the Wii made Nintendo cool again?
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2006, 03:32:17 PM »
Wandering, I'm in the same boat as you.  I too have a strange fondness of the unusual, such as FLCL and Studio Ghibli films (Grave of the Fire Flies, Spirited Away, etc).

But sometimes when things get popular such as music bands, they are cool when they are struggling artists and  then they hit mainstream and then regurgitate albums.....filth.