Author Topic: Metroid Prime: Hunters  (Read 2496 times)

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Metroid Prime: Hunters
« on: June 06, 2006, 07:43:32 PM »
Okay, I may not be the best, but I think im pretty good. So, here it is:

Storymode: I wont go into detail here,(leaving others to do that), but I found it dull. The storyline was o.k. at the begining, trying to gather an item to gain the ultimate power before others, but then it just became stupid. One, each time you beat a boss on each planet, a timer would begin, and you would have to race to your ship before dieing. Once there, it just stops. No dramatic explosion, just stops. You could sit there all day, and nothing would happen. Another thing that bothered me, is that you had to go back to each planet, even after you were supposed to leave it to survive. Stupid. Next, you faught the same bounty hunters you already defeated once before. Without major scan visors or powerups found in true metroid games, it felt repetitive. The major lagging found in intense situations also took away from the experience. The only thing keeping it going for at least a small amount of time, is the fact its just fun shooting everything.


Multiplayer: This is all the creators had in mind. Really. This is it.
On single card, you can play with up to four people, but the people without it can only use samus; I also noticed that their sound quality was worse, but this may just be their ds. You start off with 26 courses, and get more by playing singleplayer.
In Multi-Card play you can go head to head with up to four people, create or join a game. There are 7 battle modes: Battle,(standard), Survival,(stock match), bounty,(gather item and send to drop point), Defender,(king of the hill), Prime Hunter,(see who can hold powers longest), Capture,(raid teams for there Octolith, score when both in your base), and Nodes,(gain points while Nodes under your control). In Multi-Card, it is intense action with very little lagging.
Wi-fi is the best part. You can just press find a game, and nintendo will find you up to 3 random opponents to fight. Once found, you go to the usually steps, then vote for an arena. Then fight. After fighting, it will bring you to a stats page, and let you ask someone to be your rival. They can agree or disagree, and if they agree, they are added to your rivals list; they can also ask you to be their rival. Next, is the Friends and Rivals section. Here, you can set up a match, or join, with a friend or rival gathered over wifi. With friends you can talk to them on the menu, (when connected of course), by pressing and holding the x button. You can also type messages. These will not work in Battles, or with rivals. You can hold up to 60 rivals. So far, i have found no lagging. The only thing bothering me is the difficulty of friend codes. MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE: Straight shooting. Little more. You gather up to 7 different beams, still having the original and missles, but not much else. One item turns you invisible, but not for long and you still see the outline of the character; making him a target. There are no turrets or anything like that,(except for weavels morph ball form, but its easy to get around). No ships, just head-on fast paced shooting.


Graphics: Superb down to its core. These are the best on the system so far. The only flaw is that it may be to good, because it does lag often.


controls/gameplay: Took me no time at all, but im weird. For most people, it would take more time, and this is the only flaw. Time. Besides this, once learned, it is very smooth and accurate. You move your character in directions with the d-pad, you jump by tapping the touch screen twice,while you aim and look around with the touch screen; you can see hunters view from the top screen. On the bottom you see different icons. On the top there are 4: the first being a circular icon, pressing it brings out the power beam. You fire it by pressing the L button,(in right handed mode, im not a lefty), and you charge it by holding it down. Against this, is an icon that looks like a missle. Beside it you see a number, this is how many missles you have. You fire the same way, and you can also charge these. Agains this is a beam icon. Depending on what attack you get,(shockcoil, ect.), It will be here. If you are samus, the first one you get will be here. For other characters, the one best with them will go here when gathered. Against this, is an icon that when touched, brings up a series of beams you have gathered so far. Pressing one puts the icon into the one opposite of it, the one next to the missles, so you can use it. To the bottom right corner is your characters morph ball system. When pressing you instantly change into it, the view going above you instead of in first person. Morph balls depend on the character. Remember that you can change your sensitity and control mode at the option screen.


Sound: Impressive, but mostly used off the gamecube. The sound effects from attacks and such are nice.


Overall, a very impressive game. The real reason is to get it is for multiplayer, because the singleplayer will get repetitive and boring, and may only hold your attention for a few hours,(if that long). Some nice add-ons are being able to talk to friends, and the rival radar. The rival radar works like this: your ds goes into sleepmode, and when you pass by someone else with their radar on, they are instantly added to your friend list.

9 out of 10  Superb
We will rise from the litter boxes, and send humans into the doghouses.          BEWARE!!!!! ....                                    Muah ha ha!!!!

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Metroid Prime: Hunters
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2006, 09:29:08 PM »
Did you save all lemmings in every level? How's the attack unit vs. base defense balance? Does it encourage turtling?

(in other words, you didn't describe the gameplay)

Offline Infernal Monkey

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RE: Metroid Prime: Hunters
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2006, 02:55:23 PM »
Gameplay doesn't matter when the graphics are superb down to the core!

RE:Metroid Prime: Hunters
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 05:45:03 PM »
Exactly what the ds stands for InfernalMonkey... chickens.
We will rise from the litter boxes, and send humans into the doghouses.          BEWARE!!!!! ....                                    Muah ha ha!!!!