Author Topic: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?  (Read 53525 times)

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Offline RickPowers

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EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
« on: May 03, 2006, 05:37:33 PM »
Rick Powers comes out of his months-long siesta to wax poetic about The Console Formerly Known As Revolution.

I haven’t seen this many people with their heads buried in the sand since the “Cartoon Wars" episode of South Park.    

Of course, I’m talking about Nintendo’s Public Relations team, who were tasked with the unenviable duty of not only justifying the new name of their next console, but stretching their Jedi mind powers in every conceivable way.  Unsurprisingly, they’ve been less than convincing, largely because it seems that they themselves are not yet convinced, reduced to spouting the company line and waving their hands like Alec Guinness.  Yes, a lot of product names sound silly when you first hear them, and I see where Nintendo is coming from on that front.  TiVo and Google are nonsensical, but there are so many differences that it’s hard to begin explaining them.  But that’s my job, so here goes.      

Product naming is known as a bit of a black art, but like most art, people know a good name when they hear it.  I have yet to come across anyone who understands “Wii" when they hear it.  For most people, it’s not spelled how it sounds, and it doesn’t sound how it’s spelled.  The Japanese don’t even have that sound in their vocabulary!  When you’re asking people to buy a product, confusion is not something you want to contend with.  The pronunciation needs to be instant and unambiguous, and Wii fails that test.  Google gets lucky because they aren’t asking you to buy anything … the cost of a trial is nothing except your time, and that allows the name to get out of the way.  Not to mention that Google does fun things with their logo, which helped endear people to the brand.    

For all of the wonderful things that the name is supposed to evoke, you lose all of them as soon as you have to explain them.  The mere fact that Nintendo needed to explain the name to its most ardent fans is a sign that the decision needed more refinement.  You want the first image in someone’s head to be the right one, but more often than not, the first image in the minds of most Americans is not flattering.  Urine and penis jokes aside, the images Nintendo wants to convey don’t come across until you’re told what they are, and you take time to ruminate (I won’t use the word “marinate" as Nintendo PR suggested, lest another joke surface) on the name.  That’s a major issue, since a good product name, while it might sound curious at first, shouldn’t take more than a few moments to truly sink in.  While Nintendo’s fans are fine with sitting back and thinking about what their favorite brand has done, the very people Nintendo are trying to cater to won’t give them the chance.  It has already begun, as opinion on the name is starting to soften a mere day later … but then again, we’re the ones who really care.  Will the casual gamer give Nintendo a day before making a purchase decision?    

Those “mainstream gamers" that Nintendo is trying to bring under their wing will not be caught dead “playing Wii".  They are far more image-conscious, and what’s baffling is that Nintendo knows this.  Game Boy Micro was the device designed for exactly this segment.  DS Lite was designed to appeal more to the image-conscious than the more toy-ish look of the original DS.  That’s what makes this decision all the more perplexing; for a device that people have to pick up to understand, you’ve just ensured that it’s unlikely that they will give it a chance, for fear their friends will hear that they’ve been “playing with their Wii all weekend".  Nintendo’s supporters and other “hardcore" gamers learned to get over the image issues long ago; we handled the GameCube handle, and we can handle this name.  But Nintendo has just risked losing all the ground they gained with the DS.  It’s almost as if they got lucky with all of their previous decisions.      

We haven’t even gotten to the place where the TiVo and Google brands truly excel, and where Wii falls completely flat.  Those names achieved the holy grail; they became verbs.  Even on other recording devices, people now say that they “TiVo’ed" a program; when you search for information on the internet, you Google it, even if you’re not using Google as your search engine.  Wii can’t become a verb without becoming “Wii’d", which brings up entirely different negative connotations and joke potential.    

So, to sum up Nintendo’s challenges:    

  • Nintendo chose a name with alternate meanings in multiple cultures, rather than picking a name with only one meaning (which could not be misconstrued accidentally) or no meaning at all.  
  • The intended meanings behind the name are unclear and need explanation that many will simply not bother to learn.  
  • The people Nintendo wants to reach with the console will not be caught dead walking into a store and asking for “Wii" within earshot of friends.  
  • Dropping the Nintendo brand from the product gives them no alternative name to request. To use poker terminology, they’ve been left with no “outs", not even an acronym or abbreviation.  
  • In Matt Atwood’s interview with Game Informer Online, he even reverted to using the name “Revolution" when he needed to explain how “once you touch the Revolution, this will make more sense."  When you have to avoid using your own product’s name to avoid snickering, that’s not a good sign.    

    That brings up an interesting bit of history.  In the 1980’s, Nintendo was synonymous with video games; irrespective of the system you played games on, you were “playing Nintendo".  Nintendo has some small opportunity in that gamers may simply refuse to use the name, a trend we’re already seeing on some websites.  Unfortunately, Nintendo might have squandered even that possibility by dropping the Nintendo name from the product, leaving people to simply call it … nothing.  And when you can’t bring yourself to utter the name of a product, how are you going to buy it?

  • :: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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    Offline Zach

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #1 on: May 03, 2006, 05:46:01 PM »
    Thanks rick, its great that somebody summed up the whole anti-Wii argument in one place.  I have been trying to say the same thing, Im getting used to the name, but will the casual gamer?  Its certainly a big risk that nintendo could have easily avoided.
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    Offline KnowsNothing

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #2 on: May 03, 2006, 05:46:43 PM »
    While I still think Wii is a cool name, it was a pretty good editorial.  Thumbsup.  Personally I got used to the name within minutes and now I'm quite fond of it.

    PS I thought Rick died.
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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #3 on: May 03, 2006, 06:03:08 PM »
    :: Six Sided Video .com ~ ::

    Offline denjet78

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #4 on: May 03, 2006, 06:18:49 PM »
    You know, I'd be more willing to buy into the whole anti-Wii rhetoric if it wasn't just gamers throwing it around. You know, if the actual people that Nintendo is aiming this console at (ie EVERYONE) got the chance first to decide? And they won't even know it exists for months yet.

    What I don't understand is how no one else sees the pattern. Everyone hated the Wii controller because it was just so radical and different, until Nintendo explained it. Anyone else remember that demo reel? Then finally some people began to understand. Everyone hated the Wii name when it was revealed, Nintendo shows a demo ad and some people begin to soften to it. Point being: NONE of this is aimed at gamers in general. That's why they're having to explain it all. It's aimed at the greater market. You know, the BILLIONS of people who don't play video games and never will if they remain as complicated and self-centered as they are now?

    And believe it or not, those people will buy the Wii. Hell, after they see someone playing a game a Wal-Mart or GameStop or wherever else, they'll just have to try it. And if they try it, they just might get it. And if they get it, the name will be the least of their worries. You'll never see lines at a PS3 or XBox360 demo station but mark my words, you'll see them in front of the Wii all the time. Unless you're one of those idiots that lives on marketing hype, you're going to have to try the Wii at least once.

    This is a complete redefining of what gaming is, and you're not going to completely understand it until you try it. I don't even understand it, but I can see it's promise, and I did from day one. Well, after it was explained to me. When I first saw the controller, I was pissed. It looked like crap. But then they explained 3D space and I was totally enthrawled. I didn't care how many buttons it had or even that it was lacking a control stick. All I cared about what that it was beyond my wildest imagination. When they announced the Wii name, I didn't really care. Why? I was too hopped up on the controller to care. NOTHING could kill that for me. But I saw the demo ad and thought about it for a little while longer and realized why I didn't care. Because it wasn't aimed at me. In the end, the controller isn't even aimed at me, but it has the ability to strech into relms that I can understand.

    I don't have to care about the name because it's for other people, those who wouldn't feel comfortable buying something called a PlayStation or an XBox or even a Revolution. Those are VIDEO GAME systems after all. Only kids and image obsessed teens play with those. But a Wii? What's a Wii? It's so different and new that anyone and everyone might just be willing to give it a try. And if they try it... well, you know the rest.

    Offline Magus19

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #5 on: May 03, 2006, 06:27:45 PM »
    Every one I talked about this, non gamers and casual gamers who don't read the news, said it was dumb. I even explained it. Wii has too much conotations that it don't fits in the category of it doesn't mean anything like they want. Non gamers wont be more curious because of a weird name.
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    Offline denjet78

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #6 on: May 03, 2006, 06:41:42 PM »

    Originally posted by: Magus19
    Every one I talked about this, non gamers and casual gamers who don't read the news, said it was dumb. I even explained it. Wii has too much conotations that it don't fits in the category of it doesn't mean anything like they want. Non gamers wont be more curious because of a weird name.

    Let's see... most likely you explained it to them from a gamers perspective with your own connotations already attached to it. I can make that judgement because that's basically how everyone else here seems to be reacting to it. The people I've talked to seem fine with the name, and it's probably the way I presented it. I just told them that Nintendo's next console, the one with the oh so cool and completely revolutionary controller is going to be called Wii. I said it to them a few times, and even spelled it for them when they asked. Their reactions were fine. Most of them, in fact, were far too interested in what the controller could do to care about the name. I don't remember a single joke. Again, how exactly did you approach these people with it?

    And just throwing the name out there isn't going to do much good. These same people who state that it's stupid and that they hate it might be singing it's praises and proclaiming how they can't wait to buy it after they actually get the chance to actually play with one. It's a package deal: The controller, the name, the games. Without one, the other two just aren't the same.

    Offline Pryopizm

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #7 on: May 03, 2006, 06:46:56 PM »
    The only pool of people who will defend the name Wii to the death are a core of Nintendo fans.  And even we are split.  I hate the name, it's insane to have to place yourself in an image deficit at the onset.  As Rick said, they knew that it's a stupid name and it's a terrible sign that Nintendo's marketing machine announced the name with immediate damage control.  

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    Offline Strell

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #8 on: May 03, 2006, 06:48:57 PM »
    It's bad when something weighs so heavily on my head that I resort to talking to my gf about it.  At that point, you know it's essentially viral at this point.


    At this point I'm really starting to think the name is a terrible idea...
    I must find a way to use "burninate" more in my daily speech.

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    Offline Strell

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #9 on: May 03, 2006, 06:50:06 PM »
    Freakin' wireless internet.  Sorry for double post.
    I must find a way to use "burninate" more in my daily speech.

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    Offline Arbok

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #10 on: May 03, 2006, 06:51:50 PM »

    Originally posted by: denjet78
    You know, I'd be more willing to buy into the whole anti-Wii rhetoric if it wasn't just gamers throwing it around. You know, if the actual people that Nintendo is aiming this console at (ie EVERYONE) got the chance first to decide? And they won't even know it exists for months yet.

    The name is a HANDICAP, period. "Everyone" might not hate it, but it sure won't get people interested alone and it will, without doubt, turn some of the teenage crowd away who wouldn't be caught dead with it due to something so simple like the name.

    That's fine if you like it, but notice that simply the fact that you are saying that "gamers" might not like that, that alone makes this a horrible choice. This name won't draw in the "never played a game in their life crowd", yet it has the chance to turn away some of the numerous gamers who make the Madden and other slush like that a hit, all over something as trivial as a name.

    Also, great article Rick. You hit on a lot of great points about the name.
    Toho Kingdom


    Offline Hostile Creation

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #11 on: May 03, 2006, 06:54:27 PM »
    "Every one I talked about this, non gamers and casual gamers who don't read the news, said it was dumb. I even explained it. Wii has too much conotations that it don't fits in the category of it doesn't mean anything like they want. Non gamers wont be more curious because of a weird name."

    Are you sure it was that and not your terrible use of the English language?
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    Offline Arbok

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #12 on: May 03, 2006, 06:56:53 PM »

    Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
    Are you sure it was that and not your terrible use of the English language?

    That's another thing, I have seen more topics turned into almost a "flame war," with comments getting personal, over this then anything else on PGC. Even the HD thing never dipped close to flames from the users.  
    Toho Kingdom


    Offline Nick DiMola

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #13 on: May 03, 2006, 07:10:56 PM »
    Thanks Rick, couldn't be put better. Everyone keeps saying, well only the gamers out there are going to really hate the name, well let me tell you a story.

    This morning I get into my car and click on the radio. Every morning on my way to work/school I listen to Rover's Morning Glory. They do a little bit called "The Shizzy" where they report news that their audience may find interesting. One of the stories today was how Nintendo renamed their system from Revolution to Wii. All the hosts on the show really aren't gamers with the exception of one who only plays sports games. The immediate reaction after hearing the name was "Oh my God! That is the gayest(sic) name I have ever heard! That would be like Atari calling their next system the flower! That name is terrible. What was wrong with the name Revolution?" The market Nintendo is trying to hit is people like that, and look at the reaction they received. After a couple of minutes of babbling about the name, the ended on the note that the name was terrible and that nobody would buy it because of the name.


    I am just keeping my fingers crossed that come E3 Nintendo is going to be like "LOLZ Wii were just kidding!11!! Viva la Revolution!" But god knows that'll never happen. Damn you Nintendo and your awful marketing department. I swear they actually want this system to fail.
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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #14 on: May 03, 2006, 07:11:41 PM »
    I'll get over the Wii name when the PGC staff agrees to use
    Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

    Offline mantidor

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #15 on: May 03, 2006, 07:34:20 PM »
    Its been a week already, its a lost cause for me, Im not even trying to like it anymore.

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    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #16 on: May 03, 2006, 07:36:49 PM »
    For more debate fodder, check out this thread I just posted over in the Wii forum...

    Offline slacker

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #17 on: May 03, 2006, 07:49:33 PM »
    I don't know about the rest of you, but when I see something different, yet interesting, I tend to take a look at what it is and how it all works. Then I find out what its called. The name is just a name (even if it sounded odd). The console and its games is what will determine success of the brand or not. If the product sucks, the name wouldn't matter. Also, perhaps Rick is making too many assumption about the general public. Yeah, there is a lot of people who are self conscious, but when it comes to entertainment, I think the majority of people could care less about their image. Think about all of the men who goes to strip clubs. Are they self conscious? How about the porn industry and why is it so damn large? People play games in the privacy of their homes just like they watch porn. My point is that video games are entertainment best enjoyed in the privacy of their own homes. Unlike porn, picking up a Wii at the store isn't going to cause me to suddenly feel self conscious just because of the name. By then, almost anyone who goes near the product will know what a Wii is.

    Offline RocketDarkness

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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #18 on: May 03, 2006, 07:52:45 PM »
    What's up with people saying the Japanese don't have "Wii" in their vocabulary? It's not a single character, but it's most definitely pronouncable.  

    Offline Arbok

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #19 on: May 03, 2006, 07:57:23 PM »

    Originally posted by: slacker
    How about the porn industry and why is it so damn large? People play games in the privacy of their homes just like they watch porn. My point is that video games are entertainment best enjoyed in the privacy of their own homes.

    Yeah... do people realize that when you compare the Wii name to the aspect of buying porn, that clearly it's a failure? The thing that frustrates me is that the name is such a simple aspect of the whole picture, yet Nintendo botched it so hard that the "true" fans are having to reach to great lengths to justify it. I will say it again, the name isn't a doomsday device for the system, but lets admit that it does handicap it quite a bit, which is ludicrous for a marketing device like this to do.
    Toho Kingdom


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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #20 on: May 03, 2006, 08:00:37 PM »

    Originally posted by: Arbok

    Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
    Are you sure it was that and not your terrible use of the English language?

    That's another thing, I have seen more topics turned into almost a "flame war," with comments getting personal, over this then anything else on PGC. Even the HD thing never dipped close to flames from the users.

    Yeah, I know what you are saying. I understand that our doubtful views on the Wii can easily be arguable with the Wii followers. But to personally insult each other over it?

    People, whether you love the name or hate the name, it's just that, the name of a console. It isn't the fate of the universe. It isn't the destiny of a name.s It's the name of a console. True, a lot of us have a lot of sentimental value towards them, but it isn't big enough to start a flame war over it.

    The Wii followers have stated some very good points as to why the Wii name could work. The Wii doubters have also posted some very good points as to why the Wii might not work. So why the need to keep throwing mud at each other?

    What it will do is degrade the argument to the typical online fanboy argument, and we have enough of those already as it is...
    Pedro Hernandez
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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #21 on: May 03, 2006, 08:04:03 PM »
    I had gotten used to Gamecube, X-box, X-box 360, and even Playstation by now. Yet I no matter how much I try to get used to it. I cannot stand the name Wii. In fact as others have stated when describing the Wii to others I call it either the Revolution or the new Nintendo. Nintendo can't even get the majority of diehards to stomach this name. That being the case, casual gamers will just turn there noses up and walk over to the 360 or PS3 and pick up one of those. Wii maybe end up with the another last place console with minimal support. I can't believe that even Nintendo could be so foolish.
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    Offline The Omen

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #22 on: May 03, 2006, 08:11:24 PM »

    What I don't understand is how no one else sees the pattern. Everyone hated the Wii controller because it was just so radical and different, until Nintendo explained it.

    The reaction to the revmote was not intense was a mixed reaction, mixed between 'this is cool', and 'wtf?'.  Very different.

    I could thank Rick for the article, but I won't(even though I agree).  He said what everyone who doesn't like the name has tried to explain in the forums, only to get personally attacked.  I find it disgusting that people will read Ricks opinion and be much more tolerant of it just because he runs the site.  
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    RE: EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #23 on: May 03, 2006, 08:13:01 PM »

    The people Nintendo wants to reach with the console will not be caught dead walking into a store and asking for “Wii" within earshot of friends.

    Nintendo is aiming at the eight year old boys market? I thought they already had this one.

    Pathetic editorial, Rick should drop his hate or leave forever.

    Offline The Omen

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    RE:EDITORIALS: Wii Will Get Over It, Won’t Wii?
    « Reply #24 on: May 03, 2006, 08:16:52 PM »

       The people Nintendo wants to reach with the console will not be caught dead walking into a store and asking for “Wii" within earshot of friends.

    Nintendo is aiming at the eight year old boys market? I thought they already had this one.

    Pathetic editorial, Rick should drop his hate or leave forever.

    Another winner!  
    "If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates