Author Topic: A success formula for Nintendo  (Read 7639 times)

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Offline Gamebasher

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A success formula for Nintendo
« on: February 21, 2003, 06:49:20 AM »
Here is something I thought of:

Forum member, Cubist writes-

"the "lack of caring" you speak of doesn't exist. No one had a better showing than Nintendo's booth. Period. I've stated this once on similar threads and I'll state it again, who cares what attracts the mainstream gamer! The "lack of caring" should be targeted at the mainstream gamer because they're stuck on the "kiddie" image facade."

Forum member, Kai next writes-

"But there are people who are just buying a cube who don't understand the appeal of games like SMS. They are adult gamers who have bought the cube to play Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness, and Nintendo could do worse than throw some extra games their way. Nintendo need a great new RPG, FPS, or Survival Horror, with an epic story-line (please, the cartoon graphics and simplistic story behind TS2 are great, but not what I'm referrring to)".

I must say that I agree that it is the mainstream gamers who donĀ“t care. Not Nintendo. But I also think that they arenĀ“t caring enough, mind! Not to say they arenĀ“t doing all they can. They are. But it all lies in their attitude (read below)...

And yes, I agree that Nintendo needs a great new RPG with that epic story line which will if properly advertised will attract a lot of gamers from the other platforms. Nintendo are the only company in the world who can make RPGĀ“s up around the level of Mario64 and OOT. So what else do you think they can make!

They should be aggressively pursuing making one great sequel after the next of great games, great RPGĀ“s and not change them too much from the originals. Then keep on doing that and never stop it! Gamers everywhere will be happy. Maybe Nintendo never really has woken up from the attitude of being satisfied with where they are, instead of thinking where they could be going!

They are the Gods of gaming and can basically create what they want to. But do they want it? Do they want to go where they could be?

Continue to make the quality games with that "Nintendo seal of Quality" they are so famous for, and then increase the releases of such games so that they keep delivering them to the market in all the time increasing numbers - and the mainstream gamers will once again see them as cool enough to match the PS2 or XBOX. I remember those PSX gamers saying they chose that machine over Nintendo 64 because "it had more games". So what if Nintendo had more quality games than the competition had games combined (including 2. and 3. party games of course)? They can do all that without compromising either quality or finances. They really can.

The competition is going to look kind of lame in comparison.

Before, Nintendo had too few first part titles, only now they are starting to change. Well, that should include many more RPGĀ“s which Nintendo has proven themselves to be so good at making. There is still too few of those around right now.

Who can beat flooding the market with quality RPGĀ“s and advertise them properly and constantly, as compared to flooding the market with commercials for something that isnĀ“t half as good as claimed (PS2, XBOX titles mostly)? Hey, empty barrels make the most noise donĀ“t they? So Ninty should go right ahead and just deliver those sought after RPGĀ“s with all the other games theyĀ“re so good at. Drastically widen their gaming platform. Get that more aggressive as many Forum members have already requested. Silence the noise from those empty barrels, and knock them sideways with giant Dodongo cavern boulders literally rolling them flat! Nintendo gave SONY a far too easy time. Let them get away with too much. This could stop if Nintendo does the above.

No daydreaming. Just how it will be if they want it. They are the best in the world, so they gotta take advantage of it!

Just widen that 1. party platform significantly, advertise it and go!

Once again then it will be profitable for developers to make games for the GCN as the wide selection of cutting edge RPGĀ“s and other games from Ninty will attract gameplay hungry gamers and make many more buy the machine. People will be able to tell the difference, from what else is available on the market.

They just gotta let the world know theyĀ“ve changed, advertise properly and keep doing it. Find deals with companies who get something else in return to advertise the GCN for them, and they could lower the cost of promotion a lot.

I think that is a guaranteed success formula that is going to work from day one!

Prove me wrong! But I think you canĀ“t!

Nintendo is the originator of videogame innovation! The Great Mover of the Industry. Past, present and future. Rightfully, the King of Videogaming!

Offline Stex

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« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2003, 09:03:40 AM »
I don't feel like writing some big, long reply but I'll say this:  PS2 and Xbox (PS2 especially) have just as many great games as GC.  If you want I can make a list for you....I'm sick of hearing that PS2 and Xbox have "crap" titles.  They just don't.  The games on those systems might not be personal preference for you, but they certainly do not suck.

Gamecube does have almost nothing in terms of conventional console RPGs, except for SoA:L.  Zelda and Mario (how you can call Mario an RPG at all is beyond me) are NOT RPGs.  They are adventure/platform.  

RPGs, especially from Squaresoft, are monster sellers.  If the Gamecube ever managed to snag an exclusive (conventional) FF from Square, no doubt it would sell lots of GCs.  It seems to me that Nintendo underestimates the selling power of a good RPG.


Offline EL Pollo DIablos

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« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2003, 09:08:32 AM »
I agree with Stex.
GC is jsut a great console but there is no best console out there.
Its a matter of taste and style.
RPG is not only Square , a lot companies are trying to make an RPG so we will se some new titles.
Nintendo has a formula: Making gaming fun!

El Pollo Diablos
Nintendo is going to treat us good:F-Zero and Star Fox Armada, new Pikmin, 1080, Kirby, Mario Golf, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis and 2 or 3 new franchises ( maybe mature).
Planning on buying an Xbox! Now all I nead is a good gamertag for Live!

Offline Gamebasher

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« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2003, 09:21:28 AM »
Stex, Mario IS an RPG, because you are playing the role of him in a platforming game. That is pretty much an RPG to me. Same with Zelda. You are playing Link in another platforming adventure game.

Sorry if you donĀ“t agree. But this is what an RPG is to me.

Nintendo is the originator of videogame innovation! The Great Mover of the Industry. Past, present and future. Rightfully, the King of Videogaming!

Offline broken0013

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« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2003, 09:30:12 AM »
good point guys. if you reflect on what makes ps2 such a popular console, it all comes back to a few certian revolutionary games. FFX first of all, if i had ps2 i would buy it without even thinking just because of the fact its a sequel in the FF series. not only does it have the reputation to start, but it has some of the best graphics ive ever seen on any console. gameplay isnt near FF7 in my opinion, but it is pretty cool nonetheless.

another title ps2 has relied on is GTA3 and Vice City. like above, even though GTA2's graphics werent too hot, it had pretty incredible gameplay. its sequels like these that make up ps2's popularity.

i could go on and on, but my point is that i dont see many gamecube games that follow this pattern. i see some new themed games like mario sunshine (very much like mario 64 though) that did pretty well. then again, look at the games that were sequels of games that were revolutionary in the past. metroid prime for example, the reason most people buy a gamecube if i may say. the first metroids werent revolutionary by any manner, but they took the idea and added onto it to make a hell of a game. then you have all the hype windwaker is getting already. based closesly to the n64 zelda games, and i know OoT is considered one of the best games of all time.

if i was nintendo, i would think of some quality sequels to put out. rumor has it that mario kart GC and mario 128 are in development, so that is definitely a step in the right direction. i would definitely take a game like Super Mario RPG from SNES (my fav rpg of all time other than FF7) and i would make a sequel. incredible game (even though pretty straight forward and ez for an rpg) that kept me playing for hours. this post is getting kinda long, and i could mention multiple other revolutionary games nintendo has put out in the past. basically i think nintendo should stick with 'if it aint broken dont fix it' and stick with what works.

Offline Sean

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« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2003, 09:33:59 AM »
Gamebasher.  By all means, STOP BEING RIDICULOUS.

If assuming the ROLE of a character is what you do in EVERY GAME, and it is, then by your logic, every game is an RPG, and I'm sorry, but you're just being absurd and argumentative if you actually believe that.  Talk about splitting hairs!

Anyway, when you say, "Try to prove me wrong, but I don't think you can," it's clear that you've nullified any good point you had before.  Discussions don't begin and end with single posts, by definition.

You keep saying that Nintendo needs to "tell the world they've changed."  What??--are they alcoholics pleading with their forlorn wives to take them back??? "I'm a changed man, Nancy, I swear!"  

Nintendo is doing what they want, which is making games, and making them the way they want them made and the way they think and believe is fun.  If the number of people who still believe Nintendo's games are fun has SHRUNK, so be it.  That's life.  Fads and cultural tastes come and go.  It seems to be from certain comments from Iwata and others that Nintendo is working very, very hard to change perceptions, but they are doing it in their own subtle way--by making the best games they can and more of them.

Just because they aren't revolutionizing their philosophies on gaming and making a huge demographic shift to "keep up with the times" (i.e. the currect rule that all gamers over 18 need to play "mature" titles, where "mature" means everything it shouldn't) does NOT mean that Nintendo is doing something wrong.  It means they are doing what works for them and playing to their own strengths.

If you've got an idea, great, let's talk about it.  But be reasonable!
"I think that if the devil does not exist,
and man has therefore created him,
he has created him in his own image and likeness."
from Fyodor Dostoevsky's THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV

Offline snorgasmo

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« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2003, 11:52:53 AM »

Originally posted by: Gamebasher
Stex, Mario IS an RPG, because you are playing the role of him in a platforming game. That is pretty much an RPG to me. Same with Zelda. You are playing Link in another platforming adventure game.

Sorry if you donĀ“t agree. But this is what an RPG is to me.


so by your definition, every single game ever made is an rpg then... cuz you're playing the role of a character... so spyro is an rpg,  RE is an rpg, metroid is an rpg, space invaders in an rpg.. pacman is an rpg... etc etc...

i think you need to possibly re-evaluate your definition of rpg.
-- COMMODE7 - we write about videogames.. or something...

Offline SGT Killjoy

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« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2003, 03:13:52 PM »
Final Fantasy Chrocicle is Comi out for GC. It has 4 played coop. Might be real time fighting. Thats a great reason to have a GC.

Offline nolimit19

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« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2003, 03:43:42 PM »
ok who is the idiot who said mario is an rpg? i think its called a platformer. as for console rankings......there is a best and a worst....and one in between. and everyone here knows damn strait which ones go where. at least in general.
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Offline Demonhunter

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« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2003, 04:08:54 PM »
Sorry to burst your bubble, but yes, every game TECHNICALLY is an RPG. Thats not the general classifaction, however. The general classification is TDBRPG, which is Turn/Dice Based Role Playing Game, like Dungeons and Dragons. When most people think RPG, they think D&D, Baldurs Gate, FF, and whatnot. But for a definition, every game is an RPG. I dont agree with this classification, but it is true.

And i'm NOT being a Gamecube fanboi or a ps2 hater, but I can find good games for GC and Xbox, but I just dont see the Ps2 ones. GTA VC looks like it would be fun for 5 minutes. I'm not some hippie but I dont think blasting the guts out of streep people is very fun. It might be a stress relief or just a guilty pleasure, but its just not gameplay that I am looking for. I look at the ps2 games on the shelves, and there just isn't a title that pops out. Sorry. If there is some sleeper hit, please tell me so I'll stop ranting all over the place.  

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« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2003, 05:27:31 PM »
I love how gamers who don't buy nintendo consoles are deemed maintstreem gamers, as a form of insult.  

Offline SilverBack1138

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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2003, 05:53:01 PM »
Many of you are trying to be way too technical about the term video game RPG.  Western RPG's like Baldur's Gate are more traditional RPG's that are tied very closely with pen N' paper RPG's like AD&D and Shadowrun.  While Japanese RPG's are have their own distinct flavor, they tend to have  characters already premade to play while the player controls their developement.  I think that video game RPG is ruled by certain conditions, character development in general and gameplay results are affected more by stats than player dexterity.  I'm not saying that this is what it really is, but from my observations, this is what most people consider an RPG.  

I don't understand why some of you guys get so pissed when someone states his opinion that "console x is better than console y and z"  That's a player's personal opinion and he is entitled to it.  You may not agree, but that's you preference and you have every right to tell him that as much as he does to you.  Face it people, everyone will not agree.  I'm a huge Nintendo fan and almost just as much for PS2 and I think that XBox isn't great like the 2 other consoles are, so does that make me stupid?  No, it's my opinion and I will defend it just like each of you will yours.  I only get into arguments when I see that someone is deliberately trying to be malicious.  I do think that each console excells in their own way.  When someone says something you diagree with, then contest with him with your own facts, but don't tell people not to say that they think.  Everyone has that right.
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Offline nolimit19

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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2003, 07:36:35 PM »
well most the causual gamers own ps2's of xbox's.
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

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Offline manunited4eva22

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« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2003, 04:27:18 AM »
Hmm, I will consult Dungeons and Dragons for my reply ::rolls dice:: I think that Nintendo should buy every japanese company to take over video games!

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« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2003, 05:23:32 AM »

Originally posted by: nolimit19
well most the causual gamers own ps2's of xbox's.

What was this based on?

Offline EL Pollo DIablos

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« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2003, 05:44:49 AM »
Guys stop arguing about what si an RPG or not.
Just make that out for your self wih your own defenition of RPG.

El Pollo Diablos
Nintendo is going to treat us good:F-Zero and Star Fox Armada, new Pikmin, 1080, Kirby, Mario Golf, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis and 2 or 3 new franchises ( maybe mature).
Planning on buying an Xbox! Now all I nead is a good gamertag for Live!

Offline Hostile Creation

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« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2003, 03:21:32 PM »
Gamecube does have a few RPGs. . . I'm not a big fan of what are generally considered RPG games (like Final Fantasy), but Skies of Arcadia was the EGM game of the month, and I think there's some game called Evolution Worlds (don't know how good it is).  Fire Emblem is also an RPG, methinks, so if they ever make that again, sales will sky rocket.  Marth and Roy are quite popular now, so everyone's craving the series.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline theaveng

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« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2003, 05:31:30 PM »

Originally posted by: Gamebasher
Stex, Mario IS an RPG, because you are playing the role of him in a platforming game. That is pretty much an RPG to me. Same with Zelda. You are playing Link in another platformingcadventure game.
I was playing Pac-Man this morning.  Does that mean I was playing a RPG? (end sarcasm)

I think RPG can be clearly defined as thus: A game where characters are assigned around a dozen different stats, and battles are determined by complex mathematical calculations involving these stats.  Key words: Stats, Complex Calculation.  Pac-Man obviously doesn't fit that definition.  Nor Mario.  Nor Zelda.

Offline RahXephon

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« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2003, 05:46:03 PM »
Just imagine where the Cube would be if Golden Sun was released on the Cube instead of the GBA.  It would be in a temple shrine.  
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline Gunstar212

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« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2003, 07:02:39 PM »
my take on an RPG is this.

We take turns at beatin the living hell out of each other.

I go first.

He goes after me.

Then I go again.

We keep doing this til one of us dies.

Thank You and have a Nice Day.

Offline MikeHrusecky

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« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2003, 11:54:23 PM »
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