Author Topic: Revolution Controller Revealed  (Read 17342 times)

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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2005, 03:27:07 AM »
" 3rd party support did increase with the 'Cube from the '64, but it fell off. Compared to the rookie MS who came out of nowhere, this should'nt have happened."

I like how this is a bad example considering the number of moneyhats MS has been throwing out...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline UncleBob

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2005, 06:05:14 AM »
I don't think the end user cares about who gives moneyhats to who.  All they care about is who has the most games.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline 31 Flavas

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2005, 09:12:39 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane

I am now in an annoying situation.  Neither of the three console makers is targeting me.  As I have always feared I've been squeezed out of one my favourite past times.  I want to try out the Rev and it looks fun but it isn't what I really want out of videogames.  I might like it but it will be like a new different activity.
Well, then this might be a great time for you to self-reflect. Stop being so "logical" about everything and maybe you'll start to enjoy things a bit more. If you think about it, it is you who has squeezed yourself out of the videogame market.

Now, for the uninformed, would you explain why x360 and PS3 arn't targeting you? Is it that xbox doesn't have a "standard" hdd? PS3 doesn't have LIVE! ? Both are going to cost $499? Or what?


Edit:  I thought of something else that kind of pisses me off.  There are some Nintendo games that we may never get to play online as we wanted them.  We never got a "normal" online console from Nintendo.  Now if I want to play Mario Kart online I either have to do it on a portable or with wacky new controls I never wanted in the first place.  I can't just sit around the TV with my brothers and play against friends online with normal controllers.  So we had to put it with bullsh!t excuses on the Cube only for Nintendo to go insane on us and never deliver what we really wanted.  It's nice to know that my loyality to the Cube was completely unappreciated.

Geez, ian, not even giving Nintendo a chance, eh?
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Offline Don'tHate742

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2005, 03:53:26 PM »

Originally posted by: stevey
"There are different KINDS of fun. I find it fun to play guitar but when I load up a videogame that's not the type of fun I'm looking for. I play games for a certain kind of experience. The Rev can be fun and still not offer that kind of experience. "

what kind of fun? prono fun, killing fun, giving sh!t loads of cash to MS/sony for crap fun?

EDIT: I just had an and what if nintendo let you pick how to play and have fun O_O think what if nintendo let to use the stick and remote to play um... zelda you can use b for shield a for roll/talk/pick up and the stick button for lock up and camra and swing to swing your sword and nintendo also let you use the shell and remote to play just like you played on the cube so nintendo fan like bill are happy and evil fan like Ian are happy. see every fan will be happy just try to bitch about that IAN just try, you cant.

That's actually a really good idea Steve-O

I'd love to play Zelda with the swing your weapon mechanic, but i'd imagine it's not for everyone. Your suggesting makes it so everyones happy. Good s**t!

The potential of a controller like this is huge. I remember spouting my hypothesis as to what the REV could be, while at the same time, giving many examples to what could be possible. Well those examples can actually be realized, and I must say I'm excited. I wouldn't even need to touch the console to know its great. All I would need is some very good impressions by the media of which I trust (PGC...I'm talkin to you).

If the media says its great, then sign me up.
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Offline Hostile Creation

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2005, 05:07:48 PM »
"There's a big difference between post-N64 and pre-N64 Nintendo fans. Both groups have VERY different views of Nintendo. Post-N64 fans put up with a lot more crap."

Really?  I seem to see otherwise.  I'm pre-N64 and I love the idea.  Renny loves the idea.  Bill loves the idea.  Berto loves the idea.  We're all NES/SNES guys.  The prospects of what this offers is very exciting, I want to see where they go with it.
In fact, it looks to me as if you made that generalization based ENTIRELY on your own outlook.  You got interested in the NES era and automatically everyone else who got interested then thinks the same way.  Quite the contrary, my friend.  
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Offline 31 Flavas

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2005, 06:12:56 PM »

Originally posted by: Don'tHate742

EDIT: I just had an and what if nintendo let you pick how to play and have fun O_O think what if nintendo let to use the stick and remote to play um... zelda you can use b for shield a for roll/talk/pick up and the stick button for lock up and camra and swing to swing your sword and nintendo also let you use the shell and remote to play just like you played on the cube so nintendo fan like bill are happy and evil fan like Ian are happy.
Heh... i'd like my copy of WindWaker retrofitted now, please

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Offline nemo_83

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2005, 11:18:01 AM »

Originally posted by: vudu

I like the secondary molded piece and I am wondering still, why aren't both sections conformed to the hand?
You answered your question before you even asked it.

I understand they don't want to set the handle as left or right handed

The analog stick portion is left/right hand neutral as is the vcr remote piece, but they could have made the remote piece molded to the hand like the analog stick portion.  I also find the placement of three buttons beneath the A button a bad idea.  I can already see myself playing a game online and accidently hitting Home.

My complaints are not with the control mechanics; this controller destroys the competitions by far.  My complaint is with the design.  They need to simplify things.  The system should come with two standard motion sensor devices and they should be designed as to work with traditional games and be molded to the hands so not to confuse consumers with a trunk full of different molds/cases for the vcr remote to be slotted into (Street Fighter, Evolved Wavebird, Nunchuck, Microphone, etc).  
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2005, 11:27:40 AM »
"I can already see myself playing a game online and accidently hitting Home."

I like how this exact kind of comment appeared before the DS came out..."Omg I will so hit the Power button while using the d-pad" yet noone ever does...

And the remote design is so it's familiar to a certain tool that most everyone uses, gamer or non-gamer...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #58 on: September 19, 2005, 11:34:10 AM »
Plus, even if I DO accidently hit the power button, it wouldn't shut the system off, gotta hold it you know
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #59 on: September 19, 2005, 11:54:39 AM »
"And the remote design is so it's familiar to a certain tool that most everyone uses, gamer or non-gamer..."

What did you copy this out of a press release?  No one has ever used a remote for playing games before.  We don't know if we're going to accidently hit the wrong button or not.  I think I could see myself hitting home by accident while reaching for start to pause.  Haven't you ever hit the wrong button on a TV remote before?  Ever changed the channel when you meant to turn the volume up?  There's a reason why functions like "record" and "erase" often require the use of a shift key on TV/VCR remotes so that you don't accidently push them.  Nintendo should take that into consideration.  I think any administrative button should be at the very top next to the power button just to play it safe.

Here's another concern.  What about pushing the power button when you're holding the controller on it's side like an NES controller?  Isn't your hand going to rest over it?

Offline stevey

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2005, 12:25:47 PM »
"I think I could see myself hitting home by accident while reaching for start to pause. "

now you just making up bull sh*t to bitch about the button are shape  like this---__--- so no way you can hit home. and the power button uses a inf-red thingy that your hand going to cover when you hold it side was and having power next to start will lead you to start bitching about hitting off button when try to hit start. shut up Ian when you dont know about the controller! You bitchede about the rev not letting you use the four cube controllers you have than you went on about not being able to use the rev controller for the rev game and blah blah blah shut up about the rev controller intel it come out! I tried of you bitch about stuff that on true in your head and being wrong!
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Offline theRPGFreak

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2005, 12:54:12 PM »
I don't see the problem with the new controller. If Nintendo went ahead and make a console that tried the same ideas of XBox or PS3, they would fail. We all know Nintendo is more concerned about new game experiences rather than having the largest amount of graphic power in their system. Nintendo had games on the GameCube like Madden and Splinter Cell, but people still didn't buy them. They would rather have the same game on an XBox or on the PS2. We already know that Nintendo will have a standard controller for those types of games, so why are there complaints? The new controller is sure to offer new, innovative gaming experiences that are sure to impress any gamer no matter what console they have sidded with.
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Offline theRPGFreak

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2005, 12:56:13 PM »
Quote:"They would rather have the same game on an XBox or on the PS2."

When I said "They", i ment cusomers.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2005, 04:00:55 PM »
"I think I could see myself hitting home by accident while reaching for start to pause."

Ok, first of all, I think it's bloody stupid to think that the "Home" button (if it does indeed take you back to the startup screen) will automatically end your game then and there...There will be a warning that will say something to the likes of "Are you sure you want to end your game?"

"Haven't you ever hit the wrong button on a TV remote before? Ever changed the channel when you meant to turn the volume up?"

Another example of flawed logic, considering there are considerably more buttons on a standard TV remote...

"What about pushing the power button when you're holding the controller on it's side like an NES controller? Isn't your hand going to rest over it?"

You haven't looked over the screens of it very much, eh?  You could have answered your own question... (Hint: The power button is embedded in the remote, so you'd have to actually be aiming for the power button to hit it)
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Offline gameboy 11

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #64 on: September 22, 2005, 10:49:22 AM »
I must say that if my cousin actually gets on him and his girlfriend will be trying to use a piece of the controller to play together--at least once!!

Offline Michael8983

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RE:Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #65 on: September 23, 2005, 06:05:05 AM »
It's not like Nintendo threw together this thing over night.
It obviously spent a lot of time developing it so I think we can assume it will work quite well even if it looks like it might not based on what we're seeing in a couple of video clips. Nintendo has a history of designing comfortable, capably controllers and this one won't be an exception even if it does look a hell of a lot different than what we're used to.  People had the same concerns when Nintendo revealed shoulder buttons on the SNES and the analog stick on the N64. I bet people were at first intimidated by the d-pad having used joysticks on Atari consoles and arcades for years.  But these have all become standards. So it's ignorant to imply that anyone who has faith in the new controller is some deluded fanboy. History is on our side. You guys are the ones making outrageous accusations that fly in the face of Nintendo's well over two decade history in gaming.

The remote shape does make sense if you think about it.  Adding a motion sensor to a standard controller would be cumbersome to put it lightly.
Imagine trying to use the analog stick or should buttons while swinging around the controller. It would suck. The increased bulk of the controller alone would hurt the experience. The obvious solution is to make the motion sensor and face buttons a small, seperate unit allowing for an analog stick (with shoulder buttons) attachment. If it helps people should just think of it as a standard controller seperated into halves because that's basically all it is. It even has almost if not as quite the same number of buttons as the competitor's controllers. The d-pad can of course act as at least four buttons. By my count the controller has ten buttons (3 face buttons, four more on the d-pad, the trigger, and the two shoulder buttons on the analog stick accessory) and it could still be possible for developers to use some of the system buttons if needed.  In the NES/SNES days developers contantly used the "select" button for all types of things and the "start" button traditionally has been used to open menus or maps. The motion sensor will be used as an alternative for button pressing for numerous scenereos as it is. At the very least it could be used to precisely manipulate the camera freeing up the face buttons or d-pad that would alternatively be used. It seems to me that controller has enough buttons as it is and it's still possible it will get a couple more by the time it's finalized. In fact, I'd say it's quite likely we'll get two more face buttons on the bottom of the controller to form the y/x/a/b diamond pattern for emulating SNES games.  

Offline MODE_RED

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RE: Revolution Controller Revealed
« Reply #66 on: September 29, 2005, 01:39:19 PM »
I think Nintendo is missing out on TWO very useful features in their new controller:

EDIT: Moved to newer Talkback thread , sorry
Developers, we should want gamers 2 fall in love with THEIR gaming experiences, not OUR feature lists. Let's not forget we're gamers too. But don't get stuck in your own dreams. What'd be special about dreams if we're all forced 2 dream the same thing? MODE RED