Author Topic: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion  (Read 10820 times)

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Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« on: April 25, 2005, 01:50:46 PM »
Well we're less than a month away from the release of the movie I've been anticipating for quite a while now...ever since those Cartoon Network toon shorts.

Keep in mind that this discussion will most likely spin into some major spoilers so use spoiler text when necessary.

For those who are impatient as myself:

Full Revenge of the Sith Script

I read the script, read the novel, and can't wait till 12:00am May 19 to watcht he movie. :-P

Pretty intense how Anakin kills all those Younglings...

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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 02:05:04 PM »
Due to the fact that Episode I was pretty lame and Episode II managed to somehow be even WORSE I feel I can make a fair prediction that this film will suck.  Yet I will see it in theatre anyway because I am a HUGE IDIOT.  For example I saw Episode I in theatre 4 times and Episode II 3 times and I own Episode I on DVD despite not really liking either film.

I think maybe I deep down want to see it because it will suck and thus I can participate in "boy did that movie suck" discussions on the internet (which logically is the only reason I saw the third Matrix film).  Or perhaps I want to be able to have some perspective on the parodies and jokes that will likely be made at the film's expense.  Or perhaps Star Wars is just so ingrained into our culture that to not see it would be like missing a major news story.  It would be like not knowing that a new Pope was elected recently.

One thing is for sure, this film will have an unhappy ending.  I don't know why George Lucas wants "and then everything turns to sh!t" to be the last memory for Star Wars.

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2005, 02:58:28 PM »

Ian sez: I am a HUGE IDIOT.

Glad we're on the same page.


For example I saw Episode I in theatre 4 times and Episode II 3 times and I own Episode I on DVD despite not really liking either film.

Wow....there is not ONE movie I feel is worth paying the ridiculous theatre prices for.  NOT ONE.


I think maybe I deep down want to see it because it will suck and thus I can participate in "boy did that movie suck" discussions on the internet (which logically is the only reason I saw the third Matrix film).

Actually, that's pretty much why I watched the third Matrix too.  I knew from the cover art that it was going to suck (giant...robot....monkey?) but I had to see it for that very same reason; sucky movies can be worth watching purely for the suck factor.  Of course, I saw Revolutions in a hotel in New Hampshire just a few months ago.  I'd say it was worth it, but I was seriously considering switching to Lifetime of Pax.


It would be like not knowing that a new Pope was elected recently.

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Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2005, 05:42:15 PM »
To be honest, I didn't want to see it too much until my friend IM'ed me that link to the script...I got into it, and it's, imo, going to be a pretty damn good movie.  I went out and bought the novel, which is also extremely well-written.

As far as the ending goes, I think the only apropriate way to end this prequel trilogy would be how Lucas has planned - (not really a spoiler, but whatever) Obi-Wan giving Luke to the family on Tatooine

I have high hopes for this movie. :-)

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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2005, 01:08:28 PM »
I liked Episode I & II a lot, so going to see Episode III at midnight like I always have is going to be a real treat. The fact that it's PG-13 doesn't make too much of a difference to me long as it's not being dark just to be dark.  E3 and Ep:III in the same week, wow may is looking like a really good month (My vacation, my album release and My team in the playoffs( Go Sixers!!!) already had may as a really good month anyway but this doesn't hurt).
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Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2005, 05:46:00 PM »
I'm actually kind of excited it's PG-13, because that means it's going to be dark...something I think that episodes I and II needed more of.  But I guess that would have made the whole Anakin -> Darth Vader thing give a lot less impact.

Also Ian's comment about the last memory of Star's in Lucas's will that his children create more Star Wars films after his death, though this will be his last.  Of course that would probably spin the series into SUCK.

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Offline kennyb27

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RE:Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2005, 06:01:18 PM »

Originally posted by: Nile Boogie
My team in the playoffs( Go Sixers!!!)

Don't worry, the Sixers will be out by the time E3 and Episode 3 roll around.

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Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2005, 08:14:26 PM »
Well said.

Phoenix is taking it this year.  Or Miami.

Back on topic...

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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2005, 10:07:28 AM »
"Don't worry, the Sixers will be out by the time E3 and Episode 3 roll around. "

I thank you not to crush the dreams of a Philadelphia sports fan, there could be trouble.

Anyway, Director Kevin Smith has posted the worlds first review of the movie. It's full of spoilers but its not like we don't know what happens, we just don't know how. He said this is "The One". The StarWars movie the world has been waiting for since "Empire". Very dark and the dialouge is much better than in the other two movies. Beware though, he is a fanboy at heart so his words could clouded. That and he is rumored to direct the live action show starting next year. I do like to hear good reviews but it doesn't matter who said what, Jar-Jar is my hero and I thank you for keeping silent.  
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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2005, 10:44:47 AM »
Although I may regret reading parts of the script, it closes the door of doubt in my mind that this is indeed the best of the best. Happy I  am to see this return to glory. May 19th 2005, 2days after the Revolution begins... the saga ends...the circle is complete.  
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Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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RE:Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2005, 11:59:11 AM »
"...the saga ends..."

Or not.

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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 12:20:12 PM »
Thats a whole lotta force goings on right there. The Clone Wars on CN were just about the best thing I have seen since somebody decided to take Samuria Jack of the air. And it's seems that this 3D talk wont go away. I get the feeling that...oh nevermind we'll see if thats true in may. Back to StarWars. I wonder if the live action show will be about the coming of age for Boba Fett. I haven't heard much about him in RotS so maybe we'll finally get to see what Vader was talking bout when he to Boba fett in Episode 5, "I want them alive, no desenigration". Damn the haters, full speed ahead!!!
Nile Boogie is...


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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2005, 12:37:21 PM »
"maybe we'll finally get to see what Vader was talking bout when he to Boba fett in Episode 5, 'I want them alive, no desenigration'."

I just assumed that that wasn't refering to anything specific and was just a cool vague line to suggest that Boba Fett is incredibly ruthless.

Offline Nile Boogie

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RE:Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2005, 02:01:51 PM »
linkage to Kevin Smith Reveiw

Just read the first sentence if you want to know what he thinks yet don't want to be spoiled.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2010, 05:49:02 PM »
Ian, the Star Wars movies don't contract each other.

Oh yes they do.  The storm troopers being clones thing is practically a contradiction since they clearly have different voices and such in the original films so it's very unlikely that that was the original plan.  But other non-clone soldiers could have been added to their ranks.  It suggests more the idea of Lucas pulling stuff out of his ass and not really giving much thought to how that would seem out of place with the "later" episodes.  And then there is stuff like midiclorians which are never mentioned ever the entire time that either Obi-Wan or Yoda are training Luke.  It is also never once mentioned by Vader or the Emperor and it seems like something really crucial and important when discussing the Force and training Jedi.  But let's make the major assumption that somehow EVERY Jedi in the later episodes just neglected to mention it.  Again this is a not technically a full contradiction but just a very likely one.
But the real outright contradiction is that in Return of the Jedi Luke asks Leia about their mother because he never knew her and she mentions memories she had saying that her mom died when she was very young.  In Episode III their mother dies about 30 seconds after giving birth to them.  Leia would clearly have no more memory of their mother than Luke would.  So is Leia full of ****?  Are these false memories?  Was she told her whole life that someone else was her biological mother and was remembering that woman instead?  Is she some sort of savant who can remember her day of birth?  Or is it more likely that George Lucas is an idiot who didn't bother to watch his old films before writing the scripts for films that are supposed to take place before them?
So I've got two scenarios that certainly feel like contradictions but can be explained away with incredibly flimsy speculation and one that is so blatant that explaining it away is about on par with "a wizard did it".  The thing is someone who is actually planning this stuff out with any sort of due diligence wouldn't have planned it that way on purpose.  If you were trying to do it right why would you come up with anything that requires such complicated logic to explain away what seems like a contradiction?
If Nintendo put any sort of real care into the Zelda timeline they wouldn't introduce stuff that makes us all go "huh?"  You know why?  Because we care and that's why we notice that sort of stuff so fast.  If Nintendo cared they would notice it right away as well.  They don't.  They put Ganon in as the boss because that's their lazy go-to choice for a final boss.  They pull the story out of their ass at the last minute because they just come up with some gameplay ideas they want and then try to shoehorn them in.  They wanted an ocean in Wind Waker so they came up with some excuse for it.  If you had some grand plan why would you put something in as complicated as a Waterworld-esque flood and not reference it at all in any of the previously made games that take place after it?  And you also include evolution, something that takes MILLIONS of years, in a timeline that could at best take only thousands of years?  All you would do is create a whole bunch of questions with really out-there explanations for them.  If you gave a **** and planned things out you would never do that.  That is the sort of thing that comes from someone who doesn't care and is just pulling things out of their ass without any thought or real planning.  Live for today, come up with convoluted answers for the fans tomorrow.
I'm certain their is no timeline in Miyamoto or Aunoma's head and that they probably don't even have the existing games mapped out or documented.  Or if they do some intern did it for them and they either never reference it or only do so when the game is nearly done just to make sure they can come up with some tacked on explanation.  The timeline is too chaotic to be planned.

Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2010, 10:55:48 PM »
Ian, the Star Wars movies don't contract each other.

Oh yes they do. The storm troopers being clones thing is practically a contradiction since they clearly have different voices and such in the original films so it's very unlikely that that was the original plan. But other non-clone soldiers could have been added to their ranks. It suggests more the idea of Lucas pulling stuff out of his ass and not really giving much thought to how that would seem out of place with the "later" episodes. And then there is stuff like midiclorians which are never mentioned ever the entire time that either Obi-Wan or Yoda are training Luke. It is also never once mentioned by Vader or the Emperor and it seems like something really crucial and important when discussing the Force and training Jedi. But let's make the major assumption that somehow EVERY Jedi in the later episodes just neglected to mention it. Again this is a not technically a full contradiction but just a very likely one.
But the real outright contradiction is that in Return of the Jedi Luke asks Leia about their mother because he never knew her and she mentions memories she had saying that her mom died when she was very young. In Episode III their mother dies about 30 seconds after giving birth to them. Leia would clearly have no more memory of their mother than Luke would. So is Leia full of ****? Are these false memories? Was she told her whole life that someone else was her biological mother and was remembering that woman instead? Is she some sort of savant who can remember her day of birth? Or is it more likely that George Lucas is an idiot who didn't bother to watch his old films before writing the scripts for films that are supposed to take place before them?
So I've got two scenarios that certainly feel like contradictions but can be explained away with incredibly flimsy speculation and one that is so blatant that explaining it away is about on par with "a wizard did it". The thing is someone who is actually planning this stuff out with any sort of due diligence wouldn't have planned it that way on purpose. If you were trying to do it right why would you come up with anything that requires such complicated logic to explain away what seems like a contradiction?
If Nintendo put any sort of real care into the Zelda timeline they wouldn't introduce stuff that makes us all go "huh?"  You know why? Because we care and that's why we notice that sort of stuff so fast. If Nintendo cared they would notice it right away as well. They don't. They put Ganon in as the boss because that's their lazy go-to choice for a final boss. They pull the story out of their ass at the last minute because they just come up with some gameplay ideas they want and then try to shoehorn them in. They wanted an ocean in Wind Waker so they came up with some excuse for it. If you had some grand plan why would you put something in as complicated as a Waterworld-esque flood and not reference it at all in any of the previously made games that take place after it? And you also include evolution, something that takes MILLIONS of years, in a timeline that could at best take only thousands of years? All you would do is create a whole bunch of questions with really out-there explanations for them. If you gave a **** and planned things out you would never do that. That is the sort of thing that comes from someone who doesn't care and is just pulling things out of their ass without any thought or real planning. Live for today, come up with convoluted answers for the fans tomorrow.
I'm certain their is no timeline in Miyamoto or Aunoma's head and that they probably don't even have the existing games mapped out or documented. Or if they do some intern did it for them and they either never reference it or only do so when the game is nearly done just to make sure they can come up with some tacked on explanation. The timeline is too chaotic to be planned.

Clone troopers and storm troopers are different, I am not a hardcore fan but even I know that. After Palpatine became Emperor, he ended the clone program. Those initial clone troops did become storm troopers, but after that they used recruits. The absence of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Obi-Wan and Yoda don't seem like people who would get bogged down in explaining details of the Force, Qui-Gon does. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean they couldn't have mentioned it, it would be like saying none of them ever use the bathroom just because we don't see them do it. So there is no contradiction there.

The second one is not really a contradiction, exactly. There are several possibilities (I am doing this by memory because I am not a big fan of the original trilogy, they are boring). Leia could have been trying to make Luke happy rather than say she remembers nothing either. Maybe Leia had the memories implanted. Maybe Lucas retconned it because Padme dying right after birth made for a better plot device. All are possible.

Someone at Nintendo (I don't remember if it was Iwata, Miyamoto, or someone else) said that they come up with gameplay first, then the story. I didn't say they had the whole Zelda thing planned out ahead of time. What I think they probably do it come up with the new game, then figure out how they can put it into the existing timeline. It's been a few years, but at one point they did give the exact timeline of the Zelda games that were out at that time. Fans have since then kept updating it based on official statements from Nintendo (like saying that Wind Waker takes place about 100 years after OOT). As for evolution, who is to say that it doesn't work differently in that universe? Magic exists, talking boats exist, etc. Or to quote Xena responding to Professor Frink, a wizard did it.
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Re: Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2010, 01:16:42 AM »
Leia referred to Senator Organa as her father, so I assume she was referring to his wife, who would be her adopted mother.
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Re: Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2010, 01:24:12 AM »
You guys are a bunch of nerds.
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Re: Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2010, 02:03:45 AM »
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Re: Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2010, 03:06:47 AM »
One more Star Wars post and I go on a killing spree.
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Re: Star Wars (temp)
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2010, 08:22:24 AM »
One more Star Wars post and I go on a killing spree.

The simplest explanation of Leia's memories of her real mother is that she recalls 'feelings' she felt of her mother when she was in the womb. Since Leia is force sensitive it might have been possible for memories of a mother-daughter force bond to linger in her subconscious.


I am in Ian's camp of just seeing the time line how I want to. I find connections that are tedious at best and just roll with them if they sound good to me.
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Re: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2010, 09:59:15 AM »
I am in Ian's camp of just seeing the time line how I want to. I find connections that are tedious at best and just roll with them if they sound good to me.

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Re: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2010, 04:54:47 PM »
wh yhasn't a star wars page been up :P
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Re: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2010, 06:09:07 PM »
But the real outright contradiction is that in Return of the Jedi Luke asks Leia about their mother because he never knew her and she mentions memories she had saying that her mom died when she was very young.  In Episode III their mother dies about 30 seconds after giving birth to them.  Leia would clearly have no more memory of their mother than Luke would.  So is Leia full of ****?  Are these false memories?
At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Leia's eyes are open, Luke's eyes aren't. It's subtle, but it's there. I give Lucas a pass... for that; not for, you know, f-ing everything else up, like Greedo shooting first. "Ooh, look at me, I'm George Lucas. **** characterization."

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Discussion
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2010, 07:41:34 PM »
Did everyone see the video where the computer console Han shot on the Death Star when they were breaking Leia out shot him first?
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