Author Topic: Is the GameCube Dead?  (Read 27529 times)

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Offline jasonditz

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2005, 08:31:03 AM »

Originally posted by: heinous_anus
"I guess to each his own, but I'm just not interested in racing games or the bi-annual prostitute shooting sim. I played GTA:SA already... it was a decent take on the series (certainly better than Vice City)..."

Then that list above is completely subjective; going on that, there are arguably some good/great games still coming out for the box, SA included.  Does it not count that MS is now undoubtedly "winding down" the Xbox's life in preparation for the soon-to-be-released 360?

Honestly, if they kept nearly the same engine for GTA4 with (undoubtedly) spiffier graphics, and, of course, a setting/story change, I'd be right there to lap it up.  Somehow, playing through a different iteration of "Goodfellas" every couple of years doesn't get old...particularly when that spin is immersed in trash 80s pop culture.

Its subjective, but I tried to pick worthwhile titles that weren't already available on another system. I missed several worthwhile Cube titles too... if you'll notice, because I was using EB's list and not showing anything multiplatform.

It of course counts that the Xbox is being wound down to end of life...  that was actually the whole point (the Xbox being a lot more dead the Cube).

Keep in mind, that GTA was a great game too, and GTA2 kept nearly the same engine with spiffier graphics and a setting/story change. It still sucked.

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2005, 11:06:57 AM »
Then I guess a more appropriate question is "based on the expected lifespan of each console from this point to the release of each successive next-gen console, which console is 'doing' the worst?" - which console is "dead" in taking into consideration the appropriate amount of games/hype/etc. typically seen by a console that has 5 months left/1 year left/etc.

I don't know what your point is with the GTA 1/2 reference.  If you have a successful formula, a la GTA3, why bother changing the entire engine to release another game?  If they had kept every single mechanic the same on, say, Link to the Past, and just plopped Link down into a different setting and situation, surely it wouldn't be a bad game simply because it didn't "change" anything from its predecessor.  Vice City is a spectacular game in that respect.

Also, when directly comparing Xbox to Gamecube releases, I would certainly count San Andreas as being "exclusive," because we have no way to play that on the Cube.  This applies to PS2/GC releases as well - Xbox owners aren't going to get that Megaman X Collection.

Offline jasonditz

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2005, 01:34:24 PM »

Originally posted by: heinous_anus
Then I guess a more appropriate question is "based on the expected lifespan of each console from this point to the release of each successive next-gen console, which console is 'doing' the worst?" - which console is "dead" in taking into consideration the appropriate amount of games/hype/etc. typically seen by a console that has 5 months left/1 year left/etc.

By that logic the N64 can't be called dead, right? Sure, its got no games coming out, but since its expected lifespan is over, its doing as well as can be expected.


I don't know what your point is with the GTA 1/2 reference.  If you have a successful formula, a la GTA3, why bother changing the entire engine to release another game?  If they had kept every single mechanic the same on, say, Link to the Past, and just plopped Link down into a different setting and situation, surely it wouldn't be a bad game simply because it didn't "change" anything from its predecessor.  Vice City is a spectacular game in that respect.

My point was GTA had a successful formula and was an excellent game, and GTA2 didn't try to make any radical chanes to the engine or the play style, it just created a new story. And it was lousy. That's not to say GTA4 might not be good, but its not guarenteed to be.


Also, when directly comparing Xbox to Gamecube releases, I would certainly count San Andreas as being "exclusive," because we have no way to play that on the Cube.  This applies to PS2/GC releases as well - Xbox owners aren't going to get that Megaman X Collection.

Right, but I was comparing all three in the first place. The Xbox is obviously the one that's going to "die" first, since its replacement is coming out soonest. I was just showing quality "exclusive" titles for all three to dispel the notion that the Cube has a somehow weaker remaining lineup than the competition

Offline Arbok

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2005, 02:00:22 PM »

Originally posted by: heinous_anus
I don't know what your point is with the GTA 1/2 reference.  If you have a successful formula, a la GTA3, why bother changing the entire engine to release another game?  If they had kept every single mechanic the same on, say, Link to the Past, and just plopped Link down into a different setting and situation, surely it wouldn't be a bad game simply because it didn't "change" anything from its predecessor.

That worked when I was young, doesn't work anymore. I didn't even bother finishing Resident Evil 0 as I played so much out of the RE: Remake that I just wasn't interested when I got it. If nothing is changed up drastically in the game it makes me ask, why bother? Especially at the rate that some of these games come out, like I couldn't fathom getting a Mega Man Zero game each year.  Some games escape this beacuse the previous entry was so damn good, such as Pokémon, Advance Wars, and GTA3, but even those will get old if new things aren't brought to the table.  
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Offline jasonditz

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2005, 03:06:43 PM »
Pokemon definately needs some "newness" to it for me to buy another one. And I don't mean "new Pokemon" either, the familiarity of the characters is a selling point. I know it sells incredibly well still, but I really want to see them do something cool with a DS version, like maybe voice commands.  

Offline jpturner

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2005, 09:13:35 AM »
I'd say no based upon the amazing amount of titles falling to $20, the latest Paper Mario. There's just too many great games for cheap bucks to call the system dead. My 2 cents.

Offline Ymeegod

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #81 on: May 28, 2005, 09:35:21 PM »
"Does it not count that MS is now undoubtedly "winding down" the Xbox's life in preparation for the soon-to-be-released 360"

What-a-minute--did I miss something.  Have you seen the lastest releases and upcoming for the xbox?  It's  about the same as the PS2 :0.  The only one that's decreased by awhole lot is the GC, sure there's Big N own developed titles but there's not alot of others--Riggie said it best "there's the upcoming batman begins and there's EA titles" when asked about 3rd party support.

Right now I'm enjoying Psychonauts (the best platformer released this year so far) and I just finished Oddworld's Stranger and haven't really gotten that far into Jade Empire but first half of the year is one of the best for xbox owners IMHO.

There's another drought for GC owners but at this point in time I think Nintendo fans are used to it.

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #82 on: May 28, 2005, 10:50:22 PM »
Funny how whenever there's a "drought" on, I always find myself playing my GC more than ever. PS2 and Xbox have a whole lot more than GC, but honestly I don't see much worth buying, the only quality games i've been buying this year are for GC (except GT4, which I regret =P), and that looks to continue for the whole year.

Right now I'm enjoying Psychonauts (the best platformer released this year so far)

Jungle Beat says NO.  

Offline Aussie Ben PGC

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #83 on: May 28, 2005, 11:25:41 PM »
You're saying Jungle Beat.... is better than Psychonauts.

Oh my.

Now I understand why Lucasarts canned Sam 'n' Max 2.  Because they thought people would rather play games like Jungle Beat instead.  I feel very, very sad right now.
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Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #84 on: May 28, 2005, 11:37:18 PM »
I'm playing Psychonauts on the PC but I still don't understand one thing... why the hell is it a platformer? Why?

The setting lends itself so much better to an adventure game. Think of the humor, think of the characters... come on!

Ben, Lucasarts canned Sam 'n' Max because it's obvious when looking at Psychonauts where all the traditional LA humor and charm went.

Psychonauts being a platformer still pisses me off though... it's a constant irritation under my skin while I play the game. It pisses me off. Tim Schafer should be working on what he does best, and Psychonauts isn't it.
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Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #85 on: May 28, 2005, 11:39:23 PM »
Ben linked me to this thread, obviously hoping I would side with him, but I cannot.  Ben hates DKJB for multiple reasons that many others here do not agree with.  DKJB is fun

I haven't played looks good and all, but I almost barf when I see the character's potato-esque character design  (I just don't like the twisted style).  I know, that's not a good exuse for avoiding a good game--I haven't opened Pimkn 2 for similarly dubious reasons.  That said, DKJB is an arcade game....can we really compare it with Psychonauts?  

But yeah, I don't care about Sam 'n Max 2, other than its cancelation underlining the Star Wars #@$@#-fest LucasArts has become.  I didn't play the original and wasn't about to buy the sequel.  I'm not about to buy one of those Star Wars games made instead, either, so perhaps my opinion holds no value.
::Michael "TYP" Cole
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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #86 on: May 29, 2005, 12:19:43 AM »
Jungle Beat is not merely better than Psychonauts, I think it's one of the best games this generation (and EVER), it contains everything I love about videogames from various games, plus new stuff into ONE AWESOME GAME. It's the perfect videogame.

I love the game with a passion, I take every opportunity I can to give it a good word and make sure more people get to experience it.

Now i'm curious Aussie Ben, what don't you like about Jungle Beat? I can't think of any flaws, unless you hate videogames. You're the first person (assuming you've played it) i've known who hasn't loved it, I NEED ANSWERS!  

Offline Ymeegod

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #87 on: May 29, 2005, 05:09:17 AM »
Haven't we already gone over this?  Jungle Beat = short and easy.  Went through twice (to unlock a few bonus stages and medals--I got platinum on most minus two levels).

I'm looking forward to the sequel as well but I still give the overall nod to Psychonauts.  Sure there's the overall camera issues but  I love the art style and comedy.  

Saddly I don't see an Psychonauts sequel in the future especially considering the overall piss-poor sales but just like all his other games--this one's a classic in my book.

Offline IceCold

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #88 on: May 29, 2005, 03:21:27 PM »
DKJB is a high score game.......

Don't give me that  
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Offline PaLaDiN

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #89 on: May 29, 2005, 05:42:59 PM »
"Saddly I don't see an Psychonauts sequel in the future especially considering the overall piss-poor sales but just like all his other games--this one's a classic in my book."

I'm more disappointed that if a platformer doesn't sell he won't even consider an adventure. In and of themselves, the poor sales appeal to the selfish, spiteful brat within me, although I know the game honestly isn't that bad and deserves better sales... just don't you dare rape my childhood memories by mentioning this in the same category as his classics.

Slightly back on topic: I'd give DKJB the nod because it doesn't piss me off everytime I play it. Games shouldn't piss you off when you play them.

Completely back on topic: The Gamecube will only be dead once Zelda comes out and I finish playing it. There... now this thread has completed a revolution.  
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #90 on: May 29, 2005, 06:51:30 PM »
Oh hay, just have to voice my.....voice on this matter; anyone who doesn't like DKJB is a loser.  Anyone who calls DKJB short is also a loser.  I'm guessing Aussie Ben doesn't like it because it strays too far from the DK games put out be his beloved Rare, to which I say: DKJB is just as good as the DKC games, and Rare sucks now, so haw haw haw.

I haven't played Psychonauts, but I can't see what this game really has going for it.  It looks like every other 6/10 platformer out there.  But I haven't played it, so I guess it could be good.  I guess.  There's absolutley NO WAY that it's better than Jungle Beat.  Humor, imaginative graphics, and better-than-average characters don't make up for mediocre gameplay, epecially in a platformer.  DKJB has all of those, PLUS the most innovative controls and brilliant level design in any platformer ever.

Of course, I also agree that Jungel Beat and Psychonauts shouldn't be directly compared. so whatever.
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Offline jasonditz

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2005, 09:29:18 PM »

Originally posted by: Ymeegod
"Does it not count that MS is now undoubtedly "winding down" the Xbox's life in preparation for the soon-to-be-released 360"

What-a-minute--did I miss something.  Have you seen the lastest releases and upcoming for the xbox?  It's  about the same as the PS2 :0.  The only one that's decreased by awhole lot is the GC, sure there's Big N own developed titles but there's not alot of others--Riggie said it best "there's the upcoming batman begins and there's EA titles" when asked about 3rd party support.

I just don't see it. When its comes to quality games it doesn't seem like this year's GC lineup is any thinner than last year's. I guess the same could be said of the Xbox, but then, they only ever get 2-3 really high quality exclusives per year anyhow.

Offline Aussie Ben PGC

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2005, 12:21:25 AM »

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
Oh hay, just have to voice my.....voice on this matter; anyone who doesn't like DKJB is a loser.  Anyone who calls DKJB short is also a loser.  I'm guessing Aussie Ben doesn't like it because it strays too far from the DK games put out be his beloved Rare, to which I say: DKJB is just as good as the DKC games, and Rare sucks now, so haw haw haw.

There must be several losers out there then, because Jungle Beat bombed horribly.

As for me, I dislike the game because of its absolute DESPERATION to be noticed.  It practically screams out "HEY!  HEY!! HEY!!! LOOK!!  REMEMBER!!  DON'T LOOK AWAY!! COLOURS!!  HEY!! HEEYYY!! HEEEEYYYYY!!!!!" every time you take a step forward.  Not to mention the blaring sirens.  And the firework-like explosions.  And the horns.

I'm also not too fond of character design based on the "Let's pick two random objects and combine them" method.  Like the chicken/tree.  And the pig/koosh.  And the elephant/volcano.  And the bird/helicopter.  And the phallic, fuzzy...I don't know what they are.  Ice things?

But anyway, if you love this kind of game, (and it appears that you do!) more power to you.

Love, luck and lollipops,

It's got a duck bill, you moron!

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Offline Deguello

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #93 on: May 31, 2005, 12:48:30 AM »

I'm also not too fond of character design based on the "Let's pick two random objects and combine them" method. Like the chicken/tree. And the pig/koosh. And the elephant/volcano. And the bird/helicopter. And the phallic, fuzzy...I don't know what they are. Ice things?

Or maybe like those bee/buzzsaw/automobile things from DKC3?
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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2005, 12:49:45 AM »
Is that it? That's... weak. It's not an RPG, I don't think anything in the game is designed to be looked at, but to practically add to the gameplay, and I find it hilariously hypocritical that you don't like that kind of character development all of a sudden, but whatever.

(Back on topic? There was no real base to this topic to begin with)

Offline RABicle

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RE: Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2005, 02:22:30 AM »
Or what about a snake crossed with a spring? Or how about creating a handle where you just get a country and cross it with a name? Or a bird crossed with a bear? Let's name tham after musical instruments while we're at it. Ok I'll stop.

More like at every oppurtunity Jungle Beat goes out and earns fist. Stop being weak, the reason why those clowns down at DK Vine and other assorted sites don't like it is because they've been given a face full of a game that tears down their ridiculous little universe while managing to be incredibly entertaining and fun. They don't want to enjoy it because they are in denial.  
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Offline vudu

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #96 on: May 31, 2005, 08:42:14 AM »

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
I'm playing Psychonauts on the PC
Sorry to veer off topic again, but quick question:  How's Psychonauts handle with a keyboard and mouse?  I heard the controls can be frustrating, so I'm a little weary of it.  Thanks.
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Offline PaLaDiN

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #97 on: May 31, 2005, 10:05:42 AM »
If you're anything like me, you get used to the controls really quick. Haven't really had a problem with them so far.
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Offline Ymeegod

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RE:Is the GameCube Dead?
« Reply #98 on: June 04, 2005, 03:21:04 PM »

Did I say I disliked Junglebeat?  No, I simply stated it was short and easy--anyone care to argue with those points?  It would have made a killer arcade game or maybe a budget game--hell even a bundle (nintendo should have gone with this one instead of Jungle Beat) but $40 (or $55 with bongos) for 4-8 hours is a bit much.

And Psychonauts recieved an 91 for an average score (from Gamerankings) and I would rate it around 8.5 myself (didn't care for the last few levels, the camera had some issues, and you really didn't much freedom in using your powers which is my biggest gripe now that I'm done with it).  What's the sense of having powers when you really can't use them .