Author Topic: REV's appearance and marketing  (Read 25156 times)

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2005, 01:54:20 PM »
Ok now you are forcing me to...

There are two possible reasons that your Dell is slow...

1. You bought a 600 dollar machine and are comparing it to a 2k machine in a Mac.
2. You don't know how to take care of your computer.

We can't argue appearances as that is all just opinion... but the fact that you think Apple's last longer just shows how much you don't know.  Apple's may _seem_ to last longer only because it is a very closed box system.  You can't touch it.. upgrade wise....  and most people don't even install any new software other than stuff that is mass marketed and tested.

People who use PCs just don't have any concept of what a computer is.  Its something that runs programs.  period.  You get your nice shiny PC and then install any number of piece of crap software off the internet until it slows to a crawl...then chalk it up to the computer's fault.  I'm running a windows based machine that the central parts are over 5 year's old...  You show me a 5 year old Mac and my machine will blow its doors off.  I can render the same frames in Maya in half the time of a freaking G4 for christ sake and thats only 1 generation ago.

Anyway, to make a long story short, Macs are awesome little machines for what they do.  They are idiot proof and pretty.  If you want a machine that is actually powerful, you don't buy a Mac.  You buy a PC and maybe learn a thing or two about it.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2005, 02:29:12 PM »

I don't even own an Apple but I'm regretting buying this Dell that's so slow now and brand new. Not to mention ugly.

Ahahaha, that's your own damn fault...
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Offline LuWoo75

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2005, 02:42:12 PM »
It's funny how this topic got hijacked into a Apple vs Pc thread lol.   But since it is already officaially been hijacked OS X kicks the hell out of XP period.......back on topic i like kdr_11's marketing tech u should do that for a living.  Def there is alot of hype w/o substance esp with my post is a train wreck most of there games that selll alot ala halo arnt even that good but they make u wanna buy it cause everyone else dose.  Nintendo dont have the revenue to do what sony and my post is a train wreck dose so they havta use a different stradagy the same one that Apple dose "think different" that is why Nintendo is always trying to do something different cause they havta.  That is why there is so much parody between the two that is why they keep gettin compared.  Neither Apple nor Nintendo have the Juice of my post is a train wreck so they havta be "different".  The real question is, can Nintendo exist being the Apple of Video Consoles.  

Offline zakkiel

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2005, 03:17:53 PM »
Back on topic: the PS2 is ugly as all-get-out, and proof in my opinion that looks count for almost nothing.
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Offline Pale

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2005, 07:35:44 PM »
One last thing...  My argument for PC superiority to Mac has nothing to do with operating systems.  Most people like one more than the other only because they are more used to it... and that's fine...  I just enjoy the competition in the hardware PC industry.  It allows for more flexible, upgradable, and powerful systems.
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Offline Artimus

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2005, 07:41:47 PM »
I'm not talking about the same thing as us. I'm talking about it from a user standpoint, you're talking about it as if we live in a perfect world. It's great if a car's engine won't erode for 50 years if you only drive it on Sundays but that's unrealistic. What you described as destroying PCs can be done to a Mac and won't destroy it. Not to mention they're far more efficent for multimedia processing even if the computer is entirely devoted to it. And the OS is so much better than Windows.

This coming from a PC own.

(and btw, that "600 dollar" PC you claim I have is actually a 4100 dollar laptop that I got last July)

Offline LuWoo75

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2005, 11:52:43 PM »
I don't think the ps2 looks like crap for it's time it looked ok, the new thinner version of the ps2 dont look bad either.  I new alot of people that like the look of the ps2 back in the day when it first came out.  But then again the x-box looks like a juiced up atari and it's selling better than the gamecube, maybe due to the fact that it is my post is a train wreck and that it touts better specs for those tech whores out there.  So in a way ur right looks alone won't make a system sell but like i said b4 in order to catch a fish u need a worm.

Offline Pale

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2005, 04:36:41 AM »

Originally posted by: Artimus
I'm not talking about the same thing as us. I'm talking about it from a user standpoint, you're talking about it as if we live in a perfect world. It's great if a car's engine won't erode for 50 years if you only drive it on Sundays but that's unrealistic. What you described as destroying PCs can be done to a Mac and won't destroy it. Not to mention they're far more efficent for multimedia processing even if the computer is entirely devoted to it. And the OS is so much better than Windows.

This coming from a PC own.

(and btw, that "600 dollar" PC you claim I have is actually a 4100 dollar laptop that I got last July)
Good, so that means you just don't know how to use it.  And the fact that you think a mac is less suceptable to being broken proves my point.  You don't know how to use computers.  The only reason a Mac is less suceptable is because it isn't as much of a target.  If you were gonna write ad mongering code would you write it for a platform with 90% market share or one with some portion of that final 10%?  Come on now...  If you really have a 4100 dollar laptop I'll buy you a IBook and we can trade.  I have a 700 dollar laptop.  I know it isn't a power house... I didn't buy it for that...but because I know how to keep a machine clean and optimized people (like you even?) look at it and use it and think I spent 4 grand.  Ya know how you have to take a road test to get your license?  I really think the computer industry should do something similar.
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Offline SgtShiversBen

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2005, 06:02:25 AM »
I'm with PaleZer0 on this one.  My laptop is an Averatec 3200 and it was only a grand when I bought it.  I honostly thought it was going to be crap because of the price, how thin it is (an inch closed), a brandname I had never heard of and the fact that I actually owned it.  Now though, it's the best computer I've ever had.  Beats my Dell I got in high school (bought it myself, so had to get a Dell), and it beats my Cisnet computer that I got (500$, but this beats my Dell too).  

If you don't know how to take care of your computer, then don't complain.  Use FireFox, don't download everything, delete it right away, and don't pirate stuff and go to "crack" websites.  Those are havens for bad things.
"The next step is already being prepared for Revolution. [It's] not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform." - Youichi Wada [Square Enix]

Offline ThePerm

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2005, 06:05:29 AM »
PaleZero0..iv been using pcs since i dumped my commadore for a 286. Anyways, Iv grown as computers have grown and i know how to manage my system efficiently. I really hated macs for the longest time because they wee so damn dinky. However, things have changed. I used macs alot in school for running my graphic design apps. One thiong that lwaysbothers me about windows. Depending on how much you have filled up your hard drive thats how fast windows will run. You put too much stuff on it..then it quits running efficiently. The weird thing is is your not running all this stuff at once...its just windows requires alot of memory itself to run. Your not going to be putting much of windows in your ram so it uses virtual memory. So, its always being streamed off your hard in essence its running off an already slow medium and at the same time its constantly writing to it. That spells trouble.

With the Mac i have at school i could fill it up full and it would never become bogged down. It must not take much memory to run osX. Cus at school im running at 1/3 the processing speed and memory at home and its just as fast as my computer at home. Macs must use blast processing
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2005, 07:31:53 AM »
Stop talking about computers!

"I suggest 'Nintendo' is dropped from the title (though that will never happen). Notice how Microsoft downplayed itself with the Xbox. Amlost all PR Jargon goes: '____ for the Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and Xbox from Microsoft'. Microsoft has a somewhat negative subtext of the giant corporation. Nintendo has a subtext of childishness they could partially shrug off with some 'mature' titles at launch and a system called 'Revolution.'"

That's a very risky idea though not necessarily a bad one.  Realistically the people whom the name "Nintendo" is actually a selling point for would already know the Revolution was a Nintendo console.  Nintendo fans and hardcore gamers are the only ones who have any positive brand name association with "Nintendo".  Plus it can still have the Nintendo logo on the console and box just not as focused.  One thing I think would be good would be for Nintendo to have multiple brand names as a game publisher.  So games like Mario and Pokemon are published by Nintendo but titles that aren't so cutesy like Zelda or Metroid use a different brand name.  So "Nintendo" makes the family-friendly stuff and "Triforce" (or whatever) makes the more edgy stuff.  That way you could potentially fool people into thinking that Triforce was some third party providing exclusive support.

Offline jakeOSX

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2005, 08:44:05 AM »
i remember watching the Majora's Mask commercials in the movie theatre and hearing everyone talk about it through the previews. that is what nintendo needs. hit us with it. from mario, to zelda, to Resident Evil to whatever, make sure that everyone knows and hears about the nintendo revolution.

oh, and make the online stuff free so that we can laugh at XBox live.

And i like the 'triforce' idea, like touchstone for Disney.  

Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2005, 12:06:34 PM »
An alternative brand name is an interesting idea, though it would have to be for new, hip franchises (Metroid and Zelda wouldn't make sense under anything but "Nintendo").  I'd hate to see them compromise their various dev team identities, though.
::Michael "TYP" Cole
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Offline Artimus

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2005, 12:17:45 PM »

Originally posted by: PaleZer0

Originally posted by: Artimus
I'm not talking about the same thing as us. I'm talking about it from a user standpoint, you're talking about it as if we live in a perfect world. It's great if a car's engine won't erode for 50 years if you only drive it on Sundays but that's unrealistic. What you described as destroying PCs can be done to a Mac and won't destroy it. Not to mention they're far more efficent for multimedia processing even if the computer is entirely devoted to it. And the OS is so much better than Windows.

This coming from a PC own.

(and btw, that "600 dollar" PC you claim I have is actually a 4100 dollar laptop that I got last July)
Good, so that means you just don't know how to use it.  And the fact that you think a mac is less suceptable to being broken proves my point.  You don't know how to use computers.  The only reason a Mac is less suceptable is because it isn't as much of a target.  If you were gonna write ad mongering code would you write it for a platform with 90% market share or one with some portion of that final 10%?  Come on now...  If you really have a 4100 dollar laptop I'll buy you a IBook and we can trade.  I have a 700 dollar laptop.  I know it isn't a power house... I didn't buy it for that...but because I know how to keep a machine clean and optimized people (like you even?) look at it and use it and think I spent 4 grand.  Ya know how you have to take a road test to get your license?  I really think the computer industry should do something similar.

Make it a Powerbook and I'd do it in a heartbeat. I have an Inspiron 9100 I got last summer. 750MB ram (or wahtver), 3.2Ghz, 60GB harddrive with 256 graphics.

In a heartbeat.

Offline Pale

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2005, 04:30:55 PM »
12 or 14 inch?
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Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2005, 04:37:36 PM »
I swear, if I see another PC vs Mac post here that isn't about PC marketing/case desings vs Mac marketing/case designs, I am locking this thread.
::Michael "TYP" Cole
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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #41 on: April 12, 2005, 06:10:50 PM »
Back on topic, then.


Bill said:

GameCube's official color is now grey.

Wait, hold up........Huh!?

Their commercials emphasize grey.


Bill said:
This is Nintendo...Humbleness comes first whether anyone likes it or not...

...yeah, I guess that's actually good thing. I think they've found a strategy wherby they go into hyperbole on certain subjects ("this new device is the most innovative, world changing product since sliced bread!") while remaining humble and thruthful on what their systems actually do. Which is good.


Reggie by way of BlackNMild2k1  said:
One thing the GameCube taught us is the importance of pleasing as many different types of gamers in the market as possible.

I want the Revolution to look more like an appliance and less like a kid's toy. But I don't want the REV to look like a VCR/DVD player. My CD player doesn't look a VCR. My toaster doesn't look like a CD player. My computer doesn't look like my toaster. Revolution should look stylish but still very unique.


IanSane said:
Kids find adult stuff cool. Adults don't find kids stuff cool. It's just common sense to go for something 100% of the population will tolerate than something that only a part of it will.



IanSane said:
You could paint Sony as an oppresive government forcing us to conform to boring games and then paint Nintendo as the "Revolution" of rebels overthrowing the oppresive Sony and regaining their crown. It's aggressive and promotes Nintendo's innovative game ideas and it's like a call-to-arms for Nintendo fans. We're taking games BACK. That sort of thing.

See, Nintendo's whole problem right now is they're a bunch of losers. Everyone hates losers. But, somewhat paradoxically, everyone loves underdogs.


TYP said:
I suggest "Nintendo" is dropped from the title (though that will never happen)

Completley disagree. When your company has bad press surrounding it's name (and Nintendo's bad press is pretty mild...they haven't been spotlighted for doing anything morally wrong, for example) it's always better to try to change the public's perception of your company. IMO, Trying to bury your company's name is a bad idea for a whole number of reasons, not the least of which is that bad name recognition is better than no name recognition.
As for Microsoft not calling xbox "microsoft Xbox", Im fairly sure that has more to do with them  being known exclusively as a software maker, rather than because of any bad press. Notice that, when it comes to software, it's still "Microsoft Windows XP" and "Microsoft Office".


KDR said:
As an advertisement I'd suggest having thousands of people with identical clothes, shaved haircut, pale skin and a green X tattooed into their foreheads (along with a barcode) sitting in front of thousands of numbered TV screens playing the same game, all in a pretty dark environment (think Matrix real-world scenes) perhaps with CG machines watching over them, then as the camera shows all this show two texts: "Don't be another number in the system" "Take the power back", ending with a "Revolution" logo in the end. Perhaps use that only for the early phase.

Sort-of related: it would be cool if they got Laurence Fishbourne to narrarate Revolution's commercials.


IanSane said:
One thing I think would be good would be for Nintendo to have multiple brand names as a game publisher. So games like Mario and Pokemon are published by Nintendo but titles that aren't so cutesy like Zelda or Metroid use a different brand name. So "Nintendo" makes the family-friendly stuff and "Triforce" (or whatever) makes the more edgy stuff.

I think creating a seperate company name for mature titles like eternal darkness would be a good idea. But why on earth would Nintendo want to seperate their name from their best franchises? Why would they want to further associate 'Nintendo' with 'tiku tiku tiku!  only'?
I really don't think the answer to Nintendo's image problem is for them to say 'yes! Nintendo actually is tiku tiku tiku! ! which is why we've created a new, non-tiku tiku tiku! , totally cool NEW company to make our new console and all our cool games.'

Finally, I'd like to say something on the touchy apple issue. Apple did something that I want Nintendo to do: they changed their company's image, almost overnight, from a crappy company that makes computers for schools, to a super-cool underdog that makes nothing but great products. They did this by making their hardware look really good, creating really good commmercials, making an outwardly pretty and inviting operating system, and fixing some of their computer's long-standing flaws. Furthmore, they did all this without changing that unique apple 'feel' or sacrifcing their overall more intuitive operating system.
All of this helped make apple computers extremlely inviting to the mainstream, AND didn't really hurt power users.
That's what I want from Nintendo: A massive image change, that doesn't fundamentally change what Nintendo is. And, a game system that is more inviting and more intuitive to the mainstream, while still being just as inviting to the hardcore.
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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #42 on: April 12, 2005, 07:46:51 PM »

wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory

I just want it to look good, and be good too. Thats not too much to ask. If its massively popular is that a bad thing?

Alot of the Nintendo fans purposely dont want Nintendo to be mainstream popular.... Why is that? Because then its not a niche thing?
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Offline ThePerm

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2005, 10:11:46 PM »
my advertising is....Show cool music..have the games pre about how they were reviewed highly. There simple. Thats how games that sell are advertised.

None of the stupid gimicky commercial crap ever works. Make the commericals 30 seconds long. Play them often. Make sure the song gets stuck in peoples heads.

Take the gta commercials GTA3..shows off some really good gameplay shots...plays some really haunting opera music. GTA vice city...plays Flock of Eagles..catchy....gta: San andreas...plays Welcome to the jungle. All those commericals are basically the same.

Zelda: oot commercial...plays Basil Poledarous badass orchestrated music....shows off gameplay....sells millions

zelda:MM start of the gimicky crap. In 2000 it was cool to have commericals like that...but now that doesnt work. Itys lame. Nintendo's esencially making super bowl commercials..except their doing it at random times of the year.
So the commercials end up being big budget..too long they don't play them much.(The shorter the commercial the more you can afford to  play it over and over) With commercials the message has to be quick and you have to get it out as many times as possible. Nintendo has shitty marketing.
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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2005, 03:33:39 PM »
Sorry, one more thing I wanted to add:

Not really. But that's what I'd want it to look like.  
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline zakkiel

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2005, 04:34:04 PM »
No, please no.
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Offline SgtShiversBen

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2005, 06:48:55 PM »
Personally, I wouldn't mind AT ALL (well maybe how it's missing 2 controller ports for SSB:M) if this was the final design for the Revvie.  It's nice looking and doesn't really look like a toy IMO.  But it's not stackable.

The Revvie
"The next step is already being prepared for Revolution. [It's] not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform." - Youichi Wada [Square Enix]

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2005, 02:36:08 AM »
Well, at least ome people will get their waffle iron...

Offline Don'tHate742

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2005, 11:38:18 AM »
It has to be some color that isn't silver, white, or black. Those colors are sexy, but have been beaten to death in ever major technological sector. It's time for a's time for a revolution.


Really though, a metallic green that resembles silver when light is shined on it would dazzle even the biggest PSP fanatic.

Green's the way to go.
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Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2005, 02:32:27 PM »
I'd go for metallic green.  I think I must have said that somewhere else about a GBA SP.  Heck, Metallic Red and Metallic Green colors at launch with a Super Mario Bros. Game!  OOOOOH
::Michael "TYP" Cole
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