Author Topic: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1  (Read 4644 times)

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Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« on: December 15, 2004, 03:29:36 AM »
Well not really, but they are reporting a bunch of problems with initial shipment as per usual with new systems...

This link has some videos and stuff...  Watch them try and hit the bear with the ejecting game disc!  

The reason why I am posting this is so all those people that posted the DS is D00MED because there are flaws threads can see that it isn't really that rare of an occurence... =P
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2004, 03:56:29 AM »
Why people can continue to purchase such worthless hardware is beyond me...
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2004, 06:39:22 AM »
That Square button thing is the most poorly designed thing I've ever seen.  My Dad who knows nothing about videogames would know not to design a button like that.  This is totally different than the DS.  With the DS it was just some faulty screens that realistically are more the screen manufacturer's fault than Nintendo's.  But this Square button thing is just really sh!tty and LAZY design by Sony.

The PSP isn't doomed though.  I knew people who had to turn their Playstations upside down just to get them to work and that wasn't enough to turn them off of it.  The PSP could give you AIDS and a fair chunk of people would still buy it.

Offline SgtShiversBen

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RE:Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2004, 07:00:34 AM »
To think, I was actually thinking about getting one.  Now I'm just like "Bah, I can do without it."  Personally, I think the PSP is just a mockery of what portable gaming is.  Oh well, sorry Sony, until you go down to around 80$ (which will probably be in 10 years) I won't be getting one.  Nintendo, I NEED A DS!!! GRARGH!!
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2004, 11:45:17 AM »
That is Sony branded faulty workmanship at its finest

all I can do is at those videos of the UMD popping out during gameplay

Offline Flames_of_chaos

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RE:Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2004, 12:18:21 PM »
I find it really funny how some power up and dont do anything, also the analog nub thing not working and some that completely fall off is pretty embarrasing.  IMO the defects of the initial shipment on the PSP is pretty embarrasing(especially that this is Sony's first major handheld) and this further reinforces the immage that Sony makes faulty hardware.  
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Offline ruby_onix

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2004, 01:16:05 PM »
The bear-killing "lethal disk" thing (video #3) was pretty cool to watch. However, I think they were aiming the camera (and PSP) almost straight down to get that kind of distance.

Sony fans can take some comfort in that most people won't put twisting force on their PSP's, so that's an unusual situation, but it's somewhat telling that things like that can happen. Loading times. Mechanisims that won't work properly. Hello Sony. Hello disk-based handheld world.

Dead pixels and crappy analog nubs on the PSP were already mostly expected, and don't seem surprising (despite the uproar when dead pixels were seen on the DS).

That offset button thing is just absurd.
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Offline nickmitch

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2004, 04:45:50 PM »
They accually let people buy their crap when they knew it wouldn't work!
What a bunch of a**holes!
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Offline Caustic Saint

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2004, 08:42:09 PM »
The PSP works fine. The whole "flying UMD" thing got started as a joke on some Japanese gaming forums when they found out that if you twist the system and put enough torque on it, you can cause the drive door to pop open. Ruby is correct in that the unit has to be aimed downwards for the disc to "fly" out. It's really falling out. And it doesn't happen unless you abuse the system and twist it. The amount of force required isn't something you could ever do accidentally while playing a game.

Would anybody here be complaining about the quality of Nintendo's systems if somebody made a video showing a DS breaking from having the top screen pushed too far back? No, you'd say, "Man, what an idiot! Who treats their systems like that?!?"

Offline Pale

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2004, 03:15:17 AM »
First of all, I'm not promoting this whole sony is doomed mentality as my reason for posting this is to point out the hypocricy we might see based on the dead pixel fiasco of the ds launch...

That said, Caustic, if you have to twist it soooo hard to make it happen?  How exactly did someone do it on accident the first time?  And those videos sure don't look like the player is using all of his might.  Its also silly that some of you feel inclined to argue that the projection of the disc is grossly exaggerated blah blah.  The game still quits on you doesn't it?
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Offline Caustic Saint

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2004, 03:44:26 AM »
The game doesn't quit if you open the UMD drive during gameplay (whether by twisting the unit or hitting the eject button). The game pauses and a message comes up on the screen asking if you want to quit to the main menu. If you don't, you can just put the disc back in, close the drive and select "no." Your game will continue just fine.

You really do have to put some force into it to get the drive to pop open. When I first saw the videos, I wondered how much effort it would take to make it happen. A fair bit. you're actually twisting the main frame of the unit, which is why the drive door can pop open. (It's hinged on the bottom side and the latch is on the top side.) I've never twisted mine far enough to pop the drive open, because even a slight twist starts to flex the screen. I'm not stupid enough to risk damaging the system, so I stopped as soon as I saw what it was doing.

How'd it happen the first time? I don't know. Only the guys who first discovered it know that. Why they kept doing it is beyond me.

And this isn't a "Nintendo vs. Sony" issue as far as I'm concerned. Every system has glitches when they launch. Anything with an LCD is going to have some units with dead pixels. Anything with moving parts is going to have some defective units. Those are just simple facts associated with manufacturing high tech devices.

The biggest issue isn't whether or not a unit has some problems, it's the rabid fans on either side that feel it's more important to try and bring down another system rather than try and elevate theirs. Nobody wants to take the high road in a gaming discussion and if they try, they get called "fanboy" or worse by the nutjobs on the "opposing side." Whatever happend to games being about fun? When did it become more important to some people to be fanatically loyal to a game system than to enjoy the games themselves?

Right now I've got 7 systems in my home - 3 from Nintendo, 2 from Sony, one Sega and one MS. I don't have a preference as to which system is "better" than the others. They're all good in their own ways. Anybody who can't see the value of a fun game just because of the system it's on could stand to open their mind a little more.

Offline Pale

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2004, 04:32:36 AM »
Thats interesting to hear that it will just pick up and play again when the disc is put back in.  As to the amount of force it takes, maybe that is unit dependent and you got one where the plasic that holds the latch is a couple millimeters thicker or something.  Who knows.  It does look really easy to do in the videos though.

Now to defend the fanatical people.  There are some out there that are intelligently fanatical and thats who i'm speaking for.  Sony entering the handheld market is a touchy subject for Nintendo fans.  We don't want to see our favorite company run into financial difficulty.  One of the main reason why, no matter how poor the gamecube did or would do we could always say that Nintendo was still making enough money in the handheld market to overcome any hiccups and keep us, the loyal fanbase, happy.  We all know that the PSP has potential to be a good unit and it makes us happy when we see mistakes from Sony's end.  Yes, it is still just about the games... whether or not we're gonna keep getting our games in the future or are we going to be forcefed overly hyped pop culture trash?

How was that for melodramatic.
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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2004, 11:19:46 AM »
To tell you the truth I have never really bought anything Sony for those major reasons, nor do I plan to. But I don't see the public being turned away by it. At least not this early into the game.


Offline Caustic Saint

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RE:Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2004, 12:15:24 PM »

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
Now to defend the fanatical people.  There are some out there that are intelligently fanatical and thats who i'm speaking for.  Sony entering the handheld market is a touchy subject for Nintendo fans.  We don't want to see our favorite company run into financial difficulty.  One of the main reason why, no matter how poor the gamecube did or would do we could always say that Nintendo was still making enough money in the handheld market to overcome any hiccups and keep us, the loyal fanbase, happy.  We all know that the PSP has potential to be a good unit and it makes us happy when we see mistakes from Sony's end.  Yes, it is still just about the games... whether or not we're gonna keep getting our games in the future or are we going to be forcefed overly hyped pop culture trash?

I wouldn't worry about Nintendo going away anytime soon - if ever. Their fanbase is large enough - and fanatical enough - to keep the company going for a long time. (I'd say the fanaticism of hardcore N-fans is second only to that of the hardcore Apple fans.)

Nobody's ever knocked Nintendo from the top stop in the portable market, and I don't think Sony's going to do it either. But I do believe there is room for two handhelds to succeed. If there can be three home consoles doing well at the same time, why not two portables? Both systems are great, and they're different enough to appeal to different segments of the gaming market.

They both play games, but they do them in fairly different fashions. The DS, with its touchscreen and dual screens is giving developers a place to do stuff they'd never been able to do before. The PSP is offering never-before-seen (in a portable system) levels of horsepower. But to try and reduce the whole debate about the two systems to "innovation vs. graphics" ignores the games, which are what really matters.

For instance, one of the best launch titles on the PSP is also the simplest in terms of graphics. Lumines is an exceptional music/puzzle game - and it should be, given that it's from Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the guy who did Rez. He's also behind Meteos on the DS, which looks to be great as well. Bandai's taking the right approach (at least, with their "qb" studio) in finding what works well on each system and tailoring games to the hardware.


The purpose of the new label, according to Bandai's announcement today, is to reach an untapped fanbase through new hardware like Sony and Nintendo's next-generation handhelds. Games like Lumines and Meteos are meant to be easy to play "even if you don't read the instructions."

I only hope more developers can be this smart.

Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2004, 06:28:30 AM »

The structure of the shoulder buttons isn't even symetrical.  Laaazyyyy.
Close-up pic of the square button.

The GBA is outselling the PSP in Japan.  "HUR HUR HUR GRAPHIX PLEEZ"

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Offline Zach

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RE: Sony is TeH Chaep!L!!!!1
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2004, 02:39:45 PM »
Kirby Killer dedede, When I click on your third link, it tells me "access forbidden"

  These glitches, though minor, make me wonder if the PSP has other problems that cannot be seen yet, maybe there will be some problems that wont start to show themselves untill the warrantee wears out.  After all, sony does not have a good track record so far (my cousin is on her third PS2)
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