Author Topic: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?  (Read 7145 times)

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Offline Thepeug

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Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« on: December 04, 2004, 10:54:42 AM »
     I know that most "Which system should I buy" threads meet with "Decide for yourself" responses, but I could really use some advice on this one.  Allow me to explain my situation:

    When the current-gen consoles first debuted, I decided on Gamecube after extensive research.  The idea of a game-focused console with lightning-fast loading times appealed to me, as did the controller layout and the insanely compact system.  After about a year, however, I became a bit disillusioned with the game selection.  Gamecube never seemed to get any attention in Blockbuster or in gaming magazines, whereas PS2 and XBox seemed to be rapidly expanding.  Of the games that I had, Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil 0 were incredible, but titles like Def Jam Vendetta, NCAA, Splinter Cell, and NFS:  Underground were average at best and almost always superior on XBox if they were multi-platformers.
    The Halo hype was at its maximum at this point (Q4 2003), and Gamecube began to seem like a dying breed while XBox was only getting better and better.  After accidentally deleting my file on the original Zelda from the Collector's Edition disc one day, I got pissed and finally said, "Forget this; I'm buying an XBox."  I sold my GC stuff and used the money to buy a brand new XBox and a copy of Halo.
    Unfortunately, the XBox has turned out to be even more of a disappointment than the GC.  Yes, the graphics are incredible in most cases, but graphics aren't everything, and the other consoles certainly aren't far behind.  The DVD player was a waste of money because I don't ever use it and I live in a fraternity house where everyone else has one anyway.  Similarly, if I want to burn CD's or listen to music, I use my laptop.  The Controller S works fine, but I definitely miss the Wavebird, which is, IMO, the best console controller ever made.  For all of its hype, XBox Live has been a disappointment for me, mostly because I don't have enough of a desire for online play to justify spending even $50 a year.  
    Most importantly, concerning the game selection:  XBox seems to be focused primarily on FPS's, racing games, and sports games.  I'm a fan of fast-paced multiplayers, fighting games, and survival-horrors.  In these categories, XBox has not impressed.  Halo is definitely an awesome game, but Halo 2 is way overrated.  Soul Calibur II, one of my favorite games ever, is loads of fun but Link on the GC version is much cooler than Spawn.  Both the Silent Hill series and the Fatal Frame series were major disappointments, as was Fable.  Ninja Gaiden was admittedly one of the coolest games I've played, but I've already beaten it twice and become frustrated enough with the original Ninja Gaidens to want to throw the disc across the room.  DOA:  Ultimate and the upcoming Forza look appealing, but I've not seen much else of personal interest on the horizon.  Bottom line:  in the categories on which it chooses to focus, XBox has some amazing titles.  Unfortunately, regarding the types of games in which I'm interested (frenetic multiplayers and survival horrors), the selection has been decidedly weak.
    So now to the core of the dilemna:  I'm thinking about selling my XBox for another GC.  I know it sounds crazy, but Nintendo has had such an amazing fourth quarter that it's a tough proposition to resist.  As I mentioned before, I'm into A.D.D.-inducing multiplayers, survival horrors, and quality single-player action adventures.  I also don't mind the "tiku tiku tiku! " graphics, which are often superior to more realistic models.  Consider the list of wanted games I've compiled, all of which seem like must-haves:      
             1) Metroid Prime (1 and 2)
             2) Super Monkey Ball 2
             3) Viewtiful Joe (1 and 2)
             4) Paper Mario:  TTYD
             5) Animal Crossing
             6) Legend of Zelda:  Wind Waker
             7) Smash Brothers:  Melee
             8) Wario Ware
             9) Mario Kart:  DD
            10) Mario Power Tennis
            11) Mario Golf
            12) Soul Calibur II
            13) Resident Evil 0 and 4

    I tried to compile a similar list of XBox games, and simply couldn't do it.  The more I think about it, the more I want to go buy another GC.  Comparing systems without the games, the GC has always been my favorite (that's why I bought it originally), and now with such an incredible selection, the prospect of another GC is very tempting, especially now that I can get a system, controller, memory card, and Mario Kart:  DD for only $100.  Plus, many of the games that I listed are old enough now that I can get them new for around $20.  My only hang-up is that I don't want to make the same mistake that I did last year.  I don't want to sell the XBox and buy a GC, and then when the GC starts having a dry spell, sell it again and buy another XBox.  I lose a considerable amount of money on every trade-in.  I know that most of you would say that the best option is to own both systems, but I simply don't want to spend that kind of money, and I'd spend way too much time gaming if I had both.  So...considering everything I've said above, particularly my  list of wanted games, what do you think?  Should I go for it?  Or should I hold on to the XBox and see what comes out next year?  I apologize for the length of the post, but I just want to be thorough and make an informed decision.  I appreciate all the help.

Fear the dead pirate.

Offline Ymeegod

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2004, 11:08:54 AM »
Why not own both?  That way you'll never have a dry spell ever again.  

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 11:28:34 AM »
I agree with every game on your list (since I own 11 of them), tho I'll mention Tales of Symphonia and Pikmin/Pikmin2 should be up there as well.

I stuck with GCN first and foremost for Nintendo's single player action/adventure/platormer games, followed by Nintendo's multiplayer.  As time went on, I also bought other 3rd-party titles with out-of-the-norm personalities that I thought would play well, many of which turned out to be pleasant surprises.  If this is the direction you're heading, then I'll say it's not bad direction at all.
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Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2004, 03:32:27 PM »
The grass is always greener, apparently.

Yeah, selling your old stuff just to buy something else almost never works out to be a good deal, espeeeecially store trade-ins. Keep the XBox and buy a GC or ask for one for Xmas or something. See if your local GameStop is doing a buy-two-used-things-get-one-free deal like mine is doing this week (lol I bought 15 games lol) and take full advantage.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2004, 09:45:43 PM »
The Cube is pretty barren when it comes to fighting and horror games. The PS2 might be worth a look but I don't know if there are more horror games on the thing. Well, it has the fighters cornered, at least. Multiplayer isn't its strength, I think, but then I don't have any games for multiplayer.

Offline smf1978

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2004, 02:06:01 AM »
I would have to say do it.   I did a similar thing, I had both a XBOX and a Cube, but when my XBOX died, instead of saving to buy a new one, I brought it in to my local EB and traded it, an extra controller and the 5 games I had for in and got $300 Canadian in store credit.  I then went on a Cube game buying spree.  I have found there are more than enough games in various genres to satisfy my gaming needs.  But again, the decision is yours and yours alone, only you can make it.  If you can own both, then go for it, if not, maybe trying selling your XBOX to a friend, that way you can still enjoy it  

Offline Thepeug

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2004, 09:26:01 AM »

Originally posted by: smf1978
If you can own both, then go for it, if not, maybe trying selling your XBOX to a friend, that way you can still enjoy it

That's what I'm thinking about doing.  One of my friends is thinking about buying the XBox.  If he decides to do it, I'll let him have it for a decent price.  Otherwise, I might hang on to it just to see what Forza looks like.  Like I said before, I live in a fraternity house where everyone and his brother has an XBox, so even if I did sell mine, I could walk next door to play someone else's.

Fear the dead pirate.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2004, 05:23:00 AM »
You know what puzzles me? How can you consider Fatal Frame a failure and Eternal Darkness a success unless you aren't really searching for horror in your games?

Offline couchmonkey

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2004, 11:16:01 AM »
You seem to have a wide range of tastes in games, and you seem to want the best you can get...considering these things, I think it would be a good idea to try and hold on to the Xbox.  Gamecube has a great selection, with arguably way more "must haves" than the Xbox, but third party support is steadily dropping for the GameCube.

Having said that, Microsoft truly seems to be gearing up for Xbox 2's release next Christmas, which means that except for a handful of games like Conker's Bad Fur Day, there's probably not much left for you to play on that system.  If all the third parties switch their focus to Xbox 2, then I guess the Xbox's main advantage is lost anyway.

If it came down to choosing one or the other, not both, then I'd say yeah, go for the GameCube.  It has two years left in it while Xbox will be essentially dead after next Christmas.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline ib2kool4u912

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2004, 01:10:37 PM »
Maybe, instead of selling your Xbox to buy the Gamecube see if you can make the money selling your Xbox games. Keep the games you really like along with the system, and that way if some really good games come out for Xbox, you wont ahve to trade everything in again. If that's feasible money wise, it might be your best option.

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"But if that extra slot under the gamecube isn't for a hard drive then what the hell is it for?"

The Gamecube waffle iron.

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Offline Thepeug

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2004, 03:40:07 PM »

Originally posted by: couchmonkey

Having said that, Microsoft truly seems to be gearing up for Xbox 2's release next Christmas, which means that except for a handful of games like Conker's Bad Fur Day, there's probably not much left for you to play on that system.  If all the third parties switch their focus to Xbox 2, then I guess the Xbox's main advantage is lost anyway.

If it came down to choosing one or the other, not both, then I'd say yeah, go for the GameCube.  It has two years left in it while Xbox will be essentially dead after next Christmas.

Good pont, I hadn't thought about the impact of next-gen systems.  So Microsoft is releasing a year before Nintendo?  Won't that put Nintendo behind again?

Fear the dead pirate.

Offline AMac2002

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2004, 05:38:10 PM »
But maybe they'll be able to improve on whatever the Xbox 2 is doing.

"Maybe, instead of selling your Xbox to buy the Gamecube see if you can make the money selling your Xbox games. Keep the games you really like along with the system, and that way if some really good games come out for Xbox, you wont ahve to trade everything in again. If that's feasible money wise, it might be your best option. "

That seems like a good idea.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2004, 08:08:12 PM »
Thepeug: Maybe. But we know how that worked out for the Dreamcast.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2004, 07:11:35 AM »
As far as Xbox 2 goes, IGN seems VERY convinced that it's coming out next year.   Now, I know IGN's not the most reliable source, but they're saying that a lot of developers they talk to are planning Christmas 2005 around Xbox 2, and Microsoft itself has stated that it wants to be first in the market, so I think it's very possible.  If not Christmas 2005, then at least several months ahead of Sony and Nintendo.

I don't think it will put Nintendo too far behind if Microsoft comes out next Christmas, but it's hard to say.  Earlier this year, I felt that the plan was suicide for Microsoft and that everyone would wait for PS3.  Now I'm not so sure, since Microsoft seems to be gaining a lot of popularity in North America.  I think it's going to be pretty exciting.

If Nintendo's next system is as revolutionary as Nintendo says, then I think Nintendo's success will belong to Nintendo and consumers more than Sony or Microsoft.  Are the revolutionary games fun?  Can Nintendo communicate that to the public?  And does the public actually want revolutionary games?  Like I said, I think it's going to be exciting!
That's my opinion, not yours.
Now Playing: The Adventures of Link, Super Street Fighter 4, Dragon Quest IX

Offline Thepeug

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2004, 07:28:44 AM »
Does anyone have any links to Nintendo press releases about their next-gen?

Also, regarding selling my games, it would definitely be a good idea if I had enough games to sell.  After Halo, Ninja Gaiden, and SCII however, I couldn't find any other games that I actually wanted to spend money on, and I don't think I'd get a lot for those three.
Fear the dead pirate.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2004, 05:30:02 AM »
EA is already adding the XBox 2 to its platform list in job ads (they're apparently developing for PS2, GC, XB and XB2 all at the same time) so it can't be that far off.

I doubt you'd get much for the XBox, either. Personally I'd say keep your XBox, the Cube isn't that expensive and selling the XBox isn't going to get you a significant amount of money.

Offline Thepeug

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2004, 05:46:39 PM »
After asking around, I found I can get about $150 for the system, two controllers, DVD kit, Ninja Gaiden, NCAA 2005, Halo, and SCII.  Yes, I probably paid around $300 for all of this stuff originally, but $150 is still enough for a new GC, two controllers, Mario Kart, and two other $20 games (Smash and Animal Crossing), which is why it's tempting.

(In case you're wondering, I'm pretty set on selling the XBox and getting the GC by now.  I play my friend's XBox almost every day, so it's not like I won't ever have access to XBox games again.  Plus, Xbox 2 is coming out next year, so I doubt XBox is going to have much more to offer (aside from Forza). This way, I get a great system and a couple of games for no money.  Unless I have a drastic change in thinking, I'm gonna go for it.  Thanks for the input, everyone).
Fear the dead pirate.

Offline StRaNgE

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2004, 08:39:06 AM »
if you are getting RE Zero and Four  and have not played the Resident Evil remake (ONE) then you are really missing out.

that remake is by far the creepiest of all the RE titles yet.

include that with 4 and Zero .

oh and Ikaruga is a great game as well.

beyond good and evil was fun with a good story as well.

Offline Dirk Temporo

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2004, 01:29:57 PM »
No matter what anyone says, the next Microsoft system release date is officially 2006, the same as the other two. Besides, it sounds like you've made up your mind already, go for it.
"You've had your dream old man. It's time to wake up!"
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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2005, 03:05:10 PM »
 totally sell the xbox for a gamecube !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline sbdark

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2005, 02:52:18 PM »
i would not sell a xbox for a gamecube for 2 resons one xbox live
two xbox has halo 2.
steven signing off.

Offline MaleficentOgre

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2005, 03:43:05 PM »
I would sell the xbox for the cube. unless you absolutely love shooters and racers and sports games.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2005, 07:10:58 PM »
I wouldn't because I don't sell games.

Offline Thepeug

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RE:Sell XBox for a Gamecube?
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2005, 08:06:19 PM »
Just to let everyone know, I sold the XBox back in December.  As far as games are concerned, I only have Mario Kart and Animal Crossing right now, both of which are awesome.  Animal Crossing is one of the weirdest, coolest games I've played; I can't explain its appeal, but it's the kind of game that you just want to keep playing a bit every day.  It's also nice to have a Wavebird once again; I stand by my earlier statement that the Wavebird is the best console controller ever made.  Admittedly, I play Halo 2 on my friend's XBox Live almost every day, but the GC adds the much-needed degree of gaming variety that I was initially looking for.  I appreciate the input from everyone.
Fear the dead pirate.