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Offline soundwave5

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #100 on: November 02, 2004, 08:48:40 AM »
I doubt Nintendo will have much to say about it.

They barely said anything about the departures of Rare or Silicon Knights and have never talked about developers like LucasArts dropping GCN support entirely.

Besides anything like that would just serve to piss off Capcom furthur. They could easily just turn around and say "well, we're not supporting Revolution at all, we're going to have our hands full with PS3 and XBox 2".  

Offline ruby_onix

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #101 on: November 02, 2004, 01:03:20 PM »

BTW: According to IGN it was NINTENDO that forced Capcom to raise the price of RE2/RE3. Capcom wanted to sell them at $19.99, but Nintendo wouldn't give them a break on the licensing fees.

The licence fee on a modern console game is something around $10 (that's a rough ballpark, because people who know the exact numbers aren't allowed to talk about them).

Anything beyond that is entirely up to the publisher of the game. Someone like Nintendo can't say to anyone "Don't charge so little for your game, or it'll spoil everyone." or "Don't charge so much for your game, or it'll make our system look bad." That's called "price fixing", and it's illegal.

The thing is, when a publisher sells a game at $20, they practically don't make any money. The hardware maker is the only one making any money (and the game buyer gets a cheap game to enjoy). So the publisher goes up to the hardware maker and says "Hey, be a pal. If you drop the rate to something like $5 for us, then you'll make a little bit of money, and we'll make a little bit of money, so everybody wins. It's better than nothing, right?" Cheap games are bad for the finances of your console, but they made Sony really popular.

Nintendo was setting up their own system to officially allow for those discounts. Capcom was going to be the first company to take advantage of it. Nintendo delayed the implementation of that system.

Capcom got pissed and released the ports for a full $50, publically blamed Nintendo for it, and then laughed as the games sat rotting on store shelves.

Something like two months after Capcom released the ports, Nintendo launched their discount line.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #102 on: November 02, 2004, 01:32:45 PM »
"Nintendo was setting up their own system to officially allow for those discounts. Capcom was going to be the first company to take advantage of it. Nintendo delayed the implementation of that system. Capcom got pissed and released the ports for a full $50, publically blamed Nintendo for it, and then laughed as the games sat rotting on store shelves. Something like two months after Capcom released the ports, Nintendo launched their discount line."

Now this is tricky.  Who do I get mad at for this blunder?  Capcom for being impatient and dooming their own games or Nintendo for delaying the whole thing?  I guess both are worth some blame but Nintendo can't be delaying sh!t like this.  That's not good for third party relations.  How do you delay something like that anyway?  When a third party is relying on you to do something in order to release a game you DO IT.  It's the same thing as Nintendo delaying the broadband adapter while Sega was waiting to release PSO.

Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #103 on: November 02, 2004, 01:45:19 PM »
$50 is too high, RE2/3/CV each released for $39.99($40) here in America at least. Only $10 but still doesn't contradict your point.  They were originally going to release for $19.99 but suddenly jumped in price, pissed me off too.  I bought them all because I wanted a complete set, even though I already had RE2 on N64.
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Offline Renny

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #104 on: November 02, 2004, 03:24:41 PM »


that game looks awesome, that and Wanda and the Collosus are the two PS2 games i wish were on the GCN...

Me too. And I honestly think they're games that could sell on the Cube. All will be forgiven if Capcom gives the Cube Okami [another PS2 bomb!], Demento, and DMC.

Edit: Just to clarify, I didn't put the quote in my sig to express any animosity toward Mikami. This is obviously the doing of short-sighted Sony-bitches at the top. I just want to give the quote exposure [with credit to ruby for finding it]; it perfectly illustrates how deceitful Capcom are. It's too bad he was caught in the middle of this mess.  
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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #105 on: November 02, 2004, 03:54:30 PM »

Number 1: There are too many "I will follow you to death, my Nintendo!" type people here. Too many blind fanboys of age 15 or lower. Everyone who is older and more mature, please bare that in mind! Nobody wants to be caught with their pants down arguing with a 15 year old, mommy’s boy.

 There are plenty people in these very forums who are much older than 15 who are loyal to Nintendo since they grew up with them.
  I equate it to sports fans.  You grow up rooting for a team, and thats your team.  You can bitch and complain about how stupid they are, but your heart is always with them.  The casual sports fan just follows whichever team is winning championships at the time.  Its the same with game consoles in a lot of cases.  It's really not too hard to understand.  In fact, I find older gamers are more inclined to stick with what they know.


But to be on-topic again, yeah, it's really bad timing. But saying Mikami and the director should get their heads cut off for lying to us is a bit too far.

Mikami said we could cut his head off if RE4 was not exclusive.


It's not like Nintendo is exactly holding up their end of this bargain.

I've blamed Nintendo directly several times.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #106 on: November 02, 2004, 08:51:04 PM »
The other RE games haven't even been released here. Probably NoE thought it's stupid to price rereleases at 60€.

Offline CHEN

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #107 on: November 03, 2004, 08:29:55 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
The other RE games haven't even been released here. Probably NoE thought it's stupid to price rereleases at 60€.
Erm... RE2, RE3 and RE Code: Veronica X has been released in Europe and for quite some time too. I think it retails for €40, with a big question mark.

I was under the impression that the PS2 version of Splinter Cell did better than the X-Box version even if it did have a time exclusivity. Hmmm, could be wrong though.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #108 on: November 03, 2004, 09:45:03 AM »
Hm, then stores apparently refuse to stock the ports, never seen a single one on a shelf. Not even Amazon lists them.

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #109 on: November 03, 2004, 02:56:02 PM »
I really should check PGC more often. I totally missed this news. And it's already old news. Damn this sucks. Hard core.  
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Offline Djunknown

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #110 on: November 03, 2004, 06:04:48 PM »
Don't sweat it. Its one of those "WTF" type headlines you don't expect. No rumors, speculation, just BAM! Capcom pulls a fast one.

Checking on Nintendo's official forums, (aside from being badly moderated, they have half a dozen threads dedicated to this topic and aren't locked.) they seem to go "meh, its not the end of the world. Ninty is still in it." (sorry Bill, I know that's your word...)

In trying to find the proverbial silver lining, it can't get any worse, can it? What else can 3rd parties do to rape the 'big' N?
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Ma ma se, ma ma sa,
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Offline theRPGFreak

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #111 on: November 03, 2004, 08:33:56 PM »
After thinking it over, i dont think it will matter in the long run. Nintendo will still get some nice sales from the game, and will have it first, and have look better on their system. As long as we got Zelda, im happy.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #112 on: November 03, 2004, 11:44:34 PM »
In trying to find the proverbial silver lining, it can't get any worse, can it? What else can 3rd parties do to rape the 'big' N?

Weeell... All third parties could simultaneously decide to become PSP exclusive. Or a giant comet could hit the earth and wipe out any form of intelligent life. Or we get to see WWIII from the front row... These are ordered by probability, guess which one is the least likely...

Offline Odeix

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #113 on: November 04, 2004, 09:34:14 AM »
If Nintendo knew that the deal for the Big 5 could be compromised at any time I don't know why they were so big about pushing it. Unless Nintendo really is stupid, they must've gotten some compensation from Capcom for losing a big title lke RE4.

Like I said, unless Nintendo really is stupid which, in this case, I'm beginning to think they are. But then I don't know how these deals/contracts/promises/etc. work...

Offline CHEN

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #114 on: November 04, 2004, 09:46:01 AM »
It's better to have a good relationship with your third-parties instead of doing things that they might not like.

Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #115 on: November 04, 2004, 02:04:43 PM »
Exactly, Chen.  If Capcom says, "We're putting this on PS2, whether you like it or not!" there isn't much Nintendo can do.  Perhaps they could use legal measures if the contract is vague, but that would just delay the GameCube version and really piss Capcom off.
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Offline ruby_onix

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #116 on: November 04, 2004, 05:14:39 PM »

It's not like Nintendo is exactly holding up their end of this bargain. Back in 2001, when Capcom signed the deal with Nintendo, Iwata was saying there'd be
50 million GameCubes sold.

Nintendo will be lucky to end up with 25 million sold total by the end of the generation. They themselves haven't done a very good job in selling the platform to consumers, Capcom can only do so much. I don't think Capcom signed on to "sacrifice" their top franchise solely for Nintendo's sake.

The thing is, Capcom themselves hold a large part of the blame for that. If it weren't for the Resident Evil exclusivity, which is gone now, people would be arguing over whether Capcom or Konami gets to hold the title of "single worst so-called GameCube supporter".

It took a while, but you knew somebody had to do it. A breakdown of everything Capcom has done for the GameCube, with commentary. Game list and dates courtesy of a quick trip to GameFAQs.

Note that at the start of this generation, Shinji Mikami delivered the bombshell announcement that the RE series was going exclusively to the Cube, and Keiji Inafune suggested that Megaman and Nintendo consoles go hand-in-hand, so Megaman would likely end up being unofficially GameCube-exclusive (Capcom had already started work on Megaman X7 for the PS2 since the Cube wasn't out yet). So people had some reason to expect big things from the GameCube.

Shinji Mikami section.

Early 2002 - Resident Evil Remake
Essentially made as part of the RE Zero development cycle. Sold slightly better than Capcom expected.

Late 2002 - Resident Evil Zero
Full restart of a failed N64 project. Sold slightly better than Capcom expected. Performed relatively better in Japan, where gamers had generally passed on getting the RE Remake.

Early 2003 - Ports of RE2&3
Sales of the games deliberately sabotaged by Capcom, as part of a pissy fight with Nintendo. Sold like crap, of course.

Mid 2003 - PN03
The first of the "Capcom 5" games, given a chance to exist because of Shinji Mikami's authority. Beautiful game, blasted by critics as having no gameplay. Sold poorly. Has been publically blamed by Capcom as one of the causes for poor financial performance.

Late 2003 - Port of Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
Heavily delayed even though it was reportedly complete, for the apparent purpose of making it a $20 artificially-exclusive PS2 game while PS2 owners were waiting for the real PS2 exclusives "Resident Evil: Dead Aim" and "Resident Evil: Outbreak" to arrive (both of which were moderate failures, IIRC). When it eventually came out on the GameCube, it was deliberately sabotaged and overpriced by Capcom, like the earlier ports were, even though the "pissy fight" issue had been resolved months earlier.

Late 2003 - Viewtiful Joe
Sold quite well. Not amazing, but quite solid. Well above Capcom's expectations. A big surprise for an out-of-nowhere non-franchise game. Since it sold well, it must have been a good game, so it deserved better than the GameCube, and was ported with extra features to the PS2, where it bombed horribly.

Killer 7
Not even out yet, but Capcom's already announced that they're porting it for a simultaneous release on the PS2.

Dead Phoenix
Cancelled by Capcom.

Resident Evil 4
Not even out yet, but Capcom's telling everyone that they're getting a port ready, and will release it on the PS2 the instant their contract with Nintendo expires. This despite Shinji Mikami's REPEATED statemanets that we should have confidence in at least RE on the GameCube, because he wouldn't allow Resident Evil to suffer the fate of so many of Capcom's other broken "exclusivity" promises.

Viewtiful Joe 2
Capcom wants to be "fair" and see what happens if they release VJ's sequel on the 80 million userbase console at the exact same time as when they release it on the 15 million userbase console. I see two options. One, the PS2 version will outsell the Cube version, which will surprise nobody and prove nothing. Or two, the Cube version will kick the PS2 version's heiney again, which will be endlessly funny, but won't be of any tangible benefit to any GameCube fans hoping for more third-party support. One thing is for sure, and that's releasing VJ1 on the PS2 didn't help the series to reach out to any new audiences that didn't already own the game, so making the PS2 version for VJ2 is essentially pointless, except that it makes for and entertaining and probably pissy horse race between the two versions.

Keiji Inafune section.

Mid 2003 - Megaman Network Transmission
A Battle Network game. Not an RPG like the popular GBA Battle Network titles, but a side-scroller. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold a candle to any of Capcom's previous great side-scrollers. Add to it the fact that the Battle Network world is mostly unfamiliar to fans of the side-scrollers, and the game did poorly. IIRC, Capcom pointed to it as one of the causes for their financial problems.

Late 2003 - Megaman X7
Capcom took their last best side-scrolling series and perverted it into a cel-shaded 3D action title, rather than making yet-another Megaman series spinoff as a vehicle for those ideas. Needless to say, it bombed. Oh wait, why am I mentioning this here? GameCube owners never even got a port of this failure. Don't worry, it's just here for reference. Look down two paragraphs.

Mid 2004 - Megaman Anniversary Collection
A group called Atomic Planet ported the PSone ports of most of the Megaman games, plus a few extras, to the PS2 and GameCube. Atomic Planet decided that MIDI sounds best when you're listening to it as Redbook Audio, not as MIDI or mp3, so rather than listen to inferior music, they slashed Capcom's remixed MIDI music for the classic games out of the GameCube version. Also, AP decided to "fix" the Megaman controls for the GameCube version, which only served to mess them up. And they forgot to port the "button config" options of the PSone games, which would've helped in fixing AP's mistake. Also, the GameCube game was delayed, because the PS2 version was having problems, and it would've been "unfair" to allow the GameCube version to launch as scheduled while they spent the time to fix the PS2 version. It STILL outsold the PS2 version.

Late 2004 - Megaman X: Command Mission
An RPG sequel to Megaman X7. What the hell is Capcom thinking? Ah well, at least GameCube owners are going to get a chance to play this one, even though GameCube owners can't be expected to know anything about it's prequel.

Megaman X8
An upcoming PS2-exclusive cel-shaded 3D action title. Big surprise.

Everyting Else section.

Late 2002 - Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO
Hey, there's a fighting game from Capcom available on the Cube. What are the odds of that? But... umm... just one? Where are the rest of them? I can't say I know much about this game. I'm not into fighting games. I don't think it's a "port" exactly.

Late 2003 - Auto Modellista
Oooh. A racing game. Is a port.

Late 2003 - Disney's Hide and Sneak
Not a port! We're special...

Late 2003 - Gotcha Force
No idea. Can't say I've heard of it.

That's it. I'm done.

I'd post the list of PS2 games Capcom has made, but that might break this message board. Of special note, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter bombed. Devil May Cry 2 bombed. Megaman AC was beaten by the Cube version. Megaman X7 bombed. The PS2 port of Viewtiful Joe bombed. And those are just the ones that I know about.

Capcom has simply not supported the GameCube. Shinji Mikami and Keiji Inafune have tried, but faced significant resistance.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #117 on: November 04, 2004, 10:01:48 PM »
Gotcha Force got slammed by the critics and bombed. It's available for 30€ here, which is a surefire indicator for non-Player's Choice games that failed badly.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #118 on: November 05, 2004, 07:03:08 AM »
"Hey, there's a fighting game from Capcom available on the Cube. What are the odds of that? But... umm... just one? Where are the rest of them?"

To be fair it's possible that Capcom would have released more fighting games for the Cube if the controller wasn't so sh!tty.  Nintendo retarded button layout and dismal d-pad ruined that game.  If I was Capcom I wouldn't have released any more Cube fighters either.

Offline CHEN

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #119 on: November 05, 2004, 08:15:16 AM »
Say hello to the Hori Digital Controller.

And about the sales expectations, RE Remake did quite above expectations, but RE0 didn't.

Offline odifiend

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #120 on: November 05, 2004, 08:42:14 AM »
Actually my friend rented Capcom vs. SNK and said it suffered from control issues that had nothing to do with the Cube's controller.  I heard one mode played entirely with the shoulder buttons as the attacking buttons.  If this is true, WTF?  I think Capcom needs to put control configuration in all their games because they seem to be off.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #121 on: November 05, 2004, 08:51:12 AM »
"Say hello to the Hori Digital Controller."

I have two of those and have been looking for a used copy of Capcom vs SNK ever since.  It's a suitable solution but you can't rely on people to buy third party controllers that are currently only available in Japan.  No third party is going to go for that.

"I heard one mode played entirely with the shoulder buttons as the attacking buttons."

There were a lot of odd controller configurations.  These were an attempt to accomodate the sh!tty Cube controller.  You can play the game with normal controls as well.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #122 on: November 05, 2004, 10:30:29 AM »
It's Capcom using a six button layout. No current controller is suited for those and modern fighting games all use three or four buttons.
I find the a-stick to be more useful for fighting games than the dpad, entering quarter circles and stuff is just a whole lot easier using the stick.

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RE:Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #123 on: November 05, 2004, 06:37:56 PM »
The deal with GC-ISM control for Capcom v. SNK was that L and R controlled all punches and kicks. The harder you pressed the shoulder button the stronger the attack. The C-stick was used for all special moves. It was actually fun to fight using GC-ISM in a ridiculous sort of way.

The AC-ISM control used all the buttons for all punches and kick strengths so the C-stick was unused. It was as close as you could get to an arcade setup.

Either way I think the game suffered.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Resident Evil 4 Not GC Exclusive
« Reply #124 on: November 05, 2004, 09:25:59 PM »
Didn't the original arcade version of Streetfighter use pads to trigger your attacks and the strength of the attack depended on how hard you hit the pad? Using the shoulder buttons would emulate that...