Author Topic: PSP vs DS  (Read 45985 times)

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« on: October 27, 2004, 11:07:02 AM »
Now that both SONY and NINTENDO have revealed much of their launch details ( and some crucial PSP info has been released) we can start speaking of the PSP/DS battle on a more level ground.

As for me,  with the announced PSP launch details, the battle seems too similar to the past. A stronger system with weak battery life is challenging nintendo again. I know the PSP has additional features that the previous system's didnt have to brag about, but I honestly don't believe it'll make a huge difference. The PSP including movie and music playback isn't going to be as big as for example when the ps2 came out with dvd playback. The movie playback feature will get the least support of the 3. As for music playback, people can purchase better mp3 players for the price.

At 185 , I'm sure the battle will be alot closer than alot of people have been anticipating. The PSP will sell strong at first but as time passes by, word of mouth plus hands on experience with the "estimated" battery life, will be the PSP's downfall, not the DS.
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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2004, 11:19:36 AM »
I'll shut up now...

Offline Ian Sane

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2004, 11:33:14 AM »
I think now that the prices are nearly even it's going to come down to the games.  Who has that amazing killer app that sells systems?  Right now looking at the launch lineups neither has it but at some point some game is going to break out.  And it won't be a popular sequel either.  Killer apps are usually something that comes right out of left field.

As for the other features well both have unique pros and cons that I think balance out enough that they won't be that big of a deal to the mainstream anyway.

Pros: First party Nintendo titles, better battery life, touch screen can result in games the PSP can never duplicate, no memory cards needed, Nintendo has tons of experience in the handheld market.
Cons: Lacks the PSP's "cool factor", lacks movie and music features for not much less money, weaker graphics, touch screen may not matter to mainstream and needs a killer app to sell the concept, game cards hold less than UMDs.

Pros: Very strong Playstation name, superior graphics, analog stick thingy that the DS doesn't have, music and movie playback which although not perfect are still a feature the DS doesn't have, obvious edge in marketing, very traditional design which is more inviting to mainstream types who just want to play Madden on the go, Sony is traditionally better at third party relations.
Cons: Lacks a quality first party lineup on par with Nintendo, doesn't have same third party advantage that PS2 has with the console market, lack of dual touch screen stuff means that a creative DS game cannot be ported accurately to the PSP, rumoured low battery life, requires memory cards, potential skipping issues with optical medium, usual "Sony factor" regarding product reliability.

So both have a fair share of issues though realistically I don't think any are make or break.  It's about who gets that must own game out first.

Offline VideoGamerJ

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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 12:25:20 PM »
I think there are very important things in order for the DS two be the most popular of the two.

-Good advertising.
-Excellent use of all of it's features. For example, it's wi-fi, it needs to implement it to the best, because if it doesn't, Sony will capitalize on it. Official online deals? Yes!
-Many 1st party titles
-Many 3rd party titles, but even more important, they need to use the DS' innovative 2 screens, if they don't, the market will not be convinced.

The Nintendo DS honestly has the lead. It's already got hype and it's already got hit titles. It's focus seems to be wi-fi and multiplayer as well as mainstream appeal, which Nintendo commented earlier at e3. If it can do this well, and start making innovative games, not ports, then we need not worry.

Even though the PSP is coming out earlier than expected, it doesn't have it's good features ready yet. It has launch titles, but does not have it's promising services ready. As well as this, a US date has not been announced. Whether or not Nintendo wants to confirm it, they are going to compete directly with Sony on this as time passes.

Offline Spak-Spang

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2004, 12:54:53 PM »
I don't know all the details of the PSP launch.  I will be going and checking that out soon.

However, I think Nintendo has the better handheld.

Better Battery life means that you can actually use the system to play games longer, and can play longer with more confidence.  

More hardware features.  Yeah, the PSP has an analog thing for its games, but the DS can easily emulate analog control with the second screen.  Once again showing the versatility of the system.  And don't forget the microphone, dual screens, wifi (which I know the PSP has as well) and you have a very functional and complete system.

Early launch date.  This will be important with the Christmas launch. DS has a jump on the PSP.  

I think Nintendo will be able to hold on to its handheld market as long as they keep producing the games, and advertising the system for all its worth.

Offline foolish03

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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2004, 03:22:21 PM »
Yeah nintendo needs to start a vigorous advertisement campaign, and dig deep into their cash reservoir.  People need to know its out their.  This is the first step.  Once people take notice you can move on to  the subtler but equally important business strategies.  Also nintendo absolutly needs to give developers incintives to develop on the DS.  Why should a developer create one of their games on a seemingly inferior machine(please no post telling me its not  I KNOW well technically it is but who cares).  Third party support is an absolute must,  not only in the beginning but throughout the life span of the system(which in my opinion was the major reason n64 and gamecube did not end up #1 these past couple of generations)  The only real problem I can see is that everyone will know what a PSP is but say "DS, what the hell is that."  Which is exactly what a lot of gamers said around my community when gamecube was nearing its launch.  
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Offline thepoga

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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2004, 05:31:09 PM »
remember, PSP is launching in december in Japan. It's US release date will probable be in January  at the earliest, but I'm thinking an early february release date is when they will probably ship them out. It's price in the US will probably be $189.99.

Also, the DS won't have the release date advantage in Japan, because they're both being released in December there. The PSP actually costs more than 185 dollars automatically, because you have to purchase the memory stick ($26) and so it costs $210 in all. I wonder when they'll announce game prices though.

The DS' price advantage is practiacally gone in the eyes of most consumers. The DS launch (at least in the US) will be a great advantage though.

I think now that the prices are nearly even it's going to come down to the games. Who has that amazing killer app that sells systems? Right now looking at the launch lineups neither has it but at some point some game is going to break out. And it won't be a popular sequel either. Killer apps are usually something that comes right out of left field.

As for the other features well both have unique pros and cons that I think balance out enough that they won't be that big of a deal to the mainstream anyway.

Also, people have forgotten the big advantade the PSP has over the DS. That huge screen. But it kind of excludes the top down shooter genre. The DS will be able to do that and plus introduce FPS games to the handheld market. I think a good FPS (other than Metroid) will be a huge killer app.  

Offline Chongman

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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2004, 05:42:11 PM »

Also, the DS won't have the release date advantage in Japan, because they're both being released in December there. The PSP actually costs more than 185 dollars automatically, because you have to purchase the memory stick ($26) and so it costs $210 in all. I wonder when they'll announce game prices though.

And remember this, DS is already the third best selling console in Japan. I think that might have been what finally made Sony start to sweat bullets.
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PSP vs NDS....c'mon...really...who in their right gaming mind will buy the PSP?


Offline kurst_chao3030

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« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2004, 06:54:33 PM »
ds all the way, but, why must there be a psp vs ds thread in a ds/nintendo forum. thats unfair, even though i do think the ds is better.

Offline TMW

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« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2004, 06:56:55 PM »
...excuse my ignorant ramblings...but whats to stop some enterprising young chap from turning a DS card into a portable HD that happens to have mp3 reading software?

At 128mb a card, with the potential battery life of just having sound with minimal screen output...I think the DS could make for a pretty good mp3 player.  Then again...I know next to nothing of the technology, so I may be missing some important bit here...

Anyhoo...Something along these lines could seriously close the gap between the DS and PSP in lieu of apps other than just Gameplaying.  SeewhatImean?  
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« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2004, 06:58:05 PM »
I think the game that will break the race open and show the clear cut winner is going to be the next official sequal to pokemon.  Just look at how the new revised ones are selling.  Imagine a true sequal with worthy additions.  You know they'll take full advantage of the wireless play with the new pokemon.  Pokemon to the portable industry is basically the equivalent of grand theft auto and halo to the console industry.

EDIT: I have another nice little tidbit of info that should be brought up.  The following quote is from one of the users on the N-Sider forums.  Enjoy...

"Originally Posted by Samer!!
Here's something interesting quoted from Gamasutra News, refering to the announced battery life range:

These figures have, by Sony’s own admission, been arrived at by limiting the display luminance and volume, as well as using headphones rather than speakers, and ensuring the wireless LAN is not in use. This could suggest that a less careful use of the console would result in a battery life closer to the 2 hours previously suggested by some observers."

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Offline foolish03

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« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2004, 08:37:52 PM »
oh my, what a blow.  Seeing as how your going to want all the light you can get on games and epecially on movies, im guessing this might be a problem(not so much the headphones though).  
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Offline soundwave5

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« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2004, 08:43:56 PM »
I'll be honest. I am a pretty hardcore Nintendo fan, but I will admit when someone else has a better product. I think for a lot of people PSP is the better product.

For $50 more you're getting a huge generation leap in visuals, but not only that the widescreen display and the 24-bit color depth is practically unheard of on a portable device. Ask anyone who's demoed the unit at E3 or TGS, the display on the PSP is gorgeous.

Battery life is lower, but that's to be expected. Sony has wisely though added the option of swappable battery paks. You can effectively bring your PSP battery life up to 8-12 hours for longer road trips if you go with a second battery.

The touchscreen on the DS is very cool. I think it's a good idea. My personal gripes with the DS is the image quality is really horrid. I don't mind the N64 graphics, I still fire up my N64 now and again and have no problems except for the choppy framerate of the FPS titles. I don't however like the "jaggy" look of the DS in 3D though. It reminds me of the original Playstation or Saturn, and I just hate that "look".

DS is a nice looking unit, but the PSP is actually apparently a bit smaller and even lighter. And I think it just looks really badass.

Game wise, right now both systems seem to have a lot of ports or "expanded" quickie sequels.

If you like Nintendo's franchises obviously I would say go with DS, if you like more of Playstation-centric franchises like Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry, etc. PSP is your ticket.

I'm getting both, but I like the PSP a little more at this point. For me it's got a bit more "wow" factor to it, whereas with DS, I'm not so sure it's not just a stop gap until they can get a proper Game Boy Next out.  

Offline Edfishy

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« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2004, 08:50:13 PM »

Originally posted by: soundwave5

...whereas with DS, I'm not so sure it's not just a stop gap until they can get a proper Game Boy Next out.

Doubtful.  This sounds like it'll be a keeper for atleast four years, which I cannot promise with the PSP, since the PSP is going all out technology.  Its technology will be dated within two years.

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« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2004, 09:19:47 PM »
The PSP will be supported for a while simply because it's going to take Sony a while to break even and make a profit on the unit (we're talking years, not months).

Nintendo has said openly that Game Boy Next continues in development. So I don't know.  

Offline Procession

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« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2004, 09:25:05 PM »
Ouch. Nintendo have made the same mistake as with the Gamecube. Opportunity cost. If Joe Public sees to PSP with superior graphics AND MP3 playing capabilities (which it now does have, as opposed to ATRAC as was initially planned) for only $35 more - what do you think they're going to go for?

I know what I am - I could do with an MP3 player.

Offline Lost101

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« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2004, 10:50:43 PM »
I have to admit the PSP is pretty impressive.  For 185, the only thing that could kill it is battery life.  I have a feeling that all this stuff comes at a catch though.  Such an early launch, so cheap, so powerful and such a big screen...  not to mention all those features.  IM sorry but when a consumer hears "two screens" he has to be proven its a good idea, when he hears "MP3 player" he knows its a good idea.  This wouldnt be a problem if Nintendo dropped a commercial every now and then.

35 dollars for a leap from N64 graphics to PS2 graphics, thats how most people will see it, and hell even I am tempted by it and Im a huge nintendo fan.  In an ideal world Nintendo would drop the price of the DS by $50 right now.  Call me an optimist,
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Offline chain chomp

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« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2004, 11:13:29 PM »
guys the psp doesnt have to be $100 dollars more than the DS for the DS to crush it
nintendo have put their heart and soul into this device (something they didnt do with the GC) and its showing 3rd best selling console nintendo will win the war microsoft will go first then sony vs nintendo nintendo will win psp will attack gba SP and win but the ds  AND GC WILL CRUSH PSP THEN GBA 2 DS GC REVOLUTION WILL CRUSH PS3

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« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2004, 11:19:06 PM »
Thats nice and all but lets step back into reality for a bit.  Simply put if you gave a brief description (which is what most consumers will get) I bet dollars to donuts that people would choose PSP over DS 9 out of 10 times.  It makes more sense.  Im sure that a touch screen and microphones are really great ideas, hell I wouldve been all for it a while back, but nope, the DS has serious competition and as of right now Nintendo wouldve been safer simply going for a really supped up GBA than trying to reinvent the wheel.

I know all of y'all are really into innovation, I am too, but hell do y'all remember your initial reactions to the DS?  Not good were they?  Most people will first hear about the DS at the store right after seeing a PSP commercial.  
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Offline KDR_11k

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« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2004, 12:32:19 AM »
For me the decision isn't DS or PSP, it's PSP or PS2. But then I'm not an average casual gamer.

I have doubts about Sony's data. It doesn't add up. At first they claim a price close to 500$, now they're down to 190$, prices don't come down like that, they must take heavy losses there. Since unlike Microsoft Sony isn't profitable and actually NEEDS the profits of their game division this would mean they're screwed. They wouldn't do that.
I'm thinking it's a lie. Sony sees they cannot take down the DS in a fair match and decides to use the same strategy they used on the Dreamcast: Pretend their "super powerful" system is just around the corner and hope this prevents people from buying the DS. I'm expecting the PSP to come out a year later after dozens of delays and at a price of 300$.

Offline Quigoni

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« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2004, 01:18:34 AM »

Having played the DS (yesterday) and knowing my personal opinion when I first heard about it (holy crap that's cool!) I feel that the DS will do better in the end in this market.  Yes, the PSP has certain appeal, but you can get a better MP3 player and a movie player.  Heck cellphones now a days do that! (well mine does anyway.)  

What I'm not impressed with the PSP is with the propriatery memory sticks.  I mean I can understand that for a console system, but a portable?  That's one too many trinkets to be carrying along I think.

I was very impressed by the DS yesterday with the games I played and that really helps my thinking here.


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« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2004, 01:18:50 AM »
All in all, Nintendo needs to prove the DS is the third tier, not a GBA successor.

The way to do that is release a Gameboy Next, make that the PSP competitor, not the DS. Because head-to-head, the DS doesn't really match up. Consumers, in spite of whether or not they are, will see the new functionalities as gimmicks. This is not predicting the DS as a total failure, but it is a niche product. Nintendo has to realise it is a little too left-field for many consumers AND developers.

Nintendo have a lot to lose here, with what, 99% of the handheld market. If they lose even 30% of that share to Sony, it's a huge blow. The PSP is serious competition, and this price point has proved. I know people are also skeptical about battery life, but to be honest, even if you only get 3-4 hours, it's something I can deal with. I only play my Gameboy at home, and when I do take it places, I don't really play for more than 3-4 hours without the opportunity of recharging. Also, battery technology is only going to get better.

And chain chomp: "heart and soul" - you're kidding right?

Offline KDR_11k

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« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2004, 04:45:04 AM »
If Nintendo loses only a minority of their share to Sony Sony's screwed. Sony thrives on having the majority of the market and thereby leaving third parties no choice but to come to them. If they don't have this majority devs will not flock to them that easily as many devs only support the market leader. Unlike Nintendo, Sony cannot survive if their third party support collapses. Ninty could have had the third party support of the NGage and still have enough big titles on the system to sell a few million. Sony would be screwed.

Offline Spak-Spang

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« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2004, 04:58:17 AM »
I wonder.

How much money is Sony losing on the PSP with this price?  I thought everyone was saying there was no way to create that system on the cheap, and yet we see the prices now.

Nintendo DS is still unique, and it has a very strong presence in Japan, and very unique gameplay options.  This will help Nintendo sell the system.  

Actually this is going to be very good for us gamers in America, because what it means is Nintendo is going to push to have their first party games ready to counter the American Launch of the system.  

We will probably get more games sooner, than Nintendo's usual 1 game every few months that Nintendo likes to pull on us.  

I expect to see Metroid Hunters as the game to is released the same day as PSP in America.  

Offline norebonomis

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« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2004, 05:17:25 AM »
while i still think the DS is way better, the PSP is prettier and people are biased because they all bought PS2s beacause they wanted to be cool. my prediction is that the psp will probably to better than the ds at first, but once people realize that their exposed PSP screen is gonna get scratched pretty easily they will want a clam-shel design.

also when i was at EBGames yesterday trading in my gameboy for credit twards my DS pre-order, i felt like i was being treated badly because i was a nintendo fan. i then overheard the guys in the back room dissing the gamecube. how is our favorite game company going to pull through when all these stupid americans are following their blind programmed biases? ninty should take a lesson from some of the 527 election ads and really tear sony down. if not that's ok cuz nintendo is bound to come out on top.
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