You guys are expecting way too much for these launch titles. How long have developers been working on these games? How much of their resources do you think they are spending on DS development? At least there are games coming out. The N64 had what, 2 or was it 3 games at launch? Wasn't it just pilotwings and mario? And also compare the graphics of mario 64 to perfect dark, conker, majora's mask, and other late titles. You guys need to have patience and just be happy this thing will launch early and have a PSP-free holiday season, so that next year everyone will already own lots of DS's when PSP comes out and Nintendo will be in a nice position to churn out quality games. Porting games and then modifying them is easy...and with a system being released like 6 months after its debut (which everyone seems to have forgotten, do you expect perfect games in like 8 months or so, provided dev's had kits at least 2 months before E3?) you can't expect so much. Think of it this way. By the time PSP is released is probably around when the real, more original DS games will be coming out. However since Nintendo released so early, you'll be getting your fine games the same time PSP comes out for the first time, and you already have plenty of ports and early games. And if Nintendo is right, so will 4 million other DS owners. Anyway, it's all good, just trust them and quit complaining. This is why game developers don't want to show things at all. Just look at what happened to Fable on Xbox. Lionhead studios talked too much, the game got overhyped, and while it was a fine game people were just disappointed....