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Messages - slingshot

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: Revolutionary Controller
« on: May 20, 2005, 06:53:07 AM »
The REV has ports for the CUBE controllers.  We read it on IGN- and it was announced.  They are under the flap- also under the flap is where you put the CUbe memory cards.  Since you can use the old controllers, you can play all the old games- because the Cube controllers have a d pad, and a and b buttons- that goes all the way back to the nes.  Cube controllers also have all additoinal buttons that ALL preceding controllers had- plus extras.  

My money is still on gyros.  NOT just for some easy control features- but I really think that NINTY has found a way to give US feedback through the gyros.  Like you r controller feeling bouyant on the water in WAVE RACE.  OR feeling the moguls under your skis in a ski race game- or when you play a skateboard game you feel the controller dip down and then rise up (breif weightlessness, and then another plummet down)  We are not just talking about tilting the controller around to emulate the analog stick- this is going to be really big.  After all- we have heard many times that playing is key here.  My faith is in the big N.  Simplification has to come from gyros, but also the type of feedback that I mentioned is possible- I know they have done it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REGGIE IS ARIES!
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:55:28 AM »
YOU ARE CORRECT~  Well.  The internet had it listed both ways- but WEBSTER says ARIES - Constellation, and ARES- Greek God of WAR.

Thanks- that means he would have been going for the Constellation- unless he misspelled it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Thursday-aton!
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:48:39 AM »
what is ON?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REGGIE IS ARIES!
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:47:02 AM »
It does make sense though.  Aries is the GOD OF WAR to the Greeks (interchangable with Mars for the ROmans as the same name), and he may be bringing a Trojan Horse to the battlegound today.
Though, Aries is also the constellation between Taurus and Pices (bull, and 2fish)  And in his constellation form, Aries is a ram.  The constellation of Aries is regarded as the first sign of Astrology.  Astrology - that is to say the recorded symbology of the constellations- first came about around 2,000 years ago.  The sun sets and rises at a point on the horizon, and when Astrology was concieved of, the sun rose (or set, I can't recall) right in front of the constellation of Aries on the horizon.

So Aries was viewed as the "first" constellation.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: REGGIE IS ARIES!
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:22:19 AM »
WOw- so Reggie IS Aries.  I wouldn't have thought...  But that certainly gives me hope that something very VERY cool is going down today- as Aries is the one that broke that news.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: First Revolution Picture! (Plus new details!)
« on: May 17, 2005, 03:39:35 AM »
It will be awesome.

I am sure someone will come up with a "jacket" to cover the ReV in whatever lollipop junk you want.  "skins" are popular with cell phones.

THe cafe is supposed to have a live feed for the NINTENDO Press confr before E3.  THey may also have the E3 stream.

Go here :

The Nintendo Media Briefing will be held on May 17th at 9:30 AM pacific time (12:30 PM easterntime)

I hope I can view it- what do they use as a media player?  WinMedPlayer?  Quicktime?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:No Live Webcast on
« on: May 10, 2005, 04:30:21 AM »
Sweet-!  I think that deserves it's own topic.


The Nintendo Media Briefing will be held on May 17th at 9:30 AM pacific time (12:30 PM eastern time)

Nintendo Gaming / RE: cutting edge voice alteration~
« on: May 04, 2005, 04:14:59 AM »
My idea was not that you would hear it after you finished saying it, like a recording- but AT THE SAME TIME as you are saying it- only louder- so you would only hear the altered voice over your own.  

It was a cool thought- but I think it would probably suck in reality.

Nintendo Gaming / cutting edge voice alteration~
« on: May 03, 2005, 06:59:56 AM »
WOW- I just realized something.  All this talk about a wireless headset, and the ability to comunication through vocal commands that are fairly advanced sounded cool- but I was worried about one thing: my voice would sound really dumb next to, say, princess Zelda, and Gannon.  BUT, what if some voice distortion was included in the deal, so that when I talk, my voice can be changed somehow- to sound like LINK, or MARIO, or whatever!?  That would be so cool-

just a thought.

I think this thread has gone as far as it can...

Nintendo Gaming / RE: eh, some more rumors
« on: April 28, 2005, 03:30:45 AM »


OH, I know               Sauercout  !!!!!!!

Glad I didn't read that junk-

Yeah - that would add tons of simplicity to racing games.  And imagine firing a bow and arrow by squeezing one of the grips to draw the bow, and then letting it go like an arrow.
Or how about in a Zelda game where  you have to lift something heavy, you will have to squeeze harder to lift it than if you lift a lighter object. (once you have lifted the object I think you shouldn't  have to maintain the SAME ammount of pressure to keep  holding it, just maintain some  pressure, and when you want to drop it, release the squeeze entirely.

I think everyon has overlooked something very important here.  How many of you have ever used a computer with voice recognition?  This works FAR beyond one word c ommands.  You can throw away your keyboard.  My friend dictates all of his messages that he emails to me- and his computer converts his voice into text.  

HELLO- CHAT ROOMS- you talk live like on the phone through the headset- OR- you dictate words for the REV to type into text.  Sweet!  

The SQUEEZE grips are nothing more than analog shoulder buttons placed on the handles.  The L and R buttons were pressure sensative in Star fox right?  I can't recall.  But on the Rev they are just covered in something softer so they don't feel like buttons.  I'd still wager that there are buttons under that grip though.

There is a difference between IN  YOUR FACE 3D and slight 3D- just like there is a difference between those little 3D hologram stickers and REAL nice holograms that come out of a picture.

you need those crazy glasses for the 3D that flys over your head, but maybe NIntendo came up with a way to make images just a little bit 3D.  Nothing crazy, but just enough to say- WOW!  

I think it is a cool concept- and as I stated before, I'll buy no matter what it is.  I just want to see something, or hear something.

SOme people are silly.  3D is awesome!  The concept of it is great!  So far the execution of it has not been great.  I'm glad
you bogus naysayers weren't the ones working on the first airplanes!  Telling the Wright bothers that they were crazy because only birds fly, and everyone knows that cars are the future of transportation- Flying- HAH, never going to happen.

Someone will do 3D propperly some day- and then we will see how great it can be.

It could come from the rev----- projected out of the top, straight up towards the screen so there is no glare in your eyes, or reflection of fthe screen.  

The 3 D that Lucas is talkin about , and I read that JAmes Cameron is almost done filming an underwater movie that uses this technology, does not require any glasses.  How it works- I have no idea.  But I read that the movies are in 3D, and have no funky colors.  We may not be talking about flying over-your-head 3D, but the images come out of the screen enough to convey depth.  Because you don't need glasses, people should be able to easily see the 3D effect.  I honestly would not have thought this was possible for a home console yet- since I know it hasn't even hit theaters yet.  But- I guess we should have an idea in 4 weeks.

For those that just want better graphics and nothing more- buy the EX or PS.  For everyone that wants better graphics and a whole lot more- NINTY!!!!!!!!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE: No Revolution at E3?
« on: April 24, 2005, 05:49:13 AM »
Not quite like that.  According to the footage of Immersion, anything in the real world can effect anything digitally created- but not the other way around.  If something is moving in the real world like a see-saw, you could be sitting on one end, and mario on the other end, and if you made the see saw move up and down by yourself, on the screen Mario would move just like a person sitting on the other side of the see-saw.

But, Immersion will not play a part in home gaming.  It would be cool the first time you played it, but it would get very old, very fast without the diversity of levels.

As I've stated before, Immersion has its future in real life advertising, retail, real world interactivity.  If it branches off a bit, it has gaming potential.  It will need to be able to put gamers into the game to interact with the digital world, rather than game elements into the real world.  That would be awesome.  We would have to wear some sort of wireless equipment like what is used in motion capture, but very light weight, that could be picked up by cameras.  I still don't know how running would be taken into account.

Anyways Nintendo isn't going to do this stuff.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: No Revolution at E3?
« on: April 23, 2005, 05:44:12 AM »

We reported recently that a rumor was swirling that the Nintendo Revolution is under such secrecy that the console wouldn't be making an appearance at next month's E3 in Los Angeles.

Today, we've gotten word through Fragland that Nintendo has confirmed the next-generation console will indeed make an appearance at E3. No confirmation if the console will actually be playable, but we'll keep our fingers crossed that it will.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: General Revolution Talk
« on: April 20, 2005, 03:47:37 AM »
I don't think so.  It doesn't seem likely.  I thought that all handhelds were cartridge based- not disc based.  Its been a while.
I would think that a handheld is such a different product than a home console that you would simply not be able to have
previous games compatible.  Everything has to be smaller, the controls are much different - out of necessity.

And unless I missed a big Nintendo announcement, I seriously doubt that they would release a second portable right after
they released the DS portable.  And at the same time as the REV.  Sounds like rumer juice to me.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:No Revolution at E3?
« on: April 19, 2005, 05:24:36 PM »
If you don't want your junk copied, then patant it- if you can't do that, then it will be copied as soon as it is released, so
you might as well show it now, and let us play it.  Who cares if the controller gets copied anyways.  Wouldn't you
rather buy the console that originated an idea, instead of one that copied another idea?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Devloping For Revolution
« on: April 17, 2005, 05:53:48 PM »
Hmmm... I am a tremendous clownboat?  I didn't chose that.   Wierd stuff.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Devloping For Revolution
« on: April 17, 2005, 05:52:06 PM »
I am still loving the EAZY TO LOSE  thing!

wow, there are a lot of new emotion things here- wonder what they look like.
comic book

Never Happening
I am a tremendous clownboat.

tiku tiku tiku!

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