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Messages - iTZKooPA

Pages: [1] 2
Nintendo Gaming / RE: Ikaruga $19.99 at best buy
« on: September 14, 2003, 08:38:24 PM »
yea it was awesome
good at any price

Nintendo Gaming / RE: F-Zero
« on: September 14, 2003, 08:16:53 PM »
yea FZero definltey i have madden barely play it over SC2 Fzero and Mario Golf

you guys using customized cars for the story or no? can you customize cars to be fast than the normal pre-builts?


who knows anywhere with Fzero AX?  im gonna go searching the phili area, thought we should report to each other if we find any (im willing to hit any arcade from phili to connecticut)

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Soul Calibur 2 Discussion
« on: September 14, 2003, 07:57:26 PM »
i would have boughten it either way
needed a fighter and i also loved SC on DC although i played ALOT more MvC2 and was ALOT better at that

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Doshin the Giant (Bad News)
« on: September 14, 2003, 07:52:29 PM »
it was said along time ago that it was gonna come to US but i never heard anything else
hell i forgot about it till you reminded me
it was on n64 in japan also wasnt it?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: GameCube goes on-line?
« on: September 13, 2003, 12:58:15 PM »
if they made you use a specific ISP their inet side of gaming would NEVER get off the ground, ever

Nintendo Gaming / RE: METROID PRIME 2
« on: September 13, 2003, 12:56:10 PM »
theres some thinking that their might be multiplayer support (wierd eh) and some other actuall concreate facts i read somewhere else

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Might Electronic Arts be working with Nintendo?
« on: September 13, 2003, 12:51:56 PM »
their arent rumors that they are working together
they flt out are for the GC/GBC games as for soemthing aside that i dont know anything yet either
i do know that Nintendo is making a big push for 3rd party developers and to stengthen ties with them (after they tour them up in their we own the market days...)

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New York Post slams Nintendo
« on: September 13, 2003, 12:49:18 PM »
well they cant get an expert at every field, thats why they are SUPPOSED to do research an such

Nintendo Gaming / RE: The console being produced after GC
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:54:53 AM »
Phantom is in fact real and why do you think they are making a console with MS (unless thats sarcasim)

Nintendo Gaming / RE: GameCube goes on-line?
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:46:52 AM »
and whoever said the BBA was discontinued was a lil misinformed
from what I was told by a Ninty rep the launch of them was to see how things would sell (although maybe they should have put more games out at that time?) anyways after they stopped shipping them he told me that they would "be re-released at a later date"   so maybe the time has come where i dont just play PSO I&II online and get some other stuff also

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Soul Calibur 2 Discussion
« on: September 10, 2003, 09:23:54 AM »
well if you didnt care for the first one i dont think youd care for the second
do you just not like fighting games or just not this type of fighting games?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo to go the way of Sega - Nintendo is for kids
« on: September 10, 2003, 08:52:40 AM »
Nintendo has ALWAYS been very secretive.  I think the media is just being stupid.  If they would look a the number they would see that Nintendo isn't losing tons of money or anything, they are just losing the race.  That doesn't mean they are screwed financially (because they aren't).  Instead they just go with whatever people tell them.  Eidos said it was decling business so they took it at face value instead of looking into things themselves (we already have questions Eidos' comments about N in another post to death).  Reporters, and even website reporters should look into stuff, unless the guy was being objective (such as if he simply reported Eidos' decision, instead of using some analyst and only one and formulating a "report") which he certainly wasn't.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Soul Calibur 2 Discussion
« on: September 10, 2003, 06:30:34 AM »
grrrr forums timeout but it still gets the message somehow

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Soul Calibur 2 Discussion
« on: September 10, 2003, 06:29:24 AM »
yea they look alot kooler but i think Links throws can be used very well, i have a combo that if someone doesnt block at the right moment (or has a pretty) slow character i can either get a very fast ring out (depending on the arena) or simply get the like 50% dead, pretty effective ive been looking into other guys also now, still need to finish weapons mode, how many chapters are their anyways?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New European Stars Catalogue
« on: September 10, 2003, 06:26:50 AM »
yea thats alot of gifts
im sure alot of them will be small like little trinkets and stuff, stuffed animals and crap like that (like the old Nintendo Power Catalogue) but some of that stuff was really kool

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Rebel Strike Wallpaper
« on: September 10, 2003, 06:22:57 AM »
i kinda wanna see that Mario Kart one now

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo to go the way of Sega - Nintendo is for kids
« on: September 10, 2003, 06:20:27 AM »
yea NY Post is pretty crappy, but still people read it so its alot of disinformation

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Japanese Hardware & Software #s!
« on: September 10, 2003, 06:19:04 AM »
didnt beat them by much but they beat them
shoutouts to Namco for releasing 2 great game so close together, always loved em but they just never put out enough games

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo to go the way of Sega - Nintendo is for kids
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:14:28 AM »
Although it has supported more "adult" games (including the "Star Wars" titles), the average Nintendo buyer is about 10 years younger than the owner of a PlayStation 2.

Star Wars?! Thats what they point out? What about Eternal Darkness or Resident Evil or something with ACTUAL ADULT CONTENT?!

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Zelda bonus disc?
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:10:17 AM »
i am just gonna wait and see before i get excited because im already getting pretty excited

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo to go the way of Sega - Nintendo is for kids
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:06:35 AM »
yea this lady is just utterly stupid
now ya gotta realize its not doing as well as Nintendo hopped but they did already announce a new system for GBA and a new console and they also announced theyd never drop support, but instead just leave the industry

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Zelda bonus disc?
« on: September 09, 2003, 06:15:28 PM »
A link the to past was done by Nintendo alone, the port, well thats another story

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Zelda bonus disc?
« on: September 09, 2003, 06:12:08 PM »
haha yea sounds pretty damned kool, refer to the rumors post though :/

Nintendo Gaming / RE: New Zelda bonus disc?
« on: September 09, 2003, 05:19:13 PM »
haha yea sounds pretty damned kool, refer to the rumors post though :/

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Yay more rumors!(plus more Killer 7 info)
« on: September 09, 2003, 04:22:25 PM »
hurry up with NFS UG then

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