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Nintendo Gaming / RE:EBgames "don't open ToS right away"
« on: July 14, 2004, 09:01:14 PM »
I didnt reserve and gamestop still got me one, HAHAHAHA!

Without the glitches it would still be below GTA, it has better graphics than GTA but in GTA you can do a bit more stuff and actually have varied weapons in  your base instead of just pistols( which you upgrade throughout the game), but you can pick up the weapons of the enemies you kill you just can't keep them.  Also in GTA some of the buildings enhance the gameplay in the game(Like spots where you can snipe and buy weapons, etc...) , but in True Crime the buildings are just there to make it look like L.A. nothing more.  Overall it's an alright game if you really like these kinds of games.

By glitches in True Crime i mean:

Cars sometimes nowhere to be found on the street you are on
Store places are behind buildings where there is no street
Clipping through walls when driving really fast then you get stuck

True Crime if you have never played any GTA game before then you can be satisfied with this game, but if you have then this game will be kind of a disappointment to you since the developers didn't really polish all the glitches that are in the game.  Overall the game is alright not bad or good, plenty of action and has better visuals than GTA just the glitches that bring it down.

General Chat / RE:Newbie Check-In ... right this way!
« on: May 23, 2004, 07:29:28 PM »

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
A last name

Hehehe u got it, to the rest of you that thought what i think you were thinking shame on you, lol....

General Chat / RE:Newbie Check-In ... right this way!
« on: May 21, 2004, 07:42:01 PM »
Guys got a riddle for you...
What is it that all men have one of; it's longer on some men than on others; the pope doesn't use his; and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?

If anyone likes Gundam type games, Custom Robo is pretty good only downside are the levels are a little too small for the kind of weapons u use in the game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: April 13, 2004, 10:53:01 PM »
Y?! NO.... This really is a downer, my most anticipated game was gonna come from them, Too Human, and there is a chance that it wont be an exclusive to Nintendo or even come to Nintendo at all because of the kiddy image. If Too Human goes to a different console i'm oficially going to go multiplatform or maybe even give up on Nintendo the way things are going now... No sequel to Tales of Symphonia, Developers dropping off Nintendo, y is this happening?!? Now all i can really look forward to from Nintendo is Metroid 2, Custom Robo, and Zelda WW2. These guys were my favorite developers maybe i'm overreacting because of the shock this news has brought me, but these were the guys that made me stick with Nintendo, they made me think Nintendo was gonna become number one again with the way these guys created their games, and they didn't mind making it for mature audiences, so Nintendo had a chance of reaching the "older" crowd. Maybe i will feel better tomorrow morning, maybe it's because of fatigue from my job that is doing all this overreacting, but right now i feel like selling my Gamecube and getting a PS2!!!!! Or even breaking my Gamecube!! AHHHHH!!!! I'm done, this is really depressing my new favorite Nintendo developer gone just like that......  

TalkBack / RE:Silicon Knights Breaks with Nintendo
« on: April 13, 2004, 10:51:47 PM »
Y?! NO.... This really is a downer, my most anticipated game was gonna come from them, Too Human, and there is a chance that it wont be an exclusive to Nintendo or even come to Nintendo at all because of the kiddy image. If Too Human goes to a different console i'm oficially going to go multiplatform or maybe even give up on Nintendo the way things are going now... No sequel to Tales of Symphonia, Developers dropping off Nintendo, y is this happening?!? Now all i can really look forward to from Nintendo is Metroid 2, Custom Robo, and Zelda WW2. These guys were my favorite developers maybe i'm overreacting because of the shock this news has brought me, but these were the guys that made me stick with Nintendo, they made me think Nintendo was gonna become number one again with the way these guys created their games, and they didn't mind making it for mature audiences, so Nintendo had a chance of reaching the "older" crowd. Maybe i will feel better tomorrow morning, maybe it's because of fatigue from my job that is doing all this overreacting, but right now i feel like selling my Gamecube and getting a PS2!!!!! Or even breaking my Gamecube!! AHHHHH!!!! I'm done, this is really depressing my new favorite Nintendo developer gone just like that...... evil;

This game is short, i just beat it yesterday, only took me 11 hours, would be shorter (a lot shorter) but it took time to watch all the movies, lol.  It was fun while it lasted

General Chat / RE:Random Thoughts
« on: March 27, 2004, 07:07:57 AM »

General Chat / RE:Comics
« on: March 18, 2004, 07:38:37 PM »
Hehehe, weird people actually responded to this.... I just put this to show my cousin that i linked to his website because he got some clicks from here, and i forgot i could just go to my profile, lol.

General Chat / Comics
« on: March 15, 2004, 07:54:02 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Motal Kombat : Deception
« on: February 27, 2004, 07:49:55 PM »
I did not like Deadly alliance, and i dont think i will like this one either, as long as i got soul calibur and ssmb i'm fine with this announcement.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:SK developing next Zelda
« on: February 23, 2004, 05:11:24 PM »
Yeah me too, i had lots of fun playing ED!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:is XIII a cool game????
« on: February 17, 2004, 05:59:19 PM »
this is a poll also

I dont trust IGN reviews as much anymore, i go to they have video reviews for free, and i usually like what they like, and also what they hate; so that is where i go for reviews.

That is an easy question to answer....

All you have to do is use the force, duh. Hehehehe

No but really, how do you know that, that is the best it could be?  Ideas are always popping up in peoples mind, they just need to learn how to make it into a reality.  It is hard for us to think that there is something better than what that genre has to offer now, because we don't have the imaginations of other people that see something different.

Yeah, discs do take up more power, and the cartridge format Nintendo is using is different from the regular GBA it's suppose to be cheaper and faster to produce.

Get Final Fantasy its a pretty fun hack and slash title with friends

Nintendo Gaming / RE:METROID PRIME 2
« on: February 09, 2004, 06:53:49 PM »
yeah i hope they dont change it either, i think the AI were perfect; I dont want it to turn out like the rest of the Nintendo games where there is hardly any challenge.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:FF Crystal Chronicles: Ask a question, get an answer
« on: February 09, 2004, 04:58:59 PM »
Yup I'm getting mine tomorrow afternoon

Yeah if this new system is really as innovative as they say it is... two screens?!  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:FF CC comercials? Thoughts?
« on: February 09, 2004, 02:13:56 PM »

Originally posted by: AiAi
I didn't like the FF: CC commercial Berto2K put up.  Not enough game footage to show how beautiful it is.  And what was the point of having teenagers at the top of a building with magic in their hands?

It's Nintendo's trademark of innovation, lol.

Yeah, i partially agree with this article... Especially the memory card for the GC, one sports game can take up most of the 251 memory card already.

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