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Messages - Skyman_Welks

Pages: [1] 2 3
Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario 128 early 06 with a fixed camera - EGM
« on: April 06, 2005, 06:03:57 AM »
Miyamoto doesn't need to use drugs to be creative. He's Japanese.

It's interesting to see that a lot of us share the same ideas as to what a new Mario should be like. Some people have discussed the idea of mixing 2D and 3D.

The way I see it, in a game like this, the 3D portion (resembling that of mario 64 and sunshine) could be compared to the map or overworld in mario 3, and world. I'm not saying it would be a map, I'm just saying it would be like an overworld that gives entrances to action sidescrolling 2D or 2.5D levels.

I'm thinking in the overworld, graphics would be like what we've seen so far in the 3D games, but then when you take a pipe to an action level, graphics are totally different and maybe even twisted. For some reason, Viewtiful Joe comes to mind.....

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What old franchises should Nintendo bring back?
« on: September 17, 2004, 12:09:25 PM »
Kid Icarus (!!!!!!!!111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111!!!!111111)

I suppose those are the only ones I would like to see make a comeback.

General Chat / RE:Official Avatar Discussion
« on: June 11, 2004, 04:38:35 AM »
I was thinking it was too big, so size.... but I have it sized at 96 x 96..... I wasn't aware that 100 x 100 was the max when I made it.....

ah well, it still looks good to me

p.s. it's the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto!

General Chat / RE:Official Avatar Discussion
« on: June 10, 2004, 06:18:38 PM »

you like? Too bad I couldn't fit the whole thing.....

General Chat / RE:Official Avatar Discussion
« on: June 10, 2004, 06:10:36 PM »
just want to see what my custom made avatar looks like......


Edit: What? I am able to view it in my profile...... maybe I need a different host? Does freewebs not work or something?

General Gaming / RE:E3 awards
« on: May 14, 2004, 01:32:56 PM »
Best Graphics:
Legend of Zelda (GCN) - "WOW"
Resident Evil 4 (GCN) - Capcom is doing a great job with this one
Paper Mario (GCN) - I love graphics that break away from the norm

Biggest Surprise:
The Legend of Zelda (GCN) - My god...... I was so shocked..... I could not stand still after reading and seeing it
Nintendo DS - I was worried about this new device, but it turns out I am very impressed with its capabilities
The Legend of Zelda: The Minnish Cap (GBA) - What kind of cap is that? Is that a bird head or what? Anyways, I can't wait to play this game and see all the new items and tools

Biggest Disappointment:
No new Kid Icarus??? It makes me want to cry... so many predictions that it would be unveiled... I had my fingers crossed that the news would come each day.  I also would have liked to see a glimpse of mario 128. That's really all for me...... I had many other hopes, but most of them weren't realistic.  If a new Kid Icarus would have been announced.... I would never have forgotten this year's E3, and in my opinion it could never be topped.

I cannot stress this point enough!

Most Anticipated:
Paper Mario 2 (GCN)
The Legend of Zelda (GCN)
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)
Metroid Prime 2 (GCN)
Geist (GCN)

Paper Mario 2 - I never played the first game for the N64, because I just recently got into RPGs, but I know a lot of people loved the original so I am really excited to play this!

The Legend of Zelda - no matter what it looks like or how it's played I will always long for the release of the next chapter in this series.  I can't wait to see what the main concept is for this game. (i.e. controlling time, wind, etc..)

Not to get off topic but it looks like Link lives in a barren world that's overrun by armies of evil. Maybe there was a war and the Hylians lost.  Then, Link will acquire an item that will allow him to call on the souls of the dead hylian soldiers.  Then they will assist him in battle.  

The Legend of Zelda: The Minnish Cap - Again, it's a new zelda game and it looks great!

Metroid Prime 2 - At first I wasn't too interested but I absolutely love the story of this game, with the dark and light areas.

Geist - interesting and original concept. I can't wait to play this one.  

Edit: Disappointment
Where were Silicon Knights?


see my crappy however many minute cover art projects

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GameCube face plate templates
« on: April 30, 2004, 02:53:37 AM »
well, measuring it wouldn't exactly work, because I need the logo part on the spine, the logo for the top (on the front), as well as the black area on the back.

Nintendo Gaming / Can someone help me?
« on: April 29, 2004, 03:38:15 PM »
Does anyone know where I can find the gamecube cover template?  You know, the template that many people use to make custom cover art and actually use it for their games by inserting it into the cases?

There are some that I would like to make, but I don't know where to find the template.  Any help would be much appreciated.


Sky W.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo is sitting on a rpg goldmine/power house
« on: April 29, 2004, 11:23:53 AM »

Originally posted by: the_zombie_luke

Originally posted by: Bill
They did...In fact, it was supposed to be a sister series to Zelda, but it just wasn't a hit like it...

Which is disappointing. Startropics had such interesting stuff in it. Such as pouring water on the instruction manual to get that number, and it had stuff that reminded me of The Goonies. I think it would be awesome for Nintendo to dust off lesser-known franchises like Startropics and Kid Icarus, and give them another chance at the limelight.

I completely agree.  I wish these series had gained more popularity because they were great games.  Maybe it would be difficult translating them to 3d, but I still have my fingers crossed for some "surprise announcement"

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo is sitting on a rpg goldmine/power house
« on: April 27, 2004, 12:01:47 PM »
I would love to see a new startropics as an action RPG.

Swinging your yo-yo at an enemie and seeing the "level up" notice appear above Mike's head.........ahhhh.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 17, 2004, 04:10:48 AM »
What if there was a game called "Kid Death", "Kid Murder" or "Kid Kill"........... I could see those games using dark graphics... that's why I can't agree with what you said about the word Kid.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 01:53:06 PM »

Originally posted by: Evan_G
I have played the original Kid Icarus a few times... it was extremely hard and cheap.  I would love to see a new Star Tropics, though.  It is one of my favourite NES games.

not to get off topic, but I agree. Kid Icarus and StarTropics are the two top games on my desired sequals list

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 01:35:37 PM »

Originally posted by: GoldShadow1
WHY must Capcom change an intriguing, possibly unique new title into yet another known Nintendo franchise?  Can't anyone release any games without roman numerals or colons?  I would much prefer Dead Pheonix stay as it was originally seen.  I don't want another SFA.

Normally I would agree with you. I am all for the presence of new characters and new stories, but if this is the only chance I have at seeing my beloved Kid Icarus return, then I must support it. I guess I'm being a little selfish.... I apologize for that.  Think of it this way though, would you rather they really did cancel the game, or that it come back as a Kid Icarus title?

BTW, I am enjoying reading your replies!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 01:31:38 PM »
oops, I guess what I meant to say was that Kid Icarus had a gothic atmosphere, as many sites describe it in the game.  The reason I love the game so much is because I'm obsessed with Greek mythology, so shame on me for not being clearer

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 01:16:37 PM »
Ok, I see where you are coming from now.  A while back, I too felt that way, but I really wouldn't mind Kid Icarus making that kind of change now.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 01:08:39 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
Now obviously Sky W. has played it because he referenced parts of the game but a lot of people are asking for it and I doubt all of them know what it is.

Yeah, I have both games, and I've beaten them both. I love this series to death, and that's why I want an updated version.


I also don't think Dead Phoenix is a good fit for Kid Icarus.  I don't see Kid Icarus as a dark or realistic looking game at all.  It looks quite cartoony to me.

When you say that, do you mean that based on the graphical style of the game, the art found in the instruction booklets, or is it just a personal opinion? In my personal opinion, I could see a dark Kid Icarus. Not a dark story, but a dark world that it takes place in.... because the original had that same dark gothic style.

anyways, I have never played a rail shooter before, but I am very interested in this game...... I hope it's released in one form or another because I am really looking forward to it.  I could see myself spending hours with a gamecube version of Kid Icarus, and I believe Capcom is really qualified for the job.

A gameboy advance version would be alright, I guess..... I'm not really interested in the gameboy though... maybe if they used a link up feature.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 12:17:59 PM »
You have some good points, Kingvudu, but I really hope they are not true.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 11:50:27 AM »
^ I have not heard that one.

Nintendo Gaming / Dead Phoenix - Kid Icarus conversion
« on: April 16, 2004, 11:44:30 AM »
I wish I could confirm this, but that is not the point of this topic.  I just wanted to point out a few reasons as to why this may be true.  I would also like to hear your opinions on the matter.  Would you like a new Kid Icarus?  Do you think we'll see or hear something at E3? Your thoughts?

Some of the points I wish to make
     - Dead Phoenix sported a gothic style, almost reminiscent to the original NES version of Kid Icarus
     - The game originally took place in a mythical world filled with amazing and unique architecture
     - The main character has wings and eventually gains the ability to fly
     - The main character fires projectiles for offense, which could be converted to Pit's arrows
     - The main character gains physical and other item upgrades throughout the game, just like in Kid Icarus
     - (not sure) A capcom representative once stated that they would like to collaborate with Nintendo on another
        one of their popular franchises (this was stated after the zelda games)
     - Capcom is very experienced with shooters and action games
     - If I remember correctly, one of the aspects of Dead Phoenix allowed you to command and control an army
       of some sort.  If this information is wrong, please correct me.  Anyways, if anyone remembers the dungeons
       in Kid Icarus, you were able to free soldiers trapped in stone and they would assist you during the boss
       battle.  I thought these two concepts would make a good conversion

So what are your opinions on this? Do you have any other similarities to add?  I'm exstatic about a new Kid Icarus and I am really interested in hearing what you have to say.

One thing I liked about Dead Phoenix was the style of graphics.... they were a bit edgier and darker, and I think it would be great to see a new Kid Icarus with that style.

If I am posting in the wrong forum, I apologize.... I thought this would fit well in the gamecube discussion, but because I mentioned E3, I wasn't sure if it should be there instead.

Please, post away!

Sky W.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Killer 7 no longer gamecube exclusive!
« on: January 31, 2004, 05:26:20 AM »
I remember this.... in the E3 issues of Nintendo power, in the featured articles, they showed screens from the games that made an appearance, and the exclusive titles had the blue triangle exclusive things at the top corner, but it was conspicuously absent from the Killer 7 screen.... so I emailed Nintendo about it, but obviously, they didn't have much to say.

So this has been planned for awhile, I assume.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Baten Kaitos
« on: December 13, 2003, 08:26:01 AM »
Is it out in Japan yet?

At first I wasn't too thrilled with the card system either, but now I think it looks pretty interesting.  I was wondering, does anyone know where I can find a picture of the Japanese box art?

I'll definitely be getting both ToS and this!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: November 19, 2003, 02:25:58 PM »
Well, I got mario party 5 today, and registered my cube and that game, but they didn't have mario kart yet. They said they'd call me tomorrow...... I was looking forward to playing it tonight too.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: November 18, 2003, 05:27:12 PM »
That was quick!
Thanks guys!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: November 18, 2003, 04:47:35 PM »
Ok, Just so I know in advance (yes I am a very ignorant person) where do I find the PIN numbers? Once I go get my two games tomorrow, I want to register asap. Where do I find my PIN for the cube itself?


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