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Messages - rlse9

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I'm sure Nintendo would never do it but having a 3D Mario HD collection would be awesome.  I have all of the original games but the convenience of not having to hook up old systems and graphics that are updated would sell me on it.

Off-TV play for the Wii lets you use the Gamepad as your screen but you still have to use the Wii controllers to control the game.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Splatoon!!
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:40:11 PM »
I still don't know why Nintendo is not making a very hard push to get Sports games.  They are in that cross section of the Venn Diagram that Nintendo needs.
The problem is that sports games don't sell on Nintendo consoles unless it's a Mario game or Wii Sports or something along those lines.  The NCAA football games sold so poorly that they stopped making them way back on the Gamecube.  Even with as amazing as Tiger Woods was using motion controls, it didn't sell enough to for them to make the 2013 version on Wii. EA re-invented Madden to try to appeal to the Wii audience its sales still paled in comparison to the other consoles.  I wish they did sell better and I think it'd be awesome if Nintendo were to make a push for more sports games but I doubt it'll happen.  I think the vast majority of people who own Nintendo systems that are interested in sports games also own another system and play their sports games on that system.

TalkBack / Re: Hyrule Warriors Almost Featured Playable Tingle
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:08:04 PM »
He's the Scrappy Doo of Zelda.
This comparison hits the nail on the head.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Deluxe Digital Promotion tally
« on: December 28, 2014, 05:51:33 PM »
After making one more purchase on the eShop (probably Toki Tori 2+) I'll have gotten $15 worth of codes.  Not bad considering I got the Deluxe bundle with NSMB for $205 plus tax from Target and I've basically only bought games that were on sale for cheap and the Mario Kart DLC.

The game looks good.  And I'm a fan of the price being the same as Captain Toad (if they do the same thing here as in Japan), it just makes sense for games like this.

Is this the first Wii U game to emphasize using the stylus at all?  I can't remember any other trailers that showed using it and I don't believe I've used it in any of the games I've played.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Amazing Deals!
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:10:14 PM »
Came here to post about the plethora of sales on the eShop right now but I see Soren beat me to it.  I've already picked up Armillo and Steamworld Dig, and just got around to finally connecting an external hard drive so I can download Pure Chess, Toki Tori 2+, and Resident Evil Revelations.

Don't forget, the Digital Deluxe Promotion ends next Wednesday, so it's worth checking to see how close you are to getting a $5 reward.  I'm guessing that's part of why there's so many sales going on right now, combined with the people who got a system for Christmas, it's a good time to be putting games on sale.  The sales on the eShop have changed from basically all starting on Thursday to updating throughout the week, so if there's nothing of interest on sale right now, it might be worth waiting to see if anything gets released Monday or Tuesday before just buying something for the sake of buying to get to that next reward.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Let's Talk Amiibo!
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:36:13 AM »
I find it kind of funny how people on the internet went from complaining that the quality of Amiibo was so poor that they weren't worth buying and that they're overpriced for what they are to complaining that they're selling out too quickly that they can't find them in stores.

Hmm... some people might have made those complaints.

Mine were more along the lines of:
(1) production models are significantly worse than display models, with some poor decisions (like Link's yellow stick) standing out as particularly unfortunate
(2) they are slightly overpriced, but that's not a huge surprise given the source
(3) distribution has been very poor and it's frustrating for anyone who doesn't want the main Nintendo mascots to be driven to an absolutely ridiculous scalper market to get the figures they want, while NoA and retailers make contradictory and unclear statements about whether specific figures will be reprinted/restocked

And which one of those complaints are wrong?   :confused;
None of those complaints are wrong, but the rhetoric across the internet in general, not anyone in particular here, seems to be a little more extreme than your reasonable complaints.

So why is everything well stocked in Japan and not here?  Are there retailer exclusives there or is that just a US thing?  Is it NoA being completely incompetent here and NoJ having a clue or is it retailers here being less willing to order stock and devote shelf space to something Wii U based?  I can kind of see retailers not wanting to have tons of of lesser known characters that they think they'll end up stuck with and Nintendo not wanting to have warehouses full of figures they can't get on store shelves, but after seeing the success they've had, it is kind of bizarre that they haven't said that they're going to produce more of something that people clearly want.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Let's Talk Amiibo!
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:39:05 AM »
I find it kind of funny how people on the internet went from complaining that the quality of Amiibo was so poor that they weren't worth buying and that they're overpriced for what they are to complaining that they're selling out too quickly that they can't find them in stores.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Where should Nintendo go from here?
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:27:15 PM »
The place Nintendo should go from here is back in time a couple weeks and make the deluxe bundle with Nintendoland and Mario 3D World a Black Friday deal everywhere for $250 with a store gift card, instead of it being $250 at Target in a week.  I think at the right price, they could have done very well this holiday season.  The lineup at this point is good, especially if it's a second system like it will be for most people.  But while the deals on the X-Box One were really good and it sounds like moved a ton of consoles, Nintendo just let the Wii U sit around at full price.  Maybe Smash and Amiibo helped them sell a good amount of consoles but the lack of deals this holiday season seems like it was a missed opportunity.

As far as what I'd like to see, Animal Crossing is at the top of the list.  It's the perfect game for having off TV play.  I'm excited about several of the games they've already announced, just supplement the list with a few surprises and maybe some collaborations with other companies, like they did with Hyrule Warriors, to add to the list of releases and I'll be happy.  I know it'll never happen but I'd love to see a Mario HD collection with Mario 64, Sunshine, and the Galaxy games.

This definitely makes this more interesting.  I was expecting that the game would include just SMB and NSMB styles and others would be released as DLC.

TalkBack / Re: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:41:03 PM »
Count me in as weird.

Game sounds great except the whole inability to turn the gyroscope off.  It seems obvious to include that option.

TalkBack / Re: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Review
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:47:22 PM »
My biggest disappointment from this review isn't that the game is a train wreck, it's that it wasn't reviewed by James Jones, I was hoping to hear a rant about how awful this game is on RFN...

TalkBack / Re: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Review
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:08:52 PM »
I'm guessing it's going to be a 9.0, assuming that the online play is good but not without flaws, which seems to be par for the course with Nintendo.

I hope the online play is good, I have no one locally to play with and the single player in Smash is always fun but does get old after a while.

That's pretty impressive, with Nintendo announcing the free game promo with Mario Kart 8, I'd imagine the pre-order numbers for MK8 were pretty high.  I have Smash Bros. pre-ordered through Kmart with $40 back in rewards points, but I'm guessing the order will get cancelled like most pre-orders through them have been recently.

TalkBack / Re: Zelda Wii U, Star Fox Set for 2015 Release
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:25:00 AM »
I'm a little surprised Xenoblade isn't listed as first half of 2015...I thought that was more of a just missed being ready for 2014 than a holiday 2015 title.  But maybe they're just being conservative and not announcing it being earlier in 2015 until they're sure.

I know they only listed games that they've already announced but Animal Crossing has to be a 2015 title, doesn't it?  It just seems like a given that they'd have that ready before the holidays roll around next year.

TalkBack / Re: Pikmin Shorts Coming to the 3DS
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:29:48 AM »
Not what I expected when I read the title.  I thought it was going to be short downloadable games for the 3DS, kinda how they've released Brain Age and Electroplankton games bite sized games as downloadables.  This is still interesting, though, I finally started playing Pikmin 3 about a week ago, having a blast with it so far, hopefully they go less than two generations before the next proper release in the series.

TalkBack / Re: Harrowing Survival RPG, Impact Winter, Could Come to Wii U
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:21:27 PM »
Looks fairly interesting, my first thought when reading about this game was the Lost In Blue games for the DS.  This seems a little darker and with a little more to it, but is definitely something I'd be interested in if it's as good as they make it out to be.  Hopefully it reaches the stretch goal.

TalkBack / Re: Smash Bros. Wii U, Captain Toad Release Dates Announced
« on: October 07, 2014, 09:38:03 PM »
I have Smash Bros. pre-ordered from K-Mart with $40 in points coming back with it, I'm assuming there's about a 90% chance my pre-order gets cancelled like my Mario Kart 8 pre-order (and like most of their pre-orders it seems) but hopefully their customer service people will be good about fixing it.

I'm excited about Captain Toad and will definitely be picking it up, maybe with the $40 in points if by some miracle the order from K-Mart doesn't get cancelled.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: After this gen, I'm jumping ship.
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:52:13 PM »
So much for my reading comprehension. I can't tell if this is a compliment, insult or criticism of the whole forum.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Post your favorite Wii U games
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:33:40 AM »
So far I'd have to say Mass Effect 3.  Not a Wii U exclusive but wow, this game drew in me unlike basically any game in the past 5 years or so.  The last game to get me hooked as much as ME3 was probably 999.  I've only owned Nintendo systems so this was my first time playing a game in the series.  I'm not generally a big fan of shooting games (partially because I'm bad at them) but I enjoyed the mix of shooting and special powers in this game, I was impressed by how massive the universe of the game was and the detail that went into it, and the story was generally really good, though it did get a little bizarre at times.  Using the gamepad screen as a map isn't revolutionary but it was really helpful and I wouldn't have wanted to play the game without it.  If you haven't played any of the games in the series, I highly recommend it, the way they briefly covered the events of the previous two games in the intro was good enough to have an idea of what's going on without having to play the previous games and it can be found cheaply, I got it from Amazon for around $10.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: After this gen, I'm jumping ship.
« on: September 04, 2014, 10:44:24 PM »
Agree completely.  If you factor in the Shop Your Way rewards points for a couple K-Mart pre-orders, I haven't spent more than $20 for a Wii U game yet and I have what I consider to be a pretty good collection of games.  If you're not concerned about playing online, it makes no difference in playing the game whether it's a day after a game releases or a year after but the price is a big difference.  Assassin's Creed IV went from $60 to being on sale for under $20 in 6 months...

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Bayonetta 2, now with twice as much Bayonetta
« on: September 02, 2014, 09:32:53 PM »
What's Nintendo's Nintendo Direct to games released ratio been recently?  I'm going to guess that they've done more Nintendo Directs this year than games they have released.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Mario Kart 8 DLC Leaked? Yes!
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:39:47 PM »
Hopefully these are reasonably priced because they look pretty good.  I wonder if the tracks will be new, old, or a mix of new and guess would be 4 new tracks, 4 remakes in each pack.  I wonder if they'll include Zelda/Animal Crossing themed tracks, seems like it would only make sense.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: GIANT RUMOR: Pro Evolution 2015 coming to Wii U?
« on: August 12, 2014, 03:04:10 PM »
I'm not a soccer fan but FIFA 13 is a really fun game and uses the gamepad pretty well in my opinion.  It's a shame that sports games just don't sell on Nintendo platforms, that's the one area that being Nintendo only has been an issue for me, no college football games in the past decade, no Tiger Woods for the past few years (even with how incredibly good 11/12 were on the Wii), and now basically nothing at all on the Wii U.

TalkBack / Re: Super Smash Bros For 3DS And Wii U Menu Music
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:51:39 PM »
Not gonna lie, I initially misread the title and thought it said Wii U Music and almost fell off the couch thinking that a sequel to Wii Music had somehow been announced.

Maybe it's because I'm not a huge fan of the game (though I'll buy it and definitely enjoy it) but I'm experiencing Smash Bros. information fatigue...I could hear nothing more about the game until the reviews for the Wii U version come out and I'd be perfectly happy.  I get that it's a huge game for them and they want to keep it in peoples' minds as much as possible but the slow drip of information is just too much for me.

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