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Messages - Dirk Temporo

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General Gaming / Re: Medal of Honor...... Still Too Soon?
« on: October 14, 2010, 04:04:36 PM »
It wasn't like there was a multiplayer game that let you play AS the Nazis.

I'm pretty sure that every multiplayer WWII game ever had the ability to do that.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Conduit 2 confirmed.
« on: October 13, 2010, 06:49:21 PM »
For release? No, the trailer says February 2011. FPS Wii titles really seem to be getting stronger. I hope this is the start of a new trend for the closing chapters of the system's life.

Yeah, I posted that before I watched the video. I was reading what IGN listed as the release date. Makes me wonder why, when posting a video with a release date in it, they wouldn't update the site's date at the same time.

Anyway, like Brandogg said, it looked like there was a bit of slowdown. Of course looking at all the nonsene going on on the screen, I can't say I'm surprised. It's quite a bit for a Wii game. Split screen models look like crap, of course, but SPLIT SCREEN MULTIPLAYER.

And honestly, there's still five months for them to polish everything up. I expect most of the slowdown to be gone by release

General Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Online
« on: October 13, 2010, 03:08:47 PM »
4.0 from Gamespot and a 5.5 from IGN, huh?

Good to see their laziness in map design didn't carry over to the rest of the game.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Conduit 2 confirmed.
« on: October 13, 2010, 02:23:35 PM »
Wait, November 2nd? Really?

TalkBack / Re: Epic's Rein: '3DS Unlikely to Run Unreal Engine'
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:55:54 PM »
I actually talked to my friend who previous to the release of Gears of War and the general downfall of Epic, was a huge Epic fanboy.

What he was telling me is that Unreal Engine 3 was designed from the ground up in several different sections to run on each of the systems it's currently on (360, PS3, iPhone). What he was saying is that since the engine is designed so specifically for each platform, that in order to port it to a completely new system, they would likely have to develop it again from the ground up for the new system.

It seems to make a reasonable amount of sense to me, and in the end still results in more or less the same thing, which is Mark Rein crapping on Nintendo again and not wanting to spend the resources getting it done.

EDIT: Oh yeah, he also mentioned how they're probably pooling most of their resources into finishing Unreal Engine 4. Makes me wonder if they'll put it on Nintendo's new system. I get the feeling the answer would be no, regardless of how powerful it is.

TalkBack / Re: Activision Reveals X-Men: Destiny
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:51:45 PM »
I hope it's an action game.

TalkBack / Re: Epic's Rein: '3DS Unlikely to Run Unreal Engine'
« on: October 06, 2010, 10:36:43 PM »
Yes, the 3DS needs over-rated third person shooters that are not that great to begin with.


Yeah, we know. You don't like it so everybody else is wrong.

Anyway, is this idiot really trying to tell us that UE3 can be run on the iPhone but NOT on a system that displays 3D graphics without the need for glasses, while at the same time, in FIRST-GENERATION GAMES, delivers graphics comparable in quality to a late-generation original Xbox games?

I mean really. Epic has been going straight downhill since they released Gears of War. UT3 was a joke of a game. It had half the content at launch as both the original UT and 2004.

TalkBack / Re: Captain America: Super Soldier Details from Sega
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:13:55 PM »
I think we should be more worried about the quality of movie-to-videogame adaptations than anything else.

General Gaming / Re: Pachter: Apple will have a game console soon
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:13:02 PM »
Wasn't Pachter the one that predicted that PS3 would "definitely" win this generation's console war?

General Gaming / Re: CoD: Black Ops to charge for dedicated servers
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:12:06 PM »
Makes me glad I don't rely on the PC for the majority of my gaming needs.

Why? Were you planning on renting a server or something? Because if you weren't, it's still free.

So I wasn't far off when I thought the Goldeneye trailers all looked like Call of Duty.

Because this is exactly what all the people buying this for nostalgia want.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: everything the 3ds should do!
« on: September 30, 2010, 03:25:34 PM »
Did you just say that the central processing unit has nothing to do with displaying images on the screen?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: MGS:3DS
« on: September 30, 2010, 03:24:24 PM »
It's also obviously in-game. There is no way that it's pre-rendered.

General Gaming / Re: Castlevania Lords of Shadow
« on: September 30, 2010, 03:21:19 PM »
I don't like combat systems that are more complex than one attack move and I don't like platforming that's more complex than one jump button

That's the best I've got.

Turning Castlevania into a weird sort of hack and slash action platformer is an interesting idea. I say if it works, more power to them.

General Gaming / Re: Steve Wiebe regains Donkey Kong World Record!
« on: September 22, 2010, 03:54:54 AM »
I wouldn't call it good news, the game comes of as a douche to me. That movie was terrible because the producers delibritely made Billy Mitchell look like a bad guy. So maybe it's just the producers that make Wiebe look that way.

As for the record, after Mitchell got back the record he immediatly ended the game rather than run up the score even higher. I think Mitchell can get it back if he wants to.

The director of the movie said he had to cut the film specifically to make Billy Mitchell look like LESS of a douchebag.

Republic Commando. Could be the best game ever.

I just noticed this little comment.  Nice choice.  I don't think any other game since has even attempted to try the same things.  A sequel might even tell me what happened to Sev, too, dang it.  I read the stupid books hoping to get an answer to that -- something I regret on multiple levels.

Honestly Republic Commando desperately needed co-op. I don't know why it didn't have it. You play the entire game with three AIs at your side. How hard would it be to replace them with a player and up the difficulty?

General Gaming / Re: Halo Reach
« on: September 15, 2010, 03:31:50 PM »
Not really that big a deal since your motion tracker goes haywire every time there's somebody with active camo nearby. The general direction of the swarm of dots will tell you what direction they're in, and from there, it's just a matter of keeping your eyes peeled. I was going to one-shot a non-moving cloaked guy with my shotgun last night, and just as I pulled the trigger, my friend ran in front of me, so I ended up one-shotting him instead, and the cloaked guy promptly decloaked and unloaded on my face.

Assuming that the new Ogre Battle would be more like a Tactics Ogre game, turn-based 3rd person shooter movement ala Valkyria (for example, you move within an archer's sight range, and she tries to shoot you); a leveling system where all members of a specific class level-up so you can feel free to swap in characters as you need them rather than grinding them; and an overall fanciful art style that would mesh well with the old 2D Ogre Battle sprite look.  If we got a true OB64-style Ogre Battle, things would have to be different of course.

Ah, I see. Yeah, with a Tactics Ogre approach, I can see how it would benefit from some of Valkyria's additions. To be honest though, I always preferred the original Ogre Battle to both OB64 and Tactics Ogre. I did like Tactics Ogre more than OB64 however. I keep wanting to see classic Ogre Battle make a comeback, maybe in the form of a downloadable game or a handheld title.

I would revive the Ogre Battle IP, perhaps incorporating gameplay advances from Valkyria Chronicles.

I'm all for a new Ogre Battle, but after having watch a friend play Valkyria Chronicles, I'm not really seeing what sort of "advances" could be carried over from that game.

General Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Online
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:58:27 PM »
No, the picture is pointing out the fact that every single circle of the same color is around an object that has been duplicated, then rotated in order to fill out the environment. In an MMO, the world is arguably the single most important aspect of the game, so to see such blatant laziness hardly instills me with confidence.

General Gaming / Re: Prejudice
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:56:22 AM »
No, I figured it out. It was just a terrible idea.

General Gaming / Re: Halo Reach
« on: September 12, 2010, 07:38:42 PM »
I wasn't aware this was significantly different; where could I go to find out more about these differences? I never liked the way Halo plays, but if this is different I may be interested, because I don't feel like buying Call of Duty again.

Hard to say. My impressions of the game came from playing the beta quite a bit. The number one change is the addition of armor abilities. Basically, in your average match, every time you spawn, you have the option of picking an armor ability to spawn with. The armor abilities are Jetpack, Sprint, Camo, Armor Lock, Hologram, Drop Shield, and Evade.

In typical matches, you won't have Evade because it's usually an Elite-only ability. It's basically their dodge rolling from all the single-player campaigns, only you can do it. It's very useful as you can close wide distances very quickly, and also use it to execute evasive or tactical maneuvers because you get two evades with your armor ability charge.

Jetpack is pretty much how it sounds, it's probably the best application of them in a multiplayer game since the Tribes games. Sprint is self-explanatory. Camo replaces the active camouflage pickup from previous games, so basically a cloaking device. Drop Shield replaces the bubble shield pickup from the previous games, adding the ability to heal any allies inside the shield, only the Drop Shield has a limited number of "hit points" so if it takes enough damage, it will go down. Armor Lock freezes you in place for a number of seconds (not sure on the exact amount), and for the time you're in armor lock, you're completely invincible. Upon coming out of the armor lock, it will release an EMP blast that will take down the shields of anybody close enough to you. The obvious disadvantage to this is that people can pretty much just chuck grenades at the right time, and you'll die right as you come out. Usually want some backup. Hologram sends an intangible copy of you Spartan running either in a straight line, or towards a point that you set previously. Good for distraction and flanking.

Now keep in mind that before, Halo had pretty much nothing going for it anything like this. Yeah, it had camo and bubble shield, but they were pickups. In Reach, EVERYBODY starts with one of these abilities, and has it the WHOLE match. The entire dynamic of encounters in the game plays out differently than it did in the older games, because everybody has a new way of fighting.

Republic Commando. Could be the best game ever.

General Gaming / Re: Prejudice
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:21:36 AM »
Is it still going to play like ****?

General Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy XIV Online
« on: September 12, 2010, 12:06:20 AM »
I'm not seeing any reason to buy this. At all. I mean, is it really going to ride on the Final Fantasy name that much? Because honestly, there's nothing we've heard about this game that hasn't already been done. With no changes to core gameplay mechanics, why are people so excited about this versus other MMOs, especially Guild Wars 2 and Old Republic, both of which are bringing veritable boatloads of changes to the MMO genre?

And I just found this. Goddamn.

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