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Messages - BlackNMild2k1

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General Chat / RE:Get your custom title here
« on: October 07, 2004, 02:08:02 PM »
"Its dark in here, and I can't see"

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Clues to Nintendo's Movie Dreams??
« on: October 07, 2004, 02:01:40 PM »
couldn't the clever one just stand outside the theater while the movie is playing, and download the same content?
It is transmitted wirelessly and those wireless frequencies do travel through walls...... right  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:When is the October 7th news conference?
« on: October 07, 2004, 12:40:50 PM »

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
Just think of it like this:  Ninty will catch most of the Ninty-fan crowd and casual gamers that loved Mario 64 with SM64 DS...Then the newer games will start coming out once a base starts to form...Though us hardcore gamers would love to start off with the new titles, it's not really the best way to start off a system launch...

My thoughts exactly, but I'm gonna try and put them in my own words now

Nintendo knows that they will have the early adopters/hardcore nintendo fans at launch no matter what, so they release a remake to one of (if not) the best 3D platformer to garner attention. After the Early Adopters get a grasp on the system and start to spread the word, then they drop the new killer apps to give the  mainstream gamers another reason to be interested and check it out.

General Gaming / RE:Keyboard & mouse for PS2 & Xbox
« on: October 07, 2004, 11:47:54 AM »
The Keyboard & Mouse is only $30.00, how can you afford the $50.00 game, plus online fee (for Xbox) and not afford the keyboard & mouse?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Silicon Knights and Nintendo break up
« on: October 06, 2004, 06:58:57 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane

The Xbox stuff mentioned on IGN pissed me off huge when I read it.  When I bought a Cube I assumed that Too Human, Perfect Dark, and Conker would be exclusives.  To have all three of them jump to the Xbox with Nintendo not really providing any sort of similar replacement really pisses me off.

But Xbox hasn't received any of them yet either. The only one that will likely make it out this generation (you never know with RARE, they have ever made a release date), would be Conker, and that in itself is sad because that game was completed how many years ago? All they are doing is updating graphics and adding a more fleshed out multiplayer w/ online capabilities, and maybe (if were're lucky) another movie parody or two.

basically all I'm saying is that there is no real reason to be pissed, cause we haven't missed out on anything yet, cause it still hasn't been delivered to anyone.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:DS vs PSP: An intelligent comparison
« on: October 06, 2004, 05:28:56 PM »
When and where did they announce the price of PSP?

I saw no press release.  Can you provide a link?

PS. The UMD is suppossed to hold >= 1 GB  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ummm... DS + Warppipe Crew = ????
« on: October 06, 2004, 12:32:32 PM »
Here is a summary of all the Warpipe madness

-=WarpPipe Forums=-

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Sly Cooper for gamecube
« on: October 06, 2004, 12:39:47 AM »
better or more is the question.....

I have SMS and played it relentlessly for weeks and I still havn't<sp> beat it (really difficuilt at some parts)
and I admit that I don't own a playstation and havn't played 'most' of the games mentioned in here...

Sonic 2 battle -  i gave an eehhh (not my type of game){not a big sonic fan}
Billy hatcher -  I only played for about 30 minutes, but it seems like it could be fun if I gave it the chance & the time
Wario World - never played, only seen video

Sly Cooper: watched someone play - Sly Cooper 2 looks like more fun
Ratchet & Clank 1 &/or 2- I wanna play, heard it was pretty fun(minus the collect-athon)
Kingdom Hearts - definately want to play (should have been released on GC)
Jak & Dax - ??.... havn't <sp>  heard the best about that series, but I never played it. (so who am I to comment?)

But if your son is looking for a good platformer, I do suggest SMS(good challenge) or Billy Hatcher(might fit his age range a little more as far as fun & difficulty to complete)

but thats just my opinion, so take it for what its worth......

Nintendo Gaming / RE:When is the October 7th news conference?
« on: October 05, 2004, 06:41:45 PM »
I could probably get in trouble for telling you this, but......

*leans in real close*

I think its.....

*looks around carefully*

on October 7th


General Gaming / RE:ITT: PSP Discussion
« on: October 05, 2004, 05:28:15 PM »
According to (scroll down the page), a developer says that PSP will be able to connect to the Xbox

Translated from dutch:

PSP, the new portable game system of Sony Computer Entertainment, would be able to make according to single game developers also a connection with the Xbox game system of Microsoft.

General Gaming / RE:*rumor*PSP PRICE ANNOUNCED!!!
« on: October 05, 2004, 12:40:08 AM »
according to a quote on another forum, PSP was not mentioned<sp> at the conference, which might add a little fuel to the 'being delayed till late next year, developers having problems with battery life' rumor.


I went to Sony's December retailer meeting... Tales (Rebirth), MGS3, Ratchet3, GT4, Kagerou2, FF&DQ Itadaki St., Gundam vs Z-Gundam, Kessen 3, Bleach (Jump Manga), DMC3, Capcom Fighting Jam, Simple 2000 Series... that just about covers it. There was no announcement of PSP price or release date.

General Gaming / RE:*rumor*PSP PRICE ANNOUNCED!!!
« on: October 05, 2004, 12:20:51 AM »
Professional 666
that picture of Reggie is kinda freaky

$49.99 GOOD LORD THATS A LOT A MONEY!!!!!!! (for a DS game that is)

I seriously hope that is only an estimate in price and games are no more than $27.99 - $34.99
which would in turn make GBA games drop to $14.99 - $24.99 depending on the game.

General Gaming / RE:*rumor*PSP PRICE ANNOUNCED!!!
« on: October 04, 2004, 02:23:29 PM »
actually I got it translated already (bored at work w/ 2 much free time)


Does Sony plan 'PlayStation Dealers Conference' / PSP-Preisbekanntgabe?  

04.10.04 - Sony sent in Japan invitations for one 'PlayStation Dealers Conference' at the specialty shop.  The organization takes place three times: at the 05.10.04 in Tokyo, at the 06.10.04 in Nagoya and at the 07.10.04 in Osaka.  

Planned is, to introduce dealers the coming Lineup for PLAYSTATION2 and PSP.  Possibly Sony will announce also the price of PSP to the specialty shop.  

General Gaming / RE:*rumor*PSP PRICE ANNOUNCED!!!
« on: October 04, 2004, 02:19:02 PM »
PSP Price to be annouced tomorrow?

Sony is having a Sony Dealer's Conference tomorrow

Sony plant 'PlayStation Dealers Conference' / PSP-Preisbekanntgabe?

04.10.04 - Sony hat in Japan Einladungen für eine 'PlayStation Dealers Conference' an den Fachhandel verschickt. Die Veranstaltung findet drei Mal statt: Am 05.10.04 in Tokio, am 06.10.04 in Nagoya und am 07.10.04 in Osaka.

Geplant ist, Händlern das kommende Lineup für PlayStation2 und PSP vorzustellen. Möglicherweise wird Sony dem Fachhandel auch den Preis von PSP bekanntgeben.

NE1 care to translate?

General Gaming / Keyboard & mouse for PS2 & Xbox
« on: October 04, 2004, 12:33:09 PM »
found in the Liksang Forums there is now gonna be a mouse and keybord setup for Xbox & PS2.

I'm not a 100% sure but didn't Microsoft say that there would never be a mouse  & keyboard setup for the Xbox because they didn't want you to confuse it with a PC?

& it will be compatible with Xbox LIVE!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Amazing Deals!
« on: October 04, 2004, 11:22:27 AM »

Originally posted by: Kotula53
Hunter the reckoning - 5.99
Dead to rights 1st one -5.99
F-zero -   14.99

good eh?

but you buy it where?

unless its supposed to be a secret  

General Chat / RE:Spider Man the New Animated Series "MTV"
« on: September 23, 2004, 12:35:04 PM »
'Mainframe'..... Are they the same people that did the cartoon 'REBOOT'?

General Gaming / RE:New PS2 Official Nov 1
« on: September 21, 2004, 03:00:12 PM »
From what I have read, SONY will be supporting both models, thier current SH000????Whatever & the PSTwo
so you should be able to decide which one suits you better

General Gaming / RE:New PS2 Official Nov 1
« on: September 21, 2004, 01:10:09 PM »
And I can also see that it is a top loader (it has to be), but I don't see the 2 usb slots and there is nowhere to hook up the HDD (that I can see).

Lots of pictures and comparisons HERE

General Gaming / RE:New PS2 Official Nov 1
« on: September 21, 2004, 12:16:20 PM »
topic already posted

you added that it would be delayed to Nov. 1st and that it is even smaller than previously thought.

75% smaller!? that is gonna be about the size of a large portable walkman?  

General Gaming / PSTwo to be released this Oct.?
« on: September 16, 2004, 11:25:25 AM »
according to Sony is releasing thier remodeled PSTwo, which is suppossedly 30% smaller and has a built in network adapter @ a price of $149.99.

They are speculated to release the PSTwo at the same time as GTA:SA this October to help boost sales for thier 4th Quarter, and possibly to also soften the impact of the release of Halo 2.  

General Gaming / RE:GI World Exclusive Look at 1st Next Generation Game
« on: September 15, 2004, 04:39:04 PM »
If you want to see scans of this Elderscroll IV you can find them in the 'console' forum section of

General Gaming / RE:The only good use of the Eyetoy
« on: September 14, 2004, 06:06:44 PM »
I don't know about sports, but I remember that they were gonna do domething like this back on the N64 B4 nintendo said no. They were gonna let you put your face on the characters for Perfect Dark and you yourself in the game via GB camera. but then Columbine happend and everyone got all sensitive.  But other than that only THUG let you put your face in the game as far as I know

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Goldeneye 007 DS
« on: August 26, 2004, 11:48:03 AM »
According to this is a direct port of Goldeneye 64 (which was made by Rare back in '99) and is a joint venture between Nintendo and EA.

This port will have special additions to the game to take advantage of the DS's special features and will support 16 player support w/ rumors of online support also.

If this is true then I will definately be an early adopter of the DS, probably picking it up on the day it comes out.

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