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Messages - Marcus Arillius

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« on: October 04, 2003, 05:06:24 AM »

Originally posted by: Manny
dam, I never thought I'd see such words in a forum dedicated to nintendo.  Let me just throw in my 2 cents on a few topics.

These forums are to discuss what you think about nintendo and other gaming related topics, not to worship the ground nintendo walks on.   I don't think I'd be here if that was all you could do was talk nice about nintendo.  Although I'm a little bit of a fanboy in nintendo's favor,  I still have gripes about things they do.


Nintendo giving us what they think we want and not what we really want

I think I'll leave nintendo to run their business.  Regardless of sales, they are the most successful of the big 3.  They've been around the longest (in the video game business) so I think its a safe bet to say they know what they doing.  I for one have never had a prob with nintendo's decisions.  Their games have very rarely ever disapointed.  Nintendo keeps the industry interesting with their strange ways.  They are always trying to find that next big thing instead of the usual route taken by the competition.  Lan as apposed to online.  They both have their benefits but when it comes to pure gameplay, Lan provides a better experience.  Internet enables downloadable material and whatnot but IMO it doesnt compare to the speed of LAN and actually bein in the atmosphere of so many people competing.  Only way I can trully see LAN trully overtaking the internet fad is if nintendo makes their N5 portable like the gamecube and have it come with a flip top lcd screen on top.  This will ensure everyone has the portable screen and system in one and its just a matter of having everyone bring their n5s over.  That'll get rid of the hassle of havin to find so many tvs to put in one room, all the cable work required and extra things to purchase.  This is long enough though, sorry to the heads that are annoyed by its length, just skip it or skim through if you must.

I'll agree that nintendo is a very successful company, but ninty is definitely not the most succesful of the big 3.  Nintendo in the red is proof of that.  I don't think internet gaming is a fad. I think its here to stay.  You talk about all these things that nintendo would have to do to overtake internet gaming with lan, well, internet gaming is already here and its getting faster and better al the time and thats what the majority of people want. Yet nintendo still hasnt caught on (with the exception of PSO, of course) therefore, proving my OPINION that nintendo isn't worried about what people want, they're worried about giving people what they think they should have. If the mass market wanted LAN than that would be the "fad" today.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« on: October 02, 2003, 03:12:33 PM »
Although most of what you've said has been said over and over nemo, you make a valid point. Especially when you bring up the fact that most of the cubes big sellers have sold well to begin with but quickly slow to a crawl in terms of sales.  This is entirely likely to happen in my eyes with the cube, but then again, it may continue to wildly sell until sony and xbox match the price drops.

Also, when you say nintendo is shigtendo, i feel like that's very much the case.  I feel like nintendo is telling me what i should like instead of actually delivering what i want recently (when i say recently, i mean the entire cube era and the latter part of the n64 days).
Like this LAN connectivity.  It's way too expensive for everyone to have gamecubes, and its very hard to even find people and make time for everyone to get together and bring their cubes and hook it up.  What a hassle.  Besides, who says i want to get together and play games with other people together, face to face?  I hate people, therefore I don't want to have to look at them.

Also, they boast about their GBA connectivity to the gamecube like its some innovative and cool and amazing thing.  It's a load of crap and basically useless.  

Even though I'm not too fond of internet gaming, i find it more fun than hooking my cube up to my gba so i can get hints and maps on the screen. poo on that.  

On another note, with the gamecube at 99 dollars, I  wonder how low the price of an N64 has dropped to now..... hrmmmm.

General Gaming / RE:Final Fantasy 12 Website Up And Running
« on: October 02, 2003, 04:53:10 AM »
please disregard my previous post where I said "tell me why you didn't like it" or something to that effect.  I had only read the first few comments before posting and then read most of them and realized there was no need for the post. I've really gotta stop doing that. Also, i would have just gone and edited but the forums are being really craptacular and slow today, and i don't have the time to sit and wait to go through and find my post and blah blah blah.

General Gaming / RE:Final Fantasy 12 Website Up And Running
« on: October 01, 2003, 03:54:39 PM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
People that constantly bash the current Final Fantasies always come off as uptight snobs to me. They feel like they're the expect authority on how an RPG should be played, and yet they find no better use for those skills than to bash the hell out of every Final Fantasy game after 6. You get to the point where you expect each following FF game to be horrible, so it should come as no surprise to do when you think they ARE horrible, since you've embedded yourself so deeply in that mindset that you weren't going to change your opinion no matter how good or bad the game actually was. .

My sentiments exactly.

Final Fantasy 2 (american version) is what turned me on to the series and i have liked all of the final fantasies a lot since then.  However, I will say that I liked FF10 the least, but it was still liked.  What was wrong with the other Final fantasies?  Saying it "sucked" or "didn't suck" isn't going to help either.

General Gaming / RE:How come you don't own an X-box? (Why?)
« on: September 27, 2003, 04:24:13 AM »
I don't have one  because they don't have any must have games coming out... well they didn't but know they have Kameo which is a must have title for me.
If they mimic nintendo's price drop I may just have to get an xbox.

General Gaming / RE:Final Fantasy 12 Website Up And Running
« on: September 27, 2003, 04:21:22 AM »
Well, I've liked every final fantasy I've played, and I've played them all except FF:cc, FF tactics advance.  Anyway..... It might be the best one since 6, but not the only one that doesn't suck IMO.
The images (drawings) do like very nice though..... I think this is being taken back to the FF2 (america) days.   It's making me cream my pants just thinking about it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Games that should be remade for the cube
« on: September 27, 2003, 03:59:51 AM »
Beavis and Butthead
Sonic and Knuckles
Sonic 3
All Final Fantasies
All LoZ's

NWR Feedback / RE:PGC Site/Forums sometimes don't load
« on: September 24, 2003, 09:40:33 AM »
The site has been very slow for me the past couple of days.  Sometimes it's so slow that the connection to the server is lost.  Even when i get on, it takes several minutes to load one page, and i have a cable modem.  I know its not my computer because i've used several different browsers and every other site i visit isn't slow loading at all, well not any slower than normal.  PlanetGamecube used to be teh fast, now it is teh slow.  How een teh hell?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Next-Gen Game Boy in 2004?
« on: September 19, 2003, 11:55:12 AM »
Yey, I'm glad my mom bought my little brother an sp and i didn't buy one.  Now I can just wait til' the next GBA successor comes out.. But in actuality, i'm guessing a late 2005 release, at the earliest.  
Doesn't it feel like the GBA and Gamecube just came out? yet they're already being replaced.  I dunno know... i don't feel like i've gotten enough use out of my cube or gba....  just as long as they're all backward compatible,  it won't be that big of a deal.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:The Link Soap
« on: September 19, 2003, 04:10:00 AM »
Meanwhile back at zelda's castle...

Zelda: Everything is falling into place now... the spell I placed on Link is working perfectly... He's completely head over heals for Gannon.

Back at Gannon's

Gannon is looming over a magical crystal ball.... He's spying on Princess Zelda....

GANNON: Muah ha ha hah  *hack.. cough* excuse me.... muah ha ha hah.  The spell I placed on Zelda is working perfectly.... she did exactly what i wanted.... While i used my ability to manipulate her alliance between good evil... so she will be more devilish... (yeah.... its a gift) this in turn allowed me to manipulate her to use her ability to manipulate love.... this way she has made that insufferable Link to fall in love with me and track me down.  Now that he's in my lair I can finally do away with him.  Muah ha ha ha. Muah ha ah.

What will become of Link?  Will he break free of Zelda's love spell?  Will Zelda break free of Gannon's evil spell?  Will Gannon break free of Louie teh cat's spell?  Find out on the next exciting episode of the Link Soap.

General Gaming / RE:Kameo: Elements of Power
« on: September 19, 2003, 03:28:05 AM »
Hey Italian sausage!  The link for the video  does not work

General Gaming / RE:How come you don't own a PS2? (Why?)
« on: September 14, 2003, 03:03:49 PM »
Tengo un PS2 por El Final fantasy y dvd.
So I do own one.  Wow.... I didn't recognize the word "own" for a minute.... isn't that veerd?, like being being from Holland, it's freaky deaky dutch.

General Chat / RE:Tequila Recipes?
« on: September 13, 2003, 09:06:41 AM »
1 part tequilla
2 parts mango juice
squeezed lemon to taste
served extra-chilled in full glass of crushed ice

yummy yummy.... and cheap.

General Gaming / RE:Final Fantasy X-2.
« on: September 13, 2003, 07:46:18 AM »
For anyone that was wondering, this game has been given a release date of "sometime in December" which probaly means a delay until 2004 if past experiences are any indicator of the future releases.

General Chat / RE:Yet another lawsuit against VG makers.....
« on: September 10, 2003, 03:03:21 PM »

Originally posted by: S-U-P-E-R
I get my news somewhere else

yeah, britney spears' news section on her website is great... very informative.

just kidding.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Nintendo to go the way of Sega - Nintendo is for kids
« on: September 10, 2003, 02:21:10 PM »
Everyone should hail AgentSeven, for he is god.  No actually, he's right.... you can't believe news like that because media organizations are actually corporate whores.
They write what their told if it helps out their corporate buddies.

General Chat / RE:Yet another lawsuit against VG makers.....
« on: September 10, 2003, 09:03:30 AM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
Craziness shouldn't be an excuse for not keeping up with world events, Ty. Remember that Alabama Supreme Court judge who placed the Ten Commandments monument in in his court house, and then refused to have it removed when the national Supreme Court orded him to? I'm not here to debate the religious side of this, but he knowingly violated our First Ammendment, which states that the government can make no establishment of religion. Should judges like him be the one protecting the constitution?

He's probaly one of the ones who proposed the official name of "French Fries" be changed to "Freedom Fries."

I could run this entire country by myself with all the knowledge in me bum, better than all the people in office at this moment.... ok maybe not all of them.

General Chat / RE:Yet another lawsuit against VG makers.....
« on: September 10, 2003, 08:58:46 AM »

Originally posted by: oohhboy

Anybody want to take bets when the next nutcase is going to pop-up and what game will be the next scapegoat? Everybody knows where the smart money is going.

this just in:
according to cnn.netster someone in scaggsville, new jersey has gone around splashing paint over the entire town.  Then he took a squirt gun and went around spraying it "feverishly" at the paint while creatures started coming out of the paint which residents in the town have claimed have magical properties.  
When asked why he did it,  lawyers for the 10 year old child said he was just emulating Mario Sunshine.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Princess Mononoke influence in Zelda?
« on: September 04, 2003, 09:54:46 AM »

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing

Communist!  You must be evil!  Communism is bad!  You are bad!  
(nah, just joking, really)

I know you weren't intending it that way, but communism isn't really a necesarrily bad thing, its king of like a way of making sure things are equal amongst the people, although with communism, the way it is imposed by the government isn't always necessarily fair for the people.  If you've ever read a book called "The Giver," it reminds me of a communistic society, but with magic powers.

So basically, communism is for the lazy and dumb.

General Chat / RE:2014 - the year the world will end
« on: September 04, 2003, 02:53:58 AM »

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
We only get bottles, and it's now $1.25.  Too rich for my blood.

it's 1.25 at some of the malls in maryland now for bottled soda.  and also, don't believe in any of that "end of the world crap" because there is no such thing as it.  And if the asteroid is on a collision course with earth, i think 11 years is enough time to do something about it.  Supposedly, we would need at least 7 years to do anything that would have any real effect in preventing the asteroid strike and we have 4 years surplus.  so i wouldn't worry.  well then again, there are always those unseen asteroids with no warnings. so maybe we will all die.  ya know, if you really want to get freaked out, there are millions of black holes out there in our galaxy alone, and they are very teeny tiney, about the size of a marble or less, anyway, you can't see those untill they start to suck of matter of the sun or planets, so there could be numerous black-holes just looming out there, waiting to suck everything up.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Tetra's Trackers and Four Swords...
« on: September 04, 2003, 02:48:10 AM »
Tetra's Trackers= nintendo selling out with their last respectable series.  Link has gone the way of mario.

General Chat / RE:Your most hated games?
« on: August 28, 2003, 11:30:45 AM »
Oh I almost forgot...

Any Madden nfl game.... I HATE.

What the hell, there's like 10 of them and they are all the same god damned game.
they are so much like the same game I ask one of them if they want an ice cream cone and they both say yes.

What's worse is that everyone talks about how great the newest one is and how they can't wait until it comes out..... its like, you've already bought this game.... last year.  

my friend was very excited about getting madden 2003 and i was like, "but you have Madden 2002" and he was like, "they're completely different games" so i was like "how are they different? are they're any different features?, has the gameplay been changed?are there any special new things you can do?" and he was like... "probaly not." and i said why do you want it then?" and he said "cause the players are updated." and i said "that's gay."

which makes me wonder, if the madden series can just come out with the same game over and over and over and people still buy it for reasons like enhanced graphics or updated stats, why is nintendo so worried about doing that with their own franchises like zelda or mario....if people are dumb enough to keep buying "good games" like madden over and over, then they'd sure in the hell be stupid enough to buy a great game like Mario of Zelda over and over if it only came out with a new game that had enhanced graphics or whatever.  blah

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wind Waker 2
« on: August 28, 2003, 11:13:36 AM »

Originally posted by: littledrunkard
and i'm so glad it's cel-shaded, because when has Zelda EVER been 'realistic' as people seem to keep calling it? OoT wasn't realistic whatsoever! you're all basing these hopes on that one video that was released with Link fighting Ganondorf, but in my mind that wasn't Zelda! if you want something like that go play Morowind or Everquest! 'nough said!!!

Of course no-one actually thinks its "realistic." It's just a way to describe the style of the other games versus the cel-shading without having to say something like "the not cel-shaded version of zelda" or something along those lines.  We don't need to delve into semantics here.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Princess Mononoke influence in Zelda?
« on: August 26, 2003, 02:20:17 PM »
i mean, it might be the same person who illustrates that cartoon who did the character design for wind waker.  Yeah, the episode when they flashed back to jacks child-hood is what made me realize that they look exactly the same, samarai jack and link that is.  

General Chat / RE:Your most hated games?
« on: August 26, 2003, 08:23:42 AM »

Originally posted by: rpglover
"It became so boring that I've stopped at the temple of the gods, and i don't have any intention on finishing either."

you still have half the game left there- and personally i thought the game got better as you went further into it- the story line opens up more and the later temples are very fun to play through- i liked the graphics in the game personally- they are a real treat to me- the attention to detale in the world itself is amazing and the gameplay is wonderful as well- i like wind waker a whole lot, not because i love nintendo and miyamoto- but because it is a great game in itself- worthy of the legend of zelda title

meh... i let my little brother play the game after the temple of the gods (just to clarify i did finish the temple of the gods) and there wasn't all that much left to the game cuz i watched him play through for the most part and was still not impressed. but believe me, i tried to force myself to like it and i still couldn't do it, and usually i  like everything i play, and i was shocked that i couldn't like wind waker.... i really did try.   Another thing that aggravates me is that everyone talked about how long wind waker feels like they made the game and then realized you could beat it in 8 hours without a strategy guide and were like "oh crap, we talked about how long and good it was gonna be, we better throw a whole bunch of sidequests in there" then they realized there wouldn't be any point to the sidequests so they just made  you able to get hearts or rupees, and blah blah blah.  and i thought that each tri-force piece would have a temple or something.... no, it didn't, you just had to find them.... which was lame too.  the whole game was finding things.  i didn't want a fricking scavanger hunt... i wanted a game.  i didn't even mind the cel-shading all that much after i started playing, it was the lack of things to do other than finding things that made me hate the game.  What's worse is that ninty is going to make Tetra's trackers.....what the hell?  you know thats just one big scavanger hunt many more scavanger hunts can they shove down our throats under the falsity of a LOZ title.. i feel like the legend of zelda name has been disgraced.  they are trying to turn it into a cash cow like they have with the mario franchise with the mario party, and mario golf and wario world and the list goes on.

also, i hated sonic adventure battle 2, for all the reasons listed by everyone else

i liked final fantasy x, but i hated it for the same exact reasons as infernal monkey, except i didn't think the voice acting was all that bad, just a little cheezy sometimes. but yeah, that forced laughing was a little embarrasing to watch, even for a CGI

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