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Messages - Dozy Boy

Pages: 1 [2]
TalkBack / RE: Wii Zapper Details
« on: September 10, 2007, 06:37:55 PM »
I'd rather pay $19.98 for the game disk alone than $19.99 for the game and the plastic shell. That joke of a peripheral is utterly worthless to me.

Not that the game disk sounds that intriguing anyway.

TalkBack / RE: Pokemon Trainer Revealed As New Brawl Character
« on: August 13, 2007, 04:50:36 AM »
When Squirtle throws a pokeball item, a pokemon trainer should pop out.

TalkBack / RE: Pokemon Trainer Revealed As New Brawl Character
« on: August 13, 2007, 03:22:42 AM »
Where does he stand when everybody is flying around Delfino?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Opera looking for feedback on browser
« on: February 16, 2007, 03:39:25 AM »
I still want the B button to backspace when I type. In any channel. But especially in the Internet channel where I might type uncommonly long things (like forum posts).

TalkBack / RE:The NWR Valentine's Day Nintendogs DS Giveaway
« on: February 08, 2007, 01:08:57 AM »
Must... have wonderful new Nintendo DS...
Must... not... be seen in public with a girly pink handheld...
Gahhh... conflict! Brain... melting...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:26:32 AM »
It's a fun game otherwise, though. Don't get me wrong.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:24:34 AM »
I just got it last night and all I have to say after inviting my friends over is -- not including any multiplayer funtions until 1P mode is finished in a game that is presented as one of the premier party games is outright asinine.

I wonder if some people buy Halo 2 and never touch the campaign. I wonder what those people would have thought if Bungie had made multi an unlockable after beating the game once.

I read someone say in another thread that they want all the multiplayer out of the box. I say that some multiplayer content can be locked; I'm cool with that. Unlock it by playing MULTIPLAYER. Unlock single player content by playing single player. NEVER hide HALF the game, especially if that mode is critical to the game's presentation, which in this case it is.

Dammit, it makes me hope that 1P mode is really short, but in reality I don't hope for that at all.

And while I'm in gripe mode... I can't stand that going to the minigame menu and selecting an individual game will not let you play endlessly at an increasing rate of difficulty for hundreds of minigame high scores. That's where I wasted all my time in the very first Wario Ware, and it was a blast!

Know how it is here? You select your difficulty on a slider, then you play three rounds (15 seconds) of the game. Then you're done. No high scores, no true challenge (since it doesn't stop the three step progression if you lose one of the rounds), no fun whatsoever. What were they thinking? I loved this mode and it was one of the reasons I bought this game in the first place. Had I known what it was like, I very likely would not have made the purchase. Pathetic.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:A concern of
« on: January 05, 2007, 02:24:16 AM »
I seriously thought that this topic was about the .us nonsense. That needs to be fixed in a nintendo update (as well as making the B button backspace).

The cat absolutely never gets the first fish as far as I know. I've started multiple files for the heck of it and seen my cousin play as well. The second fish we catch is always the one the cat gets as though the game is programmed to have you practice for a minute before letting you proceed.

The most amazing thing to me is how those Miis changed their facial expressions. Seriously, I didn't think that would ever happen, since you already choose the emotion when you make a Mii. When you lose in Wii Tennis, for instance, the little guys just leans over like he's really bummed out, but he's still just beaming away. Like when Aeris gets stabbed and she could care less. This is much improved if they really are Miis (and I'm not completely convinced that they are).

Nintendo Gaming / RE:System Update
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:08:27 AM »
Interestingly, this update did something odd to my Wii, but only for a few minutes late last night. I had just gotten off the Shop Channel to play a Virtual Console game, then I hopped right back on Shop. It told me to do the update thing and I got all excited about the Internet possibility. I updated and got on shop again. Black screen.       And more black screen. No Remote response.  Okay. Well I'll just make a sandwich. One sandwich later and... black screen.

So I reset the system and tried again. And again. Black screen. Reset. Um... try ystem update? To my surprise there was one already. I got all excited again, downloaded, and went to the Shop Channel. It was right back to the normal way, just like you guys said. I assumed at the time that they had been trying to do something cool, but messed up and just put the old system files back on for me until they figured it out. So it's possible that you downloaded exactly what you already had. Probably not, but maybe.

Nintendo needs to quality check more before they brick my channels.  

TalkBack / RE:Welcome to Nintendo World Report
« on: November 17, 2006, 07:24:22 AM »
Whoops. Sorry for the suggestion. Seriously, I didn't even read Sveven's original post. My bad. That'll learn me to just hop on and reply.

TalkBack / RE:Welcome to Nintendo World Report
« on: November 17, 2006, 01:28:08 AM »
I'd like to second the "next screenshot" issue. It may be convenient to have the picture load up without actually navigating to a new page, but if I want to look at all the screens in sequence (and I almost always do) then I actually need MORE mouse clicks and location-keeping-track-of than before. I would love to see the exact same format as it is currently but with next and previous links implemented. That would be perfect.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:New Wii Information via Magicbox
« on: November 15, 2006, 05:31:13 AM »
Rights to RE-download software for free.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Where the hell are the US Wii commercials?!
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:33:22 AM »
I like that floppy 'i' thing. I think I get what they're going to do. Every game commercial will end with the Wii logo (which is appropriate and consistent), but they will make the letters do different things for every game. In the red steel ad, the 'i's are bowing because of the Japanese theme. In Mario, one 'i' could bounce on the other 'i's head fat-italian-plumber style. In Zelda, they could sword fight. It always ends with the letters falling into place so that you make sure and read 'Wii' clearly. I think it's brilliant. People will become accustomed to the brand very quickly this way and perhaps even pay attention to the commercials just to see "what the letters will do this time." Very effective in my opinion.

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Makes Final Preparations for Wii Launch
« on: November 01, 2006, 08:54:30 AM »
I like how it emphasizes that those two sisters pre-ordered the systems... for themselves. That was a nice touch.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Suprised no one is flipping out about this yet ...
« on: September 14, 2006, 11:23:33 AM »
Perhaps this is a different Link than in the previous generations of games. He dies and is replaced years later, right? Like Wind Waker referencing Ocarina of Time from so long ago.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii - One Syllable Word
« on: June 22, 2006, 01:46:41 PM »
I just registered to say that the most common English word spoken globally is actually "okay."
I saw it on one of the big evening news shows a while back. I suppose it had been a slow news day.

Okay, bye.

Nintendo Gaming / The Nintendo Gallery Alludtion
« on: March 31, 2003, 07:34:44 PM »
Don't you think giving him pictos is a pretty testing ordeal? The fact that you can only hold three shots at a time while exploring the huge world I can live with. Having to play the song of passing twice in between submissions, however, dances the lambada on my last nerves. (Cuz, you see, I hate the wind waker baton.  I can supprt the fact that it isn't even remotely near as good as the Ocarina... but that's another subject.) Anyway the gallery is going to keep me busy for a while.

Possible spoiler:

Ok, so zelda:ww has a second quest. You start out with the picto box. Is it possible to get all the pirates in the gallery? I think you only get the chance to snap most of them at one point in the game: before you have access to the gallery. Sooo... do you only have the oportunity to pick three of them and forget about it? In other words, can you have a complete gallery? (Perhaps the ones you have already carry over to the 'plus' game. I wouldn't know since I opened the gallery after I made the new file.)

Nintendo Gaming / One Problem with Wind Waker
« on: March 31, 2003, 07:17:57 PM »
I'm halfway through the game the second time, and I've never died. What's it look like. (I don't feel like dying to find out...)

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