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Messages - Terranigma Freak

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 20
Now the 2.5D game is something I can look forward to!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Factor 5 working on a new Wii title
« on: January 15, 2008, 07:49:57 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian SaneIf Rare or Silicon Knights came back fans would going nuts as well.

That's only if Nintendo is there to provide them the support they need. People are excited over the potential of them working TOGETHER with Nintendo. They've shown themselves to be quite incapable on their own. Well, not sure about Silicon Knights... yet.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Factor 5 working on a new Wii title
« on: January 15, 2008, 01:29:29 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64
One other thing, wasn't Factor 5 constantly putting down the Wii because it was graphically inferior to the other consoles?

If so, what drove them towards Wii development? The Wii being an insane success? Sony's money hat ran dry? The fact that Lair was poorly received?

Wrong third party. Factor 5 "put down" the Wii for it's sound capabilities. Factor 5 Developed the sound for the Cube, but the Wii uses the same old technology as the Cube, so I think they have the right to criticize that aspect of the system.

F5 DID put down Wii 3rd parties for their lack of effort in making games for the system.


Originally posted by: Infernal Monkey
Stuff your new crap, Capcom need to get in touch with Disney's crotch so they can get all their awesome licensed NES games on the VC.

I love you man!!!

No, we do not want half assed ports, thank you. I'd like a refund on Minish Crap and the Orcales game though.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Why no more TMNT VC games?
« on: January 03, 2008, 02:16:47 AM »

Originally posted by: NeoThunder
How come whenever they package Turtles 89' Arcade in with "the new TMNT 2", they had to cut out the original music, however, the Turtles Arcade on Xbox Live Arcade has all the original sound and music?

I think everyone was aware that the original Turtles Arcade game was an added bonus with "the new TMNT 2" and Turtles 4 was the added bonus on "the new TMNT 3" (I thought it was the arcade version)  Unless your talking about the game based on the movie.....which one are you talking about?

I'm talking about the package version. I don't have XBL so I have no clue if the music was intact. If what you said is true, then that's just weird. There might be hope after all.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Why no more TMNT VC games?
« on: January 02, 2008, 03:07:39 AM »
Oh BTW, I have some... disturbing information... If you guys bought the TMNT game that came out a few years ago, you'd know it came with Turtles in Time packaged with it. Well, the game's music got butchered due to some weird copy right problem. Like Konami and Mirage no long owns the music since it was based on the Archie TMNT characters or some crap. They had to remove the awesome soundtrack and replaced it with some generic trash.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Why no more TMNT VC games?
« on: January 01, 2008, 03:47:04 AM »
I wouldn't say the SNES version of Turtles in Time is clearly superior, but they both have its ups and downs. The Arcade version has over 10 enemies on screen at once, where as the SNES version can only afford 4 enemies at once. The Arcade version had a difficulty balance that makes it so damn cool. You'll see more or less enemies depending on how well you play the game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Why no more TMNT VC games?
« on: December 31, 2007, 03:20:34 AM »
Manhattan Project was hard? The game was easy as hell with the special moves. You can't die when you have 1 energy left. Just abuse and win.

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: Godzilla: Unleashed
« on: December 16, 2007, 03:55:15 AM »
The water doesn't splash? Are we talking about the same game here, or did the folks at NWR managed to get some mysterious super version no one else has?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:No More Heroes for Wii!!!! ANOTHER UPDATED 12/3/06
« on: December 04, 2007, 09:24:50 AM »

You will buy this game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:My Wii hates me
« on: December 03, 2007, 11:22:13 AM »

Originally posted by: Infernal Monkey
Hey awesome, someone that's had as many problems with the Wii as me. We should get married!

I would think that couples with Wii problems aren't going to have a very fulfilling honeymoon.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Godzilla Unleashed for Wii
« on: December 01, 2007, 02:09:28 AM »
*waves hand*

Godzilla fan right here. I even got the crappy ass DS game just so I can review it for Monsterzero forums.

Hey Arbok, I sent Chris all the interview questions already. Chris says they're very good questions. I look forward to when it'll finally be up on tohokingdoms.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo is the worst company ever
« on: November 28, 2007, 06:58:20 AM »
Next up, Nintendo punches kittens!  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Fragile - new RPG from Namco
« on: November 20, 2007, 10:31:16 AM »

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
and it's being worked on by Tri-Crescendo (Trusty Bell, Baten Kaitos, etc...)

Nope, Baten Kaitos was made by Monolith, and Monolith was recently bought out by Nintendo. They have nothing to do with Tri-Crescendo.

Anyway, I'm not excited at all. Trusty Bell wasn't too hot, even though it was suppose to be the savior of the 360 in Japan. I guess an RPG for the Wii is still a good thing... provided it's good.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Contra 4
« on: November 19, 2007, 08:47:10 AM »
Actually, you DON'T start from the beginning when you die... provided you reach the half way point of the stage. Also, interestingly enough, you can save in this game. It's automatic. If you got up to stage 4 and have to turn off, when you play again, you can start at stage 4 (beginning) and continue playing.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Contra 4
« on: November 19, 2007, 06:17:01 AM »

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix

Originally posted by: Terranigma Freak

but man…when you're spending your first hour or two with the game to get through Level One on Normal, perhaps someone testing the game should have raised their hands and said "Um, can you turn it down…just a notch? Please?"

Can you say pussy?

I made it through the normal mode's first stage dying only once on my first run. It was the hard mode that got me. Even then it wasn't too bad.

::Gasp:: Someone isn't as good as you are in a game, I hope it makes you feel better to insult them, because that really makes you a man.

I must humbly apologize if I offend you by making fun of your favorite hypocrites at IGN. I'm sorry they constantly whine about how games aren't hardcore enough for them, but when I truly hardcore game comes their way, they cry to their mommy. I'm sorry they made a game that is suppose to be difficult... difficult. After all, everybody knows Contra games are suppose to be the easiest game in the world.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Fire Emblem 10
« on: November 18, 2007, 02:59:04 AM »

Originally posted by: Kenology

Originally posted by: darkheart
I am thinking of picking this up tomorrow.  My biggest gripe with the first game was that Id play a mission for an hour and right when I was about to win someone would die and I would have to start ALL OVER AGAIN to do it.  I heard now the game autosaves every turn so that if someone died you could just rewind it back one turn, is this true?

Yeah.  And I think that sucks.  Fire Emblem = a bit less hardcore anymore FTL.

You can play the Japanese version, or Hard Mode in the English version. You can't save every turn in Hard Mode. The Japanese version is uncensored... in difficulty that is.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Contra 4
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:09:20 AM »
It has a good balance of run and gun along with boss battles. Some stages have mid-bosses, too, just like Contra 3.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Contra 4
« on: November 17, 2007, 03:58:28 AM »

but man…when you're spending your first hour or two with the game to get through Level One on Normal, perhaps someone testing the game should have raised their hands and said "Um, can you turn it down…just a notch? Please?"

Can you say pussy?

I made it through the normal mode's first stage dying only once on my first run. It was the hard mode that got me. Even then it wasn't too bad.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Contra 4
« on: November 16, 2007, 12:34:28 PM »
I have the game, and here's my thoughts on this game after playing through the first level on hard: THIS GAME ROCKS!!!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Medal of Honor Heroes 2
« on: November 10, 2007, 03:17:13 AM »

Originally posted by: pap64

Guitar Hero 3 Wii is doing really well...

RE 4 is a massive hit despite being a 2 year old game...

Zak and Wiki is one of the best reviewed and beloved third party games on the Wii...

And now MOH 2 has the best FPS controls on the Wii.

Looks like a third party rennaisance (sp?) is slowly happening...

Not only that, but the list has VARIETY, unlike the Xbox 360's shooter, shooter, and more shooter catalog of games. Right now, all we can hope for is that both MOH2 and Z&W sell really well.

TalkBack / RE: IMPRESSIONS: Contra 4
« on: November 02, 2007, 08:21:33 AM »
This is Contra. BUY IT. That's all you need to know!

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Battalion Wars II
« on: October 30, 2007, 07:58:32 AM »
Kenology, the reviews are out. Well some of them. It's not a 10/10 game, but from the reviews, it'll definitely be something for fans of the first to enjoy. It is in no way a bad game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Wiimake on Gamestop's database
« on: October 30, 2007, 07:55:54 AM »

Originally posted by: Athrun Zala

I hope it's "More ports for the Wii"... not "Gee, maybe we should put some effort into our games"...

There you go. I fixed it for you.

Crapcom won't bring us RE5.  

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