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Topics - rubix

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The only way to get ATI to fix game specific problems with their Catalyst drivers is to use their Driver Feedback Form at:

So the more people who request Anti-Aliasing to be fixed in TLJ the better.

Nintendo Gaming / should i buy the broadband adapter now?
« on: April 01, 2003, 11:45:49 AM »
i just saw one at a toys 'r' us near me and this is the only time i have ever seen a place selling them. if i buy it now i won't have to worry about any shortages and then have it be impossible to find, like the dreamcast bb adapter. but on the other hand, i don't have phantasy star online, don't plan on ever getting it, and i am not sure if mario kart will be online... which is why i would want the bb adapter? should i buy it now or wait?

if i wait i'm afraid i'll never find it again, especially if a major game like mario kart is online. but if i buy it now then maybe later nintendo will start selling some new online game with the adapter for cheap and start making more adapters available. kinda like how after i bought my gamecube they started giving out free games and after i bought a gba they dropped the price.

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