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Topics - jpturner

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Custom Robo Teen Rating
« on: July 01, 2004, 04:01:10 AM »
Looking for help from the faithful. My 9 year old wants Custom Robo for his birthday, but I see it is rated T for Teen. Is the game any more violent than a Super Smash Bros. beat 'em up? (Albeit with rockets and missiles instead of power moves).

Super Smash Bros. doesn't seem any worse than a Looney Tunes cartoon you control, and I'm inclined to permit the purchase because my son is in such a froth over the game. The idea of battling bots doesn't seem worse than most Saturday morning fare.

Any help appreciated. JTurner

Nintendo Gaming / NYTimes Interview, Industry Read
« on: December 21, 2003, 03:00:36 AM »
Folks, there is an interesting read over at the New York Times magazine section.  It is a piece on the video game industry with an interview of Bruno Bonnell, President of Atari, woven into the story. Enjoy

Read the story here . . .

Nintendo Gaming / Viewtiful Joe Teen Rating
« on: December 02, 2003, 12:36:34 PM »
Hello. Looking for any guidance or opinions on buying Viewtiful Joe for a 9 yr old who made it the No. 1 thing on his Christmas list.

I've seen the game on the Demo disk, and am okay with the idea of a third person cartoon punch out (i.e. Super Smash Bros. type of gameplay). I am concerned about other inappropriate content there might be in terms of sexual innuendo or conduct.

Thanks in advance for thoughful responses.


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