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Topics - Don'tHate742

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Nintendo Gaming / doomed.
« on: July 04, 2003, 10:15:27 PM »
Sorry if that sounded fan-boyish, but its true.


They have finally opened the X-box, now they are able to right code for it, meaning ripping and making fake games all without a modchip. I even bet that you can run what you've developed also. Sure X-boxs will be purchased more, but no one will buy any games. Hell I'm going to buy a X-box now, once the keys are released....
*thinks about ripping the hell out of Microsoft*

Hahah, there down and out.  

Nintendo Gaming / SD Card Adapter?
« on: June 26, 2003, 09:27:08 AM »
I was browsing and I came across the SD Card Adapter. It said it would be released July 18 in Japan starting at 64 MB. I might import it becuase its only 20 bucks.

My quesetion is....

Is it just a bigger memory card?

I remember reading all this stuff that Nintendo was going to do with it such as use it for its rewritability like the 64DD, do you think they still have plans to?

Do you think that this could be used as a cheap alternative to using carts in the "GB Next"? It could compete against Sony's Memory sticks...

Nintendo Gaming / Best of the Best RPG Compilation
« on: May 24, 2003, 10:53:29 PM »
I would love if they had 3 RPG games from the Snes era, all fit into one neat little GBA cartridge.

TOP GAME THAT I WOULD WANT..........Chrono trigger, best rpg ever in my opinion. Final Fantasy comes close, but doesn't quite reach. For the rest FF4 and then I don't know, to many to chose from.

Nintendo Gaming / New Pokemon RPG GC, possibilities with GBA
« on: May 23, 2003, 10:20:00 PM »
Its on the Gamcube thread, so check it out if you want conformation....

This is a thread made for requests that people would like to be implemented with there GBA...

I for one want the GBA hookup to be mandatory, why you ask? Becuase Nintendo will have so much freedom

Nintendo Gaming / Any chance of new titles?
« on: May 06, 2003, 12:06:10 PM »
Old games revived are cool but they get old...

Mario Zelda Metriod Star Fox Fzero Mario Kart

With most of these games already out, I'm thinking there is a good chance for some new titles. I want a new adventure title ala Zelda, also I want Nintendo to give the RPG genre a try. Either that or a new FPS.

All in all, I enjoy old classics remade but I would rather see something new. Don't get me wrong ALL those games I mention are or will be the shiznick, but I'm left feeling I want something new.

Does anyone feel the same way I do?

Nintendo Gaming / Importing, is there any fatal risk?
« on: May 05, 2003, 07:44:19 PM »
I want to import the Hori sticks to go along with Soul Calibur II but is there a good chance that I might catch S.A.R.S? I don't want to die and possibly spread the plague just for having a better experience with a great game....

Nintendo Gaming / Another Zelda in development?
« on: April 20, 2003, 09:07:16 AM »
Do you think Nintendo is already starting on another zelda, kinda like how Retro Studies is already starting on Metriod Prime 2? Also, if they have already started, do you think it would be a more mature game like SP00'. I don't think it would take them long to make, well maybe like a year or so, becuase they already have the two most important models -Link--Gannon- made and ready to go.

hopefully they show us something at SP(if they are having it this year) or E3 04'

Nintendo Gaming / Cartoon/Anime games you'd like to have?
« on: March 22, 2003, 07:19:15 PM »
On my list would be Cowboy bebop, man that show is sweet.

Your thoughts/comments?

Nintendo Gaming / Wario Ware
« on: March 20, 2003, 07:45:10 PM »
Has anyone heard if this game is good?

I heard its a about Wario, a money grubbing anti-hero who decides to make his own game by stealing games from others. I think Nintendo is making a statement. *Coughs* Microsoft *Cough*

Nintendo Gaming / Soul Calibur 2.....
« on: March 19, 2003, 10:53:30 AM »
I'm looking toward this game more than ANYTHING COMING OUT THIS YEAR except zelda. DID YOU SEE THE COMMERCIAL ON PGC, I almost pissed my pants.

Nintendo Gaming / Gamecube LAN games?
« on: March 15, 2003, 08:00:18 PM »
I really hope Nintendo gets there online plan and even there LAN plan down becuase this is taking way to long....

Well once they do, what games do you think would thrive as a LAN game. My first thought was SSMB but there would have to be Maps just specialized for LAN games becuase most now are to small for more than 4 players.

your thoughts

Nintendo Gaming / Music in Games
« on: March 08, 2003, 08:33:39 AM »
I wish game development parties would take more time in developing the music....

Skies of Arcadia had excellent music on the opening menu, but everything else not nearly as high quality.
Music does so much for a movie, so why can't developers realizes that it could do so much for a game too.
If anyone has seen the movie "Requiem For a Dream", the movie itself was alright but the thing that made it great was the the background overtures. The music made you get deeper and deeper into the movie.

If they took more time they could make masterpieces

Nintendo Gaming / Online game Ideas?
« on: February 05, 2003, 02:42:14 PM »
I thought of cool way to make Metriod Online.

Each month Nintendo will make up a new quest (very small when compared to Prime) that will be available to download(somewhere??) or required directly on the server (BB only). Anyways, each new quest will have a briefing detailing the main objective ( of course all cool and futuristic like) and VOLA! Metriod is online. Stats could be shown of who beat the game the fastest and with the most % completion.

You guys have any ideas...they don't have to be spin-offs from games

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