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Messages - nonjagged

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Nintendo Gaming / N's new code name revealed?
« on: July 12, 2003, 09:12:29 AM »
I hope not to some crap like NES Advance.

Darn and I wanted to call it NES +


NES plus      .....(you killed my desire now)


NEC (Nintendo Entertainment Console and because NEC are maybe working on it also)

What does this forum think of M$'s codenamed Xbox 2 being Xenon?

Reeks? Should N5 be codenamed Crayfish (Cray-NEC) or should it be codenamed Wizball? or Pacman?  

General Gaming / Micrsoft is now doomed?
« on: July 12, 2003, 08:13:03 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
Well, yesterday I witnessed a salesman in a major retailer discussing with a customer what ways there are to pirate XBox games and how to obtain Modchips cheap, etc. Now if that isn't a hint that pirating is close to mainstream...

Some ppl chose to ignore it or pretend it doesnt exist.

Schoolies have at one stage or another visited a gaming forum board "accidently" while not being allowed to view p0rn sites while at school, and youd be surprised how many forums actually have topics on mods and which one to get etc.

But anyways,

Anyone want to start speculation on what the next GCN will be called? Not the codename but the actual official name since M$ has the dodgy Xenon rumors floating. Should GCN2 be called Wizball?

Here mine: NES +
because in my opinion I think it will have built-in multiple slots for the GBA SP successor software, USB, etc
It will be the most evolved Nintendo Entertainment System. It could also be called NEC (console) because NEC are working together on it.

And the console should be codenamed: Aran's Undies

General Gaming / Official *PS3 or Cell* News
« on: July 12, 2003, 07:55:26 AM »

Originally posted by: Ms.Pikmin

Originally posted by: nonjagged

Oh and Infernal, the exit door (to the dungeon you are curently in) is that a way. => Please close it behind you when you take your marketing devision for a English lesson.

First, it's AN English lesson.  Second, you are the Last person who should be flaming people based on a misspelled word.

You claim to know me now? LOL. Was I breast fed when I was younger?
Flaming people? Huh? Its called baiting the offtopics.

Now that you got (yet again) another one of your famous anurisms (spell check please) off your chest (or off your head) could you at least pretend you are actually going to mention something even remotely related to Cell or PS3. At least pretend?

And that goes for you too Infernal.

Dungeon door is stuck, wont budge?

General Gaming / RE: Official *Phantom Console* News
« on: July 12, 2003, 07:29:02 AM »
Darn I did a search for the link (article is a few days old) and this is what came up:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable full-text search for the database.

/itemrankings/news.asp, line 65

General Gaming / RE: Official *Phantom Console* News
« on: July 12, 2003, 07:26:36 AM » had an article on The Phantom.
Its a PC pretending to be an Xb0x ....LOL.
Or the other way around?

will insert link here (brb)

General Gaming / Official *PS3 or Cell* News
« on: July 12, 2003, 07:18:58 AM »

Originally posted by: OsonCubed320
Sony is infamous about putting specs into their hardware that dont even exist.
I at least hope they will make a decent effort at changing or at least adapting to the target audience.

Yeah the cell will be used in Camcorders & Kitchen Toasters.

I just hope Square and Konami support the GCN2 since its coming out first.
Pitty that no matter what (ask M$ they'll admit it reluctantly) that PSX platforms will always have the biggest market share.
The cell technology would be interesting to be in Mobile Phones where the phones of your friends or your CLAN network are all intra-connected or whatever. So I guess the PSP will have a scaled down version of cell which would assist wireless multiplayers get better power out of the mini-server they have setup.

Oh and Infernal, the exit door (to the dungeon you are curently in) is that a way. =>
Please close it behind you when you take your marketing devision for a English lesson.

General Gaming / Official *PS3 or Cell* News
« on: July 11, 2003, 07:53:14 AM »

Originally posted by: Infernal Monkey
Yes, I'm sure Nintendo's marketing devision is too busy creating games. -_-;;

You were almost correct. Theyre actually too busy playing games, not creating games.

PS whats a marketing devision?

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 08, 2003, 09:40:57 AM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
What I don't get is why does everyone assume if Nintendo DOES become number 1 they'll automatically have a drop in quality? Nintendo CAN have both- they did it with the NES and SNES. Don't think that the only way for Nintendo to overtake Sony is to start making crappy games- I just think that's an excuse to rationalize Nintendo NOT being number 1.

Also regarding to thecubedshmuck:

You contradict yourself at every turn- try to be a little more consistent. It seems to me if you're so dissapointed in Nintendo you should sell your Gamecube and games and buy a PS2 or XBox. I don't mean that in a fanboyish way- there's absolutely no reason to own a console you clearly don't like.

He does contradict but in his opinion he wants needs Nintendo cannot give him. Others like him may enforce their opinions throughout forums boards thinking it will get Nintendo's attention or something.

Also in my opinion Nintendo will never become number 1 again because their platforms focus on gaming alone.

Many markets would chose a Blu-ray recordable player by $ony over a proprietory non-recordable machine Nintendo will develope next-gen.

Nintendo could never surpass Ps2 userbase for starters because the head start was way beyond achieving for a system that appeals to limited markets being only game players which are forced to purchased FULL RETAIL priced games.

On your side of the territory you may think piracy is not that big of a del but in some countries the gamers wont buy a console if it doesnt have a chip for it, and giving me a response about psx is past tense, the markets have evolved there are so many platforms old or new to chose from.

If Nintendo was to challenge $ony for number 1 position Nintendo would have to create a system that does not use proprietory discs and get Panasonic to make whatever standard will be universal come 2 years time.
However even if now Nintendo got a head start on $ony next-gen (as $ony did during this gen) and launched first Nintedno would need to get a FF title launch or near of, as many gamers have observed Square only supporting one platform being the one with the biggest userbase.

If this does not happen and Square (not Designer Studio but Square) is still bias for $ony then no matter what the next-gen of cry-baby Nintendo fanboys dribble in forums for the years to come, can help Nintendo.

Nintendo will never be in the Number 1 position as long as it wants to protect the software/franchises it creates with non-mainstream discs and Nintendo will never be in the Number 1 position if for some bizzare (hint biased) reason Square and Konami ignore Nintendo's next -gen platform launch.

Theres nothing more that should be discusssed about the current situation.  This thread should be put to sleep.
Nintendo cant surpass ps2, so everyone should get over it. Nintendo can only signup some decent franchises for us to enjoy the rest of the GCN's lifespan.
If Nintendo launches first next-gen which they claim they will (do exactly what fanboys want and take action) but little do the fanboys realise that Nintendo couldnt take action with GCN so quickly because the proprietory discs that Nintendo used take time to get running.
$ony & M$ reliancy on DVD plants is way easy. They depend on quick turnovers because they dont actually create much software to protect.

Its very funny how fanboys like thecubedshmuck regularily complain about lack of GTA3 titles by Nintendo but they dont bring up issues like that liscense is time-secured by $ony. Even though there is a clone of that game made for the Xbox and coming soon GCN, they still complain and even want Nintendo to create or publish a title simular in nature but fail to realise one of the most important aspects.

$ony & M$ emulate and or immitate anything that is widely popular or accepted.
Nintendo rarely copies what other developers create, because Nintendo respects the gaming community wants it to be consistant of unique gaming experiences not generic immitations that eventually flood the shelves. The other 2 corps are pimps, and would rather cash in.

We can only wait until next-gen launch to see whether or not  Square is actually truthful in that it supports the biggest userbase console.
Since that Nintendo is launching first, its safe to say that Nintendo will regain number 1 position.

But in my opinion I think that some of Square GBA games are merely being used to generate funds for the PSP titles they will be creating with $ony. In my opinion Square is using Nintendo so then it could team up with PSP because $ony would offer cash-incentive exclusivities that Nintendo doesnt like doing, just to get software on a platform.

I severely hope that I am wrong about Square and the future but, Nintendo will never be number 1 in console sales but it will always never stop refreshingly entertaining me at least and thats all that matter to me.

Nintendo Gaming / New Nintendo Trademarks
« on: July 08, 2003, 08:43:57 AM »
They might be registered as titles for Software.
Some new software altogether some familiar franchises.

I need some help with a translation of this Square Enix standalone game that runs on its own mini-console.">

Square Enix announced a new sword action TV game called Kenshin Dragon Quest: Yomigaerishi Densetsu no Ken. The game is stored in the "Crest Unit", which connects directly to TV. A sword controller is attached to the system, which is used to attack the enemies on screen. The gameplay is similar to Namco's arcade sword slashing action game Mazen. Square Enix is planning to ship 1 million units in Japan, the game will be released in Japan on September 19, for 6980 yen.

From what i gather the title

Kenshin Dragon Quest: Yomigaerishi Densetsu no Ken

is implying its a title with no $ony?

get it? No Ken

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 08, 2003, 07:53:34 AM »

Originally posted by: egman
Read my post above

I agree with most of your opinions and or feelings. Isnt it amazing there are others that will disagree and say you are wrong, Nintendo is arrrogant, Nintendo doesnt listen to you, Nintendo should do this, Nintendo should do that, Nintendo are losing it, Nintendo needs to be No 1 again, I am a raving Nintendo fanboy and if they dont listen to my posts or in some cases website rants, then I will boycott Nintendo's next platform ,,,, yadda yadda et al.

I wouldnt mind if these sad gamers just curled up in a ball or just left Nintendo's platforms already for another because if they have grown up then why are they still wearing diapers? While Nintendo is too busy organising software for 3 different platforms, Nintendo fanboys want Nintendo to tap dance while Nintendo is juggling 3 platforms and research on new gaming ideas which they will announce next year.

I could go on and I could start to insult some of them in this thread, but remember they're right and we are wrong.
Nintendo is wrong. The worst thing about these lunatics is they're too impatient.
Way too impatient and they want everything now and on a platter.
They want every Franchise $ony secures to be on Nintendo's platforms also.
They want to be spoonfed, they want to be burped.
They want Nintendo to spend billion$ on advertising and want Nintendo to get every 3rd party on the planet.
Funny thing about Acclaim is they need M$ more to survive in the console business than Nintendo need Acclaim to survive in the console business. That wasnt too hard to work out.  Just because Nintendo doesnt have time to hold Acclaim's hand and fund its games doesnt mean Nintendo is doomed.

Reality is these fanboys must keep their mentailty in check with reality and be patient.

Once Killer 7, RE4, and Geist, MP 2, Too Human and Project Zero, deliver you will see these Nintendo babies shuttup with their negativity and maybe even some will say "Momma".

Yeah and if you look at that most shortest of all lists you will find 4 of the titles to be totally original.
I once claimed Nintendo fanboys where actually blind to their biased delusions.

Everyone claims Nintendo should advertise more and attract more 3rd parties.  If only they could stop their sobbing and play whatever game pleases them because advertising games that you already know about is a waste of your time to contemplate issues about.
Let the n00bs and mainstreamers worry about the quality games that dont get advertised.
Besides Nintendo's advertising budget comes from gaming not from O/S system budgets etc.
And these babies should accept the fact that Nintendo does not want to attract all the 3rd parties in the world, it just wants to attract some 3rd parties with big Franchises. Whinning on about 3rd parties is useless. Look at just some of the titles above and then throw in MGS tweaked and some RPGs and some decent Namco games on their way and for FVCKs sake just play games instead of crying like thumbsucking babies every week .

These kiddies cant see beyond their emotions and rants and are too impatient.


General Gaming / RE: Micrsoft is now doomed?
« on: July 08, 2003, 07:35:07 AM »
Thats extremely puzzling.
I have yet to meet a gamer who hasnt modded their PSX.

Also the majority of people who play games and dont have a clue about pirating dont exist in reality?

As far as Im aware just about every gamer in school knows how to get pirate games from within schools (racket) and just about every teen gamer knows they can just look in the right places to buy ALREADY copied games from pirate distributors whether they be small or big time distributors.
They can be found in most non-commercial forums, local newspapers, schools, shops etc.

Yeah most dont have a clue how to burn but more than you know or care to investigate have a clue where to obtain.
Bartering copied games is way bigger than you will ever know, because there are more gamers that cant afford their accumulated platform libraries out there than there are gamers who can afford to pay full/retail.

Closing your eyes to piracy does not make it go away. Unless your in a territory that somehow lives in its own Twilight Zone.

Nintendo Gaming / What Nintendo should do when launching GC2
« on: July 07, 2003, 11:14:20 AM »

Originally posted by: Zelda
..That isn't publicly bashing Nintendo.

Giving you a simplistic definition of years of turmoil, shouldnt really result to an answer like that.
Square did not bash a PSX over Nintendo's head. Nor Square, didnt whisper into someone's ear to publically bash Nintendo, they actually went out of their way and used Japanese media sources to defame against Nintendo. Thats IS publically bashing. Just as M$ has been trying to do against Nintendo over the months during their Website interviews, but Square did it in a more blunt way to attract other established 3rd parties to hold its hand in the grudge switch.


Originally posted by: Zelda
..That's just choosing to support PSX over N64.

Its not just chosing one platform over the other. Its attacking one platform over the other, after a long relationship that made them wealthy.
If Square left without making a fuss in Japanese media, then you would have some form of statement.

Nintendo Gaming / What Nintendo should do when launching GC2
« on: July 07, 2003, 10:23:25 AM »

Originally posted by: Zelda

It s actually documented Square actually went first to the public and bashed Nintendo etc publically

What? Are you saying Square bashed nintendo? When did they do this?

yes I am saying this. Square did it when Nintendo informed Square that Nintendo will drop the proposed CD-ROM format it was working on with $ony.

Square was furious because they invested heaps in CD-ROM format (especially FMV pre-rendering which costed alot of time and money for them) so Square aligned in bed with $ony and during this process it was risky for Square to do this alone, so they attracted Enix, Namco, Konami etc by publically bashing Nintendo and claiming Carts are no good etc

Naturally they also followed because CD-ROM Royalty fees where lower than Carts but remember there where many CD-ROM paltforms by Sega which Square never touched.
Because Square convinced them all to follow when Square aligned with $ony but also because $ony had big checkbooks to offer as incentives and exclusives.

Just last year Square publically mumbled/announced that Square is sorry (to Nintendo) that Square's pride (aka ego) got the better of them when Square publically bashed Nintendo back in the late SNES days.

Thats way Ive interpreted the documentations and announcements.

Links are not provided and the time line is SNES till last year.

PS Nintendo was not arrogant for not going with CD-ROM format as Nintendo was well aware of seeing many platforms go bust with piracy etc, but Nintendo's needs to protect its software it actually creates was priority over easily manufactured and cheaper CD-ROM format.
Nintendo had NOT been arrogant it simply waited until someone better than $ony's proposals (enter Panasonic and GODiscs format) to protect Nintendo's NEEDS not arrogance, like many trolls claim.

Yes we all know that you can play MAME and Nintendo ROMs on Xbox and we all know that NINTENDO is the only company that makes an effort to create a platform that doesnt promote pimping itself to illegal ROMS, MAME and whatever else.

General Gaming / RE: Official *PS3 or Cell* News
« on: July 07, 2003, 09:52:39 AM »
True about $ony over-hyping its machines to create good launches.

Nintendo, however dont have the time as theyre usually too busy actually creating games for 2 platforms.

General Gaming / Micrsoft is now doomed?
« on: July 07, 2003, 09:48:10 AM »

Originally posted by: Epitaph
Im not gonna link or tell you how its done but some fellows have found a exploit with games from xbox that allow hacking the consol without a modchip. This exploit was released after microsoft refused to comply to the people that found it and allow linux to run on xbox. Now it is on the same path as the dreamcast where no one will buy games and burn all of em. What do you think, does microsoft now have a chance, now that their consol is so easily pirated.

p.s. Plz moderator i think this is allowed because i didn't explain how its being pirated i just say it is without a mod and without a link if it is breaking the rules il remove or lock it thx. or you do it for me.

This news is old and it was M$ intention in the first place. In my opinion they need underground movement buying Xbox's, theyre not particularily fussed about Linux etc as they need all the sales they can which in turn creates a userbase which they then can target for next-gen Xbox's.
M$ has received numerous letters to co-operate with the hackers to allow development of an officially Licensed Linux O/S.

Currently you can play MAME on your Xbox and even Nintendo ROMs have been available for a while even since Dreamcast which M$ suspiciously developed the O/S for, (now you know why Nintendo has no respect for M$), what Ive been searching on the net the past 2 hours is for something simular to a VGA adapter for the Xbox but not for hooking up an Xbox to Computer Screen but to an Arcade Machine Monitor.

I havent had much success looking for an RGB adapter but I suppose theyre arent any developed yet.

Unless someone has any links?

PS even to this day Nintendo ROMs available on all 3 x M$ platforms (PC, DC, Xbox), have not killed Nintendo. Amazing.

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 07, 2003, 09:27:47 AM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker

you seriously need to seek professional help asap."

Cubed, if you're going to insult someone like that, don't just take a hit and run. You better be ready to have a counter argument to the guy you're bashing otherwise it just makes you look like a jerk. While I may not agree with all of nonjagged's views (I think), he's at least adressing anything people throw at him instead of just taking low blows at them.

I didnt have a great comeback because he normally just says something stupid during the spur of the moment and never follows it up, other than Nintendo should go 3rd party or I think Nintendo dont concentrate on gimmicky aesthetics etc.

Actually I welcome any criticism or in his case insults, but normally those that cant handle something that unfortunately goes against their gaming beliefs and therefore just sniper-on-the-run with no substancial argumentative backup, is whats funny. They then become self-inflicted prime targets.

Hence the offering of tissues. ......<end>bait</end>

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 07, 2003, 08:35:13 AM »

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
Okay, that wasn't exactly a great comeback, nonjagged, but I suppose I'll stay out of it from now on.  This thread was a waste of time anyway.

Who would bother making a greatcomeback to someone who never offers their opinion of why they are directly negative towards you?


Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
This thread was a waste of time anyway.

You mean this thread or thecubedcluck is a waste of your time?

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 07, 2003, 08:15:29 AM »

Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck

you seriously need to seek professional help asap.

LOL upon seeking immediate professional help by a doctor with electrotherapy devices and a rubber glove, I was asked by the Doc to pass a box of tissues onto thecubedshmuck to help him wipe the tears from his saddened eyes.

Ohhhh poor baby. M$ is already giving up in the Japanese territory (about 2 years too late) for this generation, and $ony have a handheld and PSX server coming to keep you occupied while you wait for imaginary ps3 launch date, while GCN2 of course naturally will be despised by you because it specialises better in delivering realtime loading of Games, not DVD etc.

Ohh poor baby.

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 07, 2003, 07:24:32 AM »

Originally posted by: Lecter
Nintendo isn't going party, thats just nuts to think about. People want to develop for the Xbox over the GameCube because they feel the Xbox is better hardware wise, has more potential (spelled that wrong I know), and because no matter what the Xbox is going to be around. Like it or not, Microsoft has entered the console race and isn't leaving.

M$, have rapidly become the oppressors of the console gaming community, more often than not, for some arrogantly jelous reason try to put down the loyal Nintendo fanbase, with the use of critical statements in their interviews/*cough* propaganda *cough* that somehow off-topic & out of frustration, manage to sneak critisism against Nintendo.
Heck, M$ even now belatedly claim that their set-top-box isnt competing with the Gamecube platform yet somehow M$ can never find the courage (as they are beyond embarrest) to actually publically state anything critical against $ony's PSX platforms, the platform M$ is actually directly competing against because M$ are beyond embarrest. Embarrest that their delusion they will convert million$ of Japanese gamers from the PSX platforms.
In my opinion the Xbox is one of the biggest bombs ever to launch in the Japanese market and M$ should tuck their spade-tipped tale between their legs already and leave the console industry alone before M$ becomes a public laughing stock.
There is no point Steve Balmer's Xbox division billion dollar losses hiding behind the overpriced M$ O/S software division.
Notice how Seamus Blackley quite his position (LOL) after Xbox launch day which fell short of a few billion dollars compared to ps2 launch day.

To now come in here and claim M$ is here to stay is so ridiculously idiotic if thats exactly what Nintendo have been doing for decades.
The point is Nintendo is no longer directly & fanatically aiming to have the biggest console userbase or the biggest 3rd party lineup, Nintendo is aiming to keep refreshing its franchises (even if it means that getting a cel-shaded Zelda on GCN before a Realistic Zelda on GCN2 will hurt many fanboy's anticipations).
Nintendo has been doing risks and will continue to support risky unknown franchise if they have substance.
As for the rest of platforms. Expect many ports and sequels keeping their platforms afloats.

Its ok for M$ to lose billion$ on the Xbox so it can get a userbase to build on future platforms, however can anyone provide conclusive evidence that the fanbase will always remain on Xbox platforms? Exactly. Actually theres a large proportion of Xbox users that are actually hackers or Linux users turning the Xbox into other types of devices. And then theres the huge underground Xbox market dont buy games anymore because pirates are their new distributor of games.
Considering the GCN is a gaming-only platform which means doesnt appeal to Mainstreamers wishing for Multi-media entertainment or DVD, and considering that the GCN userbase can only purchase software at retail prices instead of underground pirate prices and considering that the Xbox has bombed-out bigtime in Japan, I think the GCN has actually wholloped the Xbox and then some. Home run.
M$ will now beg ATI to concentrate on making the XBox2 GPU more powerful than the GCN2's GPU and observers such as myself will be having a barrel of laughs.

The majority of the markets dont want the Xbox (poor Japan M$ is alreadygiving up on translating US NTSC games for the Japanese Territory) and then Lecturer threatens us that M$ is here to stay they are not leaving the console industry LOL I honestly cant stop laughing.

Well the concilation is at least japanese gamers get a manual thats in their language.
Talk about M$ pleasing its userbase/fanbase. LOL

M$ will never ever surpass $ony's console stranglehold. Never.
M$ should look into a new entertainment device, it will never compete with $ony because $ony is universally accepted especially in the crucial Japanese market. M$ however is a joke universally.
Square and Nintendo have already declined M$'s offers for many years now and the closest M$ will EVER come to exclusively owning a decent Japanese developer is Sega which has made it clear they will remain Mulit-Platform for the time being.

And Im currently not playing 1 year old PC ports, because ........finished them a year ago on PC not Xbox.

Nintendo Gaming / What Nintendo should do when launching GC2
« on: July 06, 2003, 07:30:16 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
*sigh*  Why must we see all these threads?  That's what I really want to know.

Nintendo will do what Nintendo does without consulting us.  That's what they have been doing for all my life, and that's a large part of the reason I love them so much.  They do things unexpectedly, and they always have a surprise for us.  If they gave us what we asked for with every game, then it would get stale really quick wouldn't it?  We would have Mario killing hookers, and we would have Link bleeding all over the ground.  Personally, that's something that I don't want to see.  If Nintendo became like everyone else, then the Nintendo we all love will be gone.

Nintendo is making lots of money, and they are doing just fine.  Why not let them make the business decisions?

I don't really mind if people have a short list of games that they REALLY want to see at launch, but going gung-ho and telling everyone that they have the "one true plan to RULE THEM ALL" is a little presumptuous I think.  It's my opinion that Nintendo knows what's best.

I agree Grey N

Read the proceding link article for a royal laugh. The writer believes Nintendo is arrogant & for no apparent reason or something. It s actually documented Square actually went first to the public and bashed Nintendo etc publically and then this writer claims Nintendo being the arrogant ones? WTF? Clueless.

Dear whats-best-for-Nintendo-know-alls aka Trolls. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nintendo's strategies. If you want predominately dodgy, shallow, boobs, gore, as your core entertainment, gamers are more than welcome to chose PSX or PC which do accept more of those cheap attributes in an effort to attract attention within the competing piles of releases.
Nintendo will never chase endless 3rd party support for its consoles to be "number 1" because Nintendo knows the endless 3rd parties couldnt provide the quality to match Nintendo 1st-2nd party software and endless 3rd parties is no substitute for being a gaming-only platform.
The top 10 ranked 3rd party developers in Japan are more than adequate to provide software for Nintendo's consoles. They are eating out the palm of Nintendo's hand. Ask Hideo Kojima what his favourite platform is and he will smile GBA, likely because it allows him to replay classics of past generations.
Know-all Nintendo analists should comprehend that Nintendo will never ever regain "number 1" position because Nintendo is a gaming company with gaming-only platforms.
Previously before the 3DO, all gaming platform specialised in just gaming. If a particular platform sold better than another platform the reason was because the platform had more popular game software, not the biggest software library.
Nowdays many more factors influence platform sales like, lack of competition during launch, and Multi-media playback, and lack of piracy protection due to using a non-proprietory data medium ie a mainstream data format.

Nintendo will never, ever retain "number 1" console platform sales positions because Nintendo is no longer up against other gaming-only platforms like Sega Saturn, Nintendo is up against Multi-Media platforms that appeal to more than gaming-only markets and in general any mainstreamers wanting some form of entertainment like eg. Karaoke etc.
We have established Nintendo is a gaming-only company since 200 years ago when they painted sea-shells as a form of a game.
Gamer's wishing for Nintendo to drop it's modern-day digital-gaming protective proprietory data mediums (ie. proprietory cartridges or proprietory GODiscs as apposed to mainstream formats like CD-ROM or DVD) should quit while they are behind in their thinking.
It is imparative that Nintendo focuses on maintaining adequate protection of its franchises/software it actually develops, while Nintendo leaves it up to immitators like $ony & M$ to fight it out who gets the bigger install userbase or more importantly who gets the bigger amount of console unit sales to go with their over-inflated ego & power-control.
Its not hard to figure that $ony once in partnership with Nintendo, had visions of creating multi-media entertainment units to support $ony Pictures & $ony Music industries which Nintendo did not want to take part of.
Contrary to popular belief or mainstream thinking, the next Nintendo platform will not have DVD playback. It will not have HD-DVD or Super DVD or whatever the format you want to call it. It will be proprietory. It will be a gaming-only however will offer more than just Handheld connection. Nintendo's future is incorporating newer ways of interacting with digital games. Future generations of Nintendo platforms will support connection wireless VR headset connection or holographic projectors which light-up a room at night.
What the future Nintendo platforms will not do is play DVD, or manage digital photography, or require Credit Cards, or HDD record TV broadcasts of public station Movies, just as Video Hire franchises have done biased deals to favour one multi-media platform over the other.
Heck one would cringe if Pay-TV services start getting bias and do deals to have built-in receivers in the next-gen multi-media platforms.
HDD Record Live Pay-TV broadcasts of Robbie Williams in concert on the next Xbox platform or HDD Record Live Pay-TV broadcasts of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (Directors Cut, Super Digitally Enhanced, Tweaked to the Max version 12.3) on the next Psx platform, is not my idea of gaming entertainment.

For me I couldnt care less if $ony or M$ block the distribution of software in Video Store franchises or team up with Pay TV service providers to create the ultimate set-top-box, because Nintendo is and will be forever a gaming-only platform company, and where the software that is actually created by Nintendo 1st-2nd party developers is actually worth buying in the first place. Nintendo will not be a pimp to the latest mainstream data format and pay fees to consortiums. Nintendo makes its own software on its own format.

So in reality, for me at least, I cant relate to the weekly posts that offer advise for Nintendo on how to run their 2 century old business and how to be "number 1" in sales. But that could be just me.

To me Nintendo was "number 1" as soon as they proved their phylosophy of delivering realtime gaming entertainment and launched a disc based software medium that has practically realtime load-times.
So in my eyes Nintendo won this generation "console wars" regardless of its total units sales figures and regardless of its eclipsing size of 1st party software and regradless of whether it takes its software online or not.
I am a gamer. Nintendo & my PC satisfy my needs better than anything else available.
I wont plead with Nintendo to mimmick the other mainstreamers for the sake of being universally accepted or pirate friendly.
Nintendo makes billion$ using proprietory formats, image if Nintendo just released its software on mainstream mediums such as CD-ROM and DVD and heck why not throw in a DVD recorder not just player, then it (Nintendo) would possibly make Trillion$. Oh well I guess billion$ is more than adequate.

Nintendo's biggest obstacle is its fanbase acting like trolls and the mainstream market that dont have the time to play huge games.

The following link is a prime example of a clueless troll.

Oh and in my opinion if Nintendo launched first in the next-gen with launch support from Square-Enix (FF & DQ) and Konami (MGS or SH) that alone is enough to equal getting launch support from 50 x 3rd parties.
With Nintendo platforms its all about quality not quantity. We must learn to deal with it.
3rd parties cant compete on a quality platform like Nintendo's and they sure wont waste their time when the ps2 already had a larger userbase which can make them money as theres a better chance they will get mainstream suckers buying their quite-often lower quality games.

Nintendo Gaming / New article on Nintendo´s future! Must-read!!!
« on: July 06, 2003, 07:23:02 AM »

Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck
That article said it all.

I have nothing at all to add.

thecubedcanuck would you be related to the above journalist?

Dear whats-best-for-Nintendo-know-alls aka Trolls. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nintendo's strategies. If you want predominately dodgy, shallow, boobs, gore, as your core entertainment, gamers are more than welcome to chose PSX or PC which do accept more of those cheap attributes in an effort to attract attention within the competing piles of releases.
Nintendo will never chase endless 3rd party support for its consoles to be "number 1" because Nintendo knows the endless 3rd parties couldnt provide the quality to match Nintendo 1st-2nd party software and endless 3rd parties is no substitute for being a gaming-only platform.
The top 10 ranked 3rd party developers in Japan are more than adequate to provide software for Nintendo's consoles. They are eating out the palm of Nintendo's hand. Ask Hideo Kojima what his favourite platform is and he will smile GBA, likely because it allows him to replay classics of past generations.
Know-all Nintendo analists should comprehend that Nintendo will never ever regain "number 1" position because Nintendo is a gaming company with gaming-only platforms.
Previously before the 3DO, all gaming platform specialised in just gaming. If a particular platform sold better than another platform the reason was because the platform had more popular game software, not the biggest software library.
Nowdays many more factors influence platform sales like, lack of competition during launch, and Multi-media playback, and lack of piracy protection due to using a non-proprietory data medium ie a mainstream data format.

Nintendo will never, ever retain "number 1" console platform sales positions because Nintendo is no longer up against other gaming-only platforms like Sega Saturn, Nintendo is up against Multi-Media platforms that appeal to more than gaming-only markets and in general any mainstreamers wanting some form of entertainment like eg. Karaoke etc.
We have established Nintendo is a gaming-only company since 200 years ago when they painted sea-shells as a form of a game.
Gamer's wishing for Nintendo to drop it's modern-day digital-gaming protective proprietory data mediums (ie. proprietory cartridges or proprietory GODiscs as apposed to mainstream formats like CD-ROM or DVD) should quit while they are behind in their thinking.
It is imparative that Nintendo focuses on maintaining adequate protection of its franchises/software it actually develops, while Nintendo leaves it up to immitators like $ony & M$ to fight it out who gets the bigger install userbase or more importantly who gets the bigger amount of console unit sales to go with their over-inflated ego & power-control.
Its not hard to figure that $ony once in partnership with Nintendo, had visions of creating multi-media entertainment units to support $ony Pictures & $ony Music industries which Nintendo did not want to take part of.
Contrary to popular belief or mainstream thinking, the next Nintendo platform will not have DVD playback. It will not have HD-DVD or Super DVD or whatever the format you want to call it. It will be proprietory. It will be a gaming-only however will offer more than just Handheld connection. Nintendo's future is incorporating newer ways of interacting with digital games. Future generations of Nintendo platforms will support connection wireless VR headset connection or holographic projectors which light-up a room at night.
What the future Nintendo platforms will not do is play DVD, or manage digital photography, or require Credit Cards, or HDD record TV broadcasts of public station Movies, just as Video Hire franchises have done biased deals to favour one multi-media platform over the other.
Heck one would cringe if Pay-TV services start getting bias and do deals to have built-in receivers in the next-gen multi-media platforms.
HDD Record Live Pay-TV broadcasts of Robbie Williams in concert on the next Xbox platform or HDD Record Live Pay-TV broadcasts of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (Directors Cut, Super Digitally Enhanced, Tweaked to the Max version 12.3) on the next Psx platform, is not my idea of gaming entertainment.

For me I couldnt care less if $ony or M$ block the distribution of software in Video Store franchises or team up with Pay TV service providers to create the ultimate set-top-box, because Nintendo is and will be forever a gaming-only platform company, and where the software that is actually created by Nintendo 1st-2nd party developers is actually worth buying in the first place. Nintendo will not be a pimp to the latest mainstream data format and pay fees to consortiums. Nintendo makes its own software on its own format.

So in reality, for me at least, I cant relate to the weekly posts that offer advise for Nintendo on how to run their 2 century old business and how to be "number 1" in sales. But that could be just me.

To me Nintendo was "number 1" as soon as they proved their phylosophy of delivering realtime gaming entertainment and launched a disc based software medium that has practically realtime load-times.
So in my eyes Nintendo won this generation "console wars" regardless of its total units sales figures and regardless of its eclipsing size of 1st party software and regradless of whether it takes its software online or not.
I am a gamer. Nintendo & my PC satisfy my needs better than anything else available.
I wont plead with Nintendo to mimmick the other mainstreamers for the sake of being universally accepted or pirate friendly.
Nintendo makes billion$ using proprietory formats, image if Nintendo just released its software on mainstream mediums such as CD-ROM and DVD and heck why not throw in a DVD recorder not just player, then it (Nintendo) would possibly make Trillion$. Oh well I guess billion$ is more than adequate.

Nintendo's biggest obstacle is its fanbase acting like trolls and the mainstream market that dont have the time to play huge games.

The following link is a prime example of a clueless troll.

Oh and in my opinion if Nintendo launched first in the next-gen with launch support from Square-Enix (FF & DQ) and Konami (MGS or SH) that alone is enough to equal getting launch support from 50 x 3rd parties.
With Nintendo platforms its all about quality not quantity. We must learn to deal with it.
3rd parties cant compete on a quality platform like Nintendo's and they sure wont waste their time when the ps2 already had a larger userbase which can make them money as theres a better chance they will get mainstream suckers buying their quite-often lower quality games.

General Gaming / I'm speechless.
« on: July 01, 2003, 10:23:22 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
Talk about getting your target markets mixed up.  How many girls are even familiar with the DOA series?  And how many of them have bodies that make it worthwhile to own such a bikini?

Basically you have a product that is only suitable for attractive girls that uses a license that is only popular with male videogame geeks.  The amount of people who would buy such a product is like less than 1% unless some really big losers are going to buy it for... uh... fun.

Theres also another lame idea, just as worse in the pipeworks.
You know how M$ are rumored to port US NTSC games to Japan without converting software for their language, because the rumor is M$ are giving up in the Japan market due to ridiculous sales.
Whats worse is that Counterstrike (being one of the US territory games) being ported for Japan is somewhat a lame idea in my opinion.
I have yet met 1 solitairy gamer who has stated they will actually play Xbox version over PC version.
Is it totally stupidity when M$ say the Xbox is a hardcore gamer's console?
Counterstrike is extremely popular on PC but to think or make claims that Japanese gamers will chose the Xbox version with a controller over the PC version is somewhat extremely optimistic?

Forgive me for using an example of another stupid idea rather than bikini's or cringe, possibly cheap after shave endorced with Master Chief's name on it.

General Gaming / Official *PS3 or Cell* News
« on: June 28, 2003, 07:09:02 AM »

Originally posted by: Ms.Pikmin
Nonjagged, it's not lazy, it's avoiding wasting time pointing out flaws that everyone but you can see.   You don't want to hear any opinion that contradicts yours.  You are condescending and arrogant in your posts.  I really hope this does not remain as the "official PS3" thread because it has gone into the toilet and is ridiculously biased against Sony.  I am not a PS fan, but I looked at this thread thinking there was going to be actual NEWS, not some brat having a tantrum.  I can see you now, eyes closed, fingers stuck in each ear, screaming "I'M NOT LISTENING   I'M NOT LISTENING!!!!!"

LOL avoiding playing with your ear wax is what your doing.
Flaws? where? point them out dont be an armchair observer.
Dont want to hear anyone's opinion? Huh? Say what? there are no opinions on ps3/cell/etc other than my opinions. Someone elses opinions of disagreeing with no backup reasons are as stated wasted bandwidth.
LOL I provided the best possible link with pages on the topic and then I provided my opinions on the issue.
Its a forum board not a "cut and paste other sites article" board.
If your toooooo lazy to read the articles and possibly then offer your opinion, as stated before, please take a hike into another thread. Your more than welcome to.

Thinking there was actual NEWS in thsi thread? LOL refer to previous lines about link provided.
Now when yourve finished playing with your ear wax, do come back with your opinions like what you think of $ony's condascending statements that a Cell prototype will be ready next year when the technology wouldnt/couldnt be ready til around 2007 in the first place, and the sudden rapid lightyear time travelling technology progress was induced by Nintendo stating its not going to be last for next-gen launch.


Termin8Anakin, I agree its M$ that need Nintendo and M$ purchasing rare was the closest it would ever get to Nintendo, however Nintendo is just focusing on continuing to devise ideas on its own accord.

And Nintendo have very recently stated in Famitsu Mag that its looking at other ways of playing games (not in reference to GBA hookups or Online gaming) but in reference to something like VR headsets or Sony's Eyetoy.

Were all aware of Roll-o-rama or Tilt-o-rama technology and Konami's Light-Sensing technology however it will be intersting to see what direction Nintendo take while the Cell technology is also interesting as it will be incorporated in many digital appliances, but will it be a real fully-fledged technology version or will it be a rushed-out version to be ready with competition?

General Gaming / Need clarification on a rumor: ATI and Microsoft
« on: June 27, 2003, 11:08:18 AM »

Originally posted by: thecubedcanuck

I must mention that it's extremely likely that Nintendo will order a custom built GPU to meet their needs though, while MS will just throw in a Radeon 9700 or something and call it a day.

That is such a biased blanket statement I cant help but laugh at it.
You have ZERO credibility in my books.

Biased blanket statement only in your eyes.
I agree with Grey N's generalised comment.

Nintendo is far more inclined to create customised GPU's that works far more efficiently than M$'s architecture.
M$ cannot afford to and will not steer to far from a PC platform using Direct X, while PC franchises keep the Xbox platforms afloat.

And ATI want to crush Nvidia thats why ATI have accepted the Xbox job. ATI want to totally make use of DirectX better than Nvidia can and ATI have stated they are totally competitive to eliminate Nvidia as a competitor.

I just hope Nintendo doesnt drop a bomb on us and say we are partnering with Someone Else etc rather than ATI.

It also appears M$ are actually waking up and learning form their mistakes to not think that going with the most powerful GPU will mean you win the console war. Its all about balancing hardware and making a profit while doing so. Clearly the Xbox was the opposite of that philosophy.

Oh and Im still waiting for the Megaton = Free Online Gamecube Gaming. Shouldnt be too long. If I can remember Iwata siad in the near future.


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