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The Great Pre-Wii U Backlog Saga

Neal Day 32

by Neal Ronaghan - August 24, 2012, 2:04 pm EDT

Neal punches out a Bully, adds a Last Story, and continues his way through Skylanders and Xenoblade.

Current Backlog Size: 11 Wii games, 2 GameCube games, 2 Virtual Console games

Goal: Play (but not necessarily beat) them all by the Wii U launch

Progress Since Last Update: Bully, Playing Skylanders/Xenoblade Chronicles/Brawl, Added The Last Story

Since last time, I've played more Skylanders, playing as a few new characters and making progress on 100%-ing everything.

I finally threw in Bully: Scholarship Edition, and after about an hour, couldn't take the imprecise waggle controls. I think that's some sort of evidence that I'm over that kind of motion control. The game seems awesome, but I just can't get over that. I might track it down on PlayStation 2 or Xbox 360, or maybe see if it shows up on Sony's PS2 Classics on PlayStation 3. So, Bully is being exorcised from my list.

I did replace it, though, with The Last Story. I bought that. Then I opened it. And then I played some more Xenoblade Chronicles. I didn't get a chance to dive too much farther back into it, but I'm pretty happy with how easy that game is to jump back into. I thought I'd be totally lost, but I just sunk back into it.

I played a little bit of Super Smash Bros. Brawl as well, though I didn't get too far in my quest to unlock all the characters again.

Most of my game time has been occupied with Kingdom Hearts 3D and New Super Mario Bros. 2 on the 3DS, and making use of my PlayStation Plus account on PS3. If you have a PS3, I highly recommend it. The Walking Dead, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, and Just Cause 2 are all pretty awesome.


OblivionJuly 19, 2012

I have a backlog of about 25 games, most of them digital.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterJuly 19, 2012

I'm going to finish Kirby Epic Yarn, Sonic Colora, Xenoblade, and goldeneye. I want to finish Silent Hill but it's just too scary. Seriously it's hard for me to play games like that. Knife wielding maniacs, zombies and aliens are one thing, cause you can punch and kick them. But demons and ghosts just don't sit well with me.

RazorkidJuly 19, 2012

I have about 4 Wii games I need to complete not including Xenoblade and The Last Story, both of which I plan on purchasing this year. Despite its terrible release schedule over the last 2 years, I haven't experienced a drought on the Wii (or 3DS for that matter) at all. I don't even want to explain my PC backlog for fear of forever scarring the faint of heart :Q .

HeyItsMeJuly 19, 2012

Wii games haven't completed(not including digital games) :

The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword(glad i'm not the only one)
House of the Dead : Overkill
Little King's Story
Pikmin 2
Epic Mickey
Punch-Out! Wii
Monster Hunter Tri
Excitebots : Trick Racing
Boom Blox Bash Party
Xenoblade Chronoicles
The Last Story (when that comes out)

I want to get and beat before the Wii U comes out

New Play Control Pikmin
Kirby's Return to Dreamland

I also have many DS games that I haven't beaten but I won't even mention those :(

NeifirstJuly 19, 2012

Great feature!  I re-acquired a Wii in May after not owning one since 2007 to play Xenoblade, then spent June and July going through the old reviews here to build up a collection before games become expensive and difficult to find.  I've now got a collection to last me through at least late 2013 when I play on getting a Wii U:  Kirby's Epic Yarn, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Klonoa, A Boy and His Blob, No More Heroes, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Punch Out, Pikmin 2, Mario Power Tennis, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Trauma Team, Trauma Center New Blood, Big Brain Academy Wii Degree, Metroid Other M, Sin & Punishment Star Successor, Zack & Wiki, Wario Land Shake It.  I've already beaten Xenoblade (93 hours!), Kirby, and am just about done with Skyward Sword, so I'm on my way.

Disco StuJuly 19, 2012

Carmine!  Play Super Mario Galaxy 2 this very second!  I would put it in my top 3 games ever made, it's such a joy.  But I'm guessing you already know that many people feel this way, sorry if I'm just piling on the backlog guilt.

C-OlimarJuly 19, 2012

I have quite a few Wii games to finish, but none hurt me more than Skyward Sword or Little King's Story! There's also a lot of 3DS downloads that I need to complete as well.

TeaHeeJuly 19, 2012

I still cringe when I look at my GBA, PS2 and Dreamcast collection.  I have given up on everything older, but of course that hasn't stopped me from buying a bunch of games off of the Steam Summer Sale.

Xenoblade and Monster Hunter I will beat you! (I hope.)

YmeegodJuly 19, 2012

Yeah, I also have a huge-backlog of games but I'm trying to finish up the WII's but here's my list:
Sin and Punishment 2 (still sealed)
Metroid Prime 3
Last Story
Monster Hunter Tri
Trauma Centers (I played the third one but skipped the first two)
Curse Mountain

I'll be joining this crusade when I get my Wii back from the shop. It seemed defeatist to start it when I can't really play any Wii games. Stupid disk drive...

EJtheKJuly 19, 2012

My backlog stresses me out.  :-[  I'm not even kidding.  If I were to count the actual number of games in it, it would only make me even sadder and more stressed...

However, knowing I'm not alone in this is comforting.  Also, humor is great medicine for my plight.  Thanks for the post!  :cool;

Then again... When I see titles listed by others that I didn't play or buy, I can't help but find myself saying, "gee, I really should have played that too!"  This is why I have an Excel sheet that is becoming a backlog to my backlog.  Perhaps, I shouldn't read all of the posts here after all...

Chozo GhostJuly 19, 2012

Quote from: EJtheK

My backlog stresses me out.  :-[  I'm not even kidding.  If I were to count the actual number of games in it, it would only make me even sadder and more stressed...

If it stresses you out that badly, here is what you do:

1) STOP buying video games entirely.

2) Play the ones you have.

3) After you've played ALL of them, now you can consider buying more again.

LudicrousDa3veJuly 19, 2012

I'm digging this! I've got a bit of a backlog (even dating back to NES games I have put off finishing for over 20 years), though using http://www.backloggery.com has helped quite a bit!
  Being as the Wii U is backwards compatible, my focus is clearing out my XBox360 backlog. She's losing her place on the primary tv, so its now or never for some of those titles. ;)

iDraTionJuly 19, 2012

Where's Lindemann?  I hear he actually plays his games now and has left us all to suffer in the wake of his spreading epidemic.


Red Dead Redemption
Fable III
Bit.Trip Runner
Dear Esther (stupid steam sales, I don't even know anything about this game)

Handful of other games to finish like Kingdoms of Amalur, Metroid: Other M (post credits section), Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Pushmo, Radiant Historia, I'm sure there's others I'm forgetting.  Currently playing through Radiant Historia.

Kytim89July 19, 2012

Here is my backlog:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (up to the third Imprisoned battle).
Monster Hunter Tri (beaten with 300 hours of online co-op playtime).
Epic Mickey (beaten).
Madworld (beaten).
No More Heroes (beaten).
No More Heroes 2 (beaten).
Dead Space Extraction (beaten).
Resident Evil 4 (beaten).
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (beaten).
The House of the Dead Overkill (Beaten, but no unlockables).
Red Steel 2 (not beaten).
Metroid: Other M (beaten. Third highest play time).
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (not beaten. Damn monkey trials).
Metroid Prime 3 (not beaten).
Punch-Out! (Not beaten. Stuck on Sand Man).
Fling-Smash (Not beaten).
Super Smash Brothers Brawl (no unlockables)
New Super Mario Brothers Wii (Not beaten).
Goldeneye 007 (beaten).
Wii Sports Resort and Wii Sports ( not beaten).

Quote from: Disco

Carmine!  Play Super Mario Galaxy 2 this very second!  I would put it in my top 3 games ever made, it's such a joy.  But I'm guessing you already know that many people feel this way, sorry if I'm just piling on the backlog guilt.

So much guilt... T-T

Quote from: C-Olimar

I have quite a few Wii games to finish, but none hurt me more than Skyward Sword or Little King's Story!

Yikes. I never finished Little King's story! That game got too hardcore for me fast!

...I also actually haven't finished SS still, it's sitting there right next to my Wii. I'll probably pick it up again and try to finish it at the same time I'm working through my official backlog.

Ian SaneJuly 19, 2012

My list of games I've never beat is HUGE.  I don't even really think of that and, hell, some games will never get completed because I either suck at them or the game itself sucks (for example, I have no desire to go back and finish a certain Metroid game).

However I am embarassed that I actually own a Wii game I have never played.  Last Christmas I got Skyward Sword, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Sin & Punishment.  I've completed Zelda and have since been occupied by Xenoblade but S&P has not been played at all.  That's just weird but I've had a very busy year and getting three games for one Christmas was quite unexpected.  Plus Xenoblade just eats all my gaming time (and I don't complain about that).  I've never had a new game just sitting there unplayed before and it feels really weird and somewhat dishonest, like I'm a spoiled person to have videogames that don't get used.

However my interest in classic games has run amok.  There are too many SNES, Genesis and NES games that I'll grab because they showed up at the used videogame store and if it's a title I want, I could possibly not see another copy for YEARS.  That's just how it works with used titles.  You never know when you'll be making purchases.  But I haven't been able to fit a bunch in yet and my NES was busted for a while before I got a new connector and that just created a good sized backlog.

Let's say I got married and my wife did not want me to buy more games.  I could actually probably live with that just due to the sheer amount of SNES games alone that I have not dedicated a good amount of time to.  If I sat down and refused to buy any game until I was finished with every game I owned, I would probably miss the Wii U generation entirely.

Summer is the worst time to talk about backlog though.  You think I play lots of games when the weather is nice?

leahsdadJuly 19, 2012

Wow, great feature!

I'm married with 2 kids and I have a job and a consulting business I do on the side, so...I'm kinda busy.  With that said, I have a 2 backlog lists:  a "finish before Wii U" list and a "I'll play this during the eventual post-launch drought" list:

Finish before Wii U:

Sin and Punishment 2 (stuck on that samurai girl in the school dress)

Wii U Drought:
Last Story

I don't think I've played more Wii games than anyone (or everyone) else, but I've been forced my by lifestyle (having no life) to be more selective.  But looking at everyone else's list, I'm wondering....a lot of the games that everyone is mentioning have been reviewed as being mediocre, or worse.  Are you sure you want to spend time on those?  I haven't played it, but seriously, Carmine, I doubt that Real Heroes: Firefighter is a must-play game.  Or Zoo Hospital.  Or Zumba 2.  Andrew isn't immune from my nitpicking either, Mr. "I'm going to play Bikini Zombie Slayers".  And Danny, Mr. "LOTR: Aragorn's Quest."

Quote from: Ian

However my interest in classic games has run amok.  There are too many SNES, Genesis and NES games that I'll grab because they showed up at the used videogame store and if it's a title I want, I could possibly not see another copy for YEARS.  That's just how it works with used titles.

Yeah, one of my biggest regrets was not picking up a GB Micro when I found one at a used game store. This penchant for old, nostalgic things is fun, but also the reason I have to force myself to stay away from EBay.

Quote from: leahsdad

But looking at everyone else's list, I'm wondering....a lot of the games that everyone is mentioning have been reviewed as being mediocre, or worse.  Are you sure you want to spend time on those?  I haven't played it, but seriously, Carmine, I doubt that Real Heroes: Firefighter is a must-play game.  Or Zoo Hospital.  Or Zumba 2.

There are games on my list that I'm expecting to pick up, find not to my liking, and then drop again within an hour or two, but those are not them actually. I mean, I could be wrong, but...

Zumba 2 got a good review from a Wii Fitness Game - focused blog I was checking out, and my dad's a fan of Zynga so I'm actually quite curious to play it.
Zoo Hospital is a Trauma Center clone. 'Nuff said.
And Real Hero Firefighters is... well, it's about firefighters, which is potentially awesome. Worst possible scenario is it gets me pumped to rewatch Backdraft or replay The Ignition Factor on VC. (IF is a GREAT firefighting game!)

I can understand that if you only buy/play a couple games a year you need to be picky, that's the way my younger brother is with seeing movies in theatres, which is sort of a drag... But with the Wii I've rediscovered an adventurous streak within me, some might call it blatant optimism, and I'm keen to experience and discover all sorts of games and gameplay, even if they're not perfectly polished to perfection. Also: third parties. Support them!

Fiendlord_TimmayJuly 19, 2012

The Steam sale has quickly dashed my hopes of shrinking my backlog this summer. But the backloggery is great. Whoever mentioned they're using an excel sheet.... dude go set up a backloggery account. It's free, it's an attractive interface, and there's a community to compare your stats to if you so desire. It's almost fun to fill out your backloggery in and of itself, IMO.

Here's my backlog:  http://www.backloggery.com/Nintengineer

Also, take three guesses as to whose this one is:  http://backloggery.com/MrDiamondJ

ejamerJuly 19, 2012

Great article, but I disagree with this statement:

"No one just wakes up and decides they'll buy dozens and dozens of videogames they won't find the time to play."

That is almost exactly what happened to me with the Wii generation. I knew that I had more time and money at this point in my life than I was going to anytime in the near future, and took advantage of that to build a huge backlog of games.  Now I've got a full shelf of games with many that have only been lightly played if at all.  Granted, there are probably only a dozen or so titles left that I would consider "must play" games... but having a sizable backlog isn't a burden for me. It's a blessing, and insurance that I'll be happily gaming for years to come.

purevalJuly 19, 2012

My backlog goes way back, too far to even consider. I have come to the realization that I will not be able to 100% most of the games I buy, I either do not have the time to search every square inch of the world for some stupid hidden trinket or I really suck at the game. I am basing my backlog of how I feel about a game. If I look at it and feel that I wasted my money it goes on the list.

Bully-Put a few hours into it, hard to find time to play when my son is not watching.
De Blob 2-never even been out of the case
Donkey Kong Country Returns-my son likes to play as Diddy Kong, really slowed down my progress
Epic Mickey-never played, got scared by the camera complaints
The Godfather-about half way through, love it, can only play when my son is not around
Kirby's Epic Yarn-played a little, got distracted
Metorid Other M-played a little, motion sickness kicked in with the missiles
New Super Mario Bros Wii-was playing with my wife. Accidently threw her down a cliff and still have not heard the end of it
Punch Out-got stuck on Bald Bull
Scarface-never played due to son
Sin and Punishment 2-played a little, never got back to it
Tatsunoko VS Capcom-bought because it was cheap, never played it
Xenoblade Chronicles-put about an hour into it before my daughter was born.

Looking at my list my biggest issue is adult games. There is very little time my son is asleep and the tv is free. The same issue is why I still have not finished the last season The Walking Dead or Boardwalk Empire.

Kytim89July 19, 2012

I looked over my Virtual Console game collection with a degree of shame because I have beaten so few of them. This is mainly attributed to the physical Wii games that I have had at my disposal over the last four years has turned me away from retro games. Eventually I would like to focus all of my time on the VC games when I have completed all of my Wii games. Here is my Wii wishlist:

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: World at War
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex
Wii Play Motion
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Conduit 2
Rayman Origins
Fragile Dreams
Arc Rise Fantasia
Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
TMNT: Smah-Up!
Wario Land: Shake It!
Sin and Punishment 2
Mario Sports Mix
Lost in Shadow
Little King's Story
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Epic Mickey 2

I really hope that we get a Wii Virtual Console for the Wii U.

Chozo GhostJuly 19, 2012

Quote from: Kytim89

I really hope that we get a Wii Virtual Console for the Wii U.

The Wii U is fully backwards compatible with Wii software. We might see some HD remakes of Wii games, hopefully with achievement support.

LouieturkeyJuly 19, 2012

I'll take HD upgrades of some games, especially if they are in collections.  I'm a sucker for those HD collections on the PS3.  I almost bought the Splinter Cell Trilogy and I'm not an FPS gamer.  I did buy the POP Trilogy, the two GOW collections, the ICO/Shadow of Colossus collection (twice by accident), the Tomb Raider trilogy (had already bought the PS3 Tomb Raider before), played through the majority of the Sly Cooper Trilogy and plan on getting the Jak as Ratchet trilogies as well.  If they rereleased some Wii games on the WiiU, that may be enough for me to get the system.

In regards to my backlog, it keeps growing.  I've bought more games this year than I've played in the last 3 years.  I don't know if I can do the great backlog saga.  I'd have to first plug in my Wii. :)

Chocobo_RiderJuly 20, 2012

Amazing how there are so many games to play while some have spent the past 5 years wondering where the Wii games were?

I guess it's true that, unlike fresh produce, good game experiences don't expire after 2 months ... as much as Activision and Capcom might wish us to think so =)

My remaining (unopened) backlog:
DBZ something something 3 (gift (does look great though))
Dragon Ball Origins

LithiumJuly 20, 2012

i cleared off my wii backlog earlier on this year, but i tend to do backlogs differently than everyone else on this site/forum it looks like. My backlogs are more like bucket lists and i only buy a new game when i beat the one i'm playing.

However i've made a recent exception to this rule because of the newest Humble Indie budle, then with the steam summer sale I bought Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Trine 2 and Dear Ester. So I've accidently started an Indie Game backlog haha

You can check out my backlog here if you're interested

Chozo GhostJuly 20, 2012

If a gamer doesn't finish all of his/her backlog before he/she dies then should that backlog be buried with them so they can resume playing it in the after life?

Quote from: NinSage


Mini Ninjas is very good. You're in for a treat.

LudicrousDa3veJuly 21, 2012

Quote from: Chozo

If a gamer doesn't finish all of his/her backlog before he/she dies then should that backlog be buried with them so they can resume playing it in the after life?

  Like a big ass gaming sarcophagus? Dude!  ;D

You guys could all give Jon a run for his money. This feature makes me feel pretty good about my backlog, which is less than 5 physical games. It's a couple dozen deep on digital platforms, but that includes the ongoing Steam sale, and I'm making constant progress on that one too.

Dan LaserJuly 21, 2012

According to my Backloggery, ~75% of my games remain unfinished (this is across all platforms) >_>
DS: 47 unfinished
3DS: 3 unfinished
Wii: 30 unfinished

I have three jobs right now so its hard to squeeze in gaming - but I have also been too busy to be shopping!

Like many have said, there are some games I don't see myself wanting to go back to because I either am bad at them, or don't like them. It would be great if I could bring that percentage down to at least 50% though!

This is a fun article. Good luck to all that participate :D

LittleIrvesJuly 21, 2012

It feels good to know I'm not alone in this.
And without even realizing this feature existed, I finally started yesterday one of the many untouched games that have piled up around here: Enslaved. It's pretty good so far...  not the hugest fan of Unreal Engine post-apocalyptic adventure stuff, but hot damn that opening airplane sequence is impressive. I even wrote into RFN awhile back and they were so kind as to help me with my little problem. Among the more blatant leftovers:

(360) Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Fallout 3, Eternal Sonata
(Wii)  Resident Evil 4, Zack & Wiki, Fragile Dreams
(DS)  Final Fantasy IV, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Hotel Dusk

And those are just the unplayed ones. I hardly count the "unfinished" games, as long as I spent enough time with them to feel like I got my money's worth. The 'Log will never be empty, but the advice to "not buy new games" is sound and healthy. I'm treating downloadable games as little snacks I can still buy and indulge in, as long as I don't buy new retail games. Doesn't make much sense, I realize, but a man needs his vices.

Chocobo_RiderJuly 22, 2012

Note: Wii games off the top of my head that I do not yet own but plan to buy and I guess immediately go on the backlog ...

-Fragile Dreams
-Sin & Punishment 2
-The Last Story (pre-ordered)
-Pandora's Tower (import if need be)

Evan_BJuly 23, 2012

Hrm. My backlog... I know I won't be able to complete all of these come Wii U time, but I'll try.

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJuly 24, 2012

Looks like the website has a new cat. Does it have a name?

Now that I have access to a Wii or more precisely a Wii equivalent, I have the entire Wii library as a back log. I have to say that the Wii wasn't very good when it came to fully featured games. I am sort of glad I didn't buy a Wii since it would have meant the times between games would have been much greater than the Gamecube would have had and far fewer.

That said I would not have enjoyed PS360 either due to the complete lack of imagination those consoles generally offered. Shooter that, shooter this, brown here, grey here. In the end it was a good choice to go PC/Mac and a Nintendo Handheld.

Currently playing through Xenoblade Chronicles in HD and holy shit this is something special. The combat is a bit fast initially before you get use to it. What is really impressive is that they incorporate what normally cutscene powers into actual game play. Graphically excellent even without HD textures. The voice acting is unique, it's like they took a random casting call off the streets and factories of London. It works because it's never sounds bland or generic. A more professional group could emote more, but few have this much character inherent in them.

In most respects it's a single player MMO, but what it lacks in multiplayer, it greatly adds to it. Unlike an MMO like WOW is that it offers a proper connection to the player. WOW tries this with pages and pages of flavor text, but in the end it's kill a dozen of this, farm that and come back to me and this is mandatory if you what to level up at a respectable speed. The quest structure in XC lacks that aggravation by reducing the kill count, allowing you to collect things before someone asks for them and most importantly for most quests there is no need to return to the quest giver and they don't badger with an A4 sheet of meaningless text.

Another inescapable fact is that nothing in WOW ever changes due to your actions, the moment you finish something, it resets. Since there is no PVP, there is no need to balance for it allowing increasingly outlandish, creative effects and combat. WOW by the square meter is probably larger, but it completely fails to convey that scale outside of travel time which is not a good thing and the world is completely uninteresting. You will know what I mean when I say "The first visit to Bionis Leg". This is just a fraction of the comparisons one can make.

To sum up the comparison in one sentence. "WOW is work, Xenoblade Chronicles is a game".

Pixelated PixiesJuly 24, 2012

Both Viewtiful Joe and Little King's Story are on my shame pile too.

In the case of Viewtiful Joe, I've restarted playing the game on at least 3 occasions over the years but always end up stalling. Not that the game isn't good, but I never really gelled with the combat (In other words I was terrible at the game) and my attempts to complete it always seem to end with me playing something else.

Little King's Story on the other hand was unfortunately purchased a few short months after I had played NPC Pikmin 2, which was itself released only 2 months after NPC Pikmin. Little King's Story was charming, funny and, well, fun. The lack of any pointer controls, however, and the strain this put on some of the later boss battles in the game, coupled with the fact that I had just played two quite similar games which were in my opinion better, ultimately led me to put the game down. I really would like to revisit the game though.

Quote from: oohhboy

Looks like the website has a new cat. Does it have a name?

Cat's name is Iggy, but I dare not ever try to supplant Louie as the resident site cat. He will continue to pop up in any unboxing or photo/video content I do, though. :)

And I really need to get back into Xenoblade...

Quote from: NWR_Neal

Cat's name is Iggy, but I dare not ever try to supplant Louie as the resident site cat. He will continue to pop up in any unboxing or photo/video content I do, though. :)


oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJuly 24, 2012

Louie hasn't shown up for the obvious reason for a long time, it's safe to have a new cat on the block to carry the tradition. Besides, this is the internet, cats are mandatory.

Vrgin XJuly 26, 2012

My backlog of Wii games is totalling 50 and goes back to 2008.
Looks like I'll be playing most of those on Wii U.
(Playing most of my DS backlog, also at 50 games, on 3DS.)

The only thing this thread has taught me is that the forum posters here are completely loaded.

The majority of my backlog is from Steam sales where I paid an average of $5/game for. 

ymeegodJuly 27, 2012

"In the case of Viewtiful Joe, I've restarted playing the game on at least 3 occasions over the years but always end up stalling"  Ditto, if fact I think I have three VJ games and haven't beaten one of them :(.  Always get 50% through them before another RPG grabs my attention.

Think I'll finish up Xenoblade this weekend though.  Only have 10 hours in but I plan on putting 20+ more hours in the next few days.

Quote from: ymeegod

Think I'll finish up Xenoblade this weekend though.  Only have 10 hours in but I plan on putting 20+ more hours in the next few days.


oh wow


Pray for me

Pixelated PixiesJuly 28, 2012

Quote from: ymeegod

"In the case of Viewtiful Joe, I've restarted playing the game on at least 3 occasions over the years but always end up stalling"  Ditto, if fact I think I have three VJ games and haven't beaten one of them :( .  Always get 50% through them before another RPG grabs my attention.

Think I'll finish up Xenoblade this weekend though.  Only have 10 hours in but I plan on putting 20+ more hours in the next few days.

To be honest I'm kind of relieved that I'm not the only one, lol.

I've spoken to a few Treasure fans who dislike Sin & Punishment 2. I imagine they feel the same exasperation about that game that I do about Vietiful Joe. Every fibre of my being tells me that I should enjoy it but I just can't. It's...weird.

Quote from: NWR_Lindy


Pray for me

Holy crap, we've got patient zero up in this.

evanbowerJuly 29, 2012

Quote from: ymeegod

"In the case of Viewtiful Joe, I've restarted playing the game on at least 3 occasions over the years but always end up stalling"  Ditto, if fact I think I have three VJ games and haven't beaten one of them :( .  Always get 50% through them before another RPG grabs my attention.

Think I'll finish up Xenoblade this weekend though.  Only have 10 hours in but I plan on putting 20+ more hours in the next few days.

    Oh man. Just know going into it that even by JRPG standards, Xenoblade is a long, lonnng game.

I just spent way too much time getting everything I have into Backloggery. Looking at the numbers, I'm just stunned. I wasn't really thinking about it in terms of the numbers, but it's hard not to see it that way on this site.

Oddly enough, the only way I was able to put my feelings into words was "Suck it, Lindemann."


EDIT: The funny thing is, I spent 2-3 hours doing that, time that I could just as easily have spent playing one of the 332 games I own but haven't finished.

Oh yeah man, I've been keeping an eye on you. I've seen you saying you're buying something on Twitter, and even I've said to myself "Why? He isn't even going to play it".  I've seen you admit that you're buying something while fully accepting that you won't play it for months.  That's when you know you have The Lindemann Syndrome.

Lindemann Syndrome has ten distinct stages:

1. Financial freedom
2. Realization of cheap, good games
3. Massive purchasing
4. Realization of impossible backlog
5. Financial peril
6. Extreme scaling back of purchases
7. Acceptance of responsibility for backlog
8. Infrequent purchases
9. Attacking of backlog
10. Death

I'm at #9. Only my backlog and death awaits me. I am one of the damned.

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJuly 29, 2012

9a. Fleeting periods of overwhelming glee.

Quote from: NWR_Lindy

Oh yeah man, I've been keeping an eye on you. I've seen you saying you're buying something on Twitter, and even I've said to myself "Why? He isn't even going to play it".  I've seen you admit that you're buying something while fully accepting that you won't play it for months.  That's when you know you have The Lindemann Syndrome.

Lindemann Syndrome has ten distinct stages:

1. Financial freedom
2. Realization of cheap, good games
3. Massive purchasing
4. Realization of impossible backlog
5. Financial peril
6. Extreme scaling back of purchases
7. Acceptance of responsibility for backlog
8. Infrequent purchases
9. Attacking of backlog
10. Death

I'm at #9. Only my backlog and death awaits me. I am one of the damned.

I don't know how many people are going to get this, but I read this in the voice of Walon, which I suppose makes me Bubbles.

By that list, it seems like I'm at 3 and 4 at the same time. I have on numerous occasions admitted I will never be able to finish my backlog, yet I continue to buy tons and tons of games.

So right now, I don't know where on the 5-8 continuum I'm at (probably 5).

SarailJuly 29, 2012

Definitely at step number 6, Jon. I've got 999 problems, and I desperately need to fend off the Back'laag.

Buk buk. :/

#5 is perhaps not necessarily financial peril, but probably better characterized as some sort of reckoning or crisis, or life event that makes you rethink everything. Whether that's suddenly not having any money (e.g. losing your job), a fiance that says "this game buying has to stop, we're saving for a house", moving into a new house and suddenly realizing you have to move 300+ games along with you, having a baby, etc.

Somewhere along the line you hit the downward spiral.

RazorkidJuly 30, 2012

Quote from: NWR_Lindy

Oh yeah man, I've been keeping an eye on you. I've seen you saying you're buying something on Twitter, and even I've said to myself "Why? He isn't even going to play it".  I've seen you admit that you're buying something while fully accepting that you won't play it for months.  That's when you know you have The Lindemann Syndrome.

Lindemann Syndrome has ten distinct stages:

1. Financial freedom
2. Realization of cheap, good games
3. Massive purchasing
4. Realization of impossible backlog
5. Financial peril
6. Extreme scaling back of purchases
7. Acceptance of responsibility for backlog
8. Infrequent purchases
9. Attacking of backlog
10. Death

I'm at #9. Only my backlog and death awaits me. I am one of the damned.

I'm at #9 as well. My #5 was a baby 3 years ago, then another baby 3.5 moths ago.  I just take solace in the fact that if I don't buy another game, I have soooo many great ones to play through for now.  I often think that if I was an old man living in a retirement home, having a backlog of this size would be awesome as it would be pretty much the only thing that I would (or probably could) do.

I'm somewhere between #5 and #9... somewhere... T-T

Glad you like the game so far Cai! If you finish it, make sure to wait for the great part after the credits.

thedefalcosJuly 30, 2012

Most of you put me to shame! Not just in backlog, but in sheer number of Wii games owned. And Lindemann, I bow to your backlog greatness. You are the Master, no the Potentate!, of gaming backlog. I feel ashamed to even be in your presence... on a blog.

Anyway, my offering is meager, but here it is:

1. Cave Story (presently playing)
2. Guitar Hero: Van Halen
3. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (GC)
4. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4
5. Epic Mickey
6. Marvel Ultimate Alliance

I just finished Hulk: UD, Xenoblade, and Sin/Punishment 2.

There are others that could be on this list, but it's more like completing the extras than beating them. I'd like to collect all the coins in NSMBWii, defend my title in Punch-out!, complete hero mode in Skyward Sword, etc. Not sure any of that's going to happen, though. Not enough time.

Hey, I beat Lindemann by 20 games. If anyone's the master, it's me.

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

Hey, I beat Lindemann by 20 games. If anyone's the master, it's me.

A dubious honor, if ever there was one!

Chozo GhostJuly 31, 2012

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

Hey, I beat Lindemann by 20 games. If anyone's the master, it's me.

Only a master of evil. :P

I'm curious Danny, are you going to try to beat ED three times over for the "real" ending? It's just a video you can probably find on youtube though... still. I'm pretty happy to have beaten ED three times over, once for each Ancient. I think the Chattur'gha vs. Xel'lotath is the best set up for the ending!

joshnickersonJuly 31, 2012

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

Hey, I beat Lindemann by 20 games. If anyone's the master, it's me.


RazorkidAugust 01, 2012

Quote from: joshnickerson

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

Hey, I beat Lindemann by 20 games. If anyone's the master, it's me.


Soul crushing.....

If I beat Eternal Darkness once, I'll be satisfied enough. Apparently, I picked the hardest magik color to go through the game, blue. So far it hasn't been difficult, though.

KhushrenadaAugust 01, 2012

Quote from: lolmonade

The only thing this thread has taught me is that the forum posters here are completely loaded.

The majority of my backlog is from Steam sales where I paid an average of $5/game for. 

ALRIGHT! We are the 1% forum. Crack open the cristal champagne everybody.

Chozo GhostAugust 01, 2012

Quote from: Khushrenada

ALRIGHT! We are the 1% forum. Crack open the cristal champagne everybody.

Outlaw bikers don't drink champagne.


thedefalcosAugust 01, 2012

Josh: Where in the world do you get the time and money to even BUY that many games? Seriously, even my worst obssession, comic book collecting, pales in comparison to this collection. And comic books are cheaper.  And logging all those games must have been a part-time job in and of itself.

Fatty The HuttAugust 01, 2012

Quote from: The_Dan_x

If I beat Eternal Darkness once, I'll be satisfied enough. Apparently, I picked the hardest magik color to go through the game, blue. So far it hasn't been difficult, though.

I thought red was the hard one? I recall them saying that on RFN during the ED themed podcast (complete with fun insanity effects! Go look it up if you haven't listened.)

joshnickersonAugust 01, 2012

Quote from: thedefalcos

Josh: Where in the world do you get the time and money to even BUY that many games? Seriously, even my worst obssession, comic book collecting, pales in comparison to this collection. And comic books are cheaper.  And logging all those games must have been a part-time job in and of itself.

What's REALLY scary? This is AFTER a big purge last year or so when I got rid of a substantial chunk of my collection, getting rid of most of the games I either disliked or had no interest in playing. I actually wasn't that into video game collecting up until a decade ago, when a friend got me into it and we started competing with each other to see who could build the bigger collection.

My secret? Yard sales and flea markets. Plus I cleaned up on clearance items when Circuit City went under. I have been cutting back in the past year or so though, but I have been picking up odd Gameboy games whenever I can find them dirt cheap.

I would argue there's a distinction between a backlog and a collection. To really be a backlog, the games have to have been purchased primarily with the intent of playing them.

You didn't beat me if I can prove we're not doing the same thing.

ymeegodAugust 02, 2012

Actually Josh % of beaten games is higher than yours Insane so wouldn't that make you the collector and him the gamer?

Of course Josh added multiple generations together, hell if I did my list would be HUGE as well.  70 games/year by 30 years of gaming=roughly 2100 titles.  That's playing 5 or 6 games per month. 

KhushrenadaAugust 02, 2012

Well, I'd heard about the site before but didn't care much about it. But after seeing other people's lists, I ending up liking this shared experience so decided to join up at the Backloggery as well.

Here is my listing at the site.

If others want to join up their listings with me there, let's do it.

Quote from: ymeegod

Actually Josh % of beaten games is higher than yours Insane so wouldn't that make you the collector and him the gamer?

Of course Josh added multiple generations together, hell if I did my list would be HUGE as well.  70 games/year by 30 years of gaming=roughly 2100 titles.  That's playing 5 or 6 games per month. 

I said intent; I bought every one of those games intending to play it, and Josh seemed to indicate that he bought games just to collect them. Also, my completion percentage would be higher, but at a certain point I stopped adding games that I'd beaten because I was tired of entering things and wanted to be finished quicker.

Mop it upAugust 02, 2012

I tried out Backloggery once before but then found it to be too much work, everything must be done manually. I liked GameFAQs My Games page better because games could be easily added and maintained with mouse clicks, but then the update happened and now the layout of it all is much worse.

LouieturkeyAugust 06, 2012

My number 5 was a multitude of events that all started with school.  I lost a chunk of my income going part time.  Then I got engaged and subsequently married.  Then I finished school and went back to full time, but the wife couldn't get a job so one income for two people.  Then we had a kid.  One of these days I'll make a backloggery account and see where I'm at. 

joshnickersonAugust 06, 2012

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

Quote from: ymeegod

Actually Josh % of beaten games is higher than yours Insane so wouldn't that make you the collector and him the gamer?

Of course Josh added multiple generations together, hell if I did my list would be HUGE as well.  70 games/year by 30 years of gaming=roughly 2100 titles.  That's playing 5 or 6 games per month. 

I said intent; I bought every one of those games intending to play it, and Josh seemed to indicate that he bought games just to collect them. Also, my completion percentage would be higher, but at a certain point I stopped adding games that I'd beaten because I was tired of entering things and wanted to be finished quicker.

Well, honestly, I use Backloggery for both keeping track of what I'm playing AND my collection. Though I'm well aware that I most likely will never play through a good chunk of those games... who would have the time?

If you're using backloggery for gameplay purposes, I certainly cede victory to you, my good man. I was just trying to be a smartass earlier. ;)

On topic: I liked Epic Mickey enough that I put up with its many shortcomings, but I do hope the sequel is MUCH better.

xcwarriorAugust 08, 2012

My bcklog is too long to list here, if anyone else has a backloggery account, see it here:

I just want to say I just finished Epic Mickey myself and really enjoyed the game. Did not have nearly the amount of the camera issues mentioned in this article. I guess after beating SM64 4 times, any camera after that is nothing.

I am trying to get my backlog in better shape, and am doing OK in that regard. If I can get it to less than 25% unbeaten (currently 28.4% with 419 games) I'll take that as a short term victory.

Anth0nyAugust 09, 2012

My backlog is relatively small for the Wii gen. It was the first gen where I had a job, and could buy games at will.

The backlog:

Megaman 10
World of Goo

360/PS3 backlogs, on the other hand...

I posted my first backlog update.

I'm actually running into an issue of having too many other games I want to play across nearly every other system I own to keep the pressure on my Wii backlog. Between PSPlus, 3DS, Vita, and some XBLA titles, I'm super backed up.

My Non-Wii backlog is currently: Deus Ex: Human Revolution (playing), Kingdom Hearts 3D (bought; haven't touched), Sound Shapes (bought; played a little), Wipeout Vita, Spelunky HD, THPS HD, The Walking Dead, Skate 3, Infamous, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, etc., etc.

Maybe this light fall is for the best...

Chozo GhostAugust 16, 2012

Quote from: NWR_Neal

I'm super backed up.

Sounds like you need a video gaming laxative to get things moving again.

Glad you liked ED Danny! Oh, and um... may the rats eat your eyes. ^_^

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)August 17, 2012

Hands up who triple-completed Eternal Darkness back in the day and got the alternate title screen! *raises hand*  ;D

ejamerAugust 17, 2012

Quote from: famicomplicated

Hands up who triple-completed Eternal Darkness back in the day and got the alternate title screen! *raises hand*  ;D

I only beat the game once, but really want to play this again sometime. Great fun. Just the sound effects creeped my wife right out, and she made me promise not to play while she was home.

Quote from: famicomplicated

Hands up who triple-completed Eternal Darkness back in the day and got the alternate title screen! *raises hand*  ;D

It's totally unnecesary to have beaten the game 3 times over, but it's also something I feel really proud to have done.

SarailAugust 17, 2012

Quote from: famicomplicated

Hands up who triple-completed Eternal Darkness back in the day and got the alternate title screen! *raises hand*  ;D

*raises hand* I did it! I did it! Man, I loved Eternal Darkness back in the day.

My friend is still pissed at me because I spoiled the third-ending reveal.

But yea, I did it.

Added my latest update

Has anyone else had the same issue that I did with Bully (in that or another game)? Man, I remember liking motion controls like that a lot more a few years ago...

DarthBradyAugust 24, 2012

@ Neal:

Yes, I had the same problem with Bully and the Wii's controls. I first tried the game at release on PS2, I thought the Wii release would show improvement - but it didn't. The controls were quite imprecise. I later picked up the Scholarship Edition on Xbox 360, it is the definitive version for me. It's much more playable.

Also, I have a launch Wii too. My Wii has suffered the disc problem more than once. Nintendo replaced it twice. I know one other person with a launch Wii - same problem. After the 2nd Repair it happened again and I learned something: those wii cleaning kits will fix the problem. Every time Metroid prime Trilogy or Smash Bros. wont play I clean the drive and presto! it plays again on the first try.

Pixelated PixiesAugust 24, 2012

Totally agree with you on the Wii version of Bully. Way too much waggle. I also found the framerate to be pretty awful. Those two things combined with the generally dated feel of the game prevented me from wanting to complete it (although I did play it for around 10 hours or so). I'm not really an open world guy anyway, so this was never likely to be my sort of game.

Quote from: DarthBrady

Yes, I had the same problem with Bully and the Wii's controls. I first tried the game at release on PS2, I thought the Wii release would show improvement - but it didn't. The controls were quite imprecise. I later picked up the Scholarship Edition on Xbox 360, it is the definitive version for me. It's much more playable.

I heard the 360 version was buggy. Did it get patched or is it tolerable enough to go through it?

DarthBradyAugust 25, 2012

I personally didn't have any problems with it. I also got it for 4$ on PC via a steam sale too, I can verify it was less buggy than that version. (The PC version had glitchy controls for me and I was using a 360 controller) That's why I called the 360 the definitive version for me, it runs & controls better than Wii and controls a little smoother than the PC.

I'm known for being picky about a game being "tolerable" and I enjoyed it. All this talk about it makes me want to put it in my 360 and play it again  ;)

Nights: Journey of Dreams is not a great game, and parts of it are pretty much terrible. But it's short, and well worth playing through if only for the final level, which is one of the best video game levels I've ever played.

Fatty The HuttSeptember 12, 2012

Quote from: Caterkiller

I'm going to finish Kirby Epic Yarn, Sonic Colora, Xenoblade, and goldeneye.

Sonic Cholera. There's a game I want to play!  ;)

Vikifrb44 minutes ago

How can I find the moderator? 
This matter is significant. 
Best regards.

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