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Episode 810: Looking for the Contours of Fun

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - February 19, 2023, 9:29 pm EST
Total comments: 3

In a land bereft of fun, one man will seek it out in the blistering nothingness.

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I want to give your game a 1.25 out of 10 and so I shall.

However, there are people that suggest it is not necessary that I have such dexterity in my reviews. They want median and mean scores to correspond with the numerical mean of the range. They demand a semi-predictable cadence of 10s and 1s, tops and bottoms. They expect the bell curve to be rigidly enforced, as if each game is evaluated against every other game on the same grading scale.

I am not one such person. My mind is open, and therefore I am always correct. My views are nuanced and easily grasped. I am the Heraclitus in a candy coating of raw charisma.

Suffice to say, our accidental feature topic on review scores was no accident. Providence provides.

The gods speak.

Following this revelation, we move onto some New Business. Guillaume is no longer interested in playing Blue Dragon and Jon + Greg are reliving Metroid Prime with the new Remaster.

This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See what he's up to at his website.

This episode's ending music is Theme of Star Fox from Orchestral Game Concert 3. It was selected by Greg. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co., Ltd.


azekeFebruary 21, 2023

Trespasser namedrop hit me right in the nostalgia, because it was the first (legal) videogame i ever bought.

The game legitimately had way more things going on that just a model of UI element shown on main character chest. Like you wielded weapons in the game by simulating arm movement with a mouse, including firearms -- kind of a precursor of Skyward Sword style controls

Check out this Let's PLay of the game if you're interested it at all:


pPatkoFebruary 22, 2023

Got em pretty riled up this week! *High fives self*

I rarely remember the review score I gave a game when I was reviewing regularly for the website. I certainly took it into consideration at the time, but I suppose I felt I put more work into trying to craft an explanation of everything I thought while playing the game, and it’s overall affect on how I felt when walking away from the product. And there is something to be said about comparing reviews for games versus films, and even other items. Great discussion to listen to on that, gents. On the flip side… you’ve given me some ideas for a certain program I currently am a on.

I enjoyed the Metroid Prime Remastered discussion. I have played that game once or twice on the Wii Trilogy, but never got that far. The controls weren’t for me… but oddly I prefer those controls for the Pikmin series. Here though, I played through it all in just a single weekend! And now I’m playing the rest of the games in the series I missed out on… Super, Fusion, and currently… Other M. Really enjoyed it, and have just a few nitpicks that are all really just quality of life updates. Though I did play with the dual stick controls and with gyro, and that alone was a massive upgrade for me. I wish there was fast travel, auto saving, and an indicator to tell you if you’ve found everything in a given area. All of those are purely just to help save wasted time. Other then that though, this was a pretty good play. I ended up getting 100% items, and 99% scans… I did miss one single scan. Not even a boss too. It was the “Ice Shriekbat”… an enemy that appears in a single room, has the sole attack of dive bombing you, and is replaced as soon as you advance to the next area. So silly!

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