If only The Queen could be a Disney princess.
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This week we got to do a dress rehearsal of the show, so you would assume we're better than usual this week. We aren't. At one point Jon is going to the future to kill himself, so things are about normal.
James finally returns to playing video games, by reading a book! It's Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir, and it's a visual novel, not a game. But, he likes it. Greg finished New Pokémon Snap and bought Space Invaders Invincible Collection. The collection of Space Invaders content has been packaged in a particularly consumer-unfriendly way, so he bought it on the Japanese eShop to get the most Invaders for his money. Guillaume takes on the task of trying to describe Kentucky Route Zero. It's a very tall ask. Lastly, Jon bought some stuff. Haze, the mediocre PS3 first person shooter endorsed by Korn, and a PS5, a system he calls tragically ugly.
After the break we spend a long time on a duo of emails: Is Metalhead doomed under EA's ownership and what games reflect the era of their release as well as Crazy Taxi. It's time to make some CRAZY CONTENT so Here. We. GO!
This episode was edited by James Jones. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See more of his work at his website.
This episode's ending music is Hometown Domina from Legend of Mana. It was requested AND performed by Adrian. All rights reserved by Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.