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Game Set Match!

Mario Tennis

by Matthew Blundon - September 25, 2011, 8:30 pm EDT

Mario has started in countless sports titles over the years, and though he has had his ups and downs, Mario Tennis stands as one of his career highlights.

Unlike its successors, Mario Tennis keeps things simple by omitting things such as power-ups. This is a traditional tennis game at heart, with Mario characters thrown in for good measure. The game features both singles and doubles play. There are a variety of modes to participate in, such as quick play matches and tournaments. The latter of those two is where you will spend the bulk of your time.

Mario Tennis features a handful of characters, including Waluigi's first appearance in the Mario series, as well as a large amount of detail in both the characters' facial expressions and animations. The ability to unlock additional tennis courts by linking with the Game Boy Color version has been omitted in the Virtual Console version, though it hardly impacts one's enjoyment of the title.

Like many of Mario's other Nintendo 64 outings, Mario Tennis comes highly recommended for gamers of all ages. Get a few friends together and you are destined to have a ball.

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