Author Topic: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.  (Read 7311 times)

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Offline nemo_83

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Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« on: March 24, 2004, 05:59:32 AM »
We all know how cartridges were replaced by cds, but maybe now the cartridges or at least their decendents are ready for a comeback.  The six reasons for this are durability, pirating, loading, rewritability, increased storage space, and lower production costs in comparison to ten years ago.  I read somewhere about the DS using cards of some sort and MS using SD cards for memory next gen.  Maybe carts have gotten good enough now that we may be missing out on new revolution in gaming.  The rewrtability of a cartridge could change everything once again.  Everyone up until know has been willing to buy memory cards for their cd games that can't be saved upon.  Cutting this middle man of software out would be great.  Obviously harddrives are not the answer as MS themselves are not going to have one in X2.  I'm a fan of the harddrive; especially in online games, but if each game unit can double as its own memory card then we have no problem at all as long as there is room for things such as level creation, recorded events, leveling, online stats, budy lists, and general saves.  People just don't realize the conveniances that can be gained by going to some form of cartridge.  

I'm not sure people would be accepting of it at first since they all love their slow fragile cds and dvds.  If the cost of development has gone down considerably then why not go back to the carts?  Plus getting rid of the whole memory card issue will save Nintendo from making anymore cards with unsufficient amounts of space to save a season on a huge franchise launch title like Madden.
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Offline vudu

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2004, 07:03:59 AM »
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2004, 07:44:40 AM »
Well, cartridges have never been re-writable. They just had some kind of small, volatile, RAM-like memory inside the cart shell (with a small battery to keep the data from going away) Things like SD cards aren't going to be used for games(except as a memory card device) anytime soon, static rewritable media like that is unholy expensive.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 08:12:13 AM »
The ideal game medium is something that is re-writable, durable, can be made in multiple storage capacities to allow for bigger games, and has zero load times.  Cartridges fit that description pretty well assuming they don't need a battery for saving.  I don't think the GBA games use batteries to save.  Does anyone know exactly how that works?

Like Koopa said that sort of medium is too expensive but one could assume that when the price goes down the medium will surely be used.  There's one problem though.  The price may never go down because of developers' tendency to make bloated games.

Right now the biggest games are on DVD so they're about 4 gigs which is a good size.  One would assume that would be enough but it isn't.  The developers of Xenosaga managed to make their game big enough because of FMV to require a dual layered DVD.  Even if the storage size is sufficient developers are going to always want more.  Therefore by the time that 4 gig cartridges are affordable developers will be filling up 20 gig optical discs.  Realistically they may not need to but due to lazyness and inefficiency they will.  Therefore cartridges won't become standard again until developers can no longer find a way to bloat the storage they have available and that will take a long time.

It's like how hard drives on PCs are always getting bigger.  One would assume that with 80 gig hard drives one could store all they need but it doesn't work that way because instead of being efficient developers bloat their products to use up all the space and thus bigger hard drives have to made.

Offline King of Twitch

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2004, 08:00:36 PM »
If you give a mouse a cookie...  
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Offline Draygaia

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2004, 03:33:38 AM »
If they can find someway to overcome the problems of a cartridge I'll be happy.  Don't just eat meat.  Eat chicken.

Offline MysticalMatt517

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2004, 06:49:55 PM »
I believe one of two things will happen. Either cartridges will come back or game devices will come with built in flash memory and games will be downloaded to them via the internet.

I currently have a watch that has a USB plug on it. You plug it into your computer and you can save stuff on it. It was $120 for 256MB. (They now have a 512 version out for $199). The prices of these kinds of devices has dropped significantly over the past few years. I believe that this trend will continue until they're insanely cheap and McDonald's gives them away in Happy Meals. I mean, CD's used to be outrageous in cost and now look... (cough...AOL...cough).

Consequently there will come a point when cartridges are used again because they are cost effective & more versitle. I mean, the things already come up to 47GB... How much space does a game need?

On a side note, why does Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga take so long to save?

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2004, 09:30:54 PM »
Flash memory is slow. The GC takes its time to save as well.

Offline jasonditz

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2004, 09:58:45 AM »

Originally posted by: Koopa Troopa
Well, cartridges have never been re-writable. They just had some kind of small, volatile, RAM-like memory inside the cart shell (with a small battery to keep the data from going away) Things like SD cards aren't going to be used for games(except as a memory card device) anytime soon, static rewritable media like that is unholy expensive.

IIRC the Atari Jaguar has an EPROM burner integrated into it so it actually could rewrite anything on EPROM-based cartridges.

You don't neccesarily need to have the whole cart be rewritable either, the data could be stored on something permanent and the executable could be on a smaller rewritable chip, that way you could patch a buggy binary.

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2004, 01:05:16 PM »

IIRC the Atari Jaguar has an EPROM burner integrated into it so it actually could rewrite anything on EPROM-based cartridges.

Well, I assumed we were talking about the truly successful cartridge based machines

True, EPROM is re-writable but after a while it degrades. I don't remember the estimates, though. It wasn't a very big number. I'll say 1000 re-writes to be fair,  that just won't do for save files and such, I'm in a six person family who all play and save games fairly regularly; we would quickly exhaust that number.


You don't neccesarily need to have the whole cart be rewritable either, the data could be stored on something permanent and the executable could be on a smaller rewritable chip, that way you could patch a buggy binary.

Oh hell no. The last thing I want is console developers to have the option of releasing buggy code. No thanks. It'll be abused just like it is on the PC.

A cartridge with a large, static storage for Code and Data with some sort of re-writable media for save files would get the job done.   Hell, forget the re-writable stuff altogether, just give us memory cards, or even better a HDD.
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Offline jasonditz

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2004, 02:23:53 PM »

Originally posted by: Koopa Troopa

IIRC the Atari Jaguar has an EPROM burner integrated into it so it actually could rewrite anything on EPROM-based cartridges.

Well, I assumed we were talking about the truly successful cartridge based machines

True, EPROM is re-writable but after a while it degrades. I don't remember the estimates, though. It wasn't a very big number. I'll say 1000 re-writes to be fair,  that just won't do for save files and such, I'm in a six person family who all play and save games fairly regularly; we would quickly exhaust that number.

Its actually closer to 100,000. Several Jaguar games used them for save features, and I've never even heard of one crapping out. That's more than I can say for battery backups.



You don't neccesarily need to have the whole cart be rewritable either, the data could be stored on something permanent and the executable could be on a smaller rewritable chip, that way you could patch a buggy binary.

Oh hell no. The last thing I want is console developers to have the option of releasing buggy code. No thanks. It'll be abused just like it is on the PC.

A cartridge with a large, static storage for Code and Data with some sort of re-writable media for save files would get the job done.   Hell, forget the re-writable stuff altogether, just give us memory cards, or even better a HDD.

They seem more than willing to release buggy code as it is. Ever play NCAA 2k3 basketball for the Cube? That thing has so much bad code its pathetic.  

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2004, 02:34:25 PM »
"They seem more than willing to release buggy code as it is. Ever play NCAA 2k3 basketball for the Cube? That thing has so much bad code its pathetic."

Keep in mind that NCAA 2K3 is a multiplatform release.  Odds are one of the versions was decent and then was lazily ported to the other consoles.

With PC games virtually every game is released in an unfinished buggy state.  The model for PC gaming is to set a release date and release the game at that date as it is and use patches to fix any problems.  There are buggy console games but usually they aren't the high selling classics.  Buggy console games usually bomb.

"Several Jaguar games used them for save features, and I've never even heard of one crapping out. "

That's probably because no one has consistently played a Jaguar for any significant period of time.

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2004, 04:45:46 PM »

Its actually closer to 100,000. Several Jaguar games used them for save features, and I've never even heard of one crapping out. That's more than I can say for battery backups.

I may be mistaken then. I really don't think it is 100,000; I distinctly remember thinking, "That's it?" When I found it researching related materials.

I think Ian covered the "crap out" comment rather well, I have nothing to add


They seem more than willing to release buggy code as it is. Ever play NCAA 2k3 basketball for the Cube? That thing has so much bad code its pathetic.

No, I haven't played it. Who made it? Anyway, buggy console games are currently few and far between, the ones that are buggy(especially to the point of inplayability,) are generally bad games anyway. The problem with "patching" games is that developers can meet there deadlines, and it doesn't matter if the game is riddled with bugs, they can just patch it later. It encourages sloppy work, and more importantly it lets those jackass publishers save a buck while giving us an unfinished product.
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Offline jasonditz

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2004, 07:14:58 PM »

Originally posted by: Koopa Troopa

Its actually closer to 100,000. Several Jaguar games used them for save features, and I've never even heard of one crapping out. That's more than I can say for battery backups.

I may be mistaken then. I really don't think it is 100,000; I distinctly remember thinking, "That's it?" When I found it researching related materials.

I think Ian covered the "crap out" comment rather well, I have nothing to add

I'm 100% positive the PROMs used in the Jaguar carts were warrantied to survive 100,000+ rewrites.



They seem more than willing to release buggy code as it is. Ever play NCAA 2k3 basketball for the Cube? That thing has so much bad code its pathetic.

No, I haven't played it. Who made it? Anyway, buggy console games are currently few and far between, the ones that are buggy(especially to the point of inplayability,) are generally bad games anyway. The problem with "patching" games is that developers can meet there deadlines, and it doesn't matter if the game is riddled with bugs, they can just patch it later. It encourages sloppy work, and more importantly it lets those jackass publishers save a buck while giving us an unfinished product.

Sega made it.  

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2004, 09:08:41 PM »

I'm 100% positive the PROMs used in the Jaguar carts were warrantied to survive 100,000+ rewrites.

I'll take your word for it. It has been a while since I read about it.


Sega made it.

No kidding? Well, that is disturbing. But all the more reason for me to be disinclined to accept "patchable" console games.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2004, 12:09:30 AM »
Isn't SEGA known for buggy software (coughSonicAdventurecough)?

I'm not sure, but wasn't EPROM only writable once and EEPROM the stuff you could rewrite?

Offline jasonditz

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2004, 05:23:04 AM »
EEPROMs are a type of EPROM (Erasable programmable read-only memory). The type in the Jaguar carts were EEPROMs though, because they were electrically erasable, as opposed to having to expose them to ultraviolet light like the older ones.

Offline manunited4eva22

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2004, 11:08:08 AM »
If it degrades in about 1,000 writes, my BIOS would be in complete crap right now.

As for cartridges, it's going to take some time, so don't get into too much of a hurry.

KDR, yes you are right that current flash is slow.  However, often times this is due to the relatively slow speed of USB or the built in bus, and if these chips were perhaps put in direct links on a faster bus, we could see much more noticable results.

Either way, carbon nanotubes will solve that problem (scaling to 1Thz)

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2004, 09:45:59 PM »
Did you really upgrade your BIOS over 1000 times? Changing the settings just changes a small, battery-powered RAM (CMOS), not the ROM.

Offline jasonditz

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2004, 08:25:22 AM »
I can't even imagine altering CMOS 1000 times, unless you're swapping out chips and testing to see which can handle an overclocking or something...

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2004, 05:27:26 AM »
Well, the CMOS should get updated every second by the internal clock...

Offline Edisim

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RE: Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2004, 12:06:26 PM »
it seems unlikely that console games will go back to using cartridges. it just costs more than cds and dvds. but if handhelds were to ever go with mini-cds or mini-dvds, a nice alternative to having memory cards and the associated hardware being built into the system would be magnetic striped cards. Bus passes, credit cards, and some key cards use mag stripes to write and read data. my guess is that it's pretty cheap... though i have no idea how much information can be stored on one... probably not enough to save large games, but maybe enough for simple ones.. hell, if it could work, maybe game companies could offer special cheat cards or bonus cards for registering the game or as part of some promo..

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2004, 12:36:07 PM »

it seems unlikely that console games will go back to using cartridges. it just costs more than cds and dvds.

Prices are always coming down and the fact of the matter is cartidges are a superior format in everyway (except storage space)
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Offline Shift Key

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2004, 05:18:29 AM »

the fact of the matter is cartidges are a superior format in everyway (except storage space)
Expect this to change as the technology improves and the cost and capacity reduce for the cartridge descendants like flash memory and memory sticks. Already the capacity of Compact Flash has reached 1GB for around US$200 (which ain't cheap, but its decent considering how fast the technology is advancing) and it will only get better for the consumer.

And also cases of "CR-rot" will arise down the track - they say its a manufacturing problem in a minority of discs, but until they have some sort of test to prove they will last a hundred years, I'll give them ten or fifteen years, 25 tops.


magnetic striped cards
NONONONONONO! Magnetic strips are being made redundant by wireless technology ( just gooogle RFID to find out the applications involved - such as bus passes or credit cards) so I see no need to revive the dead so to speak. If you want to be really tech-savvy there could be a wireless memory card that does not need to be connected directly to the console, but instead is a trendy keychain unit just smaller than the Gamecube memory card, which communicates with the system to save and read data from its storage. It could howeverbe more expensive and impractical than a normal memory card, but who knows what 2006 holds?

Offline Koopa Troopa

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RE:Game medium: CDs, cartridges, and the future.
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2004, 08:57:15 AM »

Expect this to change as the technology improves and the cost and capacity reduce for the cartridge descendants like flash memory and memory sticks. Already the capacity of Compact Flash has reached 1GB for around US$200 (which ain't cheap, but its decent considering how fast the technology is advancing) and it will only get better for the consumer.

Yup, things are coming along very nicely. I really can't wait until Cartridges become cost effective and high capacity, and rip optical media a new one. I hate CDs/DVDs with a passion; the sooner carts come back the better.  
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